Pat streams for 16 hours a day, literally more redbull than man...

>Pat streams for 16 hours a day, literally more redbull than man, never edits his shit and just dumps full streams on an archive channel.
>Woolie let's plays obscure bullshit, talks poorly about fighting game mechanics, and runs a second less popular podcast nobody listens to
>Matt has several different kinds of videos and rubs elbows with industry guys and weird people like WWE superstars

holy shit, has Yea Forums ever been this wrong before about who was the weakest link in a group ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

t. matt

Fuck these guys fuck this thread ur a faggot


when has anyone said anyone but liam was the weakest link
weeb faggot

It was Liam.

"Hey Reggie, isn't this game awesome?"

CSB is fucking awful. As much as a bore Matt was on the podcast, he was necessary to reign these two chucklefucks in.

>Let's talk about Game of Thrones for two hours every week for five weeks despite Pat not seeing it and Woolie not even going into spoilers.

We could never have guessed the two that remained would simply stop making LPs and decide to make both an inferior product and put less effort into it. Although the podcast still exists, which is the only thing they do that is good.

Matt is still making LPs with Liam in the old style. It's not the best but it's the old quality product - the primary reason why we are here at all.

pat's the best

Matt can do interviews with anyone he fucking likes, the guy is still entertainment poison with his insufferable personality and standards.

Fuck off matt you balding spergo

when are they finally crossing over with the best guy?

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e-celebs aren't videogames

I want to hate Matt but we share an autistic love for Godzilla so he's alright in my book

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And yet you are here dumping the shitty thread

>Pat streams for 16 hours a day, literally more redbull than man
Gotta pay that mortgage.

They need to start doing actual LP's together again, and not stream leftovers. Pat and Woolie can still stream, but they need to make LP's together again. They aren't gaining new people, but the old fans are still tuning in. If they start LP'ing again, I think they would start gaining new fans, which in turn would make them more money. But I get why they wouldn't want to, after the whole "matt took the channel and left" thing.

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>Pat is inaccessible to eurofags thanks to his stream schedule so can't follow him properly.
>Woolie is OK but the quality did take a dip thanks to both him and Pat going more stream style.
>Any content by Matt that I've watched has been too cringy to bear.
>Liam has been dead for me for more than a year now.

>TFW it wasn't any individual that made the content good. It was Billy's editing

The Podcast is at least decent, but Get Into Fighting Games replacing FNF hurt me the most. I hope it'll improve eventually.

>Liam is balding, hangs out with ugly trannies and had a nervous breakdown after finding out Woolie is now part of Rooster Teeth
>Matt's fatter than ever, balder than ever, """""his""""" game is bound to flop, his wife is still hideous and his alcoholism is still going strong

based chewie & fuckface

>*long gasp* YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS?
>sucks at games
>is wrong about everything
>pretends to figure out things he looked up earlier
>blind and misses everything
>too dumb to do puzzles
>fat, short and bald
>my old job is the reason I'm an asshole
>learned how to internet from
Pat has always sucked

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Problem is that LPs don’t make fucking money anymore.
That’s the whole reason the channel fell apart. Adpocalypse must’ve destroyed their income when their most popular series is called “Shitstorm”.

Despite putting out the most content, anything Matt makes is still unwatchable shit. He somehow manages to take actually interesting topics and ruin them.




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Pat has become insufferable, he spends more time shitting on things than talking about games nowadays.
>even scoffs at Platinum's game

I don't always post in eceleb threads but...

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He'd need someone to call out his bullshit when he goes too far into the shitgoblin persona that he's been cultivating. Woolie is too nice to do that.

I dunno, he's a balding goblin but at least he doesn't try to hide it with ballcaps and beanies, it's arguably more graceful since after a while you stop paying attention to his baldness.
when matt takes the hat off his baldness stands out all the more because he hides it.

Platinum made 4 good games and the rest are shit. It's just a meme studio

jesus, no wonder the former twink is suicidal

>that entire nintendo direct stream
it wasnt even funny bad. just bad.

Liam and Matt's Sonic 06 playthrough is great so far. Its probably my favorite thing any of them have done since the channel ended.

These guys became insufferable just before the break up. I still listen to the podcast at work because I have nothing better to listen to

Who's going to be the first to:
2) Get a sex change

and Matt will try to make it about himself somehow

Pat dies first, Liam is probably the only one with a chance to be a tranny.



you know now that they are separated you can really see how much they helped each other

Please head over to the /incel/ - Internet Celebrities board, faggot.

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Pat from natural causes or Liam commits suicide
Liam, unless he commits suicide, in which case Matt

Everybody who wasn't Woolie was the weakest link.

That place is even more cucked than ResetERA. Infested with old-guard trannies and pedos that are only just now spreading out.

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Pat is first up. Obese, deformed dwarf who has a ton of health conditions.
Liam will transistion and kill himself later
Woolie will fade or be a token black guy for another nerd group
Matt will continue making vanilla shit

Pat has legit OCD so don't be surprised when he turns into eceleb Howard Hughes after Paige croaks.

we know you are in deep shit Matt
go seek help

Moot would have done it by now for the joke alone, why is Hiro such a faggot?

Im still fucking LIVID that all this shit could not have waited until a REmake 2 SBFP had been documented first

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blame matt, we all know he was the one to throw his toys out of the pram.

>Liam trying to sue pat over the PSO2 bet

Trips gets to decide Pat's last words before he dies of a taurine-related heart attack live on stream.

Gully gully

>people tell me that thier podcast is a good video games podcast
>end up skipping 2 hours of it every week when they talk about capeshit or jojo or whatever

was it always like this?

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The baby

Pat slamming Sue's boipucci on the side confirmed? How does Paige feel about this?

We all know that Pat is going to die right after Paige does. Elmo will take over from there.


"mtfandproud420! donates 1000 bits and says you're my friend right please be my friend please god-"

It was worse, Matt used to waffle on about shitty netflix shows he watched that week.

Yes. If you are looking purely for videogames podcast, then tough shit, I don't think those exist.

These two clips will always make me sad.

That's a pretty fucking good track record. How many studios have made 4 genuinely good and distinctive, separate IPs?

Considering paige is bi she probably joins in. Pat is living the dream.

>Yea Forums
You can always tell which ecelebs are the shittiest by the amount of newfags on Yea Forums that watch them

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The only thing Matt rubs is his wife’s cock.

Oh man, this is just like that part in Jojo

Cursed image

Literally stopped listening to the podcast because of his attitude. He's become insufferable since the split, Woolie's changed a bit too, but at least can hold it together for 90% of a podcast.

And that’s a good thing!

Pat is shit now he was only good with Matt or Woolie to balance out the autism. They had something when they were together but now it’s gone fuck even Matt puts out better shit then he does.

Woolie is slowly turning into a taller, blacker Pat

Same here. Thank god liam is actual figuring shit out quick.

Why does Liam not join Pat? Pretty sure his own stream would also profit from it just like Paiges stream did.

Some of pat's streams have been good. His New Vegas playthrough was fun to watch the vods so I could skip all the donation messages and moments he'd just chat without playing the game

he's still salty about the split. Pat even offered to try and help out when he played Warframe (since Pat loves the game) but he had other people tweet shitty remarks back.

>Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans, my gay and trans friends want representation
Pat has been wiki reading again.

>Woolie's changed a bit too, but at least can hold it together for 90% of a podcast.
Woolie sounds like he's close to having a mental breakdown most of the podcast, you can hear the sirens when Pat goes off script on some stupid shit

While I do agree whit some things he says like how would most sport IRL would benefit from allowing murder, he really need someone to counter his arguments whit dumed down rhetoric and silliness, that is the reason why once upon a time He and Matt where the perfect duo, what would I not give to go back to those time but whit modern videogames.
Also Woolie really need to cut down on the SWJ Kool-Aid He is the one who is making the actually scary comments.

>most of /fit/ is patfags
>most of /r9k/ is mattfags
>most of Yea Forums is patfags
>most of Yea Forums is mattfags
really makes you think
Liam then talked about it on Trannyera but that's not really relevant

I know they've been shit for many years but I still can't drop them

Nobody knows who these ecelebs are outside of these threads and reddit

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his comments make it seem like he was thinking he was leaving a sinking ship and now he's super salty about all of them being successful without him. Like he cancelled a stream when someone told him that Pat and Woolie were no part of Roosterteeth because he was so triggered

Sure thing Matt

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>had a nervous breakdown after finding out Woolie is now part of Rooster Teeth
Woah hold on
you can't just say this and not post the sauce

woolie is such a bitch boy, acts like a tough guy but cries when you rub him the wrong way

>As much as a bore Matt was on the podcast, he was necessary to reign these two chucklefucks in.

This is what I've been thinking recently. You could see Matt tune out in previous podcasts and that was usually a hint for Pat/Woolie to cut their rants short.

Woolies spoiler autism is fucking awful.
Reddit ruined these retards

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Am i the only one who enjoys castle super beast cast?

I had the Paige plays Baba Is You while Pat made fun of her in the background the other day while doing some stuff on another screen and found it quite entertaining as Paige was literally sundowning while on stream

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Who the fuck are any of these faggots, why should I care, and why haven't you all necked yourselves for watching video games instead of playing them

I've been enjoying the clips Woolie posts up.
But fuck if I'm going to watch the whole fucking cast.

You and everyone else at r/AmITheOnlyOne

Lmao at liams life
Is 7000 a decent amount or scraping to survive tier


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Yes. Thats why we talk about them here.

We do need a celeb board tho

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Why do you have this pic saved on your computer?

I don't understand Pat's rampant hateboner for Melee, every other time he talks about similar groups or situations he takes their side.
Does he literally just do it to piss people off?

consistent 7000 is very well-off for most people, depends on where you live and your subs

*tfw you realize you're stuck with her forever cause her mob family will kill you if you divorce her*

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I'm not particularly enjoying any of them individually.
CSB podcast is the only thing I keep following, and I wouldn't even mind their endless diversions if it wasn't for just how profoundly misinformed and averse to being corrected they are. Woolie's constant attempts to make himself sound reasonable are also starting to get annoying.

Would be scraping to survive for most streamers but he has a dedicated preexistent fanbase of whales so the viewer involvement (donations and subs) is much higher than most streamers.
Having a 10 year old fanbase helps a lot.

7000 is bretty gud

The face of a man who unironically married a dumber, uglier version of contrapoints that doesn't even have a dick.

Shadow puzzle 2 was pretty entertaining, she just couldn’t handle the idea that you didn’t mean Baba.

Smashfags by and large are the worst the nintendo fanbase has to offer, Meleefags in particular are the cream of the crop in the shitcake

>tfw you're too much of a pussy to bang Hitomi J-Cup on the side even when you were given explicit consent by the missus

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Yes, but also the Smash community is absolute dogshit.

He is just a sperg
I doubt it's to piss people off, more like he took a position based on nothing and is too stubborn to admit it

Shit was actually hilarious


>Woolie's constant attempts to make himself sound reasonable are also starting to get annoying.
Seriously why the fuck has woolie been trying to push himself as some sort of enlightened intellectual gamer? Every time he starts going on a rant you can just feel the self-rightous smugness rolling off of him.

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>tfw you pretend to be her friend because he played Mario Kart with you once

>Respond to post claiming that “most of /r9k/ like this eceleb” is untrue
>Yeah thats why we talk about them here
What are you even talking about?

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>Not having a designated Hate folder of cursed images

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That honestly seems to be the case, you're probably right.

I promise that if we get an eceleb board I will stop bullying the people that browse these threads

what the fuck

Imagine you're a music artist touring and every venue you went to had 7000 people, consistently, for more than a year.
Oh, and they ALWAYS bought merch at every show

It’s enough to pay off a new house a live a very comfy life.

Meleefags are fucking awful. It's been proven again and again.

The reasonable voice is a gimmick he does to make Pat angrier and even more unreasonable. It's his version of Devil's Avocado except he doesn't actually believe it like Liam "I gotta apologize to someone on Twitter cause I misgendered them in a dream" Pussyfoot did.

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You can literally make a living in twitch with 100-150 consistent viewers if they're dedicated fans.
7000 is richfag tier.

It's pretty sad. I used to really like the lp subforum.

>Tipping 40's first lp was based around Jecht constantly telling Tidus that he's a faggot and should stop crying.
>Half a decade later starts whining when Judith takes her armor off in Vesperia.
>Almost another half decade later constantly brings up how misogynistic Wufei is in Gundam Wing and decides to hate him from moment 1 because he told a woman she's weak.

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>cause her mob family will kill you if you divorce her*
Can I get a rundown on this?

And Liam fades away into absolute obscurity, as it should be.

>Matt is still making LPs with Liam in the old style. It's not the best but it's the old quality product - the primary reason why we are here at all.

I wish I could watch that but it's hard to enjoy watching the content of those two after they outed themselves as massive manchildren.

Sounds like you have an obsession with Matt so either you want him to fuck you and the shame makes you lash out or you want Pat to fuck you and you bash on Matt in the hope of Pat seeing it and becoming a lust penis for you.

>he doesn't actually believe it
he's a good actor then because jesus christ

You're just jealous of Matt's supercool life with his beautiful wife, great hairline and successful career in the games industry!

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All the Matt/Liam content is fucking terrible. Matt's always a depressed fuck making the same bad jokes as before

>it's been over 4 FUCKING MONTHS and Woolie still hasn't finished a single scenario of REmake 2
It's literally the only thing I've watched on his channel apart from DMC5

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Nightmare fuel


>What do you mean, did I actually watch it and if I did I would know it's just a fucking crab pinching a cat and freaking it out? Of course not!

Does his game still look like XBLA Indie Trash?

I have been enjoying it. It seems on par with the old podcasts to me. Maybe with a little less hilarious arguments ensuing.

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It's pretty entertaining. And all e-celebs are manchildern.

Pat and Paige literally tell people on their stream that they really shouldn't donate to them unless they have no other financial obligation. Hell, Paige gives a portion of her donations to different charity each month. Pretty sure Twitch donations is what made the down payment for their new house possible.

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>Woolie's constant attempts to make himself sound reasonable are also starting to get annoying.
I hate it, I hate it so much. He has the same mannerisms every time when he does it as well. He's completely blank faced and always talks in certain condescending tone when he's thinks he can't be proven wrong. The podcasts are insufferable when him and Pat get that way.

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Matt’s channel is pretty good. His Whu Happen videos are pretty good. His edgelords videos are pretty funny. His LP of Sonic 06 with Liam is fucking gold. He is pretty knowledgeable of the shit that he plays at least unlike Pat. Woolie’s channel is pretty good but it just seems like all his stuff is low effort. There is no reason why his get into fighting games series is so shit. He literally just needed to copy Friday Night Fisticuffs and he couldn’t even replicate that correctly. His Kirby lore videos are sick though.

Best part is when they get all smug with their completely wrong accusations, like Pat "casually" mentioning how being amused by animal cruelty is typical of sociopaths, or when Woolie as a "gotcha" moment brought up Miyamoto's quote about rushed games when talking about Sword and Shield, a game that isn't made by Nintendo and Miyamoto definitely has nothing to do with.

Pat and Woolie being able to go on the tangents they want to without Matt complaining about being bored and wanting to move on actually is very entertaining to me. You get to see their insane thought processes a bit more clearly

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FNF was alright, since it was a peek into fighting games, but why is Woolie doing it again? Why won't he just stick to a fighting game and give actual content on it instead of shallow looks? I'm not saying sticking to one forever, but maybe like do a whole month dedicated to it, see how far you've progressed, then move onto the next one?

Pat is a beautiful disaster of a man and Woolie enabling it is very entertaining to me

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you mean when Matt kept the fucking thing on rails?

>that stream where Paige made fun of Pat for being unable to wrap his hand around his dick

How goddamn big is he?

Woolie hates money and wants to do it his way. Which usually means being unable to budge on anything and losing out on free revenue because he finds it beneath him to stream a new fighting game around it's release.

What the actual cock is this

She was so baffled by it. The look on her face as she struggled with Baba not being You and just going "Ba... ba?"

Also their stream dungeon is aesthetic as hell

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user he's just got tiny baby hands.
because he's a retard leprechaun.

I still hate Matt and I always will.

Then he’d basically just be a worse Max then wouldn’t he?


Matt bringing his baby fur fetish into work was his death sentence.
Seriously how can you be that retarded

>worse Max
Not as difficult as you think given Max is bottom of the barrel

yes, we were wrong, liam was truly /ourshota/ in the end

At least he and Reggie can bounce off each other. Everytime he says something to Minh the conversation grinds to a halt.

>the youtube algorithm is already starting to recommend some Afro dude as the default "quirky black nerd with daddy issues" over Woolie
bad sign

Matt/Liam is a pretty shit combination tho’

Their NSMB and Goldeneye LPs were pretty good.

>tfw you have all the Red Bull and McDonalds you could ever want as you both race to be the first to an early grave

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Apparently, that sponsored FFXIV stream Pat did covered his subs for quite a while.

This is not true. Go watch the Sonic 06 LP. Matt is actually pretty engaged. It’s almost like if he does an LP with someone he doesn’t hate he isn’t a depressed fuck. Who woulda thought?

The Shogun of fucking Sandbagging.

>Matt's channel has passed woolie in subs and seems to get more views per video
Where did the fuck did woolie go so wrong? Is it the ESL's?

>His reaction when someone criticizes Fallout 76 devs around him

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It wouldn't be so bad if Minh wasn't wrong about more shit than Pat is constantly.

>Two of these people do not have money.
>One of these people has a shitload of money that he married into.
No idea.

Senpai Matt was straight up drunk for a decent chunk of LPs towards the end.

I love when Minh just doesn't get something and stares blankly at Woolie. That shit needs the Curbed theme embedded

Woolie needs to find his middle ground I think. The Wonderful 101 LP is pretty great to me, but the 3rd Bday one is just suffering.

Pat is obviously carried by his fc in ff14. Like completely.

To be a shota you have to be cute. Liam’s face is just a bunch of mashed potatoes with some pubic hair thrown in.

Pat's being a shitheel and there's nobody left to stop him, while Woolie is too trusting and believe's Pat's intentionally incendiary comments.

> /incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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The channel ended on fucking Kingdom Hearts.
Kingdom fucking Hearts.

Matt jumps on every bandwagon possible and manages to eek out subscriber through pandering.
Woolie is going to die in obscurity for sticking to his principles and just making content he wants to make. I hope he gets some good money from Rooster Teeth

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I can't remember a single funny moment caused by Matt in any of their LPs besides the axe

Always knew it would destroy them.

Streaming of Fatal Fury 3rd OAV at Matt's house.

I’ve been with girls that have small ass hands, and they’ve been fully able to wrap their hands around my dick despite the thing being a little bigger van average. Pat’s got to be packing real ass heat.

Matt was just there to get Pat riled up.

I've never heard a woman who has such a poor understanding of fashion talk so much about fashion.

Omikron is what killed them.
Kingdom Hearts was just the final nail on the coffin.

Tales of Symphonia is still my favorite.

>Mana, world, world, mana, world, mana, world regeneration, mana, world, world, world, mana.

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I thought everybody acknowledged that Fuccboivin was a tripod

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Kingdom Hearts LPs are cursed, people have known this for over a decade now.

What's his IGN? I wanna look him up on fflogs.

He makes like $200 a day on average, that's pretty fucking good.

How dare you, she's a gorgeous and classy woman!

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I don't know about that. Woolie has always had a sort of asinine stubbornness to him, which completely exploded every time he did a LP with Matt. There's also plenty of times when he disagrees with Pat, and he's not that much better in those situations either.

Didn't he once jokingly say that his favourite part when having sex is hitting the back?

Tipping 40s were always a discount Freelance Astronauts.

Patron Zimbardo

It sucks, I wish they had gotten to 2, it would been fun seeing Woolie react to everything. I'm fairly certain Woolie's never going to go near that series again in fears that it would destroy his channel again.

Reverse psychology.
Same reason he buys irresponsible bullshit on stream.

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I'm always wary of transexuals who not only use cute anime avatars, but give them big titties.

>Retards that can't even figure out how to run in Mario games.
>Toaster mics supreme.

Do you think he's smart enough to keep an emergency college fund for when the twitch gravy train comes to an end, or will he spend it all on loot boxes and then become homeless?

There are three things wrong with that statement

>Matt & Woolie play a JRPG
Always the worst LPs, and FFX also bled onto other stuff with Matt and Woolie CONSTANTLY bringing up Racist Wakka.

>no clears on any savages
Whaaaat no way, are you sure that's him?

Hey man that FFX LP was the fucking best.

That's just from E3. Pat's streams are more around 2k-3k which is still decent sadly.

Why would you do this to yourself?

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He didn't raid in SB I think.

>Matt is still making LPs with Liam in the old style. It's not the best but it's the old quality product
>Matt is still making pancakes but now he's using his own shit instead of butter. It's not the best, but it's still pancakes
kys Matt

At the start all the episodes were loosely scripted by Matt and edited by Matt.
Originally Matt played the angry character and Pat played the buffoon
They swapped pretty quick since Pat really is an angry sperg and Matt is an idiot.
Slowly they stopped playing characters and started just being themselves, they explicitly say as much in one of the early podcasts.
Matt was ruined by Tumblr and a much lesser extent neogaf

Wait what?

>last DMC game was DmC

Because it's low effort.
People finally snapped on Animal Crossing because it's beloved and literally the same fucking shit as an MMO in terms of mentality. They weren't mad that he shat on the game, they were mad that he was trolling in the laziest way possible and actually started taking a bit of offense once people bit and called him a fag.

>tfw no more PS1 demo disc series
How the fuck did a FUCKING DEMO DISC LP manage to be more kino than most of his fucking channel right now, Woolie was straight up having fun, his creativity was unleashed and even had good banter from the other side, that is what I want from an LP


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>clearing a savage with drk were you barely understand the class

You cant carry the tanks on a savage.

Sponsored streams like that can pay out pretty well, he probably earned at least a couple grand from it.

Not just KH
It ended on Ursula.

What happened with Pat anyway? Last I remember he was declaring some Japanese computer game literally the worst thing in existence because he couldn't understand how to get it working and refused to read instructions, and then he proceeded to shit on literally everything from E3 including games that we would normally shill like Kamiya's Police JoJo game.

The only thing Pat seems to care about anymore is shilling Monster Hunter World to his MonHun veteran friends who don't like the game, and shitting on any MonHun fans that didn't like World. That and shilling FF XIV.

Woolie played through it on his channel and Pat joined in towards the end.

>College fund
He already has a degree, it's just a useless one.

He was the only one hype for Banjo because Pat only likes RE2, Divinity, and Warframe and Woolie doesn't care about Smash
I used to hate him and love Pat but pat is rapidly becoming my least favorite. Woolie is still pretty based though

>Problem is that LPs don’t make fucking money anymore.
This is true, however occasional LP vids attract new viewers to throw money at them on their streams.

>Did you know that good video games are bad because I didn't win by holding a button?
Fucking amazing insight.

Why do you think he dresses like a child constantly and shoved his racoon fursona into everything he could

My point exactly, he's either gonna work minimum wage or get a real degree.

>Oh god suzi your boypucci is so tigh-

Cause it hurts so good

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Who cares? They LP'd DMC5 and it was amazing, you just have to pretend it's on the sbfp channel.

Not to mention there was the whole gatcha debacle. I'm all for shitting on Fatefags, but Pat spends so much money on microtransactions in Western games that he's essentially the Western equivalent of a gatcha whale.

Yeah you kinda can, tanking is the easiest role in most Savage encounters.
There's a few exceptions but for the most part you'll be able to get through it fairly easily. Especially with callouts or instructions, which he probably got from his FC members.

>Put a dipshit who can barely play in charge of an action RPG.
>Have the guy with no sense of direction co-pilot on a game that is extremely vague at times.
Very smart call there.

No he doesn't. He dropped out.

Why do Super Best Friends fans hate SBF? there's other better Let's Play channels out there you know? Move on with your fucking lives, just like they have

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>>Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans
I don't think either of them actually played the game.

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And yet you browse Yea Forums

Matt literally gets his views through the algorithm via "wha happun." His viewer retention for anything longer than two videos is fucking abysmal.

Yea Forums spent years trying to get them to improve.
They didn't get mics worth a shit for over 2 years

I play it on background while playing Souls, its pretty comfy

The fact that pat plays probably the most brain dead tank class and shows to barely know any in depth shit on a game he has put over 150 days actual time into really says something.

Max is a genuine shill, he gets paid to play a lot of the games he streams and he does a shit job of hiding it (he almost completely turned on Granblue Versus after he found out that other people were being paid to shill it over him for example). He clearly didn't enjoy DBFZ but not enough to turn down Bamco paying him to play it. IIRC Bamco got annoyed at him over twitter for hyping up Soul Calibur 6 during it's pre-release instead of DBFZ too.

The games he likes are too dead and/or don't draw enough viewers for him to play (Marvel, SF3)

I think you’re confusing him with Egoraptor, Pat got a psych degree or something, he just can’t do anything with it.

Woolie on guide/walkthrough duty is magical. He ALWAYS manages to withhold just enough information that they get stuck, either by omitting an important detail or by not reading the NEXT SENTENCE.

>They somehow get all of this wrong.
>But they also hit on the money that P5 is cowardly and refuses to commit to its themes, presenting a certain image but actually saying nearly the opposite because the writers and the brand are in conflict.
>But they also somehow think P5 is well written.

I doubt that, "You know what? Fuck the docket! Chrono Trigger was better than Final Fantasy VII! Let's go!" would have happened if Matt was in the room. There's upsides and downsides to it just being the two of them, but I still listen every week.

Where did they move on to? Twitch?

It's not even that, they just refuse to acknowledge the game's slight on Japanese culture. They keep forcing their Canadian social justice stereotypes on a game that is supposed to be a Japanese cultural take on Japanese social injustice.

Same with Persona 5, the story flies over their heads because they refuse to understand that it's about the Japanese legal system, not the American legal system.

No he flunked out
Listen to the I have no mouth and must scream playthrough


>not watching Picarto streams of Pat, Paige and Plague watching Star Trek TNG episodes while Plage draws lewds

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His attempts to make Infinite not sound like a busted piece of shit with a few neat things in it were sad.


I’ll never get over that Omikron door, it was the first fucking door they checked and Woolie just could not handle that he fucked up.


To be completely fair that was easily the best bit those two ever came up with in any of their LPs

Hey now, I'm only on Yea Forums right now because the stupid Switch version of Bloodstained isn't coming out till the 25th, once that is out I'm spending the next few days in bed playing Castlevania kino.

>Pat decides he's an expert on ASOIAF because he remembered something from a wiki and a few friends compared things in the series to other stuff he has seen
Just end it. Also you notice he's cracking more and more with pretending to know shit, his FFXIV segment on the last podcast was pathetic.

I disagree, but mostly because i have low standards for what people should find "easy". Looking at his gameplay the few times ive actually seen him tank, it doesnt leave me with confidence. It also seems like his main dps is dragoon which really gets me thinking.

Post actually enjoyable celebs

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At least Woolie likes P3 more that 4. Unlike Pat.

He used it to be wrong a lot in the I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream LP

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The only Nintendo console I ever owned was a wiiu

I watched the first episode 20+ Minutes of FUCKING NOTHING these guys can’t YouTube for shit.

All three tanks are varying levels of braindead, my man.
PLD just fucking stands there and tanks slowly.
DRK spams Dark Arts and alternates between throwing down damage and restoring MP.

There's no difficult tank class.

To be fair they did patch that game eventually. I never played it again by that point so I dunno what it was like though. I think he mainly just liked how certain characters played in it, Strider for example was fun in it and that's a character he likes.

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Not by himself.

Plague is kino SBF material.

Plague acts like a literal child on twitter which colors most of his content for me unfortunatly.

I listen to it while playing MHGU. The parts where Pat yells about just how impossible it is to go back to old MH now that World is out and Woolie mindlessly agreeing with everything he says and wincing at every detail make it extra enjoyable.
I have played World and enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to Iceborne, in case somebody wants to accuse me of being a Nintendo fanboy.

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Max's butthurt over Granblue Versus is the best.
>haha anime shit, who cares, it's just anime shit
>a bunch of streamers fapping to big Granblue anime titties get sponsored to shill Granblue instead of Max

You're right, but they're also correct that the writing is garbage and its tone and themes are all over the place in an attempt to appeal instead of make a decent point.

The only one who was wrong was the dtypid daggots obsessed with e-celebs and making threads about them on - video games

Post Crymetina feet thx

Oney's the only one to make it through

>they always announce it and stream while I'm sleeping (EU)
>Picarto can't hold any more VODs
I fucking hate it

Some people don't care about Savage Content.
I personally do crafting shit and stuff.

Drk is by far the most brain dead. And this is coming from someone who loves playing drk.

I wanna fuck everything he draws

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Is Pat even a long time Monster Hunter player? I only seem to remember him talking about the 3DS games, and then going full shill on World right down to attacking anyone that doesn't like the game.

Another good bit is in KH, when they try to get to the secret chest in Destiny Islands and Woolie manages to stop reading just before "use the box nearby to get to the alcove", and they spend something like five minutes trying to mindlessly jump at it.

>IIRC Bamco got annoyed at him over twitter for hyping up Soul Calibur 6 during it's pre-release instead of DBFZ too.
For what purpose?

Matt is literally married to the mob. While Crymetina isn't directly involved in it (as far as we know), her family is. A bunch of the relatives at the wedding were straight up fresh out of prison even.

He's unironically stupid.

Matt always had the worst opinions
I mean for fucks sake he hated Twin Peaks The Return, he is clearly a brainlet

He hates the entitled fanbase not the game

There was a screenshot of it last thread, never stop lurking

Yeah, Persona 5's writing is a mess. Too many ideas that don't mesh well. Persona 4 had that problem too with Naoto portrayed as the smart one but you do all the deductions in the end.

He started with 3U on Wii U, and I got really on board around the same time (on 3DS though).
I get wanting a couple of QoL improvements, but the shit he piles on it is seriously over the top.

He started with 3U but didn't play a lot, but got really into 4U

I always found PLD easier and it's the meta in Stormblood, I don't know what to tell you.

>Youll never reach this state of satisfaction in life
Why are we still here bros? Just to suffer

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He should start joining the podcast.

>Talks to donators for an hour
>Finally get to the game
>Just talks about his UI setup
>Picks a class he thinks people will pick
>Barely talks about the actual class
>Goes on the podcast and gives himself masturbatory pat on the back for helping people
I genuinely feel bad who follow pat's advice.

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They might have P5’s context wrong but they are completely right in that game undermining its own point constantly once you realize that the Phantom Thieves are actually giant lawfags.

Matt's wife is a rich as fuck mafia heiress with ties to the fashion industry.
Not even a joke.

>right down to attacking anyone that doesn't like the game
I don't even play MH so I can't comment on it's quality, but that seems like a bit of a stretch. At most he just dismisses their opinions like an asshole. Which is pretty on brand for Pat.

He was being paid to shill DBFZ
He was making a few videos about how excited he was for Soul Calibur
Bamco then tweets something at him along the lines of "You know, DBFZ is pretty exciting too" and Max responds saying "Yeah that's right, sorry" or something really blatant like that

Call her a manjaw all you want, it's still amazes me that Pat found a smokeshow like Paige who manages to be just as much of a broken toy as him that they get along swimmingly.

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This is a 35 year-old man.

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friendly reminder that the main reason Matt and Liam are such fucking crybabies is because they're huge SJW faggots that hate "toxicity" and hate Pat because Pat actually doesn't give a shit

What was the backstory behind this image?

You should have seen him the E3 when World was announced, he was going on Twitter looking for fights to start. It's also partially because of his grudge against handhelds, he shits on Samus Returns for the same reason.

>Here's how I autistically set up my audio levels to be perfect.
>Oh and let me throw away some TT cards while were at it, fuck free mgp.

Yeah that's fine, but i distinctly remember him talking about how bad players shouldn't join his EX parties and stuff like that.
He shouldn't say stuff like that as a a shitter greylet.

He literally shits on devs for casualizing games all the time though and advocates sticking to the old stuff if you prefer it (see: Titan Fall), him being against Melee literally just seems to be some retard opinion he picked up years ago and was too stubborn to let go off, because Meleefags align directly with his worldview.

They probably thought it be good "television" seeing them bumble-kings around the map.

There's a ton of shit about it that's transparently meant to appeal to further products being sold and it's weird as fuck.
>Ann's entire deal being MUH SHIHO because giving her a traumatic sexual experience would make her harder to sell as a waifu.
>Ryuji isn't allowed to die because good feels happy ending, please buy Ryuji merch.
>Akechi gets his ambiguous "demise" for Royal, which is the most blatant cash grab re-release yet.
>Literally recycles 4's plot structure despite being an entirely different kind of story because the formula is proven to work.

I assume this life is punishment for past lives. Things will get better after you're dead, user.
They have to.

There's a reason the name of his Stand is Crazy Talk!

His biggest problem is that he LOVES pointing out cognitive biases in others, but as soon as somebody points out a logical fallacy in one of his arguments suddenly you shouldn't take things superficially.

Pretty sure she sleeps around in an open relationship thing though. Why else is she going to these furry cons

>tfw you resonate with Matt far far more than you reasonably and remotely should
what the actual fuck is my fucking life

On the podcast, Pat admitted that he thought gacha games were literally all about just opening lootboxes and looking at what you got from them. He didn't realize that there is actually a game component to things like Fate/GO and Opera Omnia.

Pat has given up on being a human
Woolie needs 50+ videos to finish fucking Wonderful 101
Matt is still making video essays where he tries to sound like a non-retard but still hasn't figured out how to revise a script or do second takes
I don't know or care what Liam is doing

>>Literally recycles 4's plot structure
I mean, 4 recycled plenty about 3 too. 3/4/5 are on a lot of levels the same shit rebranded.

"pat" is literally censored on liam's stream

The UI stuff was actually more helpful than anything else he could ever possibly say. It's the only thing he's actually qualified to talk about.

Meanwhile Woolie brings another tranny on the podcast or defends one and they both think that Japan need to "get in line".

That just gets me more annoyed with bamco if anything, why not have the shill promote both games?

I like Woolie will figure it out. How they talk about their dream projects and how they failed.

I’m so glad I skipped that LP.

>Woolie needs 50+ videos to finish fucking Wonderful 101
to be fair that game is dogshit and it would take me a very long time to force myself to finish it too

They honestly lost appeal for me when they split off, they always worked best together and it just doesn't work with them alone

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Hey, fair enough.
I'll get to the Savage stuff someday, but my barbie dream house comes first.

matt was right

I wonder if the lupus is why she finds guys like Pat and Rich Evans so dreamy

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Wasn't this what made Omikron so shit as well?
Woolie just being bad at reading the Guides?

Because her homosexual friend invited her.
You know furry conventions are 80% gay men, right?

Plague's "I'm a writer" talk is just pure insufferable.

He doesn't go into mouse and keyboard stuff at all though because he's deluded himself into thinking controller is the best choice just because he didn't have a fucking gamer cube when he started playing.

I genuinely don't get the appeal, every time I look at that game my eyes glaze over with boredom.

Plague blocked me on twitter for giving him the @scrubquotesx after he said some retarded shit about how games shouldn't be balanced around people who are actually good at them.
He's a total manbaby with no ability to self reflect.



I honestly thing people just like it to be different. It plays like shit and looks like shit and has horribly annoying characters.

She was there with the gay guy from YMS. I'm probably just delusional, but I just don't see the cuckening of Pat. She hangs out with notorius philanderer Dick Masterson and there's like no sexual chemistry

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That kind of bullshit is exactly what people want from the podcast though you fucking idiot. The ridiculous hour long rant arguments are exactly what give Pat and Woolie a good podcast dynamic. What the fuck are you looking for if not a gaggle of retarded canucks exchanging crazy with each other for three or four hours? The only thing Matt contributed was boring shit nobody wants to listen to and actively sandbagging entire conversations with his manbaby autistic fits.

The only major criticism I have for CSB is that they should consider bringing on a guest every once in a while.

Motherfucker can’t do a qcf and thinks he’s even remotely qualified to criticize a fighting game.

You're not wrong, but 4 was a rushed sequel while 5 had nearly a decade, and 4 was arguably more of a departure from 3 than 5 was from 4. The whole game was designed around 3's story, and each iteration makes things more and more redundant as they become less relevant to the narrative. 5's "QOL" features actively made the game worse in places, too. It's just a fucking mess that exists to fuel the marketing machine.

One of the best friends needed to open a Patreon because their channel is unsustainable and just mercenary work they no longer enjoy.
Guess who

Woolie's got some kind of functional autism, he clearly thinks backwards and sideways at times where he'll be explaining something but will neglect to mention the most important part that any normal person would start with, leading to confusing when he's talking about how to open a door he hasn't mentioned where to find, etc.

"I could use that heart medicine now... but I might need it later"

It's a really good action game masquerading as Pikmin. Once you start thinking of unite morphs as fighting game inputs instead of shapes it becomes much more enjoyable.

It's a bit long, but it's good stuff. People like Woolie make it look like shit.

Liam undoubtedly.

She dated asterios for pete's sake.
Clearly she is fucked in the head.
She's an 8 and he's a 4 being generous and a loud asshole

You mean 80% people who'll fuck anything consenting and with a pulse


Neither Matt nor Pat has ever been funny on his own. They were only funny together, and Matt's inability to stomach that fact ruined the channel years ago.

What’s worse is that it worked because a shitload of people love the game because “muh style” while ignoring the massive writing flaws.

>please buy Ryuji merch

Lmao, Ryuji barely has any

Exactly, I highly enjoyed them going on about fucking milk in bags for a long tangent.
Woolie and Pat screaming at each other about dumb shit is the draw!
Well, that and counting how wrong Pat can get.

I honestly wouldn't mind Paige joining in once every three months or so just so her and Woolie can team up and shit on Pat again

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My pocket main is war so maybe that colors my opinion a bit when it comes to tanking(which in itself is an easy roll if you know what your doing). But the difference between a bad paladin and a competent one isnt everyone dying. Its just how easy it is for everyone else.

I dropped the game when they shoved Ann's ass in my face when 2 minutes earlier I was supposed to feel bad for her being seen only as a sexual object. Disgusting writing

>GF hangs out with a bunch of other dudes
>"S-she obviously just like to have friends and doesn't talk anything sexual with them when they're being heard live and publicaly.

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>Fuck BLM's, Bards and Monk's.
>Fuck positionals!
>Controller is best!
>Tank and heal for me so I can skip queues!
Pat gets such a boner from "helping" people but he's goddamn awful at it. Boy am I glad I'm not playing on his data center.

>The Wonderful 101 LP is pretty great to me
Can I ask fucking why? I tuned it only to the most recent upload, and it was just unintelligible commentary like "this is cool" "wow" "really" and Woolie randomly saying japanese words. He clearly had no idea how to play even at the very end of the game, and it looked like it was being played on a damn emulator that wasn't running the game correctly despite originally being released on an HD capable console that I'm 100% sure Woolie owns.

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All I know is that them curves ain't fucked

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I just get the feeling that Suzi is literally fucking all of them. Not these guys necessarily but a ton of people in gaming. You can just tell.

don't know how familiar you are with it but there's a fan theory between dickheads that Dick, 80s Girl and Peach had a threesome so you're probably on to something

Calm down Mohammed.

I just don't see the attractiveness. Knowing the dieeases she carries ruins her for me.

>animeposter obsessed with NTR

>I'm all for shitting on Fatefags
As a fatefag I'm all down for making fun of the stupid stuff in Fate, but I can't get behind them being so haughty about it given some of their tastes in media

Okay so is this bitch a tranny or no?
Non-meme replies only pls

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>I was NEVER wrong!

Melee is quite literally broken to the point where you have to play it in a way it was explicitly not intended to be played with a ton of ridiculous rules for it to be even remotely competitive, yet the community insists on playing the game hardware and software accurate in some vain hypocritical attempt to preserve the intended way to play.
Complain about the casualization of games all you want, Melee is hot fucking garbage no matter how you look at it and the community is pure unfiltered stinky day autism.

>You will never have a qt3.14 mentally ill gf
It's not fair bros

If they'd just keep their political opinions to themselves the podcast quality would shoot up

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>Punisher fanboy marries into the mafia

Well when you’re the only somewhat attractive tranny in existence who’s into video games and doesn’t have shit taste you can do that.

Transvestite, yes.

What it wants to do is say that Ann has sexual liberty and preying upon a girl instead of letting her express herself is bad.
Problem is the character writing is vapid and they're basically walking mascots, so there's no self-actualization (ironically for a series based on personae). Characters behave as a scene demands, and social structures and interactions are a footnote. The writing is broken at its very core. You wouldn't have even blinked if the same thing happened in a game with competent character writing.

I've only seen the first few episodes and personally love "101, so I am very biased, but I just enjoy hearing someone be genuinely excited and happy about a game with no ulterior motive. Woolie just wants to fucking show the game off and is having a blast doing it.
It's like when episodes of the DMC V playthrough were nothing more than Pat and Woolie marking out at doing moves in the trial area. Everybody else covering games are just such jaded shits or straight up shills, there's a level of authenticity to Woolie's joy that I find infectious

I was fooled for a long time

CSB would get a definite quality increase if they got some guests in now and then to talk about the shit they talk about. Just go for the typical closer circle at start like Plague, Eyepatchwolf and Clemps and work outwards from there.

> political opinions
aren't they canadian? Obviously they'll have cucked political opinions, have you looked at their PM?

Monk fucking sucks. Least favorite class.
t. NIN

Shitting on the epic game store is not a political opinion, tim.

yes SHE has a trenis

I mean yeah it is pretty typical of matt to fuck everyone else over and run off on his own to bump elbows with the famous

I just feel sorry for woolie desu

One of the most endearing thing about SBFP in the start was, that they dodged all that shit way more than others. CSB seems to latch onto that more now.

I played my own game during the Omikron LP, every time they got stuck and started reading a walkthrough I'd go to GameFaqs and do the same (at first it's the same guide they used) and see whether I interpreted it correctly. Nine times out of ten I got it immediately while they stumbled like headless chicken for 20 minutes.

It was all jack useless because I play on keyboard and use the exact same controls as every other MMO ever made

I'm not a super fan of it either. I don't pretend to be a Mentor for people to get into XIV then refuse to show it off to people just to spite them though.

You can enjoy people with different opinions than you ya know. It's not like they are telling you to sign up to Anita's patreon. They're pretty good at staying mostly out of the shit rather than digging up the stories that are political.
Also they're fucking Canadian man

begone weeb
your kind are obsessed

Imagine thinking "American corporatism is bad" is a cucked opinion
Keep licking those boots my dude

god FUCKING dammit

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Where were we seeing Ann ass in our face? Do you mean rise from 4?

Wonderful 101 is my favourite game so watching someone claim to be a huge fan of it because it appeals to them superficially while not even knowing how to play has the opposite effect.

Literally every competitive Smash, or fighting game in general, has specific rules to make them work as games. Street Fighter tournaments aren't about how good you are at the car destruction minigame for example.
Melee is an amazing game with insanely deep mechanics, superb control over your character and a metagame that is literally still evolving after almost two decades, because the skill ceiling is too high for any one person to ever master all of it.
I get that it doesn't appeal to everyone, it doesn't have to, but claiming it's shit because of the hardware they use is beyond ridiculous.
Plus, Meleefags are actually trying to work on that, there's already effectively lagless Gamecube-to-HDMI adapters, once they become cheaper, Melee will likely move on to modern screens as well.

A lot of Persona’s problems come from the social link system. Locking character development behind optional non-linear content means that the characters can only have the most shallow of characterization in the main story.

Yes but makes it look good
and thus my dick is confused and I hate it

>>Pat streams for 16 hours a day, literally more redbull than man, never edits his shit and just dumps full streams on an archive channel.
>>Woolie let's plays obscure bullshit, talks poorly about fighting game mechanics, and runs a second less popular podcast nobody listens to
>>Matt has several different kinds of videos and rubs elbows with industry guys and weird people like WWE superstars

>Literally who

all 3 of these sound shit, what is the right answer on which is best? What is this e-celb shit?

I wish Monk was fun, but running around in circles unsure if you actually hit the sweet spot or not at times and just repeating the same combos over and over is annoying. NIN ruined like half of the DPS classes for me.

Literally how? Your trannydar needs work.

Being anti-capitalist isn't just a shit opinion. It's a downright infectious and dangerous heresy.

Same. It can be a dumb franchise, but for all their shittalking I bet if they gave it an honest try they would actually like it, since it actually hits similar notes they usually get stupidly hype about

thanks for bumping the thread


That's a fair position to hold, I just thought it would've been the usual "orange man bad/impeach drumpf" shit that canadians seem to love

I literally thought pat and darlington would join forces and reinvigorate classic sbfp while matt will just shit himself all day.
Boy I was wrong.

Woolie deserved better. And I got really pissed when Liam tagged Woolie in that one Twitter thread where he was shitting on Pat for him to bail him out

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He also got bullied a lot and is an autistic fuck socially so that makes him kinda endearing.
He kinda like the opposite of the same coin, though he's not a negative fuck with his depression.

I think I'll be seeing Matt today at tmg

Controller's actually valid for XIV. If you want to give an overview you should do both, but there's nothing wrong with someone playing controller as long as they have instant access to 30+ skills.

It’s ironic that a girl with taste that good in vidya would actually be a man

>with a ton of ridiculous rules
The only rules that aren't built into the game are the ones regarding stage legality and counterpicks as far as I can remember.

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I'd let suzi suck me off

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You're honestly better off not knowing.

There was that full year they spent telling people to give money to Inafune for MN9 and the fucking Ouya, neither of which they ever stated any real remorse for aside from Pat who got talked down by the others after saying he felt bad.

You're not wrong that 4 and 5 fuck the cast by placing their potential development in optional VN sections, but they absolutely could still flesh out and develop the characters at the same time. You just focus on different aspects in the SL's. It's not hard.

I wish they would stop talking about JoJo and anime and general

replied to the wrong person, meant for

They need to figure out how to take a shower

>insanely deep mechanics
Ah yes, the deep mechanics like wobbling and needing a rare controller with a manufacturing defect so you can flick your character around better, so epic and meta gameplay that you have to restrict the game to less than half the total content to even encounter. Very intended and deep mechanics, yes, indeed.
Fuck off


Reread my post. You can use whatever you want for XIV but to put yourself in a mentor role then spout all your biases as pure fact is disgusting and not something anyone in a teaching position should do.
A good teacher would bring up the pros and cons of both and then let people decide.

I don't know why but the newer rants are just so much more boring than previous ones. I was anticipating Woolie's huge rant on GoT and it was like a whole lot of nothing. Maybe my expectations were too high but I used to love the long podcasts but now they're long and feel kinda empty?

Matt is the type of person who probably deserved the bullying. All his stories sound spergy as fuck

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Not them but

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Can you make it more obvious that all of your knowledge on this subject comes from secondary sources, please? It isn't clear enough yet.

>It's not hard
For atlus, after 3 it apparently got really hard.

This, it annoys me how much of the XIV community is simply unaware of controller actually being a viable way to play the game, when tons of highend raiders even use it.
There's a few very minor downsides to it, but nothing severe.

Doesn't Melee already have a built-in stagestriking system or is that only in the modded versions? I forgot honestly. lol


So you've never played the game or engaged with the actual competitive community at all? Why not just say that, here i thought i was talking to someone who at least had some idea of what he was talking about.

To be fair to leafs, most people don't like trump, and for good reason

What you have to realize is that people shit on the game as a means to piss off the fanbase, because what they are really trying to do is dig at Meleefags because Meleefags are insufferable.
FGC is faggotry in general and if you wanted to play games that take actual brainpower you’d play RTS instead

e-celebs alert!
>e-celebs alert!
e-celebs alert!
>e-celebs alert!
e-celebs alert!
>e-celebs alert!
e-celebs alert!
>e-celebs alert!
e-celebs alert!

This is what happens with literally every game they say they enjoy a lot. How many amateur fuck ups did Pat make in the RE/SH games he'd spent years bragging about knowing inside and out? Not to mention Souls games. And Matt never actually liked any games aside from bad ones, Woolie is always worse than he pretends to be, and Liam plays like a 12 year old.
These are 4 grown men whose combined intellect couldn't figure out Pokemon Leafgreen.

They fell for the hype as many of us did. Notice how that experience made them superwary of all Kickstarters for the future and almost always had them do a disclaimer when they pushed a Kickstarter game?

Also Liam was the one who meant Pat shouldn't apologize cause to Liam devs can never do anything wrong. Fucker defended Fallout 76!

She should wear bottoms that cover more than 40% of her ass.

Hey fair enough, I agree with you like I said.
The begging for help part didn't rub me wrong quite as much as his being complicit with Matt's "excise Woolie from our lives because he didn't pick MEEEEEE" campaign.

Transvestite yes
Transgender no

Also Susie did actual softcore to No penetration hardcore porn with someone else. I forget the name, but if you search hard enough the vids will come up.

Welcome to Woolie. You spend so much time explaining how great something is, then you sit down and you can barely focus because you've built it up too much in your head. He probably doesn't even understand it. The game's good but he barely participates in it.

Why be a tranny if you can’t pass? Why start a channel about video games if you are just going to repeat what others have already said? He should have stuck with porn.

The way user said it made it seem like he sees her ass right when she's introduced.

Dont post him here. I don't need Yea Forums shitting up his channel

They're just lazy assholes when it comes to Persona, I don't know man. EO and other SMT stuff are still good to okay, so whatever.

Yeah, I'm not saying that he didn't somewhat bring it upon himself.
Just listen to his latrina high story.
It's just endearing because I was the same sperg he was to.
Though I try not to be now.

Ah sorry guess I skimmed over what you posted too quickly.

>it doesn't bother me, please believe me

To me they've been on par or better, maybe you just haven't clicked with the subject matter of any of them yet.
Also the GoT rant happened over the course of like a month because there was like an hour of it after each of the final few episodes, do you actually keep up with the podcast or did you just watch like one clip video of the rant?

generally for someone his size he has a 60+ split with Twitch
so per sub he earns $3.00 per month, Pat has about 1,500 subs = $4500 monthly and that's not counting the donations and brand/ads

Again we don't know his exact numbers because twitch won't publish but it's safe to assume that he is earning $500 per month in donations & and $2000 from ad's. I didn't see any brand deals on his channel so he probably isn't earning any revenue from that source.

All and all I'd say it's safe to say Pat is earning about ~$7000 per month and $84,000 per year

With everything he says and does all the stories about him being raped in highschool sound more and more believable.

Pretty sure they do shove her ass in the camera right after she gets Carmen. And, again, it's supposed to be that she self-actualizes and accepts she's hot and likes being flirty, but on her own terms. The game just handles it terribly and doesn't convey that with any sort of backing at all.

Absolutely want the same. Them talking about anime and manga is so bad, just stick with games.

Please do your best to recall that name then, user

More convincing than Matt's wife

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>put yourself in a mentor role then spout all your biases as pure fact
Sounds like Novice Network

Take a shower retards.
Wobbling alone is evidence enough that your game is fucking garbage

Jojofags are cancer in general
It's abundantly clear that they don't even watch anime.

Pat apologized and stood his ground regretting recommending MN9, it was Liam who had an anxiety attack of repressed self-responsibility, and desperately ordered Pat to erase his words. Pat didn't back down on that.

I really wish he'd talk more about his and others failed dreams.
It fills me with a sort of camaraderie knowing others went through idea/concepts for things and tripped up too. Forever abandoning it and slipping into your fate given slot of just being another cog in societies machine.

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I guess Pat is the perfect XIV mentor after all.

I kept up with it until recently. I was mostly talking about the big rant he did once the show was over. The rest are fine not being much because it wasn't over but then it was over and Woolie's rant was just eh.

> Matt's face
Is Matt a BASEDfag?

Yep. I think the only LPs of theirs I didn't enjoy as much were LBP2 and Scott Pilgrim. Their most recent FF15 LP was alright. Too bad Bandunk wasn't able to be on with them throughout the LP. But it's understandable.
I hope they're all doing okay. Is Alex still alive?

Sorry but I don't know who they are. I forget how I found out about Tipping 40s, cause I didn't really use SomethingAwful. Maybe I saw someone talk about them on Yea Forums or a forum.

>Notice how that experience made them superwary of all Kickstarters for the future and almost always had them do a disclaimer when they pushed a Kickstarter game?
That never happened the way you described it.
And even recently on CSB they went over all the unfulfilled kickstarters they backed and forgotten about as a joke, rather a lesson to be learned.
Not to mention back after it came out, they gave Liam time to talk about the Ouya every week for like a fucking year.
And most "people" fell of the MN9 hype train when some Sarkeesian wannabe got put in charge of customer relations (which they all also defended).

Is Matt firing blanks or is she dried up?

>Sony starts censoring anime tiddy games
>It affects games they like
>Okay maybe we were being a bit rash uhmm

Remember Liam's voice breaking when he talked about forums calling him "Jewnafune"

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>More e-celeb garbage

Suzi has said she's into Older dudes that are fit, she wouldn't touch a chubby manlet like Pat

Might be fake :o

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What games they like were affected?

>Fucker defended Fallout 76!
No man this cucked exists.

Yeah wobbling sucks, everyone acknowledges that.
But the game has plenty of good, fun parts to make up for that.
I don't understand your autistic obsession about this "STOP HAVING FUN WITH GAMES I HATE!!", are you 12 years old or something?

Amazing. Which E3 was this?

If that happened on twitter, great. But on the podcast he said he felt bad, while Liam and Matt told him he shouldn't and Woolie did the classic, "Nooo, nooo...." thing he does.

I think that's because he kinda spread it out over several weeks

So he's gay.

>mods just woke up
RIP thread

Catherine and DMC.

So are there any Rooster Teeth related things they will be doing? I still want to see them play fighting games with James and Lawrence from Funhaus.


That is quite a bit of money.
I hope he's saving up to invest in property

Best boys having a giggle

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My man, he's a retard who thought the show was good in the first place and also hasn't read the books. What intelligent shit do you expect him to say?

> stop having fun with games I hate
This is exactly what meleefags do though. They hate every smash game post melee cause it's not exactly like it and if you disagree they throw a fit

That youtube fallout shill oxhorn does. But he's a literal bethesda paid shill.

>criticism of unregulated capitalism makes you literally a communist slippery slope
America is a (((joke)))

I don't like her face but she does have a nice body

I know DMC had the lights, what happened to Catherine?

More pics of Matt's wife PLEASE! Her face is unique!

He bought a house. And Matt got supersalty about it cause he couldn't handle that his "fuck up friend" was getting ahead in life

Look up Sue Lightning on Pornhub. There are two videos. One is just softcore and the other is Sue giving a BJ and getting fucked in the ass for a couple minutes.

I meant that moment she gets her red catsuit, that scene was just creepy when you remember she was almost molested and literally facing the rapist teacher RIGHT NOW, but the game might as well told you to shut up and fap to that zipper.

Didn't expect intelligent shit. Just expected maybe more rage or at least maybe something funny or something entertaining at least.

>it's supposed to be self actualization
Yeah, according to a western storytelling tradition of individualism, but as far as the game presents it they only problem was these girls were losing some degree of virginity and a place in the regular dating pool. Based on what was shown in the game, I actually have no particular reason to believe Ana is supposed to have a particularly self actualized sexuality. There are big blanks with lots of character arcs in each Persona game like that, and it reminds me the games are literally simple fables for teenage japanese social ethics. They're not really that bold or rebellious.

they going apeshit on KOF For Girls was the fucking worst

Removed a few lines here and there for being "problematic." The game has a trans character. There was also a big hubub when the game implied that there was a POSSIBILITY said character might be happier if they didn't transition and were just gay instead.

Yeah but he didn't back down just because Matt Liam and Woolie wanted him to. He stuck to his regret.

That's... not really true though?
Yeah i don't think games with extremely limited movement options, control, tech, DI and combos are interesting competitive games, why am i not allowed to feel that way?
I still think Smash Ultimate was a fun casual game and so do most Meleefags infact.
Why is that not enough for you? Why do people literally dedicate their lifes to the game you like in order to not be seen as toxic assholes? Do you not realize how you're the entitled dickhead here, not the people who just wanna keep playing the game they like?

Dude did you not listen to his entire rant about how he personally feels like he is responsible for all of those purchases and would give people back their money if he could? He NEVER backed down on that and he still has that same opinion about a ton of other shit.

Needs more peak performance Pat

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why in god's name would you even play a jrpg if you care this much about dumbass SJW shit like that?

I don't really get why Western fans were so triggered by that title. Me and my sisters were hype. Iori>Beni>K' for me.

What are some of their better LPs? I'm going back through their catalogue and finished up their more recent stuff (Tony Hawk, KOTOR, all of the DMC, RE5&7) but honestly can't remember which of their older LPs are worth rewatching. I'm thinking DS2 and Silent hill 1-3 but what else should I watch?

This is fucking rich considering all Meleefags seem to do is assert how much better their game is over other Smash games, other fighting games, and other competitive games in general.

Why do people **need to** dedicate their lifes

Forgot to words there, my b.

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The model part is supposed to inform that, but you're right that it skips over necessary details to actually try and convey this as a dedicated point about the character. The problem is the games are presenting themselves as if they're bold and taking shots at THE SYSTEM while having nothing actually critical to say about it (and generally approving of it) and pretending that they're social sims while having characters who may as well be cardboard. The writers are in conflict with the brand's identity.

>he personally feels like he is responsible for all of those purchases and would give people back their money if he could
pure virtue signaling

rent free

You're probably a dude? Not just because you're on Yea Forums but based on this post.

SJW shit aside, it's a fucking terrible name. Like go ahead, make your otome game where you try to take Andy away from Mai, but they didn't even put the smallest amount of effort into naming that game

SIlent Hill Downpour, Deadly Premonition and Ride to Hell are all God tier, if you can stomach some milf recording flaws.

>professional Let's Players
>constantly take weeks off in between 4--5 hour play sessions of the game being LP'd
but why do they all do this so much?


1) You're the exception, not the rule
2) Stop putting words in my mouth, I never said anything you're insinuating in those last 2 sentences. I have no issue with people wanting to play melee as long as they aren't pretentious dickheads about it like most of them are

Sm4shfags are literally the only group of bitch babies who can't take a little banter and view it as a personal attack, all other FG communties belittle eachother all the time without feeling hurt from it. Remember "when's mahvel"?
Everyone loved that meme, but when Melee does something similar, you have an autistic diarrhea attack.
Not to mention that the amount of people shitting on Melee is far, faaaar greater than the amount of Meleefags shitting on anything. Stop being a fucking bitch and just play what you like, instead of genuinely trying to take down a community just because they're not as much into the newer Smash games as you.

>Professional Let's Players
Kek. Not at them but at the thought of professional lets players.

Honestly I don't keep track of them these days.
Most of Kuvo's lp's after the breakouts have been decent to meh. Vesperia and Magic Knight Rayearth stands out as the best ones imo. Shenmue 2 got a bit boring waiting for updates but it might be better as a binge. Fire Emblem Fates seems pretty meh so far. Lots of wanting characters to fuck but only in clean puritan sjw ways so only bad matches and the gameplay portion is just boring.

Weakest link is still Matt. You appear to be speaking about Matt's wife, the one with actual connections, the money, and has the say in whether or not Matt can speak to other women.

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I personally like a lot of their older videos. Heavy Rain is great. Initially I liked all three of the sadness trilogy almost equally but after rewatching, Heavy Rain is by far the best. Its before they became more themselves? meta? I dunno. Deadly P is great too, Donkey Kong with Woolie and Matt as well. Others like Prison Break also. The brawls, especially Mario Party which I wish had better audio, its still amazing despite that.

Bump limit. What the fuck is up with the jannys these days.

Yeah, and I personally equate that to the Japanese experience. Maybe it even shows that we're too cynical in the West, but every Persona game settles into complete normalcy. The characters manage to be studious and loyal and don't change anything expect their own capacity to approach social systems honestly. That's a pretty good set of values, but its totally satisfied with society as it is. The ending of Persona 5 specifically relies on the idea that the system is perfect, and it's just corrupt hearts and passive people that allow it to become bad. There's no discussion of any need for reform.
I don't even blame it, I just see where it's a game made to help people fit in to society, which is good, but it's limited in that regard.

Full of sugar.

(S)he needs a real alpha like TGBS

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I wish i could have seen when they picked that name
>okay guys, we called this meeting to decide on the KoF dating game for girls before we go home for the day
>guy enters and says the liquor store closes in 5 minutes

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No, I'm a grill. Why?

But that literally isn't the exception, you're just going by ridiculous Yea Forums stereotypes and reddit memes, or the shit that came out of the mouth of a dunce like Pat.
The majority of Melee players was tried and played Brawl, the majority of Melee players also casually played/plays Smash 4 and Ultimate. It's a fairly chill community for the most part, but you're expecting them to always be passive and belly up when Nintendo, the entire FGC and nuSmash fans CONSTANTLY and at every turn shit all over them, that's unreasonable. Of course they're gonna return the bantz at times.

Sony's Gamescom conference from 2014.
If you watch it it's obvious that they're all tired and out of their mind, Pat and Woolie are laughing at some incredibly stupid joke and Liam and Matt are just bored. People use it as some piece of evidence about how Liam and Matt are butthurt or whatever, but it's really not the case.

Whats so bad about the title?