"Oh yeah, that happened."

"Oh yeah, that happened."

Attached: 91N3CGTG52L._SL1500_.jpg (1263x1500, 238K)

"Yeah and it was pretty good"

Pleb filter: the video game.

I still haven't played it, so I can't judge the quality, but by god is this game's development cycle fucking insane

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely good games that nobody ever talks about. But wasn't this pretty heavily hyped? How come it just disappeared with no fanfare?

It wasn't that hyped, it was just always fucking in development so lots of people knew about it just because it got so many articles.

A good game, an excellent experience.

Maybe because it was supposed to release on the PS3 but then became an early PS4 title. Probably fucked over everyone who wanted to play it but isn't an early adopter.

Yeah and it was one of the best games I've ever played. Bawled my eyes out when I had to tell trico to go away

It was an alright game. I think the devs wanted it to be remembered the way shadow of the colossus and Ico are but it doesn't really pull that off.

wrong pic op

Attached: fail.jpg (600x817, 107K)

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I liked it quite a bit. Looking forward to the next Ueda game.


The Last Guardian was supposed to be the flagship of Sony for the PS4 instead of Bloodborne but it bombed hard, even the SotC remake is more popular
I liked for one playthrough but it's obviously a cinematic game

this or bloodborne is the game of the generation

hopefully one of the youtube people makes an "in retrospect" sort of video on it and people realise how good it was

Is he making another? I thought TLG flopping after its insane development time killed any chance of that.

>the bad game design was intentional so it's good game design

they were actually hiring not too long ago and the game still managed to sell above 1 million afaik
it's a great emotional movie, that's all I can say about it

What bad game design specifically?

Awkward and often frustrating Trico AI

Communism tottaly works!: the game

The brain power of capitalists, everyone.

>The Last Guardian was supposed to be the flagship of Sony for the PS4

no it fucking wasnt. they barely advertised the game. i've seen a million days gone tv ads watching espn than i ever did for TLG when it was new.

There's already some promotional art out there

Attached: file.png (690x376, 62K)

Glad to see he's going back to waifus. The Last Guardian was a complete sausagefest.

>Bro what if made an escort mission into a whole game wouldn't that be cool


How did anyone ever have issues with Trico?

>The Last Guardian was supposed to be the flagship of Sony for the PS4
It was supposed to be the flagship of the PS3.

There was a TLG poster in a movie
The hype for TLG was on a long period of time too, it came out like a decade after its first announcement

And let's be honest no one on Yea Forums considers Days Gone a game worth buying a PS4 for

Attached: 94668-1532336916[1].jpg (640x360, 32K)

No one considers Days Gone a game worth buying, really.

That doesn't seem to be the case. People love zombies. For some reason.

Eh? I thought it flopped.

Game was fucking great though

I'll have to try it on PC now that the master race has access to all games in the universe now.

it sold incredibly well, barely behind MK11 in the US

Oh that's funny, people kept telling me MK11 flopped because of the costumes or some dumb shit like that. I guess Yea Forums is always wrong, huh?

Huh? How can PC play PS4 games?

MK didn't flop at all. It did get early pricecuts but it still made its money back. Unsurprisingly, most people who buy MK didn't even know the titties were gone.

it should've flipped because of the krypt but no one on Yea Forums decided to shitpost about that