Literally uncounterable

Attached: 300px-Soldier_taunt_laugh.png (300x424, 123K)

*reflect you*

It's simple
Soldier counters soldier

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>a good player ruins any and all fun everyone was having on the server
>only counter is a better player
Guess the class

can't a good pyro just reflect all your shots?

pyro's airblast


sniper lol

Soldier is easy if he's roaming alone. Now, with a pocket medic on the other hand...

you aim your rockets so far ahead in front of them at there feet and away that it's real hard for them to reflect it back without receiving damage themselves. If they do manage then you just pull out your shotgun or just... Jump away to places they can't reach you. Change your timing and play chicken with them also. Reflects become all about prediction more than reaction the closer you are to the Pyro. You also have more health. Pyro has to get close to you or mid-range. You do not have to get close and stay at mid-range.

that'd be fine if the reflect hitbox wasn't fuck huge and broken.

some pyros are just very good at reflecting. At that point its best to put away the boots and banners to keep a shotgun on you. Firing around corners where they can't see you also helps.

hello :)

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I remember a time when people were uncomfortable with fempyro porn

lol just shoot him dummy

Still are, but you do you

This but unironically.
t. 2000 hours on sniper

If god had wanted you to live, he would not have created me

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Having a """""main"""""" in tf2 is the stupidest shit ever. The game isn't so hard that you shouldn't ever be ever to switch classes back and forth whenever you need to. You should be good at all 9 classes. You don't ever need to dedicate yourself to a """"main"""" to be good at that class.

note: having a """""""main""""""" and refusing to stop being a faggot and only play one fuckin class is different from prefer one class to another.

Prove me wrong

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>lay out minefield
>soldiers jump onto them while trying to bomb me

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>next update might be space-themed
Oh, boy, I can't wait for a space cosmetics crate and absolutely nothing else.

have sex weeb poster

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random crits ARE bad

I disagree with most of what he says but you can't deny he makes great videos and convincing arguments

More like it suck when you get hit by them and it's fun when you get them yourself.

yea but only like 3 classes are actually fun.

I'd gladly never get another crit if it meant never getting crit again

it's shit design.
soldier and demo clearly benefit from them more than other classes, since they can wipe an entire point with a single crit pipe/sticky/rocket.

this is a boy dressed as chen isn't it, you absolute degenerate.

Fuck off dane

Attached: vedditonceagainbtfod.png (827x867, 533K)

use huntsman
huntsman counter all
nobody knows why it do, but it do

Soldier is even more unbalanced in roblox tf2

Attached: outplayed.webm (720x406, 2.9M)

if that's the case, I need a source even more than before

I agree with this fellow man of taste

How would I know?
I'm not a degenerate freak like you who apparently has a gaydar and is obviously familiar with boys

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yeah, but what's the source

It's not a boy btw

Attached: 001.jpg (1280x1790, 292K)

Dumb Raphiposter

how do i get the high five taunt without paying money

That guy does draw a lot of trap touhous but even the ones that are girls look mannish it makes my dick uncontrollably hard.

I'm cool with it either way, thanks for the source

*shoots u twice*

this or just kite them with your shotgun

how bad at the game must you all be to think soldier is op

holy fuck I see what you mean
me too what the fuck

soldier is op and that's a good thing

he still won though

He's pretty middle-of-the-road power-wise, Scout, demo, and medic are better than him

Scout can counter him 1v1, otherwise Pyro and Soldier are good counters

The team was top of the league with b4nny in it to begin with

This. In a previous game, one of our Soldiers got a crit rocket on the enemy team that was pushing payload. Everyone on the load died.

>The game isn't so hard that you shouldn't ever be ever to switch classes

Attached: 44b.png (403x293, 102K)

>you aim your rockets so far ahead in front of them
>he walks back


Attached: SolderWhatItsLike.png (808x496, 16K)

Did he really start playing on 2013?

sure the team had b4nny, yomps and habib fraggin the shit out of everyone, but someone had to push the cart

Well yeah, that's what it means

Soldier is the biggest tryhard class. There I said it

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why is this

and which are those

Soldier, demoman and demoknight

That's the ugliest 2hu I've seen

You miss spelled "Scout"
.t Scout Main

Disappointed it's not a boy, huh faggot?

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>that feel when no one steps up to say "nu uh, there is spy"

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Soldier is the only class where the unlock system actually worked as intended and he was also the one that needed it the least.

shit taste

"Homosexuality isnt't right"

Disappointed he gave her a good body but a man face

a little, yeah
reverse traps are fucking hot anyway though

He's too used to draw men

Attached: 001.jpg (1280x1790, 195K)

>next update is not the heavy update
>and they don't know when it will ship

Attached: expected nothing.jpg (561x401, 31K)

That's a man right?
Please tell me no one has this much of a sameface syndrome

It won't ship, and you're retarded if you believe VNN.

Just look at that bulge
What the hell do you think dumbass?

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>That's a man right?
>Visible bulge
> in the name

I don't like staring at cartoon crotches

I wasn't getting my hopes up

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bros I'm sorry, I voted for the pyro update thinking they were going to make him less annoying, bros I'm so so sorry

A godlike Sniper counters literally everyone.

It will ship

>used to be really good at sniper
>stopped playing for a year and half because I had shitty internet
>now I'm rusty as fuck and can barely headshot a heavy

It won't. TF2's already forgotten by Valve.

you were never good, took a year break and can still shoot fucking heavies

shut the FUCK up

another fucking annoying thing about shotgun soldiers is that they'll always fucking win against a pyro outside of flamethrower range even against a shotgun pyro because they have more health to save their pussy ass rocket jump away asses. Fucking reflect 6 rockets but the big HP bitches just fire more because you ran out of ammo and the soldier still has 20 more rockets to spam the floor or a wall with, while he can just keep hiding after you reflect, so skill doesn't matter just have more HP just play soldier LOL rekt he won wow meatshot XD *has a breakdown*

>taking 1000 hours to learn how to rocket jump properly

Valve cant really do anything to heavy without completely breaking the balance of tf2, so I don't know what people expect out of the "heavy update".

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just to add to being cancer, hide behind three sentries with dispensers, use the black box with the stupid buff banner, so you can get infinite minicrits, infinite health, and infinite random crits because your fucking minicrits feed your random crit rate, and if ANYONE comes near, just hide and shoot the floor because the sentries will kill most of the players who can slaughter your sorry ass

user not again
that's a boy isn't it

Here's what I'd like to see.

>snipers and spies can no longer one shot heavies
>heavies are now immune to crits
>natascha now does 100% damage versus scouts, while slowing them still
>tiny baby man now only has 100 HP because he's annoying and girly
>spy is coward who also only has 100 HP
>Tf2 theme song is replaced by russian national anthem

You can't break the balance if the shitty weapons you make are optional


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His arsenal needs a rework.

I always feel like an angry retard when I play heavy, like I've given up trying to play fair and just want to kill the fag dominating me

>guy gets votekicked/leaves the server
>suddenly, everyone doesn't take the game that serious and is actually enjoying it
fuck tryhards

>you need you force yourself to a shitty class in order to counter Soldier

Pyro doesn't counter soldier anyway