/ourguy/ found about the CDPR hate campaign from the source. Tldr for those who dont know

/ourguy/ found about the CDPR hate campaign from the source. Tldr for those who dont know
>Hates sjws
>Roasts shills

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i mean this isn't exactly a revelation, we've known for years journos coordinate campaigns

oh boy
another gamergate conspiracy
can't have enough of those

Please have sex

Good thread.

Bugman shill.

go dilate

T shill

>Click on link from phone because literally shitposting
>Covered in ads on every space of screen
Christ, this is why unlock origin is a necessity.

Epic hates CDPR tho

>Deliberate attempt from Epic and their shills.
Not surprising, you just need to look at the way falseflagging threads are formulated and how contrary posters type. They're usually such shit English and written by clearly ESL niggers.

Glad that this has been confirmed and now we can out these chinks out.

Attached: 3fef46956e9c8701cf8b29289d666aed.jpg (1600x2400, 399K)

except cyberpunk is available on epicgame store

Resetera defense force is quick i see, why don't you crawl back to your shithole?


Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed an entire year in the Epic store. If I was a company who was barred out from one of the most anticipated game of next year out of sheer controversy, it would be my best interest to absolutely start and support shit-flinging campaigns out of missed profits and strong arming companies who want to do such a thing in the future due to how positively it was received on CDPR's part from consumers.

Attached: preorder-cyberpunk-2077-platform-version-and-store-digital-content-select-58243602.png (500x749, 113K)

Shoo shoo lefty/tranny journo.

>delayed an entire year
Post proof, it is available to pre order now

This is the guy who banged on CDPR for not showing gameplay on E3. Now I truly believe this guy and believe this epic hate campaign.

Attached: locke.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

>Cyberpunk in the title
>Talks about youtube and journalism


>outrage is all just a conspiracy
Makes sense considering half of Yea Forumsdoesn't like talking about video games.

>media collusion in the title
>talks about media collusion related to CDPR and Cyberpunk 2077

>Over literally nothing
>implying it's not completely manufacturered

Attached: thumb_your-boots-bootlicker-pengwen-57722542[1].png (300x301, 54K)

Not him, but as a academic chinese man not affiliated with tencent or epic i would require actual evidence of conspiring to attack, like emails and papers instructing so. Wheres the evidence?

What hate campaign? I've only seen that shitty rps article who was triggered by niggers being niggers but everyone else seem to love it? The only one seething about CP77 is Yea Forums but that's just Yea Forums being Yea Forums.

Damage control

CDPR is everyone's sweetheart, what hate campaign? Fuck, the CP2077 marketers are getting so annoying.

The one that started with TRANSPHOBIC ADS IN CYBERPUNK and ended with CD PROJEKT RED CONFIRMS TRANSGENDER CHARACTER CREATION OPTIONS. The popular theory is that this is a coordinated smear campaign. The reality is much more pathetic: Trannies and what passes for "journalists" in videogames are completely fucking incompetent bottom feeding trash that couldn't write their way out of a wet paper bag.

I thought all the gamergaters were dead by now

>roasts shills
>shills video on Yea Forums

Attached: 1471116692958.png (201x200, 31K)

The popular theory is that they already said they were going to have trans options in character creation because they've been fucking talking about that for what feels like over a year now.

Post the original video

Install NewPipe on android. Thank me later and give me the (You).

Then you must be retarded.

Not even the annon you replied to but have a (you) regardless, great suggestion.

>trans options
An AudioVox implant and a cyberdick do not make you a tranny any more than four extra arms make you a spider.

I meant "I hoped"

Based, I'm going to preorder five copies for my friends now.

>points ou the obvious double standard in the press's stream of bullshit
>hurr durr conspiracy
I have yet to see those retards at shitaku point out the scummy lies of the shenmue 3 kikstarter campaign or the smug shittalking of sweeney to PC gamers, journos suck Epic's cock like the whores they are, if they give them a free pass and seeing how they have a history of being in bed with the poeples they are supposed to criticize (like every art oriented media really) then the idea that Epic paid for some smear campaign isn't that ridiculous. In any case none of those retards should be listened to.

>sites known to produce clickbait garbage produce clickbait garbage about the game with the highest profile at E3
>this must be Epics doing!

Attached: laughing_remastered.jpg (800x601, 263K)

>a very tenuous connection to polygon
>a nonexistent connection to kotaku
This is some /x/ tier shit.


Pretty much this.

How is this different from "witcher doesn't have black people" articles? Journalistic shitposting of this sort was expected due to personal biases and grudges from the same journous and websites. No matter how good a game you'll make, the journo butthurt will awaken when the game is making most of the buzz.

Standart shitaku/rps/polygon personal bias.