>game crashes at bookshelf after 1 hour grinding the werwolf in twin towers >second time it happened
Okay Im tolerant to ignore crash bullshit on consoles if its a game i REALLY wanna play and have an emotional connection to, but this? Crashing errors on consoles are intolerable, now and ever. So I google this shit if others had the same and I stumble upon this thread steamcommunitycom/app/692850/discussions/0/1645418261860911416/ and I cant believe what I see. People are really telling the poor guy that its on him for saving and expecting some shit interrupting your gaming. like "its on you for not saving". What shrewed thinking is that? As if save games were introduced as a method to blame shit developing on the player or what? Yeah just save often for a crash while saving and losing everything. or just a bug.
tldr Developers give a shit about player progress and treat your experiences like garbage. Come to think of it, thats nothing new though.
it's your fault for playing games around launch instead of waiting
you should know this by now
Benjamin Clark
For an indie game like this with the janky graphics and shit you really expect it to not crash?
Easton Torres
AAA games with amazing graphics crash just as much at launch, so I'd say there was no need to point out the indie and janky graphics part
Thomas Bailey
but how can the companies tolarate this? what kinda quality control is this? They just give a shit. They know there will be people being sad because of lost progress due to crashes. They just dont care and hope it doesnt happen to a % when it matters.
Christopher Scott
even with a good QA team (which this game probably doesn't have), most problems typically only get found out when everyone and their weird setups start to play the game
Charles Anderson
You should have saved, bro.
Christian Rogers
Whats the katana people use in those combo gifs? I thought it would be the Zangetsuo, but now that I have it, it only has a parry
Luke Carter
Crash is part of nostalgia >that time when my ps1 crashed with no survivor
Jose Butler
..not to say they aren't lazy
Only time you could expect something to mostly work at launch was on consoles without a patch system. If you fucked up you'd have to recall copies, let's say no one wanted that. Now you can just patch it later.
PC always had that issue either way though.
Dominic Brown
Wow A and B look way better. Fuck the current art style.
Leo Nelson
of course i dont expect it to be flawless, if its a crash that happens when you like press 4 buttons while 4 enemies use xyz i dunno, if it looks totally random i can accept that. but this? the first fucking bookshelf in the tutorial level crashes the game. this is just unacceptable, seriously. if you ever worked on software and code you know its a superiors decision to ship such hot garbage, technically wise.
Bentley Kelly
its the fucking bookshelf mate. an elementary gameplay part which you are encouraged to use. its like pokemon crashing when you search a garbage bin.
Lincoln Hernandez
Seething, its an indie game kid stop being so entitled. git gud and git over it
Cameron Cox
>Only time you could expect something to mostly work at launch was on consoles without a patch system This is more complex than saying they couldn't get away with glitches back then. Its like modern vehicles with their issues. You will find more hidden and unexplained problems the more complex something gets. Complex technology comes with complex problems.
Noah Nguyen
>i'm too young to know the value of saving a game often You are supposed to be an adult to use this site user.
Juan Adams
git gud and ignore bookshelves or increase my luck so it never happens again? value? its my own choice if i want to save my progress or not. being forced to because of lazy developers? youre a zoomer right? who thinks autosaving on consoles was invented because its so comfortable, but instead it enabled developers to finally push crashes into their games, as long as an autosave exists players will swallow it. and we did, fallout 3 with 400 autosaves on xbox360 was really special.
Mason Morris
Beat the whole game in 11 hrs, not one crash. Must suck playing on shitstation 4.
Camden Thomas
time for boobs so that people that disagree at least can fap.
>game crashes at bookshelf after 1 hour grinding the werwolf in twin towers Feels good being a luckchad and not having a single issue with the game.
Grayson Carter
Fuck off subhuman :@
Owen Sanchez
>its my own choice if i want to save my progress or not Who said it wasn't?
>youre a zoomer right? Are you an idiot? How can a zoomer value saving when they don't typically have to save? Think before you post please.
>who thinks autosaving Okay yes you are an idiot. I'll give you $1000 if you can go back to my post and point out where I bring up autosaving you dumb piece of shit...
The fact that you don't think you need to save for hours doesn't show you are old user. Old games had a way of fucking you over if you didn't save often. Us old folks that grew up with games started to learn the value of the save feature as soon as it became available.
Julian Hall
>time for boobs so that people that disagree at least can fap >no tentacles or bondage or something that is forcing her to rip open her shirt Sorry but you ain't giving me anything I can fap to...
Dominic Martin
You really should be saving but what kind of crash are you experiencing? Had a freezing issue yesterday but I fixed it.
Josiah Richardson
>indie game with 5.5 million dollar budget
Yeah this ain’t indie get fucked
Thomas Turner
This game is really starting to piss me off. What is this 3rd item that Ninjas supposedly drop? Even after 80+ kills decked out in Luck, thievery and item drop gear, still cannot get them to give up that stupid item.
I had some really bad crashes ater twin towers. I thought I won't be able to get rid of them. I removed familiar and explored a bit more and it went away. Equipping familiar back didn't bring back the issue. Didn't have any crashes since then.
Angel Flores
I have never had this game crash :)
Brayden Baker
Not the guy, but it is technically an indie game.
Brandon Stewart
Git gud (luck)
Aiden Sullivan
some rare stone that is required for most endgame weapons.
Connor White
It's one of the end game ores only they drop.
Caleb Bailey
Anyone find a good place to farm black pepper, miso or lemons?
Carson Cruz
>2001 >Real game developers were few and far between >Games released were made for very specific and mostly complicated architectures and hardware >Vast majority of games never crashed once and number of bugs were miniscule
>2019 >Any indie hipster faggot with a Mac can make a kickstarter to vacuum up money from someone else's idea >Architectures are getting so closed to PC that developing on one is nowhere near as complicated as it used to be to port to another >Yet these indiescum insist on using broken and flat out defective software i.e. Unity and UE4 >Games have an indie feel when made with these engines and crash constantly because they're buggy pieces of shit Kickstarter and Unity/Free UE4 were the absolute worst things to happen to games.
Joseph Phillips
I like castlevania-type games but I can't handle this weird reflective 3d art. Game looks nasty and I can't really tell if it moves/feels right either.
Sebastian Miller
Thanks for the hot take, 12 year old.
Jeremiah Mitchell
I could look past weird art. Character feels very responsive and backgrounds looks neat.
Wyatt Watson
I feel a lot of the reason is that if you released a broken game before you where completely fucked now you just roll out a patch to fix shit
Grayson Harris
>just they dont need to. theres no law or stuff that forces them to address bugs or crashes. it needed fucking batman to force developer studio to actually refund everyone and pull the game. theres just no quality control, anywhere. problems from software developing for industry can swelled over to gaming and we were too young and inexperienced to notice.
Logan Ramirez
>2001 >if the game's broken, it's broken forever >have to spend time and money to QA and bugfix before release that could be spent on developing the game further
>2019 >if the game's broken, just patch it real quick, lol
The game was shit from inception to release, it's not because of QA shit
Justin Bell
Isn't it just normal now that games are buggy at launch? This hasen't shocked me since like 2005-6 when games launching borked and getting fixed later became the norm.
I'm doing the food quest and I just brought the old lady beef curry but apparently that's not what she wants. What the fuck is she looking for?
Juan Nelson
So I got double jump and came back here. Even with double jump and the three karate kicks I still cannot get up there. Is it timing? Even when the ship rocks back I still cannot reach it.
>vast majority Go fuck yourself SO2, SotN, even square was guilty of this shit, LoM, PE2. Fucking Wild 9 of all games crashed too. Front Mission 3 could crash as well. Fuck ESPECIALLY front mission 3.
I am very intimate with this problem because young me spent the time of an entire year replaying his entire library with no memory card.
James Young
Doesn't matter how elementary the mechanic causing a crash is, there is really nothing to go "oh yeah we have to fix this" about when all test setups are like "works on my machine :)". The reasons behind such crashes are a lot more complicated and tied to millions of individual setups, it has nothing to do with how important the moment/mechanic/object causing the crash in the game is.
Dylan Torres
What is the best first 8-bit weapon?
Ryder Clark
The shield
Brody Reed
yeah making your own engine is easy! just open windows and bam! 2019!
Jace Flores
>making games is difficult stop the presses
Dylan Harris
That's bullshit user. It's one thing to lose progress, because you died in ye oldgames. But losing progress, because the game has shitty bugs that crashes the game is completely on the developers.
Levi Murphy
I would argue that ArtPlay has better developers than Ubisoft and will patch most known issues by August.
Nathan Ramirez
He is not wrong though.
Jayden Nelson
Can you get another ACTUAL outfit in this game?
Luis Cox
>ARISE! MYSELF AND MY SHADOW! >everything dies in seconds
why is this Welcome Company so op?
John Parker
>It's one thing to lose progress That one thing should be enough to teach you to save often. Losing progress, whether through your fault or the developers fault, should all teach you that hours of time spent doing something should be backed up. This applies to tons of shit. Spend 5 hours writing a paper? Back that shit up. Spend 10 hours working on your taxes? Back that shit up. If you can save your progress in anything, you should do it often. You can be dealing with glitches, internet/power outages, RNG, fuck up a jump, or so on. Shit happens, and only young people with autosave haven't learned this lesson enough to know to back your fucking game up...
Ayden Ramirez
I'm stuck where I can find this ancient tiara?
Asher Green
I always return to town, do all my alchemy stuff, restock at the store, and then save store menu bugged out and locked my game and I had to alt f4 out having to save before and after any minor bit of progress "just in case" is pretty bullshit and only absolute cocksucking retards would defend it
Brandon Scott
If the game crashes it means the game straight up doesn't work. Losing progress, because the developers weren't fucking competent is not his fault abd completely out of his control Saying that it is his fault is completely disingenuous, because the game just crashing on him out of blue is something completely out of his control. Saving a lot may bandaid the problem, but it still means it is a shitty game that does not work.
Hudson Evans
>bought Bloodstained and CTR >both have gamebreaking bugs that can corrupt your data What am I gonna play now?
Julian Carter
You craft it. Look below the stairs leading to Gebel for the book.
Jose Collins
Just the valkyrie stuff.
Josiah Mitchell
>12 hours in >0 crashes or glitches whatsoever >been running on max >pirated copy
Have you guys tried not being paypiggies? Enjoy the bugs lmao
Jack Hernandez
Nigg are you stupid? Its been years now that games have started crashing way more often. I think it started during the PS3/Wiiu/Xbox generations. Before that I barely had games crashing on me. Especially when I played so many pirated games where it was just a img burned to a dvd.
Xavier Flores
>may bandaid the problem Right, why is this hard to get? When you have manual saves, and you have reached a point that you would hate losing progress, you fucking save... Choosing not to save was his choice, not the programmer's choice.
Julian Wilson
>internet/power outages, That is just a fluke thing though, that is outside of anyone's power. The game crashing is, because the developer are a bunch of incompetent morons. How much of a cocksucker do you have to be to actually defend that shit.
Jonathan Collins
Why do food ingredients require so much grinding? I'm at like 80% map completion now and have made about 4 or 5 meals so far cause I never have the right shit. I don't sell any food ingredients either.
You are still fucking dumb for playing a modern game at launch and expect no bugs at all. The more complex a game is, the worse it gets.
You are just either deluded or stupid. Pick one.
Easton Long
all games should just have autosaves to cover for incompetent devs
Jacob King
Steam community fags are bootlicking cucks and they always have been.
Hunter Reed
I'm sitting at 99.90% completion on the map and trying to find this last hidden room is driving me crazy. I've been trying to compare my map to a 100% map but I haven't figured out which room I'm missing. It might be a lot to ask but could someone act as another pair of eyes to try and help me figure out what I'm missing here if you've 100%ed your map? Other than that, are there any hidden rooms that are easily missable off of the top of your head you might suggest is the one I'm missing? Here's my map at the moment.
you know i never get these crashes in games people have alot of problems with like never must be lucky
Parker Cruz
>platformer That's gonna be a yikes from me.
Camden Gutierrez
Just use carabossa and walk through every room till she points out a hidden wall
Adam Walker
>he posts a pic with the side area active yeah not even gonna bother
Tyler Myers
I don't remember games pre-PS3 era having this many crashes and game-breaking (as in, fuck you, not abusing the game), at least not on consoles.
QA has gone down the drain when updates became a norm for the industry. IT's no longer necessary to debug since you can just do it along the way after launch... or not do it at all.
Jordan Gutierrez
It bandaids, but it doesn't actually fix the problem which is just the incompetent developers selling you a product that does not work the way it is intended you absolute fucking retard.
Auto-saves that will get just as corrupted, if not moreso, if the game crashes at a bad time.
Ian Rodriguez
It's more likely that your computer was made after the turn of the century
Oliver Robinson
actually I found it in 3 seconds because it's the room half the people miss but you should figure it out yourself for posting it like that
Julian Stewart
I haven't bought or played the game, but to actually fucking defend this practice is fucking retarded.
Landon Butler
>actually defend that shit Follow along my thought challenged friend. If you and another person did something wrong, and you can't control what the other person did, all you can do is control your own action. He didn't save. That is what he did wrong. Just because I'm bringing up his issue does not mean I am defending the developers. Stop being an idiot.
John Howard
I got that crash too, was really annoying but it never happened again
Jackson Foster
make the food, disasemble it to get the ingredients back and then buy it at the store
Ian Kelly
>have to spend time and money to QA and bugfix before release that could be spent on developing the game further Bugfix and optimization are something you should be doing along the way, leaving it for the end or post release is almost a death sentece, since by that point the mess may be so big fixing is either no possible or prone to break even more things.
Nolan Brooks
>Get to a save point >Crashes just before I can save
I can tell you have never worked in software development of any kind. There are always problems, in particular with people using vastly different platforms.
So you have chosen deluded. Good to know.
Christopher Bennett
>but it doesn't actually fix the problem Who the fuck is claiming it fixes the problem? When you have a problem, you don't improve it by creating more problems. Not saving is creating more problems. If he would have saved, he would not lose all his progress. Sure the bug would still make him crash, but he most likely wouldn't have felt the need to post about it because of his misplaced anger for something he helped cause.
Caleb Rivera
The pro is that you get one of the most powerful abilities in the game, but the con is that you have to stare at the faces of many immersion breaking kickstarter backers
Xavier Watson
Ye you can be as smug about that as much as you want until the game crashes during save or the bug is big enough to destroy the savefile.
Then what do you do.
Levi Ward
>Get to a save point >ignore save point for hours after getting to it >crashes at some random point at which user had no intention of saving still What pic do you use for OP?
Dominic Young
If you and another person did something wrong, and you can't control what the other person did, So if someone murdered your family out of the fucking blue, because you were out to go to the store or whatever the fuck you would not hold the murderer accountable? Are you that fucking retarded or just that much of a cuck?
Easton Miller
Have yet to see it happen.
Doesn't Steam manage save files in their cloud periodically? You can always get a previous version if such a thing happened.
Nolan Thompson
No. Use Detective Eye. It's faster than waiting for her to slowly charge up her attack that does 12 hp damage before she helps out
Ryder Campbell
What the heck are you guys playing on, a TI 83 calculator? I have over 20 hours on my current file and it only crashed once very early on when I first started playing.
Any subtle hints where do I go after I defeated Gebel? Johnatan says follow Gremory which follows Alfred but I have virtually whole map open. The only rooms I have no access to is Millionaire and Warhorse.
But it isn't on him to fix. When I bought a game that crashes in the middle of the gane I fucking returned that shit the day after I bought it, because if I am gonna buy something I expect the fucking thing to work. The only thing I fault him for is that he didn't go for a refund. But game crashes is completely on the developer.
Sebastian Cooper
you know the moon that you cut in the battle? you've seen it somewhere else in the game, it was very apparent.
Nolan Gonzalez
In case people don't know, if you go back on the train, you can high jump onto the roof of the leftmost wagon and find an HP and MP max up.
John Foster
If you are going to use a comparison, at least make it match the situation.
>you are sitting at a red light >light turns green >programmer accidentally ran their new red light because they thought they could make it >you choose to take off without looking at the traffic from the other lights >you hit the programmer even though he wasn't supposed to be in the intersection Would you say you have no fault in this situation user? Sure, he shouldn't have ran that red light, but if you put in the effort to watch the other traffic as you are supposed to do, you wouldn't have gotten in that accident.
If the user saved the game like he should, he wouldn't have lost tons of effort spent on the game. Glitch or no glitch, the user put himself in a situation that increased his risk. He helped create the situation.
>calling anyone bluepilled cuck when you are a corporate cocksucker that actually defends the creators for selling them a product that does not work. That is some next level cope.
Carson Moore
womks on moy machime :)))
Gabriel Campbell
>How do I make books stop crashing my game? >Edit: nvm fixed it
Jacob Adams
What are the “other actions” I can take in bunnymorphosis? I have it at rank 5 but the only thing I can find is the rapid kick
William Turner
A car crash that happend, because a new traffic light didn't work would cause an instant scandal and put whoever who was in that charge of that shit out of a job. No one would defend that shit like you are doing right now.
Jonathan Lee
alright there isn't another bloodstained thread up so i'll just post here. I killed Gebel and now i'm just trying to figure out the good end. Next thing on my bucket list is to sell all my shards then confront him, but i'm too paranoid i might save over them and lose hours of grinding. so just tell me is selling them the right course of action or no.
Samuel Morris
Star Citizen is an indie game with a 150+ million dollar budget. The "indie" tag is not defined by any monetary quantity. Retard
Dylan Jenkins
no, don't sell your shards
Christopher Phillips
throw knives. they do fuck dammage considering they're ranged.
Please follow the conversation. If he doesn't want to lose data, he should be saving his game. If he doesn't save his game, things can happen to cause him to lose his data. If he isn't doing what he should be doing, he runs the risk of losing his data. Plain and mother fucking simple shit user... Now if he was saving his game and he is complaining about losing data before reaching the next save point, or from doing a small amount of grinding where it isn't worth going back to the save point, I would feel more sympathy for him. If he lost enough data that he could have prevented, and it is enough data to piss him off enough to make a thread about it, he didn't do his part by saving on a normal basis.
do some quests. you get good weapons from them including boots.
Nathan Peterson
The thing why games are more prominent to bugs is because how much more complex games are today compared to N64. But I also think most companies has become lazier because of the use of internet to patch things. Just ask Bethesda and their 40+ GB patches.
>because a new traffic light didn't work >reading comprehension There was nothing about a new traffic light not working. I said his light turned red and he ran it because he thought he could make it before it turned. AKA something that happens millions of times a day across the country.
Colton Johnson
>hair book V just straight up doesn't exist it's like the 4 pigs prank all over again
So does this game have good exploration or is it more lackluster like Mirror of Fate?
Isaac Watson
>naked Hah!
Adam Price
you don't need all these fucking retarded analogies saving your game fairly often is a good idea but HAVING to save your game fairly often because you never know what random action will crash the game is stupid any discussion beyond this is just faggots arguing about nothing who should just get a save room and fuck already
Jack Barnes
>got it on Xbone because I didn't feel like waiting for the Switch version >multiple random crashes to dashboard >randomly invincible at one point >TwinDragons got stuck looping an attack pattern and would not die
Liam Ramirez
>HAVING to save your game fairly often because you never know what random action will crash the game is stupid If you know random actions may crash a game, saving fairly often is smart, not stupid.
Adrian Price
You can master the moves of any weapon, allowing you to use them with any other weapon of the same class (sword, great sword, katana etc). Check the archives to see your mastery progress.
Dylan Robinson
>got it on Xbone We didn't need the rest of what you said. We already found your mistake.
Luke Moore
I'd say it's pretty good. the environments are very varried and you have plenty of motivation to search areas throughly. it stills suffers the IGA curse of having too many goddamn hallways though. I thought OoE was bad but goddamn.
Gabriel Stewart
>speccing zero points into reading comprehension
John Cruz
This is mostly true, but there were issues in the past as well, and there was no solution back then due to a lack of internal storage. Soul Calibur 3 saves could corrupt and take out everything on the memory card.
Josiah Sanchez
How do
Sebastian Allen
im lost Yea Forums i killed the girl in the blood bath , went under the blood fontain , didnt find anything there ,now idk where to go
No IGAvania will ever be as bad with hallways as Harmony of Dissonance.
Cameron Carter
I understand PC version sometimes crashing, but why the fuck my VIDEO GAME CONSOLE, have crashes?
Michael Sullivan
But the main problem is still that the game does not fucking work. He might not have an as big if an issue if he did save, but he is still just dancing around issues the developers created. Now you're just constantly skirting around issues the developers created. Why do you the consumer need to take on issues that are actually issues the developer should fix? This is what creates shitty business practices, because consumers just eat up whatever broken shit the developers craps out. If you're gonna pay for a game 30+ dollars the thing should fucking work. Saying he just should have saved is completely disingenuous. You're making the developers problem his and your problem. You shouldn't need to constantly feel like saving, because the game might crash on you whenever it feels like it.
Cooper Phillips
Farm the new squid enemies for their shard.
Caleb Morales
enemy step.
Ethan Lopez
kill the jellyfish dudes and get their shard
Joshua Russell
There's 3 more outfits, far as I know. This white thing, the shovel knight and the valkyrie thing people keep mentioning.
Levi Diaz
I guess I'm in the half of the people that miss it, then. Can I at least get a hint as to where to look? I don't care about spending time scraping rooms with Detective's Eye but having a starting point would at least be helpful.
Charles Baker
Best familiar?
Nicholas Brooks
Video game consoles have been bridging the gap between console and PC ever since the original xbox. Consoles are now classed as PPCs. Essentialy weak PCs with customized operating systems.
Luis Rivera
>15 hours in >No crashes, bugs and glitches Are you running the game on a toaste or what?
Hunter Edwards
the red shard button. needs rank 7 i think.
Brandon Smith
Fairy for Kawaii Uguu But the best is the Silver Knight at maxed level.
Brayden Hughes
autism sword
Cameron Hill
>I said his light turned red and he ran it because he thought he could make it before it turned But those situations are not comparable, because that would actually mean he was at fault. It would be more apt to say that the traffic went to green while it was supposed to be still red and he got into carcrash,n because of that.
Matthew Morgan
top of library
Tyler Gomez
Fairy + Japanese voice track.
Isaac Scott
The Valkyrie suit is the white outfit. That's the only actual costume change you get, as the other two just turn you into a controllable demon (specifically, a shard for a bunny girl and special armor for Shovel Knight).
Brandon Edwards
do warlocks necklace and Words of Wisdom affect the lili transformation? I want to maximize my time as a bunny slut.
Bentley Diaz
I have 100% map completion but I still only have 4 silver knight shards. Where are the rest?
Jaxon Collins
Works fine for me :) >consoles Kneel peasant.
Andrew Phillips
Not sure why you're getting crashes, Works On My Machine(tm).
Also, that lighting comparison is interesting. I very much prefer the leftmost setting.
Elijah Hernandez
Leo Taylor
>just crashed at literally that exact bookshelf after getting werewolf soul on first kill
was I super lucky to get that werewolf soul? It didnt seem very useful when i tried it out
Logan Taylor
thx mates
Jeremiah Rogers
An annoying crash I've experienced is that I'll be in a save room, pause, and Miriam's head is missing. I'll immediately get a loading icon and the game will soft-lock until I alt+f4. Fortunately this happens around save rooms so I'm usually good on progress.
Is there a bug reporting system?
Nolan Morgan
Book if you like dealing raw damage Sword if you want to train a weapon to use later Fairy if you're a baby/permanent virgin Knight if you want a little combat assistance Helmet if you want to be "that guy"
alright thanks. guess i'll farm this purple demon after all.
Parker Sanchez
Will they patch the bosses? They are retardedly easy but more in the way that they feel unfinished or that they are not working as intended. Zangetsu was literally the only decent boss fight till now.
Sebastian Bailey
There's only 4 i think. Go Maxed Rank + Max level
Luis Johnson
Have you fought the 8-bit boss? I had to use all my resources to survive that one.
Landon Hill
Yeah I figured as much I need to find the blood moon but I only can find yellow one
>Dawn of Sorrow >You can power up a soul by getting more souls or by using materials to level it up, effectively halving the grinding compared to Aria >Bloodstained >Shards being powered up by getting more of them and using materials do different things, effectively doubling the grinding compared to Aria What the fuck were they thinking?
Kayden Bailey
I've been playing for days on my PC. 0 Crashes so far. Every bookshelf works.
Figures it'd be one of the ones hidden in a roof. I'm fine with finding the floor and wall secrets but the roof ones always throw me off. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
Hudson Cooper
Normal is piss easy. Hard is the mode you want.
Brayden Morgan
>didn't bother with guns early on because bullets cost too much >want to try some now >think the shortcut system is a great way to switch between bullets, about to give Igarashi some props >can't set infinite bullets in the shortcut what the fuck. do i have to open the menus every time?
Camden Martinez
>time stop works against final boss Well, that was easy
Juan Perez
There's also a nightmare mode.
Cameron King
How does NG+ work on this? Can I start it on Hard or Nightmare?
Kayden Stewart
>I am very intimate with this problem because young me spent the time of an entire year replaying his entire library with no memory card. Have you considered that the games may have been crashing as a result of you leaving them running for weeks at a time?
Angel Bell
Yeah, but I'm too dumb to play as level 1 through the whole game.
Chase Lopez
If you were able to earn it, then you deserve to render thr final boss totally powerless.
Adam Russell
>But the main problem is still that the game does not fucking work. Nope, you didn't follow the conversation.
>You shouldn't need to constantly feel like saving Again this is wrong. Shit happens. You should save often and the fact that you think you shouldn't is the issue we are discussing here. He added to his problem by being a part of the problem.
If you feel like ignoring that, why bring up his idiocy? Why not just talk about the glitches? Are there a ton of glitches? Is it a glitch that happens for ton of people? From what I've heard it is a "not on my machine" type of glitch which means there is no reason to believe this would necessarily have been caught before release. If that is the case, you are talking about the type of glitches that have existed in every single game since video games have existed. You clearly haven't given them time to fix it if it is a newfound glitch. So please, if this isn't the case, explain what we are complaining about friend.
More shards is giving more power. The more materials part is for the special effects.
Ian King
>not having both and not caring and using everything
Luis Richardson
It is not. SO2 was notorious for its crashes with my social circle and FM3 was a thing that crashed often enough to be annoying. Usually at the ass end of a mission and usually during an attack.
These things weren't rare. You become more sensitive to it when a crash happening means losing your entire progress. LoM in particular could have a notreallycrash during one of the major 3 arc bosses death where the game will just hang as it renders that cutscene. It didn't happen often but it happened enough to motivate me to earn another memory card by buying candy and selling that candy a quarter higher for 3 months.
It's just always jarring to hear from people who didn't grow up with those systems talking about the infallibility of their quality. Like. That's not true. About the best thing about yet another Star Ocean 2 being re-released is playing that game again but without having to essentially only be able to play it emulated due to Maze crashes.
>he was at fault Just ignore my example. You are mixing everything up in it and seem incapable of understanding simple sentences...
>But those situations are not comparable Saying this after talking about going to the grocery store as some killer murders your family... I hope you aren't the same user.
Elijah Nelson
When you buff it.
Isaac Moore
getting souls and items to drop in dawn is a pain in the ass. in bloodstained they drop much more oftein, especially with high lck, which makes it infinitely better. fuck off, hater
Austin Baker
I didn't even buff it. I'm using Assassin Rings which you can get on the train. Get Augment Luck for crit and watch the numbers flow.
Joshua Long
Is there any point to start NG+ on hard or nightmare?
I am complaining about the fact that when something he pays for does not work, that he just gets told to suck it up and just bandaid the problem. He is complaining about the game crashing on him multiple times and then people just tell him to suck it up and save more often, when that is not the actual issue. Not saving might worsen the problem, but the problem shouldn't be an issue to begin with. And he clearly isn't the only one to have that problem. Calling him a zoomer, because he complains about his game crashing is just bizarre to me.
Grayson Thomas
I played this shit from start to finish, unlocked every achievement and didn't have a single crash. Literally git gud you fucking retards.
Leo Ross
Proof you can beat them without being hit.
Sebastian Foster
I just finished the game and I don't understand how Curse the Moon is the prequel, Zangetsu acts as if he never meet Miriam before.
Other than that, game's alright. I think that Curse of the Moon is a better better game overall, but this isn't half bad. Maybe we can get a 2D game in the future? I don't think the 3D models made the characters justice.
That would be a nice challenge to try next. Thanks user.
Jose Taylor
Everyone forgets wheelbro
Dylan Phillips
What a weird game. The game just abruptly ends so fast. One second i find a new area and explore and the next thing im at the final boss and beat the game. I only have 6 hours on the in game clock.
Henry Jackson
>unreal ah, so that's why it looks like a piece of hot turd
Lucas Nguyen
Curse became a stand-alone game instead of a prequel. It's story has nothing to do with Ritual of the Night.
Isaac Harris
You probably went with the bad end.
Did you even reach the underwater area or kill the blood girl?
Brandon Evans
Can't wait to play this game again with different weapons. Need to try boots only and ranged weapons next.
Cameron Peterson
> SO2 crashing
You reminded me of how we would prop up our PlayStations and point fans at them to try and cool them down. We were teenagers and had learned that PCs crash when they're hot, and SO2 would crash, so in our minds the solution was cooling the PSX. It never really helped.
Logan Johnson
Book is the only choice, if you take anything else you are retarded.
Liam Flores
In 26 hours of play, during which I completed most tasks (100% map, 100% monsters, working on shards), I've had:
>2 fuck ups during the train sequence. One where Zangetsu broke and didn't pull the cover off the boss, so the boss couldn't die, and one where I didn't spawn into the boss arena with Zangetsu, so I couldn't do anything and time ran out. >one incident where the screen went black when I went to one part of the clocktower area, I could still go to other areas, but this one spot was just blacked out, this happened as I was running back and forth like crazy to spawn and kill an enemy for it's drops >not sure if this is a bug, but the ZA WARUDO shard doesn't seem to work properly on some bosses? I don't know if it doesn't effect some bosses, or can only affect them during some moves, or what
And thats it. It's got some bugs obviously, but by and large it plays fine. Playing on PC of course, no filthy console peasantry here.
Elijah Gutierrez
guns would be fun if they were aimable but I heard the last gun has tracking shots anyway
Asher Ward
No, we are calling you guys zoomers because you are zoomers. Glitches aren't a new thing. Saving often is a good practice for multiple reasons. If he isn't doing that, then he is causing additional problems. Non-zoomers know well enough that manual saves means save often.
>he clearly isn't the only one to have that problem Well then there are three courses of action. Either get rid of the game, wait for a fix, or power through it. If he wants it fixed, then how is complaining to other people on a random website getting that done? No, he is looking to blame someone for a problem he helped create and get a bunch of people to pat him on the back for his suffering. That is also another Zoomer trait along with being impatient. You have hit 3 big traits for zoomers and ask why that is being brought up?
Tyler Thompson
Honestly curious how much better or worse the game would look if it was modded to look like A
Isaac Fisher
reminds me of setting my ps1 upright against the wall because some kid heard from another kid that that worked
Matthew Price
Wyatt Nguyen
Lemons drop from the harpies outside the hub area. Black pepper is only found in blue chests in the laboratory after the train, Miso and Onions Sauce are only found in blue chests in the Oriental area.
Hudson Brooks
Games play best on xbox one x
Zachary Smith
guns are fun because they're outrageously powerful and you need a basic movement pattern in order to get the most firing out of them in any individual time of frame that, once learned, absolutely obliterates all enemies.
The second you get the gunslinger hat you can just put away other weapons entirely and use the infinite ammo
Grayson Perez
Meanwhile I'm on my 5th playthrough on the first GoG version (1.03) and have yet to encounter a glitch worse than >loot bags getting stuck mid-air but you still get the loot if you wait >sometimes can't jump out of water, using Aqua Jet or being hit fixes the issue >overkilling some bosses with scripted evets like Glutton Train or Valac renders them unkillable
>Glitches aren't a new thing It isn't a new thing, but there is a difference between just fucking around with it like missingno for example where you actively are trying to break the game and glitches that just fuck you over by just trying to break the game. But whatever keep eating that shit.
He means Buer. He's a shard drop from the Buer Carriage.
Kevin Gutierrez
I've played for a hundred hours already dunno what everyone is complaining about. Just crashed 3 or 4 times on books and getting hit with a status effect at the same time as a boss kill kept me locked in the room. Some menus froze the game, etc. Small stuff, shouldn't expect the game to be perfect on launch from indie devs. It's 2019 you should know by now to save constantly so you don't lose your progress. If you crash, that's entirely on you honestly.
>but there is a difference >missingno >bringing up an old video game glitch that can potentially ruin your save data You are right user, there is a difference. You are complaining about a game crashing glitch while there are glitches out there that go as far as ruin your save data, or even glitches that ruin your hardware. Hmm...
Michael Miller
oh yeah... Did forget about him.
Lincoln Baker
You don't even have to wait. If you zone into the next room, all the stuck items immediately collect.
Jose Jenkins
You wait. Then the bag opens. Upgrading Private Eye (dropped from Seeker enemy) to rank 9 will also give the permanent effect on opening bags when they hit the ground, with no physical contact necessary.
Lucas Stewart
All of these things turn on it's head in hard and especially in Nightmare Dullahan head can be farmed to grade 9 before the first boss on Hard and do more damage than you 3/5ths of the way into Nightmare unless you're using a gun and have farmed up enough ammo. Knight becomes useless Fairy sucks shit except for how easy it is to grind elixirs versus crafting better potions. Sword can't level up and is therefore shit forever And Book exists to aid in your gun killing with it's 1.5x damage enhancement at grade 9 Buer becomes comically useful when you land an air kick and he rolled on top of a bosses head, killing them instantly.
Using anything other than Dullahan for Nightmare is the actual retarded shit.
Levi Gonzalez
That's from the upgraded version, I'm talking GoG 1.03, where it works by just waiting a few seonds.
Nathan Sanchez
>Playing on console Your own damn fault
James Barnes
Yes, I'm aware. In Dawn the different effects were both included in upgrading the soul.
Aaron Brown
>Sword can't level up and is therefore shit forever weird, my silver knight kept leveling up during my nightmare playthrough, even though I obviously didn't. What would keep swordbro from leveling without me?
Nathan Johnson
>he thinks 5 million is enough for a AAA game
Camden Martinez
>Kill some random cat rabbit thing >Get a fire pillar shard on my first try Is this thing any good or do I keep spamming Flame Cannon/True Arrow or my boots as usual?
Julian Diaz
That shouldn't happen. Familiars don't get experience either. You've just run into some weird ass bug
Andrew Hughes
>Not breaking down and crafting back items to register them in the item shop so that the only thing that you need to do is farm money I saved tons of hours doing that, all I do is buy weapons and dismantle them instead of going around collecting shit.
Grayson Carter
It's like 20 mp, clears entire rooms when you upgrade the grade, and does the most damage out of everything you can do early on. If you can get it to lvl 4 by using a few rubies, than you've basically beat the game if playing on normal.
Luke Lee
Yes glitches come in all shapes and forms, but you should at the very least not encounter gamecrashing glitches multiple times by just trying to play the game. But like I said keep eating at that shit. I hope you enjoy your buggy mess
Maybe I misremember. The knight still kept his stats from previous playthoughs, though. Of that much I am certain. So you can still use Swordbro to your advantage on Nightmare, unless you want to go in dry and actually start from scratch.
Benjamin Evans
>unless you want to go in dry and actually start from scratch. That's where most of the fun comes from.
Elijah Adams
Let me tell you how excited was to learn that Awake FINALLY got an official remix in Smash Ultimate. I was over the Circle of the moon.
Can we agree on that CotM had a high quality soundtrack utterly hobbled by the instrumentation? I'm still waiting on someone to remake it using the same samples but uncompressed.
Ian Taylor
I'm kinda disappointed that the library area doesn't use an arranged version of Defiler of Taboos youtube.com/watch?v=s_jvu37L8Pc
I'm not, Bibliotheca both fits better and is better for a zone like that.
Dominic Cox
>get poisoned >oh i can probably wait this out >die
Isaiah Sanders
Does something actually happen to you if you collect a lot of shards?
Does Gerbel change what he says to you if you dont have many shards?
I've farmed a few to 9 (like the sword expert one and bats) but Ive always been wondering if my character is just going to blow up.
I see her back rose has lit up.
James Walker
>slightly graze my leg against a tiny toad >instantly poisoned forever
Oliver Cox
>get augment gold >money starts rolling in >lvl it up fully >more money >craft anything once >after that buy it at the shop instead of crafting again >if an ingredient is rare and you spent it buy the dish and dismantle it
There. Now stop bitching and moaning about farming ingredients that are only from chests. The game is so easily exploitable you got no excuse.
I reckon that makes it one of Virt's creations. Also, there's three 8bit compositions on the soundtrack that play nowhere in the game, can't wait to see what they'll use them on in the DLC. Sinister Sign youtube.com/watch?v=5lCoP4YxEmY
(Anyone else noticed that a lot of the tracks on the official soundtrack don't fade out properly and just cut out? Bit of a bummer, that.)
Brandon Brown
how long is poison supposed to last? I swear one time I got poisoned and it seemed to stop after like 2 ticks of damage
Ian Hughes
>Does something actually happen to you if you collect a lot of shards? >Does Gerbel change what he says to you if you dont have many shards? >I've farmed a few to 9 (like the sword expert one and bats) but Ive always been wondering if my character is just going to blow up. >I see her back rose has lit up. Nope to all of this. That's just Dominique scaremongering for her own gain. I sold off all my shards before the final boss on hard. Changed nothing.
Or maybe it's just idiots who never put two and two together and can't figure out how to manipulate the system.
Idiots like me. I've never actually complain about this, but that's something I noticed, just never thought about. thx
Sebastian Lewis
Th real question is does actually anything happens with the Barber guy if you use styling 666 times
Julian Perry
are you pirating the game ?
Matthew Rodriguez
Yeah I have sold 0 shards to her because I knew immediately she was a baddie.
Figured it out on the underground lab. I'm now trying to figure out how to get past the Gerbel fight, I'm guessing this is more or less like Symphony of the Night where he is being possessed and I have to kill that.
Parker Jackson
Liam Nelson
How do you level it up, you need Gold and to assembly gold you need like 50 Dark Matter and 20 Mercury And no one drops it until the very end. LIke VERY end
Kayden Stewart
Levi Garcia
>game crashes on consoles Play it on PC you fucking dweeb.
Christian Myers
I bet 100$ bucks you actually dont know that and talk out of your ass, wanna bet? You ASSUME nothing will happen but you DONT know.
Little faggot.
Cooper Martin
I've asked myself that, too. Seeing as a glitch can sometimes render Miriam headless with stuff sticking out of her neck until you restart the game, I kind of wish that he actually cuts your head off when you swap haistyles for the 667th time.
>Whoops, turns out I wasn't cursed at all, what was the word? Lying. I was lying. Snip snip, something off the top for you.
Anthony Brooks
prepare dark matter and buy more from the shop mercury is already sold from the shop
Liam Gonzalez
It sometimes crashes on PC too.
Ryan Lopez
You need to obtain Zangetsu's blade and read its description, and all will reveal itself.
Kill horses in the cave area, get the weapon they drop and dismantle it, you get 1 gold material for each one.
Jayden Williams
some guy already tried it 666 times don't reply to me ever again stupid italian faggot
Mason Young
So who is the third playable character?
Anthony Myers
>prepare dark matter and buy more from the shop >mercury is already sold from the shop You need tons of munny or that dawg
I also at the end of a game and dont have ability to prepare Dark Matter still wtf
Brody Cox
Data-miners claim it's Dominique.
Jace Green
It was 666 times with 666 kills user!
Mason Cox
Yeah, but just use cheat engine to edit in what you lost.
Alexander Thompson
Glad we moved away from using the fucking DS soundchip
Angel Allen
How the fuck do you get a flame circlet?
Chase Garcia
No he didnt, stop lying you little piece of shit. >making shit up so he """""""""""won't lose an argument"""""""""""" What a massive faglord. Embarrassing.
Matthew Moore
that's weird I feel like I got dark matter something like halfway through the game
Owen White
>Over 80 kills >Didn't get all the drops >Stacked luck
buy a circlet in the shop and craft it into a flame circlet
Gabriel Jenkins
No prob. Glad to inform. Augment Gold literally opens the gates to breaking the game entirely so much its not even funny. I'm going into NG+ hard and I'm not even feeling it because I've already crafted 90% of the best weapons and eaten almost everything.
>gold needs 50 mercury, 10 dark matter exactly >grind like hell or sell a bunch of stuff you can make again afterwards and craft one if you already spent the one given in a chest somewhere >make the skill >equip it And then the hard part is over. Once that skill is equipped you'll make what you spent in approximately 30 secs. In about an hour of you going back and forth smashing candles and getting a shitton of money, you'll have augment gold prepped fully. Then you can just go strolling looking for shards, smashing candles along the way and when you're back, you'll be loaded again.
>dont have ability to prepare Dark Matter still wtf Go kill giant rats, when you get rats tail the item will show up in craftables.
Owen Torres
This kind of shit is really retarded. The old hag that begs you for food wants for the 5th quest an item you can only prepare after you get Fiend Beef which only attainable from Final Area. Literally 70% of the quests are locked until end of the game and at that point everything she gives you worth hack shit.
Same with this Flame Circlet.
Bentley Martin
But to stop Gebel and the evil forces of hell, she'll need your help. Just send her your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and expiration date. Be quick though, or Gebel will get all the shards before she does.
Well duh, but still, all these items are literally pointless filler which otherwise could be useful if they actually had decent playtesters who would told them their quest system sucks ass.
Zachary Martin
>those boots What a fucking manlet.
Cameron Martinez
I don't know what you're complainign about. If you played Igavaninas before, you'd known about this and accepted it. It's part of the appeal.
Nicholas Perez
>Kill bat hanging on the ceiling >Loot gets stuck >Even when I have double jump I can't get the item Who the fuck were the QAs in this and why are they still in business?
Easton Cruz
They tower over Miriam even though you only see them hunched over. He's not a manlet, he's mogging intentionally.
Just wait a few seconds (un-upgraded version) or exit the room (current version) and you get the loot anyway.
Parker Walker
If you never sell shards to Dom, one of her lines before the final fight gets deleted, but gameplay wise there's no change
Michael Bell
It happens, but you still get the item regardless. Just bare with the pain of not being able to collect it by walking into it.
Hunter Lopez
The pain that never goes away when you upgrade Private Eye to rank 9! It opens up all your presents for you!
Gavin Bell
No you don't, actually. You will get it automatically after a period of time and ONLY if you were in some proximity to loot (i.e. at leats tried to reach it). I tested it.
Samuel Green
where do you see what version of the game you're running I'm on PC but items don't get picked up when I leave the room
Jaxon Ross
I just grinded a Dark Elemental for Diamonds and Dark Matter. I know you are wrong and probably retarded. Or did you pirate it and are now complaining about things fixed in an update?
Fuck off cunt I started to test the loot system pick up after I got Detective Eye and for some reason some of the loot wouldnt get picked up even though it was in radius. Then I learned how broken it is. You seems to be completely autistic and incapable o observing simple behavior. Listen to the adults, kid.
Isaac Lopez
Sure, but then rule 1 applies, you get it anyway if you wait (unpatched) or leave the room (patched). Patience, grasshopper.
Austin Cooper
Well. That was unexpected. Now we know where they got the Army of the Night idea from.
Kevin Price
I don't hear it
Ian Rodriguez
It sounds like Galleon Minerva/Voyage of Promise
Bentley Adams
>of course the guy with the glorious blonde hair couldn't preserve it I feel your pain bro.
Someone needs to remake that video with Bloodstained characters. The guy in the bathtub obviously has to be Bloodless.
Dylan Perez
Why were songs in that era so gay? It's like that one with David Bowie and Jick Magger.
Gabriel Carter
How fucking retarded are you? Lets take a look. First picture, item is stuck in the wall, I can't get it. But look, I go to the farthest away exit possible, leave the room, and what pops up as having been obtained? I will take my apology in the form of flowers sent to my home, thank you sir.
>But look, I go to the farthest away exit possible, leave the room, and what pops up as having been obtained? That's not why it happened retard. Take a look at your screenshot, you were in very close proximity of the loot. Because it got stuck and BECAUSE of the aforementioned condition - it will be automatically picked up after some time. That time expired exactly as you reached one of the room's exists and liek a dumb autistic retard you thought "wow, so it auto pickups if I leave!". Basic primitive pavlov effect: bulb lights up - give food.
The radius doesn't matter for Private Eye to pick it up. The radius just shows the area of effect where breakable walls are highlighted.
Wyatt Cook
user, it is exactly as I and Flowers for user wrote. >Ver 1.03 - wait a few seconds for the bag to open automatically >anything after that, leave the room and you get it.
But it does, that's the thing. I tested it in the Oriental Lab with the blue fairies. When you kill them inside the tile with Lighting Shard from far away the loot gets stuck inside the tile. Now, if you continue moving until it disappears from screen WITHOUT even trying to get close to it (i.e. it was already at the edge of your screen) and then wait exactly the time it takes for auto-pickup to kick in - you will notice nothing will be picked up and when you get back to the loot bag it has disappeared already. I noticed that behavior when I was farming in that area. Detective Eye does not matter for that, btw, same happens without it. Shit made jack sense but I learned to always get as close to the bag as possible so the auto pickup will kick in and after that never had any issues, even though this workaround was pain in the ass.
Fucking IGA hack.
Noah Flores
Are you fucking retarded? Like really? I did it multiple times to try to get the farthest away stuck item I could. But every single time I get the item just a soon as I leave the area. That is a highly variable timer you got there.
>Detective Eye does not matter for that, btw, same happens without it.
I know. Detective Eye picks up anything that manages to hit the floor. The automatic timer takes care of anything that gets stuck. Without Detective Eye, you need to make contact with anything that made it to the floor.
Elijah Johnson
I want it to work with a non-Xbox gamepad.
David Wilson
But the fairy is a set and forget pet that uses potions for you. Its literally the best pet. Pets attack once like every 30 seconds and 99% of the time they miss and you've killed everything anyways. Having an auto potion pet is the way to go.
Dominic Thomas
No, but you can upgrade it and go faster.
Angel Nelson
Yes. Just go back and beat the ninja in the race and make him solve sudoku until you have enough.
Eli Johnson
>made it to the floor. >the loot gets stuck inside the tile
Silver Knight can block and cancel out attacks like the inferno the 8bit Overlord has you jump through and can pummel enemies to death AND clear the screen with pillars of holy light.
Elijah Brown
that's unfortunate
Gavin Hernandez
LOL, and when I was thinking the game was to easy I tried to take on the carpenter optional boss. What a load of bullshit
Jaxson Collins
>Auto-potion pet that wastes potions the moment you fall to low HP. >Can only use special potions and not any of your own curatives, which requires farming or buying to maintain.
Benjamin Ward
>99.90% map completion i hate myself
Parker Johnson
If it gets stuck, all you need to do is wait. Or, in later versions, walk out of the room.
Camden Cox
Which one do I buy to use with this game?
Chase Foster
360 Gamepad.
Jackson Bailey
>Sword if you want to train a weapon to use later Absolutely pointless. Your sword damage only increases with familiar level. By the time I hit lvl 10 I had weapon that was 2x as powerful. For shit and giggles I decided to never remove the Sword Familiar and see what best I can do. Now, my weapon does 80 damage and Bloodbringer stuck at 40.
it's a meme.
Gavin Powell
DS4 or x-shit or try x360ce tool
Luke Robinson
So not even joking. All endgame gear, even have my augment LCK at grade 9 and made passive. Using plunderer's ring and every piece of gear that boosts luck.
But this is how my luck also works in real life so it's not so surprising to me.
Nathaniel Roberts
post map
John Wright
> tfw got like 27 Shinobi garb drops
Brandon Long
>you can download the Steamlink app to any phone or tablet >laying in bed at ~2am and decide to use it >grab controller and playing Bloodstained in bed >Go to Johannes >he says "Oh my! Staying up late, are we?"
Happened to me too, but at least I saved every time it was convenient and only lost 5 minutes tops. Why wouldn't you save in over an hour?
Hunter Flores
Reminder from Dominique to make sure you're selling her whatever shards you can to ensure they're being disposed of properly. You can trust her, after all.
It's potions are far far far easier to farm and their drop rate is really high for how much health they heal and require. Panacea is kind of worthless to make for it but it's potions are great. Especially in Nightmare where you actually need to use the things.
In Nightmare, all you need to do is cook/buy food from Dominique and Johannes. You can have 99 of each dish.
Jace Barnes
Do you really expect/v/ to get a sweeney todd I even posted a picture of todd howard as sweeney and got nothing
Lincoln Gonzalez
>sweeney todd I understood that the game madereference to Sweeny Todd Scissor Hands but I thought user here was making Jack The Ripper reference (hence London)
Jose Hill
Do you expect us to acknowledge the obvious reference? Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd. His hair was wild, his eye was odd. He shaved the necks of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard of again.
Mason Thompson
>Sweeny Todd Scissor Hands Two different characters, though both played by Johnny Depp. Have a listen to the musical some day. Christopher Benjamin is excellent as Turpin.
You must be a third worlder who still uses Windows 7 or earlier. That's the cause of the vast majority of crashes, and as recently as Ys 8, people with ancient OS' like that review bombed the game because it required Windows 10 not to crash.
Jace Nguyen
How does the Pickpocket passive work?
Charles Nelson
When you hit an enemy sometimes you get a notification that you picked up gold.
Gavin Long
Windows 10 is objectively shit, though. So much bloatware and unnecessary shit, plus it has privacy problems. I wish I'm not retarded enough to use Linux but I fucking hated using Mint and figuring out work arounds for every single thing
Hunter Richardson
anyone got info on what's the last crafting material i'm missing? it's between sword fragment and monster bird tear in the item archive.
i'm also guessing you fill in the remaining 16% of weapons with the 8 bit coin ones.
do you lose all your progress when you start a new difficulty? fuck grinding shards and upgrade mats
Luis Morales
Absolutely not >mechanical humunculus in a fish-out-of-water-setting trying to avoid harming anyone with his hands made of scissors, finds true love but retreats into solitude at the end and instead makes it snow for the townspeople who drove him away vs >regular guy unjustly sentenced and shipped off to slave colonies by a jealous competitor returns years later on a quest for revenge which gets all out of hand, even costing the person he was doing all of this for her life, leading to him killing off his manipulative assistant before committing sudoku
Chase Lopez
I have seen neither scissorhands or sweeny todd but I'm fairly certain sweeny todd is a killer and edward is not.
Colton Reyes
You're missing chair remnants
Anthony Adams
It’s all hot topic faggot shit anyway lol
Thomas Johnson
Hold left trigger and you keep everything except progress related shards. Once you eventually reclaim them, you'll receive them on the rank and level you left them at in your previous playthrough. Nightmare works the same, but you're locked into LVL1. All stat buffs come from food, accessories and Max Up items you find.
Gavin Morris
The musical is not. It's not to blame for Tim Burton applying his signature style to its adaptation.
Tyler Perry
oh shit, nightmare sounds brutal then you get one shotted all the time?
Evan Rodriguez
>fuck grinding shards and upgrade mats Agreed. If we have to fuck with rank I think grade should be eliminated. Also Glyph system > soul/shard system
James Barnes
No you don't, but environmental hazards hurt like a bitch. Everything went swimmingly up until Gremory, at which point I farmed gold after beating Valefar (never do that before beating him as he will heal up with all the money you're carrying, leading to a boss fight with several 100k HP) and simply bought an obscene amount of food from Dominique.
Lincoln Clark
one more weapon and i'm done. anyone got an idea what's between bloodbringer and mace? it doesn't seem to be craftable.
Thomas Turner
oh look, its another "enemy that never gets in a position that a spear can hit it episode".
Jordan Peterson
I'm confused about this but are the 3 dlc characters separate from Zangetsu or are they 3 different characters
Ethan Jackson
>Miriam >Zangetsu >???
Dylan Rogers
So far, I've had the graphics white out due to Steam being a fucking cunt and a glitch where the twin dragons performed a lunging bite which pushed me down a level. I was able to run back up and end up behind the right dragon, thus being able to twat him to death without taking any additional damage. Those are the only major glitches I've had so far.
Cooper Edwards
Invert. Shit all over him.
Brayden Cooper
Did I miss something? I'm stuck at the Twin Towers/Train place with seemingly nowhere to go.
Levi Bennett
>none of the hairstyles have straight bangs lame
Aiden Wilson
Reading that thread is disgusting and it reminds me of the white knights on the Bless Online Steam forums during the launch. We all know how that game is doing now.
Andrew Turner
Got the silver bromide? Visit OD and Dominique.
Dominic Baker
>Silver Bromide Nope. I tried going up the tower with no luck (some gear thing that won't turn and an elevator that i can't move) and when I go across by the train, its locked.
Caleb Walker
go here to get double jump, then you go through the tower
do I keep accelerator if I start NG+? probably won't bother otherwise
Camden Thompson
yes. you keep accellerator
Austin Nguyen
Yes. The only thing you lose are progression based shards, and even those remain at whatever level you boosted them to when you get them back. Accel isn't a progression based shard, so you keep it.
Blake Ortiz
They're saying the third is Dominique.
Brody Watson
OK, a couple questions?
where do you get Gold to be able to craft the Augment Gold shard?
Where do you get the 'Dragon's Wrath' to Rank up the Augment Luck shard?
Where do you find Orichalcum and Imbrued fangs?
James Hughes
>couple that was three now prepare to meet your demise
Joseph Sanchez
>where do you get Gold to be able to craft the Augment Gold shard? Sandland >Where do you get the 'Dragon's Wrath' to Rank up the Augment Luck shard? Either the green or the black dragons. Think it's the black one. Endgame area only for the black one. >Where do you find Orichalcum and Imbrued fangs? Iceland for the ori, fangs come from one of the door bosses. It has a shit drop rate and all of the door bosses have 6666HP so good luck.
Aiden Garcia
when does the game get dark souls hard? ever since I got the bunny outfit everything is a cakewalk
Juan Cook
A lot of people say that but nobody has shown a screen shot of the datamine. Same with people saying it's Bloodless and Gebel.
Sebastian Sullivan
Motherfuckers, they want you to be able to BEAT the true final boss to be able to craft the True NotCrissaegrim!
Benjamin White
Can someone post the best spear in the game? I need to see it
David Robinson
>some gear thing that won't turn Hold your hand up to it.
Julian Kelly
isn't there literally a bookshelf next to it repeating the instructions about aiming your hand at certain objects
Oliver Perry
should I get 100% on normal? or wait till nightmare to get 100% everything?
Justin Wilson
>Imbrued fangs? Millionaire's Bane. Apparently I was mad lucky to get both it and Rotten Rood first try? Was stunned to see their drop rates at 12% in the bestiary.
Asher Jones
Yeah. Also in the mechanical library.
Landon Carter
The game is average at best, won't compare weith the originals. But you faggots eat everything up because uguu pretty girl
Josiah Morris
Yeah. Also in the mechanical library. Everything but map completion stays at the peecentage you left it at in an NG+. So if you're planning on doing a Nightmare run, 100% it on normal will only help you by showing a paler map underneath one you need to fully rediscover anyway.
Brayden Rodriguez
and lemme guess, the Millionaire Key is at an endgame location, probably before the final boss or something. am i right?
Blake Brown
>and lemme guess, the Millionaire Key is at an endgame location, probably before the final boss or something. am i right? yeah you find a bunch of those keys in the last zone, including the millionaire key
Jack Parker
with nightmare you are locked to level 1, so you have less luck, which makes it harder to grind items
>on consoles Yeah, difference between PC and console with this game is the difference between "must play" and "avoid".
Jayden Watson
It's like not stopping for gas when you're close to "E". Anyone with half a brain should expect a crash on newer games at some point. Most are barely even finished if you're lucky. That;s why I pirate now. Bought for many years and just couldn't support this garbage anymore.
Nicholas Diaz
go all the way outside first you might even see a completely empty suspicious looking area then invert
>game is really good, but also notoriously glitchy >disregards this and goes for an entire hour without saving I mean, it is kinda on you for not saving. >Yeah just save often for a crash while saving and losing everything As far as I've seen this has never happened, however several people have reported that bookshelves crashed the game for them. I make sure to save first before reading the books that are right outside of save rooms, especially since I'm playing through version 1.00, because I don't want to deal with every chest for the rest of the game being empty due to me using a 1.00 save in version 1.02.
Wyatt Martinez
Why are you still in 1.02?
Nathaniel James
The demo had a couple texture and model swaps, so presumably good.