Why do people hate gamer girls so much? why are we considered less authentic then men just because we have tits?

why do people hate gamer girls so much? why are we considered less authentic then men just because we have tits?

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I have absolutely destroyed several shit threads today and if this takes off this one is going down too

It's THAN, you dumbass. You are less authentic THAN men.

It's not because you've got tits, it's because you've got a big fucking mouth but not a brain to control it.

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Hey wait a minute I clearly saw this picture in a race bait thread, I should know I WAS POSTING IN IT

Woodbury. But seen hotter black chicks.

its because game journos always say "lmao like 56% of gaymers are girls so shut up men" even though more than half of that 56% are mobile players

shoo tranny. be my gf

Women take pride in knowing jack shit about something they claim to care about.

Because by calling yourself a gamer girl you're putting emphasis on your gender instead of just playing the game.


Yea Forums doesn't know the difference between a real and a fake gamer girl cause they'd never get close enough to one to notice.


t. Likes """"games"""" like zelda

kill yourself

females are dumber and not as good at games. fuck off to facebook

One of the only gamer girls I know has a Majora's Mask tattoo.

She also has a random russian tattoo on her back and was obsessed with Rammstein growing up, now she's a pro-black SJW tumblrite and that shit is fucking hilarious.

Literally has russian words tattooed on her body. I wonder if she thinks about it.

These bitches are retarded.

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You'll never be a woman.
And to answer your question, it's because 3/4 of them do it for attention.

this is my chair earlier this month after gaming for 4 hours straight
are you telling me I'm less committed?

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Because (you) are less authentic. Look at you, coming to this board and attention whoring (or alternatively baitposting, and yeah, I'm biting so whatever) over your identity rather than talking about video games. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Who are here for 2D feet?

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Race bait threads are pretty comfy desu

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I want to BREED that woman.

Because Schopenhauer was 100% right. Females cannot be sincere or genuine about anything. Any passion they claim to have is just pretense and affectation. Women literally only care about looking good in the eyes of their peers. That's all.

It's honestly weird how white males all look the same and are indiscernable from eachother.

Death Stranding trailer was extra confusing because everyone who wasn't a girl or Norman is the same person.

i see what you did there you clever little rat

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Nice bait

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why is this board so misogynistic

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She doesn’t want to breed with you.

If you call yourself gamer it's just attention whoring. That really doesn't happen with other random hobbies.

if you seriously think i wouldnt lovingly care and support that woman then you are so horribly mistaken

>Final Fantasy III is merely Final Fantasy VI

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despite being 13% of the population black women make up more than 50% of the gamer girls.

All I want to is to lovingly care for and support a nice girl but it's not my path in life. It hurts user.

lol, check your eyes, nigga

Final fantasy has almost always been a worse version of something else in the nip market. Those guys are right to bail

it's kind of like how fallout started at 3

Imagine being a girl and getting told the "get back to the kitchen" jokes everytime you get on voice chat. Men dont know how hard it is.


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no idea


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is this true Yea Forums?

Attention-seeking. 90% of popular "gril gamurs" are all attention seeking.

I want a gf that likes video games though.

T. Girl

>why are we considered less authentic then men just because we have tits?
Why does everything have to be a strawman?

I would literally lick every goddamn inch of her black body

because gamers are gamers because they are outcasts, and the primary outcasters are women

Please work your magic

how do you even play final fantasy 3 together

i can't help but notice you didn't post them.

the last bastion of incel masculity etc

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>having it hard
You are proving why people hate you so much.

FF6 was released as FF3 in the US originally, kid.

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american FF3(SNES) is actually FF6 in japan.

you're really bad at games

Is this the designated non-vidya black girls thread?

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who is she?


ummmmmm wow geeze u guys are mean. maybe u guys should idk ..... have sex?

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Have it with me.

Yeah I figured you were.

Because girls aren't competitive in the same way men are and therefore just don't enjoy gaming for anything but attention unless they have a hormonal imbalance and are probably ugly because of it

Honestly, I have had sex before. It was...ok? Fapping to 2D is unironically more enjoyable.

>tfw I was just about to post that exact picture
You got me this, time, user.

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Didn't know that, thanks

>so user tell me about yourself

what do you say Yea Forums?

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I'm still waiting for you to do something.


Gamer girls complain endlessly, I honestly think they complain more than trannys.