Why does Dragon Quest XI feel so pure?

Why does Dragon Quest XI feel so pure?
I mean, it just feels like its evovled on it's own without any outside influence. It captures an early gaming feel where gameplay was the primary concern.
You can't find a single instance in this game where it feels like it was tainted by shitty modern practices.

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God why are dogs so cute bros

Is it your first DQ game?

Because it's like a can of old beets that sat on the shelf fermenting for years since nobody wanted to touch it.

>Dragon Quest V
>innovative as fuck, literally created Pokemon
>Dragon Quest XI
>feels 20 years behind the times, refuses to move on in fear of alienating autists

What went wrong?

that's because it's a PS2 game that was accidentally made 18 years too late

Dragon Quest Monsters on the gameboy was my first Dragon quest, really enjoyed the breeding. Then played Rocket Slime on the DS and enjoyed the hell out of it enough to give the mainline games a try.
My first mainline was on the DS. I think it was the dude in purple and white. Where your dad dies and you could recruit monsters to your party. I wound up dropping it 40 hours in, forgot why.
This is the first one I preordered though. I appreciate Dragon Quest and want

The jew fear the Samurai.

This is your first Dragon Quest game right? All games are basically the same games over and over again.

well thats why its loved so much no sjw nonsense no trying to appeal to normal faggots just a good adventure,characters and rpg mechanics its why alot of people call out of work on every DQ release day

>refuses to move on in fear of alienating autists
>what went wrong?


>It captures an early gaming feel where gameplay was the primary concern.
grindan isn't gameplay autist

It's the best jrpg since FF9

more like DQXI is casual as fuck because they didnt want to scare off westerners that are used to FF tier difficulty

nothing. they have a fanbase that refuses to die and japan is notorious for making their games for pennies relative to western developers. they knew what the fans wanted and delivered

Dumb ass cucklord westerners dont like it so they havent infected it yet

most generic game ever not even worth a pirate

>he never played Lost Odyssey

Because it stuck to its own morals instead of aiming for a wider audience. And when they want to experiment, they make it a spin-off.

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In what world is ff difficult?

thats what I was implying


>where gameplay was the primary concern
Dragon Quest originated by ripping off Wizardry and REMOVING gameplay mechanics.
How ignorant can you weebs possibly be? This shit is barely a fucking video game.

Grinding isn't the same as difficulty.
DQ has no difficulty.
I mean for fucks sake, the "Hard Mode" of XI is just an RNG simulator.

>wizardry/ultima fags still seething to this day

>specifically added in draconian mode in the western release to make it harder.

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Is this a marketing buzzword for "boring"?

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>I mean, it just feels like its evovled on it's own without any outside influence
The entire Dragon Quest series, and by extention the T/JRPG genres as a whole, are imitations of old fashioned Western dungeon crawlers-- Wizardry in particular.

>You can't find a single instance in this game where it feels like it was tainted by shitty modern practices.
This is mostly because Enix has merged with Squaresoft. They use Dragon Quest to milk a sense of nostalgia from long time fans, while they use Final Fantasy to experiment with new mechanics.

Japanese version of DQXI even still has the plain black and white menus from the original NES version, for example.

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I only played Wizardry for research, never player Ultima
Keep projecting, though. Maybe someday Square or Enix will learn how to design Yea Forumsidya.
Until then find your own cesspool to dwell in, cause this faggotshit ain't video games.

What does Draconian Mode do?

>literally created Pokemon

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>grinding in DQ post 2

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this game feels like you're playing a Nes game with modern graphics. In fact, it feels like every other DQ game, except that this one has really shitty music.

you just know

Pretty much increases monster stats by 2-3x
Bosses also get more turns.

Dragon Quest in general feels like it is in a perpetual bubble of the 80's./early 90's.


>no armor
>no shopping
why would anyone uses these?

>You can't find a single instance in this game where it feels like it was tainted by shitty modern practices.
Fuck off. What about the absolutely horrific modern """LOCALIZATION""" where every character has been changed into a comedic scottish/italian parody.

Gives you different different hard mode options you can enable

No fleeing
No shopping
No Armour
0 exp from easy fights
Stronger enemies
Shypox (character will randomly lose a turn in a battle)
If you turn all of these on, the game is impossible to win.

Because armor and shopping make the game easy.

Because hardcore modo

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2nd run.
Most people just pick super strong monsters on the first run.

>Wholesome collecting of characters
>Good artwork
>Just the right about of faggy weeb cringe without it being unbarable
>Classic fantasy setting rather than a nu-fantasy modern setting 90% of jrpgs go for nowadays
>Uses turn based combat and doesn't feel the need to shoehorn in action shit
>Airships and a world map
It feels pure because jrpgs that don't try to reinvent the wheel are a dying breed.

you mean the exactly same localization that DQ8 got?

Gives every normal mob fight game over potential and turns bosses into Roulette wheels
Its fun

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Fucking challenge accepted.

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>turn on Auto-Run
>turn on Fight Wisely
>beat the game
Wow great design

Wow dude, you are exactly the target audience for this.

What happens if you game over?
is RNG something to really be proud of? Wouldn't a clever A.I. and expansive moveset be more respectable? Seeing as you'd know how to actually design a video game.
Seems like we've got different perspectives on this. To me these are absolute abhorrent design choices.
At least there's only $60 to be lost on this roulette, though nothing in particular to be gained either.

because it's for children


>give the controller to my older brother
>beats the game for me
gg ez no re

No it really is fucking impossible if you turn them all on. It gets pretty RNG whether or not the boss will status effect your entire party and then proceed to buttfuck you.
There's no grinding for more exp, no equipment that can save you, just pure determination on luck.

5 months

>What happens if you game over?
either you reload from the last time you got a load screen or you re spawn at the last save losing half your currency
The start is brutal but once you get a full party Hard Monsters becomes much more manageable and I think the early game RNG fest is worth it over it being a simple walk in the park that doesnt require you to explore for items or use half of the game mechanics. Its not like anyone should be playing this game for the story

what turn based rpgs actually have clever A.I ?
Most rpgs I can think of have pretty brain dead A.I that dont even go for your healer first and stuff like that

Yeah man. Bring it on. You got me more excited for this now. Too bad i don't own the means to stream it too for you faggots.

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It's not impossible or even very hard.

Apprently this faggot beat it.
Godspeed, user. Most anons here don't have the cajones to stick to it (myself incuded)

Beats me.
There's that IBM A.I. that is a master at Chess or some shit.
Not looking for that level, I suppose, but there does seem to be some disconnect. Seems like there's always an emphasis on numerals rather than skill/stratagem.
Now people are actively praising RNG A.I. for boss fights that otherwise have a three move rotation and unskippable cutscenes that precede them.
Maybe I'm just old, but if I'm going to pay money to put up with this surface level design work, the other aspects of the game better fucking back it up.
What other aspects are there to this game, anyway?

Am I correct in assuming there are no games in your library at all?
That you're just a tourist from another board?

Literally not impossible. Some dude on /vg/ did it a while ago now.

It's cojones.
Cajones means boxes.

SE doesnt do anything
Its all Horii

I said what I said, user.

Not since I sold most of them.
What I meant was that I'm unaware of a turn-based JRPG with good A.I., despite having played a decent amount.
Granted I've never fucked with franchises like SaGa or Suikoden, but if there is some worthwhile example of a genuinely great video game in the form of this genre that has been blanketed for decades by SE's trash, I'm (unfortunately) unaware of it.

Good luck on finding a game for your taste, user :(

>I appreciate Dragon Quest and want


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Whatever was the next JRPG released after FF9 was the best JRPG since FF9.

Did she call your grandpa a faggot?

-want to support the series.
Sorry, I added some more text to the beginning of my post and forgot I was still writing something.
I'm a little ADHD forgive me.

so long as i can get paizuri and mating press her, she can call my grandad whatever she wants.

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>”it’s so pure and untainted!”
>unreal engine


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implying you'd be on top when it comes to Pang

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girl riding on top is hotter anyway

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I wish there was a difficulty mode that made the game similar to Dragon Quest 8. For someone like me that game has the perfect difficulty. The closest I got was the lower exp option and avoiding the majority of fights but even then it was easier.

Difficulty is so fucked up in this game
On the base difficulty you must try really hard to die at all, but with a strong monsters enables every random encounter is a fucking boss fight and you need constant grinding for actual bosses


at least it kept it's soul unlike Final Fantasy

It knows what it is and is happy with it. Like a roguelike that's been in active development aince thw 80s.

Maybe they'll rebalance the normal difficulty in the Switch version or add some new Draconian restrictions that aren't gimmicky and add a moderate challenge.

there are no games with proper AI because people will complain its too hard/impossible to complete, games are made so that anyone can complete them now

What's this patch do?

>Remove fat and make a better game
>T-t-t-t-t-t-they removed content! It's bad!
Wizardry is bad.

Ironic how only zoomers upset over people appreciating games with a long history bring up wizardry/ultima. Zoom, zoom.

If you’re a lazy fatass

>Grinding isn't the same as difficulty.
Do retards actually believe this? Is this why you see so many retards claiming difficult games aren't difficult?

>good game design

pick one, that's the genre where devs actually shit out stuff like Persona 3 with its stellar party member AI.

Next you'll say games that put you to sleep by how boring they are also difficult.

dragon quest 9's combat is so fun and dynamic it could be text only and it'd still be as engaging, no two battles play the same, they have personality and it being turn based is a pro instead of a con
i've waited for 11 to come out on the switch and everyone tells me the combat is even better there
i cannot wait

DQ was always pretty casual. They never intended for it to be difficult. You usually grind a bit in the beginning to level up 1-5 level and as soon as you find them start metal slime hunting and that's it.
It may be a bit time consuming, but not very difficult.

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What are you implying, user?

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>Not since I sold most of them.
Then your opinion isn't worth shit.

I want to protect him from white women

>you will never retire to the country, knock up Gemma and start a family after saving the world

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Intelligent AI doesn't really work in the kind of "line up" battle system that most traditional JRPGs use. Its actually more restrictive if you think about it. What would any enemy do if it was playing intelligently? Attack your weakest party member or use its strongest AoE attack every turn which means every battle plays out exactly the same and the only strategy is that you're strong enough for your weakest party member to tank attacks. DQ VIII was a decent example of a game that does this kind of system well. Going into new areas generally meant you met with enemies with the potential to fuck you up if their attacks lined up right and the randomness and possibility of everything going wrong is more exciting than knowing you'll get fucked up because then you'll just end up power leveling to the point where it doesn't matter. In these kinds of games preparing for the worst gives you more freedom than preparing for the inevitable.

What the hell dude, do you really want to subject dragon quest to the suffering that is luminous engine, the fact that DQ X ran smoothly with Crystal Tools is a miracle that i'm doubtful it will repeat for XI with luminous

>feels 20 years behind the times
and that's why it's great, it uses modern tech to create something that evokes the roots of the genre and fleshes out things that games in the 80s and 90s couldn't. there's no shitty gimmicks, or edge or showy flashy bullshit, just honest gameplay that synthesizes into a great rpg experience

>not tainted
>early gaming feel

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Play more videogames, reddit.

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