How do we fix guns in games?

How do we fix guns in games?

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Give them huge anime titties

This, and also have sex.

Fire the whole bullet for 60% more bullets

XCOM is wrong, it should be bullets phasing through the Alien not dealing any damage.

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this pic is old as fuck
>BFV now is R6 tier, plus morphing hitboxes
>CS has RNG (lol)

What's wrong with battlefield? Do bullets not drop off over distance in real life?

This is the only way.

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Wait, do bullets really do that in PUBG?

Make it like Rainbow Six? Makes sense that the bullet is going to hit where the scope reticle is aiming at.

how the fuck would you implement inaccuracy without RNG so that it can't be circumvented via practice?
>inb4 what's wrong with that
it could be cool, but in CS's case it would completely change the nature of the game

I'd say battlefield is decently realistic as far as bf4 is concerned. A 5.56 is only effective out to like 600 meters. It just seemed a lot worse because every single round acted like a tracer round that glowed.

name one multiplayer game that does gun right


>punch a 1 inch hole in the wall
>can jam gun scope in the hole and shoot perfectly

Not too autistic but with fake feeling of realism due to bullet drop.

No, it doesn’t. Bullets don’t shoot from scopes.
Scopes also aren’t magic, you set them for a distance and aim accordingly.

Killing Floor

so thats why is has no viewers

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This is why COD and quake has the best shooting mechanics. They don't rely on shit gimmicks like all that trash.

>Bullets don’t shoot from scopes.
but that's what actually happens in videogames you dipshit, you shoot from you scope or your eyes

siege would be fine if the hitreg wasn't fucked

Depends on the game user.
Squad, Tarkov and Arma all have scope offset.

>that’s what happens in shit video games
R6 is the exception, not the standard

>every game would be fine if i could change 1-2 things

Bullets do drop.
The problem is Σοylentfield's implementation works more like bow&arrow arcs than actual ballistic arcs.

Bullet drop at distances that would turn real life weapons ineffective, but in-game just aim your 9mm pistol a bit upwards and you can lob shots at people 20-30 meters away while still doing the same damage you'd do at effective range. They added a system in the newer games, but it feels like utter shit; they never reworked the fundamental mechanics. This now means you can still lob bullets but they'll magically do different damage. But that's the least of the franchises problems to be honest.

>autism games have autism mechanics
No shit.

CS is an arcade game with terrible gun mechanics so why is this a problem

>it's autistic to expect bullets to fire from the barrel of the gun

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>muh twitch views

Fuck off zoomer

What's the difference? Are both not affected by wind resistance?


Battlefield's issues are
>Projectile speed is stupidly slow right out of the barrel, no initial muzzle velocity
>Weapons are zeroed at 0m, bullet immediately starts falling
Both of those heavily aggravate the issues of each other. You try to shoot at some dude a hundred meters away from you, you have to completely conceal him behind your sights. Because bullets are really slow, you have to lead shots to an excessive degree. Luckily several of the BFs had nachos over spotted enemy heads. More recent BF games tried to remedy those issues with scopes that could adjust elevation and weapons sighted to 100m or so.

ARMA 3 has far more true to real life ballistic models, with accurate velocities and resistance slowing the bullet down over distance, sight zeroing, a number of effects on penetration, and most importantly vectorized aiming where the weapon is a true object in the game world and bullets come out of the fucking barrel. Its accuracy is moreso improved with certain mods that activate windage and some other environmental effects.

What kind of dumb retard rates a game by its twitch viewership
Fuck off

because arma is meant to be played

rased and bedpilled

If you throw a ruck with half power, will it arc as fast as a full power throw, you retard?

Being upset over facts grow up

Didn't you read my fucking post? There's a reason we've invented different gun and ammunition types for different situations and uses.
If lobbing projectiles at a distance was universally effective we'd still be using arrows like it's 800BC.

Get rid of assault rifles entirely.

So many issues with multiplayer shooters would disappear overnight.

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fixed that for you OP

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only in trash videogames you fuckstick

Play milsims

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>added a low effort addition that doesn’t follow the pattern nor change anything about the original image
Stick to copy pasting wojaks

Why does CS have the most retarded machanic out of all the dumb shit other games have tried?

>uses twitch views as 'facts' to determine the quality of a game
>'grow up'
amazing, zoomers telling people to grow up. who saw this coming?

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Xcom's is working perfectly fine since that is the best xcom technology can come up with for the alien threat.

Is this the female version of suddenly realising you’re not wearing pants in school?

how so

Well for RPGs, I'd say stop scaling gun damage with a stat because that's fucking retarded. Have stats affect base accuracy, recoil control, reload speed, chances of weapon jams/failures etc. Basically have every stat affect everything related to using the weapon instead of just some "damage stat."

Also stop having weapons using the same exact same calibre output wildly different damage numbers.

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How good is Sniper Elites firing?

change the gun to a shield.

>If lobbing projectiles at a distance was universally effective we'd still be using arrows like it's 800BC
Except that arrows are comparatively slow? No fucking shit they aren't effective at a long range. My point is, as you implied, that even bullets vary wildly, so why categorize arrows differently?

The XCOM one fully triggers me.
>Lose almost entire squad to missing shots and bad luck
>only survivor is a female Swedish sniper known as Valkyrie
>next deployment
>rescue civilians mission
>going smoothly so far, 2 down, 4 to go
>minimal resistance, easy targets, promotions everywhere
>still early in the campaign
>rushed mag weapons, predator armor on the way
>suddenly, mutons
>every single shot from 5 soldiers 20ft away somehow misses or grazes this absolute unit
>1 (one) plasma grenade kills both the rookies in my squad
>lose both my grenadiers
>3rd soldier (my only specialist) panics, runs and kills an enemy trooper that was flanking us
>ok, so not the worst thing ever
>4th soldier, Ranger, runs up to muton to go full Raiden on this asshole
>gets socked in the face for 8dmg
>instantly unconscious on 1hp
>at this point considering deleting the entire save
>5th soldier, Swedish captain sniper with a luck factor of 1000 manages to finally assassinate the lone muton now known as Thanos
>4th/Russian Specialist finally gets his shit together
>with 2 hp remaining the pair somehow manage to extract the remaining civilians and wipe out a MEC, 2 stun lancers, a sectoid, 2 faceless ones and an officer
>mfw my sniper hit all her shots
>mfw I have no face

Yea Forums hates everything so just assume its shit

>how the fuck would you implement inaccuracy without RNG
By making the inaccuracy observable.
Both COD (many games really) and ARMA/Flashpoint have the answer for you.
In COD's case, the radius for hip-firing is exact to the crosshairs. Even though this spread is "RNG", you know exactly the level of randomness you're going to get (unlike CS where the crosshair is basically useless except to point out the center of the screen).

In addition, some COD weapons have their sights idling about, moving in semi random swaying patterns around the center of the screen. As the weapon moves, the shots go where the tip of the sight is pointed. A form of inaccuracy that you can completely observe and compensate for.
I also mention ARMA/Flashpoint specifically to preemptively counter "ironsights reee". Operation Flashpoint and ARMA 1&2 have a hipfire crosshair shaped like a front and rear post of a weapon sight. When running or standing or anything that would introduce inaccuracy, the "rear sight" would widen and the "front post" would move around randomly within it. That front post indicated the exact point where your shot would go.
It is randomness that you can see.

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its tedious as fuck to play a game where every weapon fires slow-ass projectiles with 10 seconds of reloading every 4 shots

>Except that arrows are comparatively slow? No fucking shit they aren't effective at a long range
O o f

Just admit you don't know jack fucking shit about what you're talking about and move on to another thread. Nobody will mock you for having self-awareness.
I'll just give you one final (you) with this: there's as much historical legacy in the evolution of the bow as there is for blade weapons. Educate yourself.

>No argument
I guess you're going to object to arrows being ineffective, and I stand by that point. There is a thing called gravity that limits a theoretical effective distance given a certain velocity

>bullet immediately starts falling
like i should

Why the fuck would you implement inaccuracy if there is no weapon degredation, no dirtiness etc.

You do everything perfectly every single time


It's probably one of worst games for being watched.

Rising storm 2
>Bullet comes out of barrel
>Is based on actual gun and bullet mechanics
>No rng Just your skill, bullet drop after x amount of distance and proper recoil
The only thing they need to fix for the AK is the MOA. They broke is in the last year.

what about MGSV? The bullet drop and sniping seems realistic

Kill yourself zoomer. Your life is so pathetic you watch others play a passive entertainment medium.

Red Orchestra/RS's Aiming system with Arma's Ballistics and Counters Strikes recoil system. GG EZ

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Player interactions are so boring with assault rifles there's no tango between players it's just see guy shoot guy.

Squad or Escape from Tarkov

make them shoot yourself

What is recoil, what is skill. A gun shoots where it is told unless it is defective.

>Every fps with full auto weapons play the exact same

But CSs recoil system is shit, user

to encourage certain type of movement when shooting, i. e. standing still, crouching

have everything based on real set of physics.
Even in games sposed to be super realistic based on reality the way bullet acts in them is very different

>BFV now is R6 tier

kinda telling nobody answered this
pubg isnt exactly the best game, but its gunplay is phenomenal

Yeah, in a reasonable fashion, not like how they do in BF.

Have a fixed version.

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>Reading comprehension

Im really satisfied with killing floor 2's gun mechanics. That game is gun porn.

What makes it unique?

So its realistic? Bullets slow down over time, its fair for the game to have a damage dropoff over long distances

You don't know shit about arrows. They are fucking slow. Even the fastest recorded arrow speeds are only about 100 meters per second. That's modern compound shit, not classic bows which is more like 60-75m/s at best.
Animals regularly jump the string before an arrow reaches them at close range. Someone seeing an arrow coming from a few tens of meters (let alone 100+ meters) away can casually step out of the way.

Arrows in war were used in big fucking groups so they could carpet an area and make dodging all of them impossible. Bows were only reliably accurate within a few tens of meters, which is where you have those Legolas/Lars Andersen fags. They sure as fuck were not long range snipers, just assholes taking potshots at a close enough distance that they didn't have to worry about exceptionally precise aim, leading their shots or their targets dodging.

what about Call of Duty?

>Let's take a game series with realistic ballistics and recoil and change it to something else

They shoot real good

Some bullets in BF have higher or lower gravitational pull than normal. I'm not making this up, some of them legit have like 15 m/s^2

The way the gun naturally works will do that. Also a movement system will do that. In other words, it's full fucking retard to implement inaccuracy without dirt, damage.

i was thinking about doing this.

99% chance to hit. miss 9 of out 10 times.

Do the correct way.
Fuck even pubg uses correct bullet curve

Its not perfect and would need some tweaking to the game its applied to, but I feel its the best method to have some way to fight the recoil in a computer game. I think with the mechanics from the other 2 games, the recoil shouldn't have too much impact anyways hopefully.

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Post the real one

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cs shoots from the head of the player

Unironically it has the best gunplay and best method of applying rng to recoil.
Yea Forums can seethe all they want but there's a reason it's popular and enjoyable to play. The gunplay is satisfying and if you lose it's because you actually suck. Not because some random rng fucked you over like in cs.

Insurgency and Insurgency Sandstorm

And it ends up going in random directions. Fucking useless.

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>random directions
what is a spray pattern

absolutely based

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20-30 meters isn't super far for a pistol and the rounds are still very deadly at that range.

what's the story behind this. Did she actually forget a shirt?

Ma nigga.

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Someone post the Warframe one where the guy is shooting while spinning through the air

i drew a shitty shield for you

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Something cs doesn't have. There are no "patterns" and that game. And spray patterns are ironically shit tier game design. Off yourself.

youre a retard

its literally all autistic spray patterns see the above image.

I cant remember if theres a tiny randomization on it but its always the same order of placement every time with each gun having its own pattern.

First shot is always dead center I think too.

Sure thing bro. At least I have better taste in games than your stupid ass.

go play fortnite zoomer

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The problem with CS's recoil is the lack of visual information. Most games move your aim to simulate recoil, CS just makes the bullets come out at an angle.

>That Counter Strike
>That PUBG
Why did someone who clearly haven't played either make this shitty "chart"?

it's not. It still has bullet drop

Why are people even fucking arguing in this thread? Having different unrealistic gun models makes playing different games fun and interesting. If every game had guns that acted like Arma 3 it would get boring as fuck quick. Playing arcade shooters where you can run and gun one day and then playing a realistic milsim another day is one of the best things about playing games.

The only exception is counterstrike which is complete garbage in every form.

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When i was little i walked down the street going to school without pants. Not sure how i forgot. It was embarassing when i realized halfway through the intersection.

where's the correct one where the bullet goes around the alien and hits your soldier

Why the hell would Siege have bullet drop? Even if it didn't you wouldn't be able to tell

I don't play trash, but I'm sure your kind would love it.

Cod is the same as Rainbowsix in this meme.

She has beautiful eyes

women can sense when their breasts are being stared at and for a brief moment she forgot she was a whore. it went something like this:

~titties senses tingling~
"OMG they can see my tits! "
"Oh wait. That's right. I intentionally dressed like this so they could see my tits."

Absolutely not, caliber is a big joke in kf


the CSGO one is wrong, bullets originate from your eyes in that game. probably true for battlefield and pubg as well. bullets always shoot out your head in contemporary FPS. the alternatives are the weirdly low viewpoints on older FPS or using a dynamic crosshair that actually gets stuck on objects not in the center of the screen, like Riddick did it. bullets properly come from the guns in Riddick iirc. The Darkness, too.

>I cannot watch some inbred nobody play it on internet masturbation live shows
>Means the game doesn't exist or is bad

Have you ever actually played any good video games? Or do you need to be told what to play by autistic weirdos with a following who have the shittiest outlook on everything possible?

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>probably true for battlefield
It was true for 3 and 4. IIRC 1 and 5 have bullets actually come out of the gun.

other way around dumbo

Have sex

so if you peek left you shoot the wall and if you peek left you don't? I doubt it. at best the bullets will come from the center of your body at gun height. never from the actual gun.

are you offering?

Japan has you covered.

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>First results for velocities on Google
>50 BMG to 45 ACP
>3.5:1 ratio
>45 ACP to compound bow arrows
>2.5:1 ratio
>Hurr durr I don't have the burden of proof to show that Battlefield guns are like arrows

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No. The gunplay in PUBG is actually really good when server desync doesn't fuck you over.

>if you peek left you shoot the wall and if you peek left you don't

but where are the giant titties?

kek this
yes thanks

your gun is on the right side of your screen so if there's an object close to your right side your bullets should be stopped by that. "peeking left" means moving left to look past a corner.

user re-read your first post
Anyway, if your bullets would get stuck in the wall your character lowers the gun to signify that.

Yeah typo

They have already been fixed. Play Escape from Tarkov.

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oh come on, because I accidentally said "left" twice? use your brain instead of complaining about minor typos like that.

>if your bullets would get stuck in the wall your character lowers the gun to signify that
couldn't happen instantly or it would break muh immershun. so if you shoot any way he shoots the wall? I doubt this happens for left and right, only vertically. prove me wrong.

"ballistic arcs" lol

dont listen to those other retards, pubg just feels like a shitty chinese version of BF3 gunplay with even more rng and spread

Too bad the core gameplay loop can be such a pain sometimes. I just wish tarkov had some tdm mode with respawning I love the gunplay too much to give up hope on it.'ve never even played the game

>Inb4 Russian scam p2w battle royale

by picking the game with the gun mechanics you personally enjoy

what's the fucking difference? why are autists so obsessed with this?

Tarkov just has other horrifying issues that they'll never fix like constant stuttering and hackers everywhere

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You mean the game with recoil mechanics that based on how modified your gun is? The game where your shooting automatically gets better the longer you hold down the trigger?


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of course not, it's multiplayer and made by SJWs, too difficult to pirate so no play. but I bet I'm right any way. having any kind of left/right inconsistency would annoy people too much.

Too bad the game sucks ass

>He doesn't know what recoil control is

Who are you quoting?

Yes, and?

PUBG is a good game, though.

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not one single person on Yea Forums even know how sights actually work in real life

>I want to hold the trigger until my crosshair goes over the enemy and then i win and if that doesn't work its the games fault

none of these are as bad as Halo where the bullets come not from your gun but from your face and you can literally see it in the replay mode

This would be ok but you can literally take your hand off the mouse and the gun will keep shooting perfectly in a straight line. Tell me how that's realistic.

The guy he quoted. Recoil gets better the longer you hold down the trigger because that's what happens when someone semi competent fires in full auto in real life.

The shooting and gun porn is the best in of any game ever, now if only they could fix their armor system and core gameplay loop.

Retarded newfag.

Realism is not desired
Gunplay that fits the gameplay vision is desired

your mom from last night

>people think this is good gunplay

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here we go again with the "Why can't I get out of silver 2" faggots who don't understand how spray patterns work

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I think you're the retard here pal, it was clear who he was quoting. Or maybe you're pissing your pants over him not using meme arrows exactly how you like, in that case shut the fuck up.

since the bullets seem to disappear entirely I'd blame netcode for this more-so than physics.


CS bullets don’t fire from the gun. They fire out of your face. Since that’s where your vision is.

Remove hitscan mechanics from all FPS games and I might consider playing them again.

Xcom is a turnbased isometric game with rpg elements, it works fine. PUBG wtf though

Operation Flashpoint.

Given the range of Siege encounters, you shouldnt be "setting" to anything. An M4 set to 25m confirmed at 100m is more than enough.

Most videogame encounters happen at relatively close range, bullet drop is irrelevant in probably 90% of cases.

>not using meme arrows exactly how you like
Quit doubling down on being the typical retarded newfag and just shut the fuck up already or alternatively go back to where you came from. "meme arrows" have always been used for quoting someone

Then play as shotgun or smg class

This still doesn't answer how one can remove their hand from their mouse and the gun continues firing perfectly accurate.

20 years later and quakefags still seething lmao. Dead game.

True, but rounds in BF travel at like 100 m/s.

You're just blatantly wrong, I don't know what else to say. It has multiple uses, whether your dumbass likes it or not.
Perfectly accurate is an exaggeration, but that definitely does explain it, man.

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CS, clearly, but retards on here think some webms from 4 years ago showing 'bad' hit reg prove a point. The reality is, CS has less RNG and the best server performance of any multiplayer shooter available.

>CS has less RNG and the best server performance of any multiplayer shooter available
best server performance maybe. it's RNG central though, literally every shot with every weapon is RNG. even the AWP scoped and standing still isn't accurate firing from dust2 a to pit. you can aim at a head and miss at that range. it is this way for plenty of reasons, some of which are smart. but it is this way and denying it won't help anyone.

CS' shooting also is not particularly realistic. bullets exit from your eyes, you don't lose any bullets reloading early and you can't use ADS on any weapon except the scoped ones. the scoped weapons zoom in your whole view, not just the part in the scope. looking through a scope magically makes you accurate. scoping in and out makes an audible noise. plenty of weapons take multiple head shots to kill someone. wall penetration is extremely fickle and often doesn't work at all, or when it does reduces the damage so much as to be pointless. the list goes on.

Sounds like your Luck stat is low, user. I never missed.

You've never hit anything in your life, virgin.

>implying I haven't had sex
Holy cope, user. Maybe make sure your shots are 60+ and you won't fucking miss the AYYYYs with your shitty 2 Luck.

I believe the siege devs said most engagements in game are under 25m. Glaz is probably the only outlier and even then you can be effective with him upclose.

retard who has never played xcom, go for 75-80

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Fuck hitscan and fuck cover
Also fuck stickfags

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Motion controls
You cannot convince me there is a better control scheme for FPS than that

The OG motion controls

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No that's what happens when the devs are fucking retarded. Literally automated recoil control while magdumping is not a good mechanic

Sure, you can argue that, but tarkov's gameplay isn't focused on recoil mechanics anyways.

When it's a realism autism fps, proper recoil control (by the PLAYER) should be one of the main gameplay elements, though

They do but not like that. Battlefield's arcs for one thing, don't account for ranging (i.e. they curve straight down instead of up, then down) and are far too aggressive for the ranges portrayed. It's meant to be a balance thing but it leads to guns feeling pretty strange at times.

i tried insurgency sandstorm the other day and it sucks dick

I don't think you read my post about recoil control in real life. Recoil is almost always exaggerated in video games, and EFTs depiction of full auto fire is one of the most realistic out there. Whether that's good from a gameplay perspective is certainly up for debate though.

From first hand experience with an M4, I can tell you that the initial first few rounds are the jumpiest (depicted in game) and then it's easy as fuck to keep the rifle steady after that.

When are they making a gun gacha?

I did read it, and I still disagree. Recoil control in RL is not done by a machine, but by the person doing the shooting. I think the recoil should decrease the longer you fire to simulate getting used to it, but the game itself just straight up pulling your gun down for you is pants on head retarded.

CS dosen't have RNG, gun patterns are preditermined.

>recoil mechanics that based on how modified your gun is?
what, like real life? How dare they!

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yeah but every pattern has like 3 varieties that all look the same but have tiny differences

>equip a shitty handmade rifle with slanted muzzle brake
>have to drag my mouse upwards to keep from shooting my own feet

t. casual

Girls frontline

No, it's just not angled properly. In real life, barrels are designed so that the bullet exits at an upward angle.

Recoil doesn't really push the muzzle upwards in the first place. You don't have to pull weapons downwards IRL, you have to keep them from pushing you backwards, and that simply isn't hard at all to do if you're not a child or a woman, and certainly not hard if you're a seasoned PMC. Agree to disagree though, because I'm tired of posting. If they ever change the recoil mechanics from where they stand it will be at the cost of realism, because it's spot on right now.

>bullets leaving the gun through the barrel in counter-strike
nah, they come from the dome of the person holding the gun.

based and truthpilled


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I unironically have no problem with Rainbow six, thats optimal. Realism in games is irrelevant. Use what works.

I can see your point
too bad about about lack of recoil and terrible sound effects though

>arma 2 wasteland is completely dead and you will never fuck up armored squads with your friends anymore
arma 3 suckes


It’s basically to simulate how in RL you’re going to better compensate for muzzle climb after you fire off few rounds and have a feel for how the recoil works.

By giving them more lives to take

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Where are the anime titties?

>Im good at counterstrike, therefore my opinion isn't worthless
Try a game where you have to hit moving targets buddy.

nah the bullets usually come out of your head, which is why headglitching is a thing.

No, the don't. Don't list to the other posters. All lieing. There is literally no bullet drop (for assault rivels) in BF V. Only with sniper rifles and at max range you need to rise the weapon slightly.