Give... candy

give... candy...

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Other urls found in this thread:


you have to eat your veggies first before you get candy

Remember to read those managerial tips, user.

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I'm gonna fuck this armor

Haven't gotten this one yet. Looks like a dickhead.

Why did they make angela so much cuter than the rest of the cast, it's not fair

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jesus christ, how many WaWs are in this game?
my entire facility is practically filled with them to the point i have 1.2 per department and i'm not even looking at the wiki.

That rabbit is fatter than Myo

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It seems the bird hates Laetitia

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How many people did you guys use for Gebura fight?

Who do I lewd in this game?

The abno

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Cosmetics pack mod done, will be released sometime this weekend.

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6 ALEPH agents

My agent with Apocalypse Bird's gear was the one mainly doing the fighting. After that I had two agents, one in Zayin in Pink's gear and the other in Blue Star's gear, helping out with ranged damage.
Those two ranged agents though stopped being helpful when they went insane from a Burrowing Heaven spear, resulting in me having to pull agents out of the comfy elevator to snap them to reality, during this time Mountain was doing what Mountain does best and eating clerks.
I did it deathless so I think it was fine.

Nice mod, user ^-^

good shit

Will i be able to suppress WN with this setting?

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Dreaming Current is sad and cute and I love him.

you only need one employee...
jesus christ, that'll either be a massive overkill or a huge loss of employees and EGOs

Please do not reply to tripfags

Sad employees are very cute

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this smooth motherfucker whole job is to fuck a slime girl on the clock

how is lobotomy corporation bad again

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How many strands of super aids does he have by now? Also is that Slime in Central?

yes and of course.

it literally couldnt be worse. i literally have to remember to clear the house because the slimefucker superaids wont kill him, but will kill anything around him

if something breaches, he must stay in that corridor or the facility is wiped out

I take Hokma's suppression bonus a bit for granted, that bonus stat cap increase is very nice. It also nullified Hod's effect during Day 47, -35 doesn't hurt an agent with 130 in everything as much as an agent with 100 in everything.

He’s a complete pain in the ass to deal with in battle, but in terms of containment conditions he’s pretty easy

Jesus. Why not memrepo at that point?

Help where is a safe area to store weaklings in Gebura's fight?? Elevators?

Corner elevators, yeah. To be extra sure, keep them far away from her both horizontally and vertically.

training department top-right elevator is perfect.

Was 50 minutes into cheesing Red Mist but clicked on crying baby and apparently the roulette, not even starting the spin, considers your shelter agent out of it for a split second which caused him to be considered dead for some reason. Guess it's time to murder her for reals.

Attached: Agent Flop.webm (650x680, 291K)

Good. Don't be a sheltercuck.

Yea Forums on the right

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>QoH getting fisted by Gebura

>its a WhiteNight switches place with Melting love and leaves her on the central department episode.
fucking dammit, and i still need to fully research that faggot slime.

not only is she easy to supress if everything is clean but i can ignore her once i get her gear

at that point is more the case of preventing clowns on the corridor, and he does that anyway

Threadly reminder to read the manual

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Your loyal and competent secretary, who deserves all of your love

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One person? I want the weapon so i want to fight it, if youre talking about the confess thingy.

Anybody but Angela.

The threads are dying, manager

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>tfw desperately trying to roll the last abnormality not in my codex before beginning the last 5 days
I hate it

Is it a tool you missed the final part on, or something small
The final 5 days let you roll two things a day so it should be easy to get what you want.

>No SCP 173.
See pic related.

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me and my daughters


It's Heroic Monk

i want gebura to entomb me within her thighs

It's either because this thread is very early in the morning for my time zone, or people who've completed the game/trying to complete with minimal spoilers have left the thread
Oh well it's /comfy/ in here while I'm doing meme runs so it's fine.

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the fuck is the deal with mushroom. is it just a horrible translation abo.

isnt he a backer
backer abnos dont count for the end

Something about doing Insight regularly on it, I think every 5ish works in the facility, one should be Insight on it. Don't forget you need to have the agent who worked on it to work on something else before working on it again.
Autism timer management like the tree and the train.

dont please him
get managerial tips first. always.

The blue mushroom?
Just keep rotating your employees bro
Insight for the win

Does this have porn?

well now I feel silly

Yes but not enough

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well I would like to have Gebura to use her thighs to leg-lock me while holding me tight with her arms while I am vaginally penetrating her with my penis and deep-kissing me
I dunno, I guess it's pretty far out there

why is this void dream agent so cute

The maker is probably an Aleph class manipulator because im falling for him too

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what? you're completely wrong. The Little Prince isn't affected by working on other abnormalities, the only requirements are to make sure every 3rd work is insight and to not let an agent work on it 3 times in a row


Oh sorry, was I interrupting something? Just let me have some of your energy and i'll be on my way

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Quick! Draw your favorite abnormality in paint

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>struggling like a little bitch with Gebura's fight
>heard that this isn't even the beginning of what I'll have to do in the final days
>still can't do Apoc bird or WN
Give it to me straight doc am I retarded

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You'll just have to keep practicing microing your agents. If Gebura and Apoc Bird are tough, WN is going to take it a step beyond since you need to manage 9 roaming ALEPHs without pausing.
And even then, WN isn't as hard as the bottom suppressions, or the final 5 days.

All the different ranges of the weapons makes it hard to shield everyone and micro them away, should I just not bother with KoG's fisting weapon and take only long range dudes?

i use abnos to check their health and wisk away those in danger

i also think the shield bullets dont have AoE but healing bullets seems to have it, about half of what exec bullet does

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>All the different ranges of the weapons makes it hard to shield everyone
If push comes to shove, you can hide everyone in an elevator and just use your best agents with gear appropriate for her weaponry.
It's probably a better way to fight her than trying to manage all of the microscopic differences in range each weapon has

Shields do have AOE, I cram everyone into an elevator to apply 1 shield.

Just started playing this game. I'm in day 10 and have couple of question.
Why is Punishing Bird escapes immediately at start of day? Also is there no other way to calm it down by feeding it employee?
If a room got MHz aids, Is there a way to fix it?
Am I suppose to feed the cherry tree with my NPC employee?
I always restart whenever my employee dies, should I expect that some days that I need to kill one of my employees?

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All of these questions can be answered if you read the manual.

Let Punishing Bird peck, he goes back to his room eventually.
You fix MHz by doing work on it and increasing the Qlipoth counter.
You don't feed the Cherry Tree, you spamclick the possessed agent to free them of possession.
It's ok to restart if your employees die but late game you will expect some deaths that you don't want to restart over.


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you should never lose any employee. it even makes sense to staay a bit longer to train them.

unlock the abnos managerial tip. remember what they are and just redo the day.

bunishing pird will not hurt who he attacks too much unless you fight back

1.76 can be jammed back into his cell with constant successful violence acts on his cell

cherry tree is a faggot that kills people for fun, i am sorry you got it.

>made a lewd-ish post in the thread
>expected replies
>no dice
yes I am looking for appraisal
yes I am insecure and a huge faggot

i restarted the facility and i dont miss this train
boi am i not looking foward to the worser abnos out there

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There's only two others, one is a backer abbo with a nice weapon and /fa/ gear, the other is a secret abbo

hey look its great love for us!

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>thought I saw a crying wojak on the employee
what's going on, is the dumb shit on Yea Forums taking over my mind?

At what point should I be doing these Sephirah Meltdowns for the upper level? As soon as possible?

I still don't have all the info unlocked for some of my Central Command abnos, and I have Blue Star and Queen Bee there, which I know can fuck things up.

well you should have done it sooner

BS is really tricky, queen bee less so. might be willing to spend a day to grind them, take note how to handle them and return to the beginning of the day to do the supressions

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Yes, as soon as possible, having stuff like blue star might even make some too hard

Hod suppression is the most important for upper level Sephirahs, and you may find yourself in trouble with Blue Star due to her gimmick.

you stupid scrap of rotting metal its in the managerial tips not in the manual

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thx anons. I would read the manual but its made for ants.

I love this but I prefer the fuck you version

Managerial tips are honorary manuals

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Blue Star I figured out quick enough, just don't let anyone with low stats go into it or else they fuck it up and die or lower the qliopth counter.
What does Hod do? I did Malkuth's already which was annoying, but got through it without anyone dying.
Can't I avoid worrying about Blue Star breaching by just not having any weak employees work on that day?

Managerial tips are stored in the manual that every employee holds in their hands when working on abnormalities you double Hod

Employees get weaker as you push the Qlipoth meter. Blue Star requires below 60 seconds work and you'll be unable to do it if he melts down.

Hod ends up giving you a bunch of stat penalties up to -35 in everything, which might put even your strong employees either too slow to work on it or with too low prudence or work speed to keep its counter up, you could just accept the losses and maybe memerepo or you could hope not to get a late meltdown, or even work everything instantly during star's meltdown timer to try and skip it if it does come up late

A tip is to work on Blue Star last before the first round of meltdowns so if he does get hit you can hopefully speedrun everything while he counts down

There is also the option of just sending in a sacrificial employee to work on it, right? Since if I send someone in and they get sucked into Blue Star and immediately die, it counts as having 'worked' on it without actually working on it and reducing the qliphoth counter.

Also I have Backwards Clock, if that will be of use at all. I do have more than enough LOB points stored up to make a Level V employee on the fly if I need to.

Here's what my abno set looks like, also.

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>unknown in control.
haha, you are fucked.
anyway,do Hod first, avoid blue star at all costs, and operate only on the ones below HE.
Teddy is perfect for this suppression, use him.

if a WaW or above gets a meltdown, use anyone you have with Aleph armour to deal with it, they can do at least two meltdown suppressions, and i guess if blue star gets a meltdown in the late stages, just reset.

how does the gameplay looks like?
you keep posting monsters death animations, and memes, but can anyone actually explain gameplay loop, and from where chalange comes etc?

>get through a long day with good luck on the one abno that my team cant seem to interact with successfully.
>coming up to the requirement, manage to be 5 boxes short.
>Noon is up next.
>Think to myself, eh you know I havent done noon, but my guys are getting stronger some of them can almost handle most fights alone.
> Huh glowing orbs? That doest seem so b-
> Everyone except one employee is fucking gibbed


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The unknown is 'We Can Change Anything' and I didn't feel like wasting LOB points on it.

Some of my employees have stats in the ~105 range, so they should still be able to operate on the WAW abnos in a pinch. And yes, Teddy is so good for emergencies since you can't fuck up with him unless you send the same guy twice.
That's what I was planning on doing, but my only guy with ALEPH armor is Kinsley. I might just grind out Blue Star's gear, then.

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Attachment work with Hod!

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Fuck pruple dusk niggers.

monster is in cell
you need to send someone to perform one of four tasks on monster in cell, giving you your daily energy as well as weapons, armour and accessories that might help you fight or manage monsters
if monster doesn't like your chosen task, they might kill someone or break out
if monster doesn't like the someone doing the task, they might kill someone or break out
if monster doesn't like someone getting killed, and they get killed they might kill someone or break out
if monsters don't like monsters breaking out, they might kill someone or break out
starts simple but stacks up

All the purple ordeals are the worst, besides Crimson Dawn.

>Clowniggers bum rush any WAW+ abno and cause it to escape

You have four different ways to interact with each abno, red white purple blue, each abno has different preferences in which is better for them, like floating skull bro likes purple which is temperance. You interact with them to get energy boxes to meet your quota like some Monster Inc bullshit. With enough energy boxes you can even craft gear based on the abno's you work on. Abno's all have unique ways of dealing with them other than just the four interactions, like pic related gives your agent a gift and if he interacts with any other abno the gift pranks him with murder. The difficulty curve for the game will hit you like a truck like getting your first WaW abno or Aleph abno, and the boss fights. At first you will try to save every agent you have but by the end you will see 30 of your agents died and you will think "I guess I can settle with that."

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I know but Great love for us kills my team out right because it's only day fucking 9

Repression work with Hod

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That image is pretty gay user

>Binah's missions require you to buy E.G.O equipment
>already have all ego's from my current abnos bought
oh we can change that
we can change anything





which is the easiest midnight ordeal? i want to make mommy gebura proud

Ppodae, Fragment, Scorched Girl, and Scarecrow are all really easy to suppress.

dude just move your dudes into the safe hallways before triggering GLFU splat with someone doing the last work, then send the others back in to wreck the monoliths

preventing "monsters" from escaping so you dont have a headache but making sure they dont escape is also a headache

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Yeah but pick a Core Suppression for me to do at the same time for muh extra challenge


Green is literally just jump rope with a laser death beam and you jump by using the elevators, it's really easy. Amber Midnight will take forever and a half but you can take as much time as you want if you keep your weaker agents in elevators.

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just make sure there are no clerks that makes abnos chimpout from employee deaths and station your agents away from healing rooms

good job, absolutely immersion breaking but they make for some great meme material, which is what we all love

Violet/purple is the easiest if you have Blue star.
All midnight ordeals will force you to stop working anyway.

It's a combination of that and the fact that we're not allowed to say the name of the game in the OP unless we want to severely increase the risk of getting hot pocketed. It's impossible to Ctrl+F the thread like that and harder for newer people who don't recognize every abbo to join in.

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This is my wife, Garion.

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>desu she cucks you while you have to look.

>A bird stares at you.
>What is the name of this bird?

Attached: target acquired.png (153x166, 2K)

Cute bird!

lil bitch

most powerful TETH.

My wife already penetrated your wife.

What happens if Queen of Hatred decides to fight Punishing Bird? Does he just take the attacks or does he fight back?

Annoying Cunt

> Doing pretty well against Gebura
> Chucks weapons to both sides of her and murders 2 of the 4 gigachads fighting her
Welp was not expecting that.

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Is this Ever17?

Great Love for us is a newbie trap and I figure it was put in as a joke. The monoliths are pushoverse when you know they're coming, but the often catch new players off guard.

I agree with the other user about the clowns, those things are jerks.

>gebura pulls up mimicry and da capo
>oh shit they're suddenly getting bigger i'd better dodge, behind her or something
>she throws them backwards

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The only way to deal with Great Love For Us is to put everyone in elevators or the safe hallways. I forget which hallways they can still drop on.

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They can also drop in Control side rooms and the room right below Info.
they don't drop in Central 3rd/4th floors and Disciplinary, Welfare, Extraction or Record.

Yea that's the 2nd wipe that got me, she threw capo and two of my giga's went insane and fucked each other up.

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It's a game about resaerching and caring for your monster zoo.
You send in you workers to tend to the momsters, hopefully (hopefully) making the monster happy, which then produces energy through unknown processes. As your workers do more for the monsters, you gain more information on the beasts and how they work, and whether they will escape or not.

When monsters escape, people usually die, so you have to arm your workers to get the monsters back in their pins. There is a daily quota of energy you have to produce, which is the first "victory" condition. As time goes on, you facility will grow, be attacked, have the AI units break down, and other fun things.

The game, in a nutshell, is about managing chaos and ensuring that your facility is not destroyed, or your employees are not entirely wiped out.

I want to marry Angela!

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more like carrion

Yes we know, Angela.

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Don't project your fantasies on people, user.

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If you could kill one abnormality forever, which one would it be?

>If you could kill one abnormality forever, which one would it be?

That Mahou is adorable and I can only imagine the relief seeing this animation bring.

come on dude why do you even give them (you)s

I'm sorry user, my hatred for tripfags blinded me.

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The tips are the issue
Thanks, my issue was the tips made it sound like I had to do insight on it 3 times every meltdown which sounded insane for a waw

I can't really pick a favorite, and I draw slow, but here you go.

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I would say it's an easy fix to just use the word "Manager" in the thread comment at the least in that case.
Special note on Green Midnight: the laser can and will hit agents with very short attack ranges depending on beam position

I draw with a mouse, my mouse is an Intellipoint 3.0 with a busted laser and triple-clicking left-click though. It's old. I'm not good anyways.

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I'm pretty sure that Green Midnight tip only applies to agents with the GOLDEN FISTER.
He cute!

I'm hard on stuck on 49 god damn it.
- Bugs out between the rooms
- Bugs out entirely
- I somehow accidentally press the button
- Dusk comes on 5
- I forget burowing heaven
- I forget theresia
- The employee that panics is a giga chad and goes on a rampage
- I forget shelter
- Meltdown bugs out
It takes 7 minutes minimum to challenge the boss. I know I can use the clock first phase, but something always goes wrong first phase.

I'm barely able to reach phase 3 of Gebura and she has a 4th phase apparently? The fuck. How many Aleph geared gigachads should I have to fight her?

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Agents with Bear Paw risk death all the same. It has to do with the seemingly wedge shape hitbox at its start, which very short range weapons put the agent in range of but shorties will be fine.

4th phase is just her sprinting at someone, gibbing them and anyone too close when she catches them unless you doordodge or tire her out, then dying when she stops running

Phase 4 you just gotta hoof it to a door or dear god if she targets someone in central she'll fly up there for even easier, plentiful doordodges and instantly tire the moment her attack goes kaput. Can't always turn out for the best(like if he targets an agent you'd left somewhere near ALEPH abnos.

I already did it, even intentionally did shit works to make them breach. Suppressed Ppodae, Void Dream, Scorched Girl, Fragment, Scarecrow, Forsaken Murderer, but somehow Gebura's mission did not count as complete at the end. This is while Tiphereth's "Clear without containment room's occurrence of Qliphoth Meltdown" counting as completed at the end of Malkuth's Core Suppression. Going to try doing the day normally and test to see what counts for Gebura's, then do it over but with Netzach's Core Suppression

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My Da Capo guy can work on White damage ALEPHs (carefully if I select Blue Star though) with the Crazed Researcher's Note and he won't experience any drawbacks right? Since he's not taking any HP/SP damage, it doesn't trigger the effect, right?

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I like the little beret

Mimicry weapon + Whitenight armor does a good job of soloing her down to phase 4.
If you don't have wn armor / mimicry wep,
Split your chads into two groups and micro her - group 1 from the left, group 2 from the right. When she approaches, force retarget.
Phase 4 is a bit weird I guess.
After some time running she gets exhausted, so make her get exhausted then btfo her.

Yes, Crazy notes blows up at 60 points of damage and da capo plus the gift nullifies white damage

Da Capo as-is can't reduce damage to zero. If you're talking about EGO Gift + Da Capo, that's absorption not damage and you shouldn't be worrying in the first place.
If it does kill your agent despite them getting SP healing, that'd be funny.

I want to make a tool tier list but that website requires me to sign in with fucking twitter.
Any other options?

Also yes it's the set plus the gift monocle.

Can you cancerous faggots do a favor and write "lobotomy corp" on your threads so my filters work? Thanks.

I don’t know why but for the most part challenges won’t complete on days you do suppressions. That Tiphereth one is an exception

Don't talk to it.

>game suddenly takes up 6000+ MB of memory
aah no I was so close to beating Hod

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I am grateful, thank you user!

Well crazy notes increases work success so he'd need to worry if his da capo agent has low temperance. I've used it for dealing with alephs after my guys got debuffed by Firey bird farming.


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>guaranteed replies
take my ticket you cunt

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This was just because of the Da Capo agent having the monocle, so I thought during Hod I would be able to give them the note and not have to put it back when working on things like orchestra or army in black

I already thanked him with art but THANK YOU JUDGEMENT BIRD

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The Chad Silent Orchestra

Judgement bird loves you too, user! You are his favorite Manager!

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