3x3 Thread
r8, h8, and b8
3x3 Thread
r8, h8, and b8
Other urls found in this thread:
0/1 Kid Icarus Uprsing.
4/4 Wasn't there a Trine 4 in the works?
Streets of Rage 2 and Chronicles of Mystara
5/5 +MediEvil, Warioland 4, Trine 1 or 2, BW2, Frozen Throne
3/3 BOTW, Dong Freeze, Blodborne
Haven't played Necrodancer but I have played Cadence of Hyrule and it's fun
fat boomer
manchild and slightly retarded
>Tooie over Kazooie
>That Ultimate image
>Air Ride
Absolute kino, great taste, user
DA:O +++++
SoF2 +++++
FF3 ++
BB ++++++
Also, should I check out Crypt of the Necrodancer?
Pathologic ++++
MGS2 +++
>Gravity Rush 2
>Final Fight
>Tales of Phantasia
>Tekken 3
lemme correct: 2/9
>Streets of Rage 2
How have you been you grumpy dumpy?
you care more about music and bright colors than gameplay
Nobody missed you sperg go back into hiding
Can't tell if this is bait or if you have extreme shit taste
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I'm pretty sure he just doesn't understand the rating system
nah all of these games have fantastic gameplay although the bright colors and music certainly help
your taste are not my tastes and that is okay
how do you guys make these
>go back into hiding
I just left for other boards because no good video games are coming out. Looks like there still isn't but thought I'd stop by and take a look.
I see you guys are still playing the same garbage.
Be Funky Collage,
>nah all of these games have fantastic gameplay
Step aside zoomers
think of 9 games you like a lot and put them in one image
holy autism
what is the point of having such a gigantic list of "favorite games", your tastes just become completely indecipherable at that point. might aswell name every game you ever fucking played or straight up tell us that you are a salty boomer.
What video games have you been enjoying as of late then, or are you abstaining from vidya currently?
I can't imagine the person who likes Pokemon enough to put it in their 3x3 but still picks gen 1 out of all the gens.
The DS games (Pt, HGSS, BW2) are pure kino and if you prefer retro games GSC still shits all over gen 1
>might aswell name every game you ever fucking played
I have played every game in this thread, doesn't mean I like them all.
>what is the point of having such a gigantic list of "favorite games", your tastes just become completely indecipherable at that point
You can take any 3x3 block out of that list and it will be more unique than anything posted here.
Mostly abstaining, played a couple of new things and found them underwhelming. I think all I played from this year was AC7 and Cadence of Hyrule. Hopefully Wily Beast will be good.
Well UnderRail's expansion is finally coming out next month, so there's that at least
>Smash Ultimate
Based list user
How old are you? Not baiting or shitposting just genuinely curious. Were you alive and a child when pokemania first struck? That feeling of not knowing if you'd discover the next of the original 151 through the anime, or your gameboy playthrough with your best friend at school during lunch or recess.
I've played Gold and it's definitely a better game. But nothing will ever beat that first experience. I'm the reason people write KANTOOOOO. I just wish they got to experience what I did. It actually gets me a bit misty eyed thinking about it.
2/3 I couldn't get into E.Y.E, figured I would love it. Maybe I should try again.
8/8 Great taste
5/9 Docking a point for the atrocious collage.
I'm 25 and lived through Pokemania. The first game that was ever mine and mine alone was Yellow Version with my own GBC on my 5th birthday
Gen 1 is weak compared to most of the series.
This is not an objective best game list, it's a personal thing. The OG Pokemon games are definitely have a soft spot in a lot of people.
Gold was way more mysterious and full of wanderlust, and still existed before modern internet ruined everything.
>I'm 25 and lived through Pokemania
>on my 5th birthday
Bruh. You "remember" what older people tell you about that time.
>Gen 1 is weak compared to most of the series
Again, I have played "better" pokemon games. And yet Red is to me personally still the "best". Make of that what you will. Wonder is a powerful emotion. I also think Shogun Total War 2 is a waaaay better game than the 2000 original. But the sequel will never take me back to my teens commanding a samurai army in a way I never imagined was possible while a hot Aussie coastal thunderstorm lashed at my bedroom window. Fuck, now I just wanna go back.
PS don't act like your top 9 games of all time aren't also influenced by some nostalgia. Everyone's are.
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I like this.
Accurate fiename, except for bayo, DMC, Prey, Stalker, so actually not so shit tastes
stalker and homm3, ultimate slavcore, nice
is prey 2017 worth the money? mostly heard some mixed impressions
If you liked System Shock 2 and Bioshock, you almost certainly will enjoy Prey
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>is prey 2017 worth the money?
The first half is. If you can get it for 30 or less, it's a good deal.
There comes a point where you can put so much on a 3x3 that it becomes meaningless.
Soulcalibur 3 was the peak of the series though.
Here boys, r8 h8 masturb8
how feminine is your penis
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Go ahead and play Kiwami 2 if you haven't, senpai; I feel like it's the first Yakuza game since 0 to be a worthy successor.
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The BotW pic is high quality.
Genuinely whats the appeal of using random artwork or screenshots instead of a cover. At least OP labeled his
+ for mp and vice city
I really liked hitman until I read somewhere that it isn't a stealth game anymore, but rather a puzzle game, somehow that broke the spell
Thanks user, I hope the flower lady is in BOTW2.
What a fucking autistic retard. You can't even decide on only 100 favorite games?
>wahhh, they are ALL my favorites! i am so special!!
Yikes my dude, you are a fucking loser.
I like your rating format
Can someone explain the fucking retarded rating system you spergs are using? Not the - + / one, that's easy enough. But when someone posts 4/4 2/2 5/5 and 2/6 like this goddamn retard it gives me a stroke.
What is bottom right?
Manchild. Epitome of 90s kid delusion. proves it.
Probably the worst 3x3 in this thread
you're clinically retarded
Hitman was always a mix of stealth and puzzle solving.
As for the new games, people call them puzzle games because certain opportunities and accident kills require the use of certain items to pull them off (i.e needing either a crowbar or an explosive to bring down a light fixture), but the game is still about avoiding detection. Suit Only runs are also a lot more viable because the sneaking mechanics are better now.
It's fun.
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Thank you!
x/y; y is the number of games you played in a 3x3, and x is the number you actually liked.
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hope R* gets to making LA Noire 2 once they're finished making all the money in the world with gta 5 online
Just to make your chart look nicer generally; but yeah they really should be labeled if the title isn't in the shot
>liking Tooie
fuck you
last row on the 2nd column is Prey 2017 btw
Ah ok, thanks user. I like your system better of individual feedback
>DSII over others
But why? I think most of the hate is overrated but it is the weakest dark souls game
Too many "gamers" were confused that the game didn't let you massacre innocents and rob banks even though the game is not supposed to be ANYTHING like Rockstar's red dead/gta fare. There won't be another one.
Honestly? I enjoy the character creation and the amount of customization that comes with it. I enjoy the story and traversing this fragmented world feels dreamlike, whether it was intentional or not. The whole theme of getting dragged by the waves "without even knowing why" feels so haunting to me, and every character you meet proves the power of the curse even further. I love the soundtrack and, to be honest, really like the bosses, both in concept and in execution. I enjoy the level design and the variety of it as well. I have a lot of problems with it, of course, like the whole Agility bullshit, but apart from that, every month or so I create a new character and beat it in 8 hours or less, having a blast all the way through.
I'm in the same camp, my first DS game was DS2 and I honestly cant get into 1 or 3 for some reason
Oh, it's been edited. Half-assed edited, but edited.
Does Hylics have a coherent plot or is it more like LSD where weird things just kind of happen?
Huh I can definitely see that, especially the dreamlike feel. I'll have to pick it up again with a new mindset
If you do give it another chance, I'd recommending spending souls to get your Adaptability to Lv 20 (it gets your Agility to around 99, which increases your i-frames from 5 to 12 and decreases time to use healing items), and POWERSTANCING!
3x3's aren't just the top nine games you think are the best that you've ever played, it's a personal list of games that you have feelings for. For every game on your 3x3 you should be able to describe some story or expression that came from playing that game and that's the reason why it's on your 3x3.
All the games on my 3x3 I could give a paragraph on why I put it on there, and sometimes it's not because the game was great but rather the time I played the game was so unique and interesting the game complimented it in someway, or the game was able to change the way I think or feel about things.
I have Sapphire on my 3x3 because it was the first game that ever made me feel like I was going on a grand adventure when I was young. I had played Red and Gold beforehand, but this was the first game that really effected me like the originals did to other kids. I loved how bright and "new" the game was in contrast with Gen 1/2, I still have fond memories of playing the game around the house on hot summer days while other things happened in my life. When I think back to that game it makes me feel different than when I'd think back to something like Sonic Adventure or any other game I played growing up.
Like I have stated, pick any 3x3 block you would like and they will all be great. It is merely a reaction to people saying I do not like video games. I'd like to see you try to list that many games that you think are exceptionally good.
muh favorites is bullshit anyways, 99.9% of the time it is nostalgia for little kid games
>it's a personal list of games that you have feelings for
Jesus fucking Christ, is this Yea Forums now? Go away, faggot.
Why would it be anything else? It's about how much you liked a game not necessarily how objectively good it is. If you are looking for some objective list go to metacritic or some shit
Metacritic is not objective in the least. What do I get out of learning that you like video games for literal 5 year olds? Am I supposed to go play the games? Am I supposed to go "whoa dude i was kid too we have so much in common lets suck each other dicks?"
4/4 (KI:U, SSBU, KAR, GR2) I should start playing more indie games, I hear random things about Pyre and Transistor that I should give them a shot
4/4 (RCR, FF, SoR, CC) Good taste on SoR2. Give God Hand or Dynamite Cop a try if you haven't.
3/3 (Black 2, FF7, WL) One day I'll play through all of Layton.
1/2 (BOTW, -UT) Is that Space Invaders Extreme? If so, 2/3.
4.5/5 (DP, K7, MGS2, VTMB, ~Lisa) Wasn't a huge fan of Lisa.
5/5 (Postal, F2, DMC, SS2, Prey) Recently got someone to play through the original Fallouts, they're loving them.
4/5 (JSRF, SM, Klonoa, SF4, -UT)
2/2 (FF7, M2) I can't tell what half the stuff is man.
4/4 (Pokemon's, MGS, BK)
4.5/5 (ME, JSRF, VTMB, SC2, ~Witcher 3) Recently lost my Witcher 3 save, contemplating going back to play it again, just for the story.
4/4 (FFX, DP, DMC5, P4G) Is playing the star wars games worth it if I don't really care about the series much, are they good games if I just don't give a shit about lore?
5/5 (STALKER, DMC, SOTC, Prey, Bao) What's bottom right? C&C?
4.5/5 (DE, CoD4, ME, GTA, ~Witcher)
6/6 (MGS3, Y0, SH2, MP, VC, DMC3) I want to get into Ace Combat soon, what's the best one to start with?
7/7 (Haven't played DC or HK yet)
5/5 (SMS, OOT, HL, SSBM, EB)
8/8 (Haven't played DL)
11/11 (S2, SOTN, SM64, LOZ, MM, HL, S3, P4, FF6, SM, VTMB)
5/5 (MP, SS2, P2, HD, Prey) Nice taste. Hotel Dusk is really cool.
5/5 (DMC5, BK, Pokemon, Kirby, Postal)
4/4 (MS2, PN, CH, SG)
3/3 (Gunsmith Cats, Slayers, Tylor)
What does anyone get out of 3x3 threads except stroking ones ego?
I like shitting on people's bad taste and getting (you)s.
Ah shit, well you got me good then. Well done.
But hey, you know that dopamine rush when you get that exclamation point on your tab, that's the same feeling people get when someone rates their 3x3 highly. We're not so different, you and I.
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Thank you very much!
It super is, but I feel like it scratches an itch the other two just can't manage.
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I really enjoyed Hat in Time.
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>Is playing the star wars games worth it if I don't really care about the series much, are they good games if I just don't give a shit about lore?
Ehhhhh, I'm not really sure if I'd recommend Kotor off of that. I is very typical Star Wars adventure, and the real reason I adore II is because it's a deconstruction of the series' tropes, so I'm not sure how much that would mean to you, but I wholeheartedly recommend Republic Commando! It's just a fun shoot with nice Star Wars aesthetics and squad gameplay.
>I want to get into Ace Combat soon, what's the best one to start with?
I played 7 last month; it felt like a very nice entry point.
I've played a ton of games off of recommendations in these threads.
Just post the 9 games you would get the most enjoyment out of playing right now. Its not rocket surgery. Really these threads should be about recommendations but clearly they have gone to shit. I guess that just reflects the state of the board.
I mainly go for recs if I see a chart that I like most the games in but haven't played some
>What's bottom right? C&C?
C&C Red Alert 2
>7/7 (Haven't played DC or HK yet)
Based good taste user, thanks.
Play them both. HK is a really satisfying metroidvania IMO and I've played dozens of the things. Plus, all dlc is free and it's only 15$. Silksong is soonish too.
Dead Cells has one of my favourite combat systems by far. It's incredibly fast paced but your movement choices still matter a lot. And it too has free dlc updates.
>Not liking some of the best games ever made and casting aside an entire genre without context of each game you claim to hate.
Yup sounds like core Yea Forums
>Hating Metroidvanias
>Posts wojaks
Like pottery
I like how there's a growing appreciation for Prey here. Used to be shitposted to death by the sequelfags during release.
been wanting to play eye for a while but it seems really complex for me, also zeno clash looks fucking sick
you again eh?
My machine is currently fucked, should i resort to a ps4 copy or wait it out?
hope this one doesnt have too much on it
>2/2 (FF7, M2) I can't tell what half the stuff is man.
built in pleb filter
Wait it out?
I'm not sure if there are any performance issues on the PS4.
>witcher 3
how the fuck this game can be anyone's favorite?
I am not convinced you made that image
its been posted too many times
or maybe you are just that autistic
>When you're the highest rating in a huge rating dump
based Miyazaki is dominating 3x3 once again
>the best games ever made
The entire sub-genre is centralized around lazy game design.
3/4, -Tooie.
1/1, glad I'm not the only one who played Maximum Carnage.
4/5, -Ultra.
3/6, -Red, Kazooie and SC 3000. Picking games that haven't aged well doesn't make you boomercore, it just makes you an idiot.
2/2. Glad to see some JSRF fans in here.
3/6, -FFX, KH3 and XC2.
3/3, TWAU was the best Telltale game.
8/8, TP doesn't rank that highly in my favorite Zeldas but man that's still some superb fucking taste.
6/7, -DaS2.
Samefagging should be bannable, especially for shit opinions posted for (you)s
0/10 manchild virgin
Its not a 'shit' opinion, its fact. Go parrot more gamefaqs polls, faggot.
>TP doesn't rank that highly in my favorite Zeldas
Honestly, TP is the lowest in my 3x3, and could be easily interchanged with Transistor or maybe DKC, or even Odyssey.
But thanks, user. Good taste yourself.
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There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.
Supergiant makes dogshit '''''''''''''''games''''''''''''''
t. Christcuck
[citation needed]
praying for you right now bb
>mirrors edge
how does it feel knowing dice will never make a good game again
its literally just dumb phone games, what is there to prove? all of their games have zero depth
>Depth, lore, and story > gameplay
The post.
When I say depth I am referring to the gameplay. None of their games are the least bit interesting gameplay-wise.
>but it is the weakest dark souls game
Not when 3 exists. Really, though, the only worthwhile Dark Souls game is the first one.
DaS was a downgrade to DeS in every way. Everything from the movement to the level design to actual weapon variety.
It was a downgrade in several ways but I played DaS first so I'm sentimental about it and there are definitely things that DaS does better
>he goes to Yea Forums for objective views on games
objectivity is fucking boring
>objectivity is fucking boring
you're fucking boring. look at the state of nu/v/. its just jacking off to animu and talking about smash clickbait
wtf is an objective 3x3, doesn't exist, thinking there's some sort of objective perspective is typical unconscious incompetence
I agree, but there is no objectivity when it comes to games. Every single 3×3 here is subjective, whether the poster wants to admit it or not.
>there is no objectivity when it comes to games.
That's not true.
I didn't stutter. There is no objectivity when it comes to games.
You don't know what objectivity is, then.
+DMC5, TF, Mario3, YI
-HK please play any of the igavania's
I'm not rating this but hey another M&L bro
+tf2, mario world, max payne
- warcraft, the bad smash game
+smw, smash ult, wind waker, MHW, DS
- Okami, Star Fox
>Hollow Knight is overrated tras-
I dislike hollow knight for personal reasons yes, and greatly prefer the igavania's, what's your point?
it is extremely overrated. not trash but overrated. cherrypicking the one great level in the game that lets you use all your movement tools doesn't help your point
>for personal reasons
AKA how the hiddeously vocal minority of Yea Forums hates any and all indies without gathering any context or information about them. What do you do about bloodstained, user? It's an indie igavania.
Hollow Knightfags are getting to the level of Undertalefags where you're not allowed to insult their special snowflake indie gem.
Haven't played it yet. Also I really like Guacamelee, that's an indie metroidvania. Stop putting words in my mouth
>N. Sane Trilogy
doesn't it play almost identically? what does it have over the originals?
it's 3 games I really like in one, obviously I like it more than any of them individually
>doesn't it play almost identically?
movement for crash 1 was overhauled
They enjoy it?
I was never really fan till ME, so I'm okay with a one and done.
>I really like Guacamelee
Alright user, I'll give you points for that. My bad then.
Indie blind-hating has just been a really goddamn annoying trend the past couple years and I've seen it get worse this year.
>please play any of the igavania's
I have. HK is the peak.
god I want another wario land, how long has it been since 4
hollow knight can't be the peak because it's not an igavania
3/3 for the Sakurai games.
3/3 (Carnage, SoR2, FF); I should check if CoM &CBmUB go on sale this Summer
3/4 (+Medievil +Wario +Black 2 -FFVII)
18/18 (RCT2, DK94, Sunset Riders, Super Monkey Ball, Thielf Gold, Dark Messiah, Gimmick, Ducktales, SM64, Hard Corps, SK, Wild Guns R, SGnG, God Hand, NBBM, Elevator Action, Metal Storm, Solomon); I only rated as a personal test.
2/2 (T7, USFIV)
2/4 (+MGS +Snap -Red -Tamagotchi)
3/3 (KSS, SCII, NGB)
2/2 (GTAIV, Thief)
2/2 (Prime, NGB)
2/3 (+DMC5 +Kirby -X)
6/6 (Crash, Spyro, Emerald, Prime, Air Ride, Heroes)
5/5 (SMW, DD, Smash, Tetris Attack, SF64)
4/4 (DKC2, Galaxy, DMC5, SM)
have you really not found a game you like more than kirby star allies yet
Pleb spotted.
> kirby star allies
> not planet robobot
> not super star ultra
> not squeak squad
was correct, I didn't understand the rating system. I didn't mean to be insulting or anything I'm sorry. It was just me being dumb.
In terms of being a combination of the things I personally really enjoy in games, SA hits the mark pretty well. Combat feels great, replay value in the endgame is high, music is incredible.
KSSU was on mine for a while but I ended up liking Wave 3 SA more than it so I put it on (it's still on my 5x5). It'll come off next time something I really love shows up but I like having Kirby there for the time being, and I also get to explain why I love its systems specifically. Also Robobot and Squeak Squad are also great games for their own reasons but I feel like SA has most of the elements I like from both (beyond Robobot having the far better thematic level gimmick). Objectively, I'd say Robobot & KSSU are better than SA (perhaps one or two others as well) but I think it's one of the best in its current state and like I said, it appeals to me specifically in certain ways.
I have a handful of games I've started to play and like a lot that could potentially remove it if they end strongly, like Donkey Kong '94, My Friend Pedro, Alien Soldier and Dark Messiah. My charts might be very different at the end of the Summer since I'm going to barrel through my backlog.
He's saying it's better than all igavanias, which it easily is.
That's a low bar, if I've ever seen one.
It's definitely not better than Super Metroid.
>Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow, and Dawn of Sorrow are setting the bar low.
Ok retard, here's your (you).
Hollow Knight is absolutely packed with meaningful and decently challenging content, and if you're willing to look for it, has even more extremely challenging content. Meanwhile, super metroid, while setting the groundwork for most Metroidvanias, doesn't make it the best one by a long shot. It's repetitive, the hidden optional shit is useless and boring aside from a couple powers, and the bosses are all piss easy.
Cope, zoomer. There's a reason why Super Metroid is more played than Hollow Knight, despite being 20+ years older.