He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-22 Reggie Fils-Aime on Twitter.png (640x342, 42K)

>stop putting our toy on the same pedestal as Windows! We aren't worthy!
Did Nintendo really piss him off that much when he left?

because microsoft windows is not a console, reggie

Attached: 1327482958322.jpg (600x740, 177K)

Nothing on PC is a port because every game is made on PC in the first place


Mustards absolutely BTFO the fuck out!

What kind of logic is this? PC usually gets everything first. Besides, it's the longest running platform of course it will have most ports.

>all console games are made and tested on windows initially
is it possible to have a console game that's not technically a PC port?

That's the case now, but it wasn't necessarily the case before the 00s.

Its not a real tweet so no one needs to give a shit about this thread move on.

A console needs third party total exclusives to thrive, because that's the only reason to buy a console.

>It's fake
>thread will still have 500 replies believing a summerfaggot who just did inspect element on a tweet
Fuck you, Yea Forums

>twitter screencap thread
You're all faggots.
>implying I'm bumping this shitty thread

There's too many tech illiterates on this board to get the joke.

A game made in the map editor of another game.

lets pretend switch is not running on a potato portable pc with a shitty nvidia card

Based linuxpilled


I do wish it got more ports though

>getting mad
>not realizing Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole doesn't even see social media posts as a thing. They have no value, we laugh at is existence.
>not realizing we extract the idea and discuss the idea within, even if it is a blatant shitpost or fake
>not realizing this removes the source, ie making it anonymous
>not realizing this is the nature of the site and that is why it happens ad nauseum
You are a fucking loser. You don't get shit. Even if its asinine and rout, you get to just sit back and watch the discussion unfold in real time from real people. Lurk if you have nothing to add you clown.
What happened to fucking lurking, your contribution is trash.

Attached: Get-A-Load.png (248x362, 173K)

Not to mention how the ecosystem of PC and console games was radically different prior to 2000, with unique genres and libraries between the consoles and computers.

isnt reggie a dirty arab lol

that unfunny curly barbwire haired nigger needs to fuck off.
loathed him all those years and now when he is finally supposed to fuck off and be gone, he still pesters the world with smartass, passive-aggressive cheeky Twatter posts. Nintendo would have been so much better without him.

Are you trying to make getting mad things that don't exist a philosophy on life? If so stop being retarded.

Switch has been out for 2 years. Windows has been out for 17x that.

you are swimming in an ocean of piss and complaining about it is all I'm saying.

Even into the mid 00s you didn't always use Windows for everything. Early Xbox 360 devkits were PowerMac G5s running Xenon OS, because they were closer to the 360's architecture than a Windows PC was.

>>not realizing Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole doesn't even see social media posts as a thing. They have no value, we laugh at is existence.
That's straight up bullshit, Yea Forums's predominantly been made up of outraged responses to social media since 2012

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The games are designed first and foremost for controllers on console, not PC.

controllers are for children. kb+m is objectively superior

Imagine not knowing you can plug a controller into your computer in the year 2019.

I'm generally okay with ports on the Switch because most of the ports are from the Wii U and no one bought the Wii U. So for most people it's like the game is brand new.

It doesn't matter if every PC game is a port. PC doesn't live and die by marketing to gamers like a Switch.. the Switch, Xbox, PS4... They need exclusive games to convince people to buy over the competitors' gaming systems. PC doesn't need that for obvious reasons. Really doesn't even need me to defend it. People who want to game on PC will and those who don't will buy a console, one of which means money in Microsoft's pocket anyways

Are you too mentally retarded to grasp the point he was making?
Let me clear it up for your small brain: Your brain believes that the limited amount of inputs on a console controller is enough, because your brain is limited, and when a game is designed around a brainlet amount of inputs, it's a brainlet game on a castrated platform where nothing but graphics can advance anymore as showcased by Consoles turning into a remaster/rehash/copy pasta platform.

Designed for controllers, but designed ON a PC. Or are you one of those retards who thinks you can't plug a controller into a PC.

I'm guessing that's why the most mechanically deep games in existence are played on a controller? Imagine believing that more buttons = more depth.
The absolute state of brainlets.

Switch is a 8/10 console.
10/10 if you hack it, with emulation and all that jazz.
Possibly going to be a 9/10 as soon as RF5 and SMT5 are out.

There is like 100x more exclusive PC games then every console have combined. Just try to count those shity indies that get realesed on steam everyday.

>I'm guessing that's why the most mechanically deep games in existence
Only came into being when console controllers advanced the quantity of their inputs, which stopped happening for 2 generations now, which is why you are now stuck with copy pasta, rehash, and remaster, and genres that advanced on PC being stuck in their inferior outdated forms on consoles. Yes, input quantity does dictate the potential of depth development, you'd have to be mentally castrated to argue that the proliferation of more available tools enables a higher multitude of creative implementation and advancement, which is why even on consoles people who play flight games for instance choose flight sticks and keyboards with higher input quantities over your shitty outdated castrated default gamepads. Too bad most developers don't design games around such a scheme and instead around the default controller which comes with consoles because they don't expect majority of consolekiddie brainlets such as yourself to buy peripherals like PC players do.

>which is why even on consoles people who play flight games for instance choose flight sticks and keyboards with higher input quantities over your shitty outdated castrated default gamepads
Consistent tournament results from pad players prove contrary, the entire FGC agrees that it's up to personal preference. Try harder.

>you'd have to be mentally castrated to argue that the proliferation of more available tools doesn't enable a higher multitude of creative implementation and advancement*
Which is why for example X3 is impossible on shitty console gamepads without losing a quarter of its gameplay features.

>Consistent tournament results from pad players prove contrary
Prove it.
>the entire FGC
Not Flight Sim/Areal Combat.

>Reggie resigned to help us out in the ever growing console war

I don't mind the ports, I do mind having to pay $60-70 for almost ten year old games that go for like $5 on PC, portability isn't worth that much, I wasted my money on this dumb piece of shit,

Haha why are you so angry bro?

Don't forget itch.io or even old casual shovelware from Alawar.

Attached: DougBowser.png (937x894, 927K)

>dorf, grand strategy games, crpgs, even mobas are played on a controller
I bet you think fighting games and character action games are "deep" because they're fast and have lots of flashy colors and effects.

Not that guy but

>mechanically deep
please for the love of god define this term because right now you sound like a pretentious fag that has no idea what argument to make grasping for some buzzwords with no meaning at all.

Also just out of curiosity, what are these most mechanically "deep" games?

I remember playing Dying Light on a console where the main goal was to run and wall run/jump and frankly said it was atrocious since looking at the ledge that you want grab and then start moving sideways right after grabbing onto it instead of climbing it was a nightmare for consoles and fairly easy on PC since it was mechanically complex system requiring precise input and camera movement which (to work as intended) only PC mouse can use.

windows has more original games than the switch
checkmate twitter nobody

>I dont get why our console released 2 years ago with 90% of the catalog being ports is called a "port machine".
>There's no platform that got mroe ports than an almost 30 years old O.S., even when by %, the pc ports would be less than 5%.
>But let's omit this info that anyone with half a brain would know, but of course this tweet goes to our nintendies, and none of them have half a brain!

>replying to a fake tweet

Attached: 1_iW16rVp-YfahMJfn-ZK_pA.png (1009x721, 250K)

Holy fucking shit, based as hell.

made me check

I'm not replying to the fake tweet, I'm replying to OP. Of course the tweet is fake, but the nintendie that spent time making it is trying something and failing at it.

>thinking this was legit and not bait

Attached: 1a4d84c016b27d24db209df21f10eb636060c71a_hq.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

Attached: db0[1].jpg (349x642, 29K)

>guy makes a post very obviously meant to be bait
>dude takes it seriously and gets mad because he fell for it

Attached: 1_kPAgF2pocVNO95mI0f2OuQ.png (713x540, 493K)

At least it's not about a literal who's opinion

Wasn't there some jap SFV player that used his stick to auto block overhead attack with no input while using stick or something like that a few days ago? While controller is unable to copy? Also if controller input is a preference then i wonder why Gears of War tournaments are player with elite controllers instead of standard ones (aiming and wallhugging/moving or bunny hoppin in Titanfall). Some people play with claw grip but it's brain dead and it's easier to just buy elite and wreck opponents online.

I was gonna say if that was a real tweet it would be kinda fucked up

Really makes me think

not for all kinds of games retard