Is he a legitimate retard?

is he a legitimate retard?

Attached: free.png (556x336, 150K)

It is a very bad move but I don't see what they can do to make it worse

Do you retards not know what free speech is? Holy fuck.

But he’s right.

They prolly think it means they can say anything without repercussions because they're big manbabies lmao.


Absolutely fucking nobody:

Absolutely not a single soul:

Absolutely no living being in the multiverse:

OP: HaTe SpEeCh Is FrEe SpEeCh

What is the least pozzed console?

you need to go back.

literally everyone on earth: shut the fuck up

op confirmed for -10/10 insult skills.

TheQuartering pleas go and don't come back

>believing in souls
fuck off child rapist

So you're saying I'm allowed to say anything, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings?

>Free speech
>On a private service
>By a private company
Found the kid who failed gov in high school.

Probably. Almost nothing is a free speech platform nowadays, so he is merely being honest and telling the truth, but one should not be honest about such things.

Current console? Switch I guess, simply by process of elimination.

It actually is in America, don't know about your third world shit hole. No go back to twitter

>when microshit is the hillary clinton of consoles

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Define hate speech you absolute nonce. It's a shame a brit knows more about the American constitution than some of your retarded brethren over there.

Why is Twitter invading us?

He's correct. Free speech strictly means that that the government can't do anything to you. It doesn't prevent other people from banning you or denying you service.

It's only meant to protect you legally, not socially.

Attached: free_speech.png (566x577, 52K)


Good thing I'm not a consolenigger.

>Yea Forums has constant e-celeb/twitter screencap threads
>wonders why twitter and normies are invading

Are you?

Hate speech is anti-free speech. By opening platforms to people who want to target certain demographics of users, you're effectively pushing away more people by allowing hate speech than you would banning it. Freeze peach gamerbros don't understand this (or even want to considering all they care about are straight white men being protected from all consequences)

Yea Forums: "If you don't want me oppressing women and PIC, why don't you make your own platform.

Microsoft: "We just did, and you are not invited.

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Are they going to ban fags?

Kill ALL fags

>Freedom of press isn’t freedom from consequences
Can we ban the shitty lying press then?
>Freedom of religion isn’t freedom from consequences
Can we ban violence promoting religions like Islam then?
>Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences
Can we ban words that hurt people’s feelings?
>yeah, sure, why not
This is how retarded you look, faggot

user, Xbox is leading in all the polls.

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Please take your YouTube comment format back to whatever fag pit you crawled out of.

>Europeans are cheering while Americans boo

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>my feelings must be protected at all cost
>that’s what free speech really is
Dumb faggot nigger

>Consequences must be in the form of laws
Based retard

back to tumblr tranny

No, you're allowed to say anything, and the government can't do anything about it.

But getting banned from Xbox Live for saying it doesn't mean your right to free speech is being infringed on.

you can say whatever you like, nigger.
and other people can call you a faggot if they dont like the shit you said.
dont forget to dilate, your axe wound is closing.

They can't or won't enforce these rules. The vast majority of voice chat convos happen in private parties where the participants know the group's dynamics, so they won't report each other for saying the gamer word. This is just a whole bunch of nothing meant to cover Microsoft's ass.

Yikes dude.

There's nothing to cheer or boo though. It's a simple statement, private corporations have never been free speech platforms.


violence promoting religions.
you mean like 80% of them. Christianity, Islam, they all gone fucktard. i say do it.

>The vast majority of voice chat convos happen in private parties where the participants know the group's dynamics, so they won't report each other for saying the gamer word.
>Implying Microsoft won't be monitoring your private chats
This is the future you chose, consolefags.

>Kinectimals go to the polls

"Free speech" in the US of A means calling everyone a nigger, faggot and tranny and then bitching and moaning like a tranny niggerfaggot that someone reported you in Overwatch.

yikes if unironic, based if ironic/(you) fishing

>Implying they're going to waste resources making sure some 12-year-old edgelord doesn't say mean words.

You can say whatever you want, but you have to deal with the people whose feelings you've hurt.

>Free speech
>The right to express an opinion in public without being restrained or censored.

Getting banned isn't being restrained or censored.

Where did you steal this retarded screed from? Is this something one of your idiot youtube e-celebs programmed into you?

disgusting, how people can keep doing that? Overwatch is fucking lame, they should play other games.

If you create a hostile environment then you forc people to leave. No one wants to be harassed you shitstain.

>Consequences can be in the form of mob violence.
Based retard.


>If you create a hostile environment then you forc people to leave
No one is asking you to be offended on their behalf.
No one is stopped by being called a faggot. It certainly didn't stop you.

Thats still illegal my dood

Attached: nigger.png (760x540, 399K)

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Hey falseflagging idiot, you do know that XBL has always banned for inappropriate behavior, right?
This is literally you using the ToS that XBL has always had to make shitposts on Yea Forums. This has been true since the Xbox original days.

Fuck off attention whoring faggot.

>nooooo I can't offend you that's the only instance I can communicate with people don't silence me please

>No one wants to be harassed
yet you are still here, cunt.

Okay, name a legal form of consequences you can apply to speech which doesn't invoke the mob or mob-like behavior outside of the law which was specifically made to prevent mob-like behavior.
Otherwise you're just a bandwagoning faggot who hates that other people can say things you don't like.

Free speech doesn't mean everyone and everything has an obligation to platform you.

Kek, they already do that.
Trust me, shit's going to get worse, because this is what you wanted.
You asked for a walled garden, you're gettin it.

>user was awarded 4channel Gold for this post
Nice bait.

The fuck should I know about XBL, I'm neither 12 years old nor a nigger/spic.
The point is people freak out about "free speech" because americans found a way to link harassing others with a fundamental, god-given right. Yet they can't even speak against Israel without facing consequences.


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>"Mob violence"
>"Actually I only met 'mob-like behavior' including that which is non-violent lmao :)"
Banning if from private platforms, as MS is currently doing.

Attached: What did you just say about the Fed.jpg (586x440, 128K)

>rights can’t be infringed upon by private entities only da guberments
t. literally the stupidest faggot to have literally never seen a single fucking Supreme Court decision ever. Just kys you’re so fucking stupid


I still don't get this stupid facebook meme. It's as stupid as that one meme wHeRe YoU rAnDoMnLy CaPiTaLiZe LeTtErS. That was even worse.

>rights can’t be infringed upon by private entities only da guberments

In the case of "free speech", yes, that's correct.

You can say whatever you want, but no one is obligated to host you. If the people who own the platform don't like what you say, then they have a right to deplatform you. That's not infringing on your rights, that's them excercising theirs.

Your very own PC

>people thinking this is bait

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Reminder to report this post

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It's a meme ya dip. All because you don't like the meme doesn't make it any lesser quality than "Yea Forums approved" memes

So which SCOTUS decision can some brave faggot like you cite to get MS to allow to you call someone a nigger on their platform? I'm quite curious, really.

Reminder to report OAG posts

>private companies should be obligated to host highly derogative statements toward large swaths of the userbase on their platforms
>failure to follow this guideline is akin to oppressing me
XBL was never a "free speech" platform, you dumb niggers. Hate Speech was always against the TOS. It's literally virtue signaling from Microsoft and you dumb fucks are getting triggered.
Kill yourselves.

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>b-but my constitution
>this is communism
>DONALD help meeeeeeeee

>Needing to be reminded to report shitposts
How far Yea Forums has fallen.

Glad I'm not a consolefag, imagine paying a premium for a service that's literally worse than free services.

Hate speech is free speech.


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>Private company
>public tax payer money

>1's and 0's

They really should just call it gaybox at this point.

>Microsoft collects taxes

Attached: slaps your binder.webm (1280x640, 851K)

Oh boy more propaganda from oneobesegamer

>they already do that
No they don't

They do if they have a monopoly on the platforms.

Your mom

Once you are inside gulag you have the freedom to say whatever you want.

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>this thread

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just coming in this thread to say that you bigots are losing the culture war and will disappear in a hundred years enjoy

based, polshitters crying

You don't know what monopoly means. Shut the fuck up.

Good thing they don't have a monopoly.
Time to pony up and stop being a consolenigger.

Its nice seeing the far-right and racists get deplatformed from social media. Soon enough all they'll have left is shitholes like this place or 2+6chan

>Run into a McDonald's and starts screaming.
>Get kicked out.
>wtf, does McDonald's hate free speech?!

Attached: 1503107009250.jpg (680x698, 71K)

jesus fuck literally kill yourself

You know what they say p o k e m o n. G o. T o. T h e. P o l l s

>tfw you lose the culture war

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>doesn't know what a government subsidy is

>Play on a platform made for children
>Be surprised when said platform bans you for being mean
Someone explain this to me.

I said nigger like 50 times a day 4 days a week to actual random online niggers for the entirety of my teen years on XBL, and I never got banned.


Oh please, i’ve been banned for literally calling someone a dummy head.

>thinking the opinion of a self proclaimed racist is worth a shit

no free (you) fag.
go back to plebbit with that bait.

It's more like me going to a McDonalds, seeing a friend, and saying "hey, what's up nigga" and some retarded white kid getting triggered while we laugh.
The worst part is that I've actually had this happen in online games, but thankfully I'm not a consolefag so nothing came of it aside from some faggot being triggered.

Based nobody poster

So why are you here tranny?

That's literally from another One Angry Incel article, much like how the OP is one. These threads are just Billy D shilling his shit site.

Attached: upload_2019-1-8_9-50-50.png (724x862, 578K)

>Agree to contact
>"Lel nobody enforces this anyway nigger"
>Banned as per the terms of the contract
>"wtf how could this happen"
>no u
Not taxes, that's for sure. Also
>The barrier between public and private is whether or not the gov't throws money at them

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I remember in 2005 nigger was hello on xbox live.

Cope and dialate, seethie stevie

trannies have no souls. they are empty vessels. hence when they kill themselves they just cease to exist, like golems.

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Xbox only has one game I care about and its not online

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Post your face when self moderation will make a comeback after the great video game crash

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No he's not, Microsoft are a private business and they can ban certain speech from their platform.

Actually hate speech is free speech. All speech is protected under 1A. But that isn't relevant to the Xbox, which is a private platform, and thus can ban certain types of speech if it wants.

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meant for

>but thankfully I'm not a consolefag so nothing came of it aside from some faggot being triggered.
The people triggered are the ones whining about this violating their free speech.

It's only lobbying, not great, but not terrible.

People are retards, for some strange reason they think Corporations are obligated to protect their speech. The truth is they aren't and they have no reason to. The only thing they obligated to do is maintain the structural integrity of the online service.

Nah, the people triggered are the dumb white suburb kids getting mad that the real world isn't like their gated community.
Thankfully, they'll all be dead in 30 years, so it's a non-issue.

Holy fucking shit dude, 2 zoomer memes in 1 post? Seriously go back to fucking instagram you underage retard.

Or buttsexbox

Xbox has a few games I care about.

Mainly I care about Halo to be honest.

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>It does so well in a dead industry!
jesus you're a nigger.

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look at the deltoids on this boy

I'm already tired of seeing this shit in every social media. Can't faggots have 1 faggy day in year, or at least week? Does it have to be whole fucking month?

Say that to the Tiefa threads.


Bro you promised you wouldnt post cringe!

I know it's already in the ToS and has been for years, but Phil virtue signaling over nothing makes me want to boycott Microsoft now.

There's just a greater agenda here at work to brainwash people into thinking free speech is a bad thing.

>Nah, the people triggered are the dumb white suburb kids getting mad that the real world isn't like their gated community.
Yes like I said, the people whining about this being a violation of their free speech.

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If you want my hot take on it (which I'm sure you don't, but I'm giving it anyway) then I think free speech must be an absolute. I can say whatever I want, and you're not allowed to me. Not even on your private property. This means "it's their service, they can do what they want" is no longer an argument.

When you compromise on free speech, you lose free speech.

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youre being censored because you cant continue talking shit when youre banned

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It literally is though. Freedom of speech means tolerating people saying the things you don't personally like because they have the right to say it.

>Xbox Live has no word detection filters. You have to be reported to get caught, plus you can say whatever you want in private parties.
>Meanwhile Battlenet, Steam, Uplay, Riot, Origin and Epic can detect what you type and ban you.

o im laffin

Don't tell him to go back to Instagram.
Yea Forums needs to declare war on Instagram. It is vital that all normies be kicked off the Internet, by force if necessary.
We need to get the old Internet back, and the only way to do so is by getting all the misfits OUT.

>You're allowed to say anything and this specific authority structure can't do anything about it
>But this authority structure, however, is allowed to
The difference being between the two structures?
It just seems unbearably statist to defend one authority structure over another, they're the exact fucking same thing. They're authority structures.
One's private, one's public.
What's the fucking difference?
It's an awfully statist precedence to defend an authority figure's right to be paternal to the people it has power over, I don't give a fuck if it's a government official or if it's some corporate dickhead, it's never right.
>B-b-but big brother has rights too, y'know!
Nigga shut up.

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Imagine being so brainless that you don't know what he definition of "freedom of speech" is

wow bro thats pretty deep...

t. has come here last month after watching Yea Forums videos on YouTube

That’s still 25 years more than your life expectancy tranny

kneels, gets fired
USA has become a joke

Steam actually doesn't have any way to detect what you type and ban you.
Me and my brother have had literal paragraphs back and forth calling each other niggers and faggots on Steam (nevermind shit like Discord) because at the end of the day no one cares.
Plus, we're not white, so we're not little faggot children who fall apart when we hear mean words.

>the American console isn't something very American

Has this motherfucker has lost his mind? Does he not know his audience and the type of games that release on Xbox?

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Absolute zero take.
So you think people should be allowed to go into a preschool and start yelling "NIGGER FAGGOT DICKS UP THE MOTHERFUCKING ASS" without any consequences?

Brace yourself /POL/ retards incoming!!!

Attached: tell_me_why.jpg (1681x1020, 286K)

No it's not. Your speech is not protected in private places. You should try spamming nigger, kike and faggot here right now and I'll show you that it's not even safe here. :^)

I agree only because your kind is a cancer I want to infest the "gaming industry" more until it dies from its own faggotry and greed.

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Xbox live is not a public space protected under first amendment
But it doesn't mean that proclaiming it like this makes you look good

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Bitch I've been acquainted with Internet culture since long before you were conceived.

This isn't about saying racial slurs on a platform like you retards make it out to be.

This is about silencing criticism of anti-consumer practices of Microsoft on their platforms as well as anything that questions the predatory nature of corporate devs.

But who am I kidding, these NPCs will blindly suck corporate cock if their identity politics are catered to.

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Glad you're not in charge of anything then. That's about the dumbest hot take in history. Unless you're ok with me coming to your house whenever I want and shitting on your pillow?

They're already here.

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lol how insecure are you

Unfortunately, yes. The alternative is major corporations being allowed to own any and all public speaking platforms and banning anything they don't agree with.


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No, Xbox Live has never been a free speech platform.
Hate speech is free speech, but Xbox Live isn't a platform for free speech. It's an organized location for communication inside of the video game.

Maybe this will be different someday when the "Safe Harbor" laws are re-worked, like what is being proposed now; but until then that's just the price you pay for doing business with them.

Thankfully XBL was never good and you don't lose anything but not participating in it.

XBL is still something you pay for, here's a hint: Don't pay for it.

This I agree with, but this is not the world we live in right now.

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>Free Speech

this is not 1900 anymore sonny

MAGA defense force ASSEMBLE!!!

this nigga probably never played halo 3

Kek, remember when EA censored words like DLC in BFV?
Funny shit.

No, sweetie, going to ED or KYM doesn't magically make you a part of those events

>Tumblr meme
I demand that you kill yourself.

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Ok, then I don't support free speech.
No really, if that's what your idea of free speech is, then FUCK NO I don't support free speech.
You wanna know why not? Cause I'm not a fucking idiot!

>Gives a genuine opinion that's actually well-thought out

You want to know how I know that you're not from Yea Forums and are repeating reddit and twitter memes because you're underaged?