
>Started by making dude bro games
>Continues to make dude bro games

>Started making family friendly games
>Continues to make family friendly games

>Started making adventurous games that you couldn't find from the other two
>Now makes cinematic walking simulators with the most bare bones gameplay with forced progressive messages

What happened? I used to be a huge Sonyfanboy during the ps1 and 2 days.

Attached: sonyvs-600x338[1].jpg (600x338, 12K)

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It started before California

well that's the easiest way to 10/10 reviews and praise from critics. because most people dont really give a fuck about gameplay as long as the graphics are good, the story is decent and there is a lot going on. Why bother making anything else ? It really is a no brainer.

You sound just like every other guy complaining about his favorite band changing their sound. Probably its just their evolution as a company, still (in my opinion) they continue to release interesting adventurous games.
Mind you, I am definitely against pushing any kind of agenda in games but I guess its what you get when you move to California.

>continues to make dude bro games
lol no

sony has always prioritized cinematic games btw, this is true from the ps1 with FF7/MGS, to SotC/God of War to TLoU/UNcharted to more TLoU and God of War

>barebones gameplay
the combat in GoW is better than anything nintendo or microsoft have churned out

microsoft has had some of the best exclusives in the history of gaming this dude bro meme needs to stop. sure they did have a couple of casual shooter and racer franchises but their exclusives both 1st and 3rd party used to be immense. seriously growing up with my brother as an idort and seeing his shelf with all these games like shenmue 2, jet set radio, kotor games, fable, jade empire, mechassault, splinter cell (for a time) halo before it became popular with casuals, project gotham, mechassault etc used to make me think at the time microsoft must be so ahead of the pack because all the vidya magazines i used to read would praise them and their games more than anyone else. even the 360 had some really good exclusives for some time like mass effect started off as an exclusive xbox franchise, same for saints row and other popular franchises now.

forgot ninja gaiden in that list too

>microsoft has had some of the best exclusives in the history of gaming
literally only ninja gaiden, and even then


microsoft has never had a single impactful exclusive outside of the halo trilogy

>Started by making dude bro games
>Now makes no games
Other than that part you're 100% right.

>kotor wasn't genre defining
>shenmue 2 wasn't genre defining

if it wasn't for games like these the xbox brand would have never taken off. it was the place to play some major exclusives for a long time from launch till ~2010 ish. the main problem was they didn't secure these brands. if mass effect for example was still an xbox exclusive franchise there would be much more hope for the brand now.

>kotor and shenmue are exclusive

Attached: kodak.jpg (1189x1200, 86K)

i didn't recall you could play them on ps2?

It's basically reviewers who are to blame. Fuck them and I hope twitch kills them.

>exclusive means not available on playstation

Attached: big papi.jpg (300x200, 8K)

They make games, just not exclusives

>if a game is on pc/ps4 it's exclusive
>if a game is on pc/xbox it's not exclusive

what kind of logic is this? also as everyone knows the dreamcast was literally dead hence why they made all their games for xbox. pc's of that time were also weaker than the xbox hence why it was the definitive platform for high res graphics at the time. just look at splinter cell. it was designed for xbox and the pc version was a port of it but toned down and didn't have the physics and lighting the xbox version had. the ps2 ports which came a few years later was embarrassingly bad because they had to re-make the whole game for the ps2's worse hardware and chaos theory literally looks like a 360 game on xbox and the ps2 version looks like a ps1 game that's how big the graphical gap was.

>nintendo family games
sorry bro sonychads are jumping ship to nintendo now. Legend of zelda is gonna be legend of braap, mario bros is gonna be visual novel fapb8 starring peach and daisy noods, pokemon is now pokemon BLACKED. Metroid has been scrapped for weeb gayrpgs.

Attached: family game.jpg (921x518, 66K)

>if a game is on pc/ps4 it's exclusive
nobody ever said that, who are you quoting?

>PCs of the time were also weaker than the xbox
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>nobody ever said that, who are you quoting?
so you don't consider games like nioh playstation exclusives? even if you don't, there was a massive amount of reasons to buy an xbox over a ps2.

>you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>so you don't consider games like nioh playstation exclusives
absolutely not

>there was a massive amount of reasons to buy an xbox over a ps2.
there were a few, I'll admit, but a FUCK ton more reasons to buy a ps2 over an xbox

nice 2001 report, they said the ps4 was stronger than PCs at the start too. Meaningless

Attached: ps2 games.jpg (5748x6740, 3.9M)

>Continues to make family friendly games

Now Sony wants to focus on making family friendly games and censor anything they deem "unethical" while Nintendo gladly accepts HUGE FUCKING TITTIES no strings attached

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sure, but this doesn't go against what i said initially that the xbox had some of the best exclusives. no one can deny that. if you want to be picky about it then just think of me saying microsoft exclusives instead of purely xbox exclusives.

>nice 2001 report, they said the ps4 was stronger than PCs at the start too. Meaningless
>this false equivalence

the xbox GPU was literally the fastest at the time of release (same went for the 360). literally no one with half a braincell thought the 7870 in the ps4 was better than the best pc's of the time. it was literally retailing as a midrange card before the ps4 even released. you had cards like the 7970 ghz and the 680 which were clearly the best in class. you won't find anyone denying the og xbox and 360 were the best in class at the time.

>xbox had some of the best exclusives
no it does not, outside of halo. Just look at the list I posted

are you just being awkward for the sake of being awkward?

Daily Yea ForumstendieGAF seethes over Chadny's continued domination thread (edition #7301)

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