Attached: 00O0O_liNGZXpnnbw_1200x900.jpg (506x900, 44K)

but the fridge might have a delicious steak and pepper jack cheese quesadilla sometime in the future

It doesn't look like anything of value was lost with that cabinet, in fact it still probably works because it's a small MAME machine.

fuck off cultural marxist retard go kick a trash can in protest, asshole

The only thing wrong with that is the stretched widescreen

Attached: china_cab_1.jpg (1869x944, 397K)

Even more proof that the Chinese are soulless bugmen

Fuck you OP that looks cool, although look how close to the wall it is, how is player 2 gonna have room to play?


The only thing screwed up in there is the aspect ratio.

Which can be changed with a tickbox.

I have a full size mame cabinet and the thing is 97% empty.

>leaving the fridge open
>arcade game on an LCD
>arcade resolution stretched to 16:9

Attached: 1560824870045.jpg (720x718, 64K)

Attached: AHHzpME.png (837x845, 1.03M)

not even gore

gore would be that Xbox dev kit or fucking something else rare smashed to pieces.


Attached: shittymk1.jpg (469x625, 121K)

>just a prank bro!

Internal components are probably no larger than an orange. This a space WELL USED.

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I think the main issue is the monitor so it's less of a "Gore" picture and more of just poor planning and spending.

Attached: shittymk3.jpg (1000x750, 329K)

Might still be good desu
Just really, really dirty

What about official ones

Attached: pacbash.jpg (1025x1025, 108K)

>fucking pcfags, they would trash an original famicom dev kit to make it into a 'rig'

Attached: pcgamer.jpg (679x556, 39K)

>burning it
wouldn't have been easier to just crush it?

all that birdpoop crust around the thing could probably protect the electronics from oxidation and the weather

Attached: abandoned-space-invaders-arcade-machine.jpg (1200x795, 205K)

>Jeff Gerstmann triggered

It's about sending a message.
something something oppression of gamers

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