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Shut up faggot

This game really doesn't sit well with me

The brown girl in this game is cute.


>Western Tumblr tier art
>Not cutie anime boys

Hard pass.

That's great, I'm glad your so excited for a game.

gayexplotation game

Why is sexualizing and fetishizing stereotypical men allowed

Isn't that whole game one big ironic joke full of stereotypes created by a lesbian?

Where the fuck is Hatoful Boyfriend? I want to date a Pegion

I guess I shouldn't be too judgmental since I've never played it, but from what I've seen, isn't it just a standard dating sim, but instead of some anime girls, it's some dads instead? It sounds kind of underwhelming.

>ps4 got it 7 months ago
Based sony and microsoft dragging bigoted nintendo into the 21rst century

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when's Katawa Shoujo then?

This will bomb and no one will ever remember it existed. It will live in a tiny niche community of faggots and that’s all.

>I'm the only white person at my niece and nephew's party. I love this. lol
This is a genuinely terrifying way of thinking.

>Why is sexualizing and fetishizing stereotypical men allowed
There're lots of yuri games too.

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>Visual Novel

>man who got fired from sony
>pretending he still works there

>snoys trying to bully Nintenbros for getting what they got first
Not on my watch bro

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How? White people are fucking boring. I live in a 99% white town and it's legit the most boring place of all time.

Please bang my wife when? This game is PERFECT for switch.

it did ok of an indie vn

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>playing visual novels in public

wake me up when they release a game with attractive men

>Jailbaiting is now a videogame
We must dissent.

Why are you so insecure? I bet you would't have any issues with a game about dating moms.

Theres Mortal Kombat

Yeah because it's treated like a fucking hate crime if you say anything bad about it.

If they were pudgy mommy MILFs yeah I would. Not like, 'have a problem with', it's just obviously a fetish game on switch, you know?

Why do they have that self destructive approch of things? does he fe think it's "cool" to be a minority?

I'd rather read that other Switch visual novel where you can date old guys.

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>this is allowed
>tifa’s tits aren’t

Visual novels are fucking gay but as a faggot I did see Ding Dong and Julian’s point that it was a little weird how the widower dad just suddenly likes cock because muh yaoi. I guess i’ll Buy it

He thinks if anyone says they don't like Dream Daddy then sjws will get angry somewhere in the world

what's the point of a visual novel without the porn?

>xcucks thinking anyone gives a shit about them

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Did arin make the art? Its pretty gay.

>FF7 Remake is coming to the switch

How can he say that and not realize how much of an asshole he must sound like to the other guests

there's already a bunch of decent otome VNs on Switch, wasting your money on Dream Daddy is beyond retarded.

What’s the correlation between faggots and video games? Why do they crossboard so hard to Yea Forums? Can’t they keep themselves over on /lgbt/ where they belong?

>Project Scarlett is already set up to absolutely steamroll the PS4.5
Yeah, I'm thinking Snoy's done for

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I would play it if it was about daughters fucking their own dads instead making them gay for another dad

>make game for fags and trannies
>fan makes genderbent art
>they get labeled as transphobic

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all good questions
I would also like to add balding to the list. Why are gamers balding?

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>hey do you play videogames?
>yeah, im a gamer, lol
>omg me too
*sucks dick*
gays are using videogames because they have no personality outside sucking dicks so they use videogame to make themselves look more interesting

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Attached: Nintendo Soyboy.webm (588x638, 2.71M)

One of the "dads" is a ftm tranny so these things are beyond triggered

Dream Daddy had some good writing, can we expect more VNs from them in the future?

lack of vitamin D

b-bros, I thought nintendo was BASED!!

>Why are gamers balding?
Two-thirds of all men will bald.

Ding Dong on OneyPlays criticized the game for being too pandering so Arin (Game Grumps, creators of Dream Daddy) increased their office rent because they recorded their LP's there at Grumps HQ

True. I hope more will get localized in the future aside from the mobile ports published by D3.

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Glad I own a PS4 instead.

Me too and I literally only fuck gay daddies. Gay media is so embarrassing, most of the time they're just cheap pandering.


Genuinely curious as to why this isn't the case. Why is it that whenever there's a gay character in a western game, they are always buff and full of machismo? Not saying those are bad, it's just I'd like some twink rep too.

Because you already have it?


Date Nintendo daddies?

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Was there every any validity to that rumor though? I know Arin's kind of an ass, but I don't want to dislike someone for something they didn't do.

I understand. It is a bit problematic especially for a gaming platform that has primarily children on it. It could also potentially trigger those with parental trauma.

so you could play it 7 months earlier?
absolutely based and progressive as fuck. Fuck nintendo and bigotry

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>2017 GiantBomb Christmas Cast
>tfw their token woman can't stop gushing over this game

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he has the waist of a twink 0/10

Because bara > twinks go diddle yourself

>fetish game
It was literally made by Game Grumps, a group of straight guys, as a joke game.

>be on sadpanda
>check tags
>dad I'd like to fuck
Even fucking fakku apparently added the "ugly bastard" tag but not sadpanda.
Then again sadpanda has got "male: harem" for "gangbang" which shows how spineless they are.

>no porn
What's the point?

yeah im going to have to ask you to delete this

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Bowser dating sim when?

Never thought it was a rumor, just sounds so plausible I didn't doubt it was a fact. DD might have mentioned it on a stream then again he's not one to stir shit because fuck internet drama so who knows. Either way Arin is an insufferable cunt and doesn't know shit about video games.

Didn't Arin have cock swordfights as a joke too?


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Sadpanda is fucking old already.
Nobody uses that anymore

why does nintendo allow this shit

ugh no, we don't want furfags keep shitting the threads

Didn't they localize this shit in Japan and basically no one played it?


>dating Bowser


>a group of straight guys
The vast, vast majority of games are made by straight guys, this is hardly a valid answer.

>tfw I can't grow a full beard but now that I have type O and M balding my cheeks are starting to fill in



Arin is a closet tranny.

I'm a Type M and my brother is a type O+M.

>Couldn't even get the Fujo crowd
How fucking incompetent could these people get?

Have you developed a love for Nintendo titles, consuming breakfast cereal and watching "adult" cartoons

american ugly as shit art, no gargantuan hands on the males.

They couldn't get the Fujo crowd because none of the characters would particularly appeal to a Fujo, they're all big burly bara stereotypes or "normal dudes."

Even housamo has a female following

ironic VNs are a fucking plague

Yea Forums has a very serious obsession with trannies i wonder if they really are secretly considering being trannies.
first they whine about fuirfags and now we have furfags, then complained about faggots and now we have faggots

This would be perfect on the switch!

based if true
Western "yaoi" and male art in general looks so ugly

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Playing as a girl satisifies my urges. I have no need to become a digusting tranny freak IRL.

>I have no need to become a digusting tranny freak IRL.
yes, this is the same ol same ol story, later you'll be wearing stocks "ironically" lmao

From what i heard, they tried doing a booth in a Japanese con and literally no one went to them besides one dude, and he was just a foreign tourist.

>he don't known about the discord trannies

And Yea Forums says it doesn't look for reasons to be angry about stupid shit

>99 percent white
>it legit looks like
First off, anyone with a complexion darker than pearl white would probably be exciting for you little flyover state. Secondly, saying that phrase just makes you sound like a child. Just stop using it now for your own good.

But I agree with the person you're replying to. Its terrifying in the sense anyone would actually look around at a family event and go "you know what? I'm the only white guy! I am so in love with this that I'm even going to tweet it!". I know those images are cherry picked, but he just sounds like a closeted gay man that has chosen sjw nonsense over religion or some other means to mask his real identity. Or hes just your average libcuck. I say this as a left leaning boomer

Because why play a filthy gaijin game with ugly art and no feminine twinks.

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why isnt game grumps on patreon? supermega joined and gained 25000 a month easily. game grumps is much bigger and would get even more without effort.

is it a tax thing?

What's the correlation between breeders and video games? Why do they crossboard so hard on Yea Forums? Can't they keep themselves over on tens of porn boards where they belong?

Or good bara material

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>Haha guys wouldn't it be funny if we made a club where we touch dicks? Just as a gag haha. That would be soooooooooo funny and random XD

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So does Arin have an unironic gay fetish or is it just a coincidence that the first Game Grumps sponsored game is a blatant fujoge?
If it just wasn't for how he has been married with his highschool crush for like forever, I wouldn't really question it.

>tfw type a

YOU will be dating best daddy, right?
too bad he actually doesn't look like this in the game

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