Why would she wear THOSE pants?
Why would she wear THOSE pants?
To make the lonely virgin weeb nintendies happy
Because she knows Link is gay and won't care.
To cover her vagin
Same reason he wore these pants.
They're practical.
>skintight leggings too thin to properly insulate or protect the legs
What's he looking at
She's unsubtly asking Link to take her right then and there.
They make lined leggings that are very warm. Not that I'd know
she knew what she was doing.
Women fucking love to wear yoga pants and leggings instead of pants.
Protect her legs from mosquitoes
Did you not read her diary? She wanted Link's dick real bad.
.t never wore sport skinthighs
She might wanna be careful about dressing like that. It might attract predators.
because she can
Leggings and yoga pants are great but the monkey’s paw is that women don’t seem to wear underwear anymore
Damn shame
>Make comfiest item of clothing imaginable
>Womemes only
if they don't kiss in the sequel I'm boycotting the series
There is literally nothing stopping dudes from wearing yoga pants
Yoga pants/leggings exist just so we can all look at their butts.
The fact that they’re comfy is just so that they’ll wear ‘em
no one:
literally nobody:
Yea Forums: LeGGinGs ArE dEsiGneD FoR SeX aPPeAL
Lululemon sells plenty, mind you it instantly puts you as a colossal faggot if you wear that overpriced crap as opposed to just tossing on some manly pajama bottoms
THIS. God bless the person who invented them.
yeah and it gets me hard
I see your normie meme and raise you a
>have sex
My fellow 4chandlers, may this, dare I say it, be the birth of a new meme?
Because ass. Literally it.
Also, "comfy"
fuck off
How exactly are they not? They're skin tight pants that show off every contour.
They are comfy and easy to wear.
I miss that show
>posting thumbnails
they're not leggings, they're horse riding britches
like those
That’s a great ass
Go back to Twitter retard
a little man asleep in her pouch
Found a Zelda thread.
Surely you guys realize this ice cold badass defeated Ganon without the Master Sword? In the final battle of OoT you don't even have the sword of evil's bane. You fight the bastard without it.
They're comfi and wick moisture away from her pussi pussi coochi coochi~
Where's her diaper?
Comfortable and easy to tear for anal
This, they give her plausible deniability for political purposes
Men will wear them in the future. And thus dicklets will be filtered from the mating pool.
You get the Master Sword midway through and you have to use it to finish off Ganon.
What the fuck is this "Nobody: Me: XD Them: yes" shit that zoomers keep spouting.
I like that using the Goron's Legendary Hammer was the way to go. Made the hammer feel that much more valuable
Why can't they get the Japanese to grow domestically yet?
she's 16-17 and sexually repressed, being the royal princess and also head of the country's religion, as a priestess
so she wears clothes like that because she at heart is a sexually active person and wants to have such experiences. maybe it's rebellion. maybe she is hoping that it will be attractive to someone, maybe Link.
yeah everyone knows that, but for most of the fight you don't have the Master Sword. The Hero Of Time stands up to the monster Ganon without the sword and wins. One of the best final boss fights of all time.
>He didn't do it with a deku stick
You guys are reading way to much into this.
She spends her days going on serveys and wants to be as comfortable as possible.
What is this, a Zelda for the minish?
why are you here? do you actually care about video games? why don't you just fuck off and die?
That's what causes the downfall timeline.
Then why doesn't she cover herself in mud to throw off their heat vision?
>Didn't beat the boss with an item that crashes the game as Adult Link
Zoom elsewhere
she's a thot
Because they are lazy my coworker was all like but its more comfy to wear them! Women are bums.
It really isn't though. It is painfully average.
Imagine that ass without containment ...
I’m willing to believe you but you’re gonna need to post proof
What do you mean? Bubble butts are better
why are you gay?
fuck off american
It started as an easy funny meme format but most normies are uncreative shits and killed the meme, as always.
fat zelda gf
rent free
You’re gonna need to post some proof of that claim
>man has testosterone
>"fucking americans"
Protect and insulate from what? She's a princess walking around in a grassy field.
obese fuck
so that i can imagine myself sniffing them while she's still wearing em
After finally getting around to playing BoTW, I have yet to do any story content. Am I missing anything? I just like exploring shit.
You spelled "me" wrong. I just want to bury my face in her ass bros!!
What a shame then. Would buy a switch if you was wearing them
fucking american cant take insults fuck off already
I feel like that’s how you’re supposed to play. Explore to your hearts content, when you get bored start doing the divine beasts and ganon.
Not really. The memories you collect just expand on the relationships between the guardians and Link, and how Zelda is a late bloomer.
i wanna be minish sized compared to zelda
Nobody wants to see your ugly meat slabs bouncing around while you walk
male leggings and yoga pants have been a thing for years you colossal retard, just only literal gay dudes where them. open your eyes
>tight clothes
>thinks negro jungle butt is hot
Because Zelda is a woman, not just a sorceress or what ever. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. The only reason the hot video game girls don't hook up with their men more often is because the marketing department says that Tease Fantasy sells more sequels than sweet love scenes.
(You think those sexy women wouldn't melt all over the heroes who saved them? Yeah, they would. They'd love it and they would eagerly bear children with those heroes. That doesn't sell as well beyond one installment though, so all media products are tease fantasy.)
I want to go spelunking inside her pussy
my sport shorts nigger
There's a glitch that let's you skip to the escape sequence immediately after Gohma and you're still young link
How does I eat a girls ass?
It's impressive how a single fucking shot of Zelda in a single cutscene really drove out the fat perma-virgin incel tendencies that dwells in so many people.
fucking this.
Can't wait until JNCO comes back into fashion.
but you'll drown