"Yea Forums hated him...Because he told the truth."

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That's an 8ch screenshot.
Go back incel.

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i saw this expecting a shitpost, but i think he's actually making sense here

Blanchard is a joke and the Medium article reads like a /jp/ user trying to troll Yea Forums users.

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>unironically posting degenerate weebshit
>current year
Only glowniggers do that shit

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>Yea Forums hated him
Clearly not this Yea Forums. Why don't you go back to that shithole you cripple fuck.

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so the CIA has a reaction face folder. Who browses Yea Forums and doesn't'?

Well he probably isn't wrong

Endocrine disruptors turn people into faggots and trannies, not anime.

There are people who actually doubt his theory? animu=weeb=gay=tranny was, is and has always been true

I mean, I fucking love traps and cowtiddy amazonians and want more of them in my anime and games, but that doesn't make me want to attempt to become a woman by turning my dick inside out.

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It's true. Just look at /lgbt/

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At least he's not a redditor like you

I've been watching anime since I was 5 and still do. Why am I not a tranny yet Yea Forums?

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Because you're an /m/ Chad and not a cute girl doing cute things moepig.

didn't know they had a lgbt board on "hate"chan

>asking Yea Forums
>not asking the reddit niggers who come here to post their epic intellectual screencaps taken from 8gag

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>Identifying with your waifu
Huh? The only thing I identify about my waifu is that I love her.

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Notice how he explicitly states "slice of life" anime?
I've never known a tranny fag who was into shounen.

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I just want women with big tiddies in my videogames and porn. Trannies trying to inject their shit and "m-m-muh d-degeneracy" moralfaggots can fuck off.

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Have children.

>Shitty crackpot "theory"
>The truth

10 years ago when user would say 'i want to be a little girl,' it wasn't taken literally, today, zoomers take that meme seriously and take HRT and cut their dicks off, what a bunch of idiots lmao

>second life.jpg

Thats a Yea Forums cap

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Reminder that early 90s moeshit is honorary /m/

Well he's not wrong...

>imagine having this pic saved in your PC

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If this was true Japan would be tranny town #1. It's a mutt problem, stop pushing the blame on to anything else.

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90s moeshit was kinda cute, later moeshit might as well be down's syndrome girls in 2D.

The faggy mutt elections made this place complete shit.
I unironically would rather this board again turn into Yea Forums 2.0 and get raided by their shit, rather than deal with these reddit chimps who came here during the election and now treat every board as if it's /pol/

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>10 years ago when user would say 'i want to be a little girl,' it wasn't taken literally

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Macross is a show for faggots in denial by the way

Is anime big in Tailand?

Thanks, but no thanks.

Why do we never hear Japan about these issues? Are foreign anime watchers really that easily influenced by something that's clearly just fetish material or ironic?

Not that user, but lurk more you utter newfaggot. It literally used to be a fucking common meme.
Actually, better yet than lurking, fuck off back to wherever you came from.

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> NPC: "Porn GOOD, /pol/ BAD"
Literal YIKES

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Looks like they have some good taste.

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only time i see /pol/ posted here its by people calling others /pol/
they say rent free for a reason

Was the 2016 election the worst thing to happen to this site?

Have sex.

You know jerking it to hentai is the same thing, right?

Its a theroy I held in my head since about 5 years ago, it's just pure logic and makes total sense and should not be controversial. Well he is in the university of Toronto, a nest of filthy lefties, after all.

I know faggot, but saying that you "want to be a little girl" even as a meme is fucking disgusting and clearly something was wrong in their mind. What we have today is the only logical step.

chanology, fappening, GG, 2016 election, take your pick

>tfw trannies are just the new delete sys32 morons

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you take everything too seriously

Who are you talking to?


You have to be completely fucked up in the head if something as childish as anime shit could turn you into a tranny.

This is why JoJo is thw straightest anime, the characters look like turbo fags but act like manly badasses

>dumb boomer says dumb shit he barely understands
I dislike trannies but boomers take the cake when it comes to retardation.

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I'm not gonna deny that, never was a Macrossfag myself

>some "professor" claiming ownership of an idea that was obvious for like a decade to anyone that ever ventured into Yea Forums yuri threads or /r9k/
Eh he seems like a total newfag.

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>it is another /pol/ info dump thread that has nothing to do with video games and will hit bump limit

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Why do zoomers need to show idpol everywhere they go? It's disgusting.

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He's not wrong, hes right. These wanna be fiction, they wanna be like these pretty, perfect and cute anime girls, but they just can't because they're real and anime isn't. They project themselves onto fiction which is something you cannot do, you can identify with fiction in a sense that you connect with a fictional character or understand them. But these people think they can become fiction.
It's strange because no sane person would believe that fiction could be real, sane people know that fiction is just fiction.
But mentally ill people think fiction is reality, and intern, try to make it an reality.

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Trannies on suicide watch, oh wait, they already were.

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Me. I just keep everything in my 'Pictures' folder, no sub-folders.

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>autistic kid at card shop kept talking about monster momomuso or whatever that anime was
>"lol I jack off all the time watching that show"
>evafag too
>he was 15

>most virtual youtubers in Japan are dudes with female avatars
And there you have it

>You have to be completely fucked up in the head
gee I wonder if that was ever an issue with weebs

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Surely it's just one big coincidence all trannies love anime.

>tfw spent half a year back in the day jacking to thai ladyboys
>eventually get over that shit and go back to my normal rape porn
humans are naturally curious about taboo shit. anyone that says they've never looked at chick with dick porn is a fucking liar.

another fun fact: a lot of women are very interested in beast, but too afraid to talk about it.

>He's not wrong, hes right. These wanna be fiction
I meant to say they. shittttt

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what a mess

>dilate your wound

Based on that logic, the answer is simple.

Require everyone to watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure parts 1-3 and DBZ but with the Ginyu Force censored.

I'm not trying to be edgy or anything and I mean no ill will towards "trans" people, but thinking you belong to any other gender than the one described physically in your dna is 100% a mental disorder and should be cured or at least treated with medication

Why the fuck are these retard brained schizo faggots posting this on Yea Forums
Go back to pol, no one cares
Addiction doesnt happen to people with good genetics

Americans and onions eaters for u

>acts like a typical /pol/ newfag
>gets called out on it
>can only reply with the same replies that every newfag from /pol/ gives
Yeah, nobody's buying it, son.

It all keeps snowballing ontop of one another. Saying X is the worst, isn't right.

If you can't take a fucking joke and get assblasted by it, then you should fuck off. Fucking cancer.