Why did you tell me this game is bad?
Why did you tell me this game is bad?
I don't remember telling you that
Why did you believe me?
not all people were saying this game is bad, but you're on Yea Forums, the shithole with awful opinions, just dont listen to this board.
i think the game is great
I didn't.
>Yuri goes off the deep end in Turf Wars because they want to set up Wraith.
>actually listening and believing anons on Yea Forums
You have yourself to blame for that
because it is
It's not bad. Story is fantastic, gameplay is just decent. Visuals are great and music kinda gets the job done.
Because Yea Forums is mostly manchildren with hate-boners for Sony.
Mary-Jane is cute! CUTE!
go away shitposter
Last year I was dumb and bought it in pre-order but I didn't buy the extra DLCs.
Why are they 33 bucks on PSN? I doubt their worth that much money for maybe a 5 hours of gameplay?
No one told you that except for assmad Xboners. However, beyond the swinging, graphics, and story it also is not the best game of last year either since the combat and stealth are just a poor, inferior ripoff of Batman.
Now that that's outta the way, it's time to talk about the game. The way suits and suit mods are handled in this game is so excellent. Use whatever outfit you want asthetically and then mix and match the powers to cusztomize how you see fit without gimping yourself because you picked the "wrong" outfit. FF was my number 1 pick before this game launched and I will use this suit for the entire playthrough. Doesnt come with any mods but I can still equip some onto it. I think this is how costumes/skins with bonuses should always be handled. In BOTW I visually love using Majoras Mask, but the abilitiy is too powerful and in many circumstances makes many encounters a joke. Do you guys agree?
The DLC's fucking suck, not worth your time or money at all. They actually made me start to dislike the game since the combat encounters become unreasonably difficult (new gimmicky enemy types that are OP), they have way shittier side content (Screwball challenges are fucking awful and make the Taskmaster ones look fun by comparison), and the story is boring as hell. Unless you think Hammerhead is a cool villain, the only thing about the DLC's worth a shit are the extra suits but you have to 100% complete each DLC to unlock them so it's a double edged sword.
Story is garbage though. MJ and Miles sections were the worst part of it.
She could be much CUTER if it wasn't for the manjaw.
I'm playing it right now, just getting through the Demons and I realize that the game feels exactly like the early 2000s spiderman movies, and I don't really care as much about those
Yeah. Wearing the based 2099 suit with the Iron Spider arms was always neat.
I have no idea who is Hammerhead.
wtf Insomniac
I might be crazy but I actually enjoyed those segments.
And the actual story was amazing. As someone who's been a fan of the franchise for over 20 years their take on Otto was insanely refreshing and probably my favorite portrayal of the character yet.
>New York City, especially Greenwich Village
>NOT having at least a few pride flags
Just be happy cops are portrayed as unambiguously holy and good instead of as evil fascist racists.
Honestly your fault. When Yea Forums's main topic of discussion was posting the same picture of blurry glass and autisticly analyzing the web swinging mechanics you should have known something was up.
No one did. Game is fun, it was just Nintendo fans shitposting and spamming that the reflections didnt work on sky scrappers properly, despite playing games that constantly look like shit.
Thats basically what this board is.
>non Nintendo game comes out
>flaws grossly exaggerated and spammed on the board months before release
>games comes out, everyone loves it, spam continues to temper excitement like saying its a movie game etc.
>move onto next game
I didn't know they brought in Raimi to direct a few scenes
Because I couldnt play it
Whats Nintendo?
is there a quick gadget button i can use for my abilities or do i gotta bring up the gadget wheel everytime and switch?
A cult
It's just like writing e-mail
>Yuri officially accepts her dark side and says her goodbyes to Spider-Man
>in a missable phone call
>in a DLC
>3 months after the game came out
Why did they do this? You barely get to see her throughout the whole DLC. But, they couldn't even bother to have them meet in a cutscene to have this conversation?
Can you guys explain to me why was Peter surprised about Doc knowing his Identity? Because I got a cutscene that showed him finding out early on in the game and being cool with it, so how come they act as if it never happened? Is it some sort of secret cutscene?
Wait until they're on sale if you want to get them, they just were during E3. So far Turf Wars the one before it were about three to four hours each for all the content (Crimes, Screwball, JJJ archives, and collectibles). It's worth it for the suits, the Miles calls, and the story is alright, but the Screwball content isn't fun at all, Taskmaster stuff was way more fun.
The new enemies are also a pain, the shield jetpack enemies are just no fun at all and they spew the same trail of electric gadget stopper stuff that Sable agents do, and they added a really dumb minigun tier to the fat guys which is infuriating because you have to jump over the shot. You basically want to insta-kill them with a finisher because they are complete damage sponges.
Hammerhead's hideouts were also lovely with 4 rocket launcher enemies in each one in the distance as minigun guys and those no-fun allowed whip users come to get you. I still don't get why they thought the whip guys would be fun to fight.
Jokes are on point through both DLCs I've done so far, especially in Turf Wars when Peter keeps trying to figure out a name for the Sable digger things and then missions later when he finally asks a Hammerhead goon what he thinks of the name the guy just asks what the hell is wrong with him before Peter starts stammering out that they can't appreciate the name.
It's not spider man 2 for the playstation 2. That's why!
You must have missed a thing, Doc said he's going to keep the fact that Peter WORKS with Spider-Man instead of BEING Spider-Man a secret. So Peter thought Doc didn't know he IS Spider-Man
Because we assumed you didn't have absolutely shit taste, but seeing as you own a PS4 I guess that was a pretty stupid assumption to make. Enjoy your BAMHAM-lite movie.
Peter thought Doc believed his lie that he was just the guy making the suits and gadgets for Spider-Man. When it is revealed that Octavius knew all along and it didn't stop him from trying to kill Peter and those he cared about it was like a gut punch. Doc Ock was behind it all from the very start and Peter thought of him like a father figure only to discover that he meant nothing to Octavius.
My only exposure to Spidey are the 2000's Raimi movies, the 90's Spidey cartoon (when it was on Jewflix but I don't remember every villains) and the 70's Japanese Spidey Tokusentai show. As for comicbook wise, I haven't read anything.
>Insomniac: imagine a arkham game but with a bunch of Batgirl/Robin forced stealth segments
>sony/marvel: SOLD
is like they wanted some virtue signaling but didn't wanted to put the effort of let you play as Yuri or something
fuck off, shitposter
Otto found out Peter was making Spider-Man's equipment, not that he was Spider-Man. Even though he was already far gone by that point, he just kept it in mind as something to plan around when it came time to kill Osborn.
Seethe harder
Oh, thanks for the clarification
Hammerhead is a mob boss villain who literally just has a really hard head that he kills people with by headbutting them. In other words, he's fucking shit.
>I might be crazy but I actually enjoyed those segments.
Not crazy. You just have incredibly bad taste.
If you've been a fan of the franchise for over 20 years, I have to assume you mean video games and not the comic books. Because if you're still a fan of the comics after all the shit Marvel has pulled, I dont know if you're worth breathing the same air as me.
ok, I really like the vintage comic suit, which is my favorite suit but I wish it would have been that way for the whole game/enemies, characters instead of a more 'realism' look for everything else.
Shattered Dimensions would be more up your alley then. Both Amazing and Ultimate have this cartoony look to them although the areas are a tiny bit on the realistic side, Noir is a noir and realistic sort of setting, and 2099 is a futuristic realistic setting but still a bit cartoony.
try to say something without buzzwords