Reminder that /pol/shit is the worst thing imaginable for video games

Reminder that /pol/shit is the worst thing imaginable for video games

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If he was a capitalist he would know that as a consumer, he should advocate for his own interests. Instead he's just a useful idiot cuck for corporations.

Straight back into it eh tranny? Must be liking the discussion we were having earlier.

>if I make a false flag they'll surely turn against them and begin advocating for socialist reform and I can be a party leader while they work in the fields and everyone will think I'm gorgeous after I cut my penis off!

>/POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/ /POL/
>dude shut the fuck up with the polwhining

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>being this disingenuous
Nobody who's been here longer than five minutes buys your denial.

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>hating pitbulls makes you /pol/

Reality is a bitch. Deal with it.

Hoes mad

Having an opinion on literally anything makes you /pol/

Go back to Twitter.


>Corporations have the right to shit on their consumers and the entire art form and also their most talented creators deal with it I'm so counter culture guys /pol/ is the new punk trust me guys

not really. i'd much rather everyone make whatever they want to make. if they want to focus on the profit, do it. if they want to focus on the art, do it. do whatever. i will pick and choose after the fact what I think looks interesting to enjoy. voice is overrated.

Capitalism encourages shitty behavior like this though. You don't even have to take my word for it, just take like a ten second glance at the history of art and capitalism.

But who needs culture when we have triggered lefties rite praise kek cuck soiboi owned epic npc

How is this /pol/? It's like babies first message about capitalism (it's also fucking wrong on the subject) this is why America is fuck , the most basic right wing beliefs are "politically inccorect" now?

every system would encourage it.

someone makes something -- another person has an opinion.

>consumers have the right to products they feel entitled to and if corporations don't magically will them into existence they're shitting on the consumers
That's not how any of this works. Grow up.

/pol/ = Yea Forums
anti-/pol/ = reddit, twitter, ifunny, instagram

Whitu pig go home.

That's not how it goes you dumb nigger.

God /pol/fags are annoying holy shit I'm so ready for this phase to end. This is almost as bad as when furfags invaded the site and furshit was everywhere but this time it's just the same 4 /pol/ memes every ten seconds and some faggot complaining about le sjws

Throw in Resetera too.

>This guy thinks he'll just be left alone to enjoy his vidya in peace if /pol/ stops arguing with SJWs

Oh sweet summer child.

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Lmao nah
This /pol/ shit will be over in a few years. Either that or it'll finally drag Yea Forums into the grave, prob the latter.

You talk like your in family guy, Are you Jewish?

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.

Is this still a thing

This is true literally every anti-/pol/ post reads like it came from a different site

God I miss regular discourse tho
It's annoying as shit seeing the same "STUNNING AND BRAVE" or "I IDENTIFY AS AN ATTACK HELICOPTER" joke for the fucking 6666666th time. All I want is to be called a nigger for liking the wrong games again :(

Capitalism is ALL ABOUT voluntary cooperation. That doesn't just mean business, that means consumers as well. The whole rugged individualism meme is a farce, disparate individuals will inevitably fail against large organizations with near-endless resources.

Tbh /pol/ has turned Yea Forums into racist reddit

People only hate nu-/pol/shit when it devolves into meaningless name calling, Yea Forums is retarded so politics stuff turns into that most of the time and everyone stops giving a fuck.

Both capitalist and pozzed "art" are awful. You don't have to choose sides.

That or it's shitty bait, Hard to tell sometimes.

Nu-/pol/ shit is just meaningless namecalling and meme drowned jargon tho

The election hasn't hit full swing yet. Once it does, expect /pol/ to become the most popular board again. It can always get worse, remember that.

consumers only have a say if producers choose to accept it.

Back to twitter with you

>newfag who wasn't even around before /pol/

I left Yea Forums due to depression and you guys are still arguing about /pol/. lol

Go back to where you came from tranny, no one here thinks about /pol/ until faggots like you bring it up.

No, consumers have a say if they have a voice and businesses think it will impact their bottom line. It works all the time, if you're cynical you're not paying attention.

Not a single soul:
/pol/: i HaTe N*gGeRs aNd WoMEn

Don’t forget discord for anti /pol/

someone will get mad at this

this implies a certain mindset.

there are other mindsets, such as "if you make it they will come"

I mean it reeks of reddit or facebook

>playing vidya with political themes
aren't games supposed to be fun

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Not a single soul:
(you): hUr DuR LoOk aT mE mAkInG a FaCeBoOk MeMe IrOnIcAlLy

Yea Forums existed for 10 years without /pol/ and we were perfectly fine you redditor piece of shit.

/pol/ is the culmination of reddit on Yea Forums. Why are they so obsessed with reddit? Because there's nothing that a redditor hates more than another redditor. They know they are stupid redditor election tourists so they project hard on everyone else. They dislike other people's opinions because they want to make Yea Forums a hive-mind just like their home place. It's intolerable to them that Yea Forums has free speech. They would delete free speech if they could but instead they just bitch and whine about jannies when they break obvious global rules. Thankfully /pol/ is starting to lose influence. Yea Forums is contrarian in nature and people are starting to realize that there is nothing less contrarian than being a bootlicker.

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politics is fun

any unmoderated forum online turns far-right


ifunny is actually a neonazi hideout now

/pol/ is facebook.

Sure it is tranny

Well of course you can't be mad when Konami does literally NOTHING, no bad nu-Silent Hill, not any failed revival or westernized franchise, you can't get mad at things that can't exist and the only reason people care is because they would rather be disappointed than ignored forever by a company that made great games. They might as well not even exists anymore.

I'm going to be sick

So? Right wing shit will never not want to censor everything.

If that's true why did you come from r/the_donald, the most moderated place on the internet, redditor?

Not really, considering it has spurred an explosion in the development of slavery-based management games in the vein of Free Cities and various mods for various games. I don't even fap to it, I just like to see what crazy shenanigans I can get into.

For corporations, consumers are a Yes or No.
They either buy your product or should be buying. For corporations, the more homogeneous is our society, the better they can market their products.

I don't do reddit. I only browse pol and v. And r/the_donald is not far-right

I've been here since 2004, there has always been a boogeyman of some sort. /pol/ is just the latest in a long line of boogeymen. The big bad boogeyman of Yea Forums used to be Yea Forums for a spell, with anons constantly shitting on other anons telling them to go back to Yea Forums same as you tell anons to go back to /pol/.

source: your ass

he's right. right wingers arent trying to take my video games away.

also reminder for mutilated freaks that thanks to capitalism you are allowed to be considered a person with rights and not the disgusting monster you are.

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Which is why Yea Forums was left leaning before full /pol/ kicked in, right newfag?

That’s cute

No we hate reddit because they write like faggots. Every little critic for a game starts like this:
>dont get me wrong i absolutely love "game x" but y is annoying me.
Instead of just saying what they dont like about the game because they dont want to hurt feelings. And hurted feelings when liking a fucking video game is someones identity makes you worse than litteraly hitler

Fuck lefties, am I right? Vote for me and support Israel.

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which is about the only reason they would listen to vocal consumers. they fear their effect on other consumers.

assblasted millenials mad that the boomers and zoomers are teaming up against them

W-we were calling black people niggers but all was in good jest we swear

>Which is why Yea Forums was left leaning before full /pol/ kicked in, right newfag?

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right wingers also don't make video games, or anything in particular really.


Typical leftist historical revisionism. And Egyptians were black right?

Why are there literally thousands of redditors on /pol/? Why is r/the_donald always talking about what's going on in /pol/? Why are redditors so obsessed with /pol/?

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>not really.
Yes, he is. He's a fucking tool.

it doesn't start far-right, but it does turn far-right

pol is not going to change, no matter how many black cocks you tranny fags post there

by that logic pedophiles are good because unmoderated forums get filled up with them.


The left already killed 99% of video games.

If the old left was more racist than today, Sure.

right wingers are the new SJWs
stay mad, /pol/tard

I don't know what you're talking about because I don't browse nor care about r/the_donald

I came here from r/greentext and was expecting more lulz but all I got was /pol/shit

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where did I say it was good? You're missing a lot of blanks there.

We make families

Yeah, r/Yea Forums is funnier desu.

Fucking this. They're always coming into threads and spewing their bullshit and injecting their opinions where there was no reason to bring up politics.

Projection is a hell of a drug tranny


Nice "video games" thread you bunch of whiners and slacktivists. Would be a shame if somebody reported you all for your off-topic political discussions.

Which I obviously did not do as announcing reports is also against the global rules of this forum.

Even if you don't personally come from the_donald which I am willing to believe, you must now be aware that the majority of your friends on /pol/ are in fact redditors. How do you feel about that?

honestly I think /pol/ is a secondary problem
the primary one is the lack of elitism and self-moderation on not only Yea Forums but most boards
if normalfags realised this place's main demographic was nothing like them in terms of taste and opinion, they'd leave as fast as they came and if newfaggots we're bullied until they applied the "lurk more" advice, they'd understand the board culture and preserve it
/pol/itical threads of off-topic ones in general may be created by humongous niggers but what's worse are the people replying to them without either saging or telling him to fuck off

Just like third world scum.

If only you knew.

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anyone else think that antipol trannies are starting to lose influence? it's fucking hilarious they expect us to stand for gamedevs by shilling unions but they fuck everything up by defending censorship because it makes weebs incels mad.

>still SEETHING at imaginary trannies

I don't care. We are not a tribe, you faggot. It's just an online forum.

/pol/ is just an alternative, albeit extremely biased source of news. The fact it is unmoderated is its selling point, as you can talk about anything politics.

nah they hate /pol/incels because related

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I think a lot of things in general have gone tremendously south, including but not limited to people not realizing that hating every videogame was a meme at best, and now Yea Forums is just fucking unbearable most of the time.

The bagel boys are here

uh akchually it's pronounced suh-geh, similar to sake.

Its leftists fault for bringing gay politics shit to the internet in the first place /pol/ would have no influence without them in short kill all leftists

>Yea Forums 10 years ago: Haha heil Hitler
>Yea Forums today: Haha heil Hitler
The only difference is the general userbase has gotten more stupid the more it's expanded in size

It's weird really. Also they claim to hate /pol/ "shit" but they have no problem in spamming topics related to overworked programmers and these fucking unions and how based is kikelord Sanders because he made a tweet about it.

yes, some people use words and have viewpoints

we say "degenerate", others would say "love is love"

deal with it

Is pachinko etc. really raking in that much money for Konami?
I guess it makes sense. The Japanese fuckin' love their pachinko, and it's a continuous source of income rather than a big rush which dwindles.
I want to see more games in my favourite serieseseseses made, several of which are under the Konami banner, but their devs are off doing other things now, either spiritual successors or new, bonkers projects. I have pipe dreams and pie-in-the-sky ideas, but I know they're unrealistic, and companies will probably just go for whatever makes them money, for the most part. I'd like to think that voting with my wallet by buying X game and not buying Y game makes a difference, but I'll never really know.

>kill all leftists
Next year my friend.

This. Though I think self-moderation is impossible by this point and can't solve the problem alone, shitposters are too abundant and reporting mostly seems to fall on deaf ears. This site is in dire need of actual and good moderation, I want every twitter or article screencap thread poster to get banned for weeks on sight with big red cubital letters.


Wait, I thought /pol/ were evul nazis? That's downright libertarian. Is it just because he said lefties?

he's talking about Yea Forums being anti-bush

ofc, he's ignoring that Yea Forums is still anti-bush

If we are not a tribe why are /pol/ittors so obsessed about other redditors / "discord trannies"? Why are they so tribalistic? Is it some kind of projection perhaps?

Meanwhile in reality
>facebook bans even vaguely /pol/ things
>facebook allows far-left ANTIFA groups, even promotes them

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>when your own ideology bites you in the ass
I wish you newfags would lurk at least a little bit before starting to vomit your verbal diarrhea.

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>Dude Fox News said it so its true
I thought /pol/ were supposed to be the retarded boomers

Anti-whites will PAY!

They absolutely have that right and consumers have the right not to buy their shit. If consumers instead choose to act like sheep, then they will be treated like sheep.

Nigger, Been here since 08, Nothing changed

Nigger hate threads on Yea Forums were very leftist imo

it's a fucking meme (even if grounded on reality)

next month, they will be "obsessed" about something else. that's how memes work



This image is exactly how it is

t. /pol/tard