ITT. Shit games that ruined beloved franchises forever

ITT. Shit games that ruined beloved franchises forever

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It's not shit. It's lame and it started the downward spiral, but it's not shit.

>ITT. Shit games that ruined beloved franchises forever
*Great game that ruined a beloved franchise

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That's Battlefield 4

Battlefield 3 did a lot of things right, but did plenty wrong.
Removing destructable terrain was a big no-no, among others.

True user.

There were plenty destructible objects/buildings, just not on the same scale as in bc2.

Also the game is still alive and kicking, everyone should come back, it is still one of the best mp fps.

the game was only good if you played it as a non-stealthy john wick simulator, but it was still shitty nonetheless.

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black ops 2

If I can't destroy everything, then don't let me destroy anything.

Best game in the serie, ruined?


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tech demo

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Everytime said Demon Souls is their favorite.
Never explain why.

no it wasn't, it was just another generic cover shooter but with an aimbot mechanic

I really liked bioshock 1 and 2 was good, too bad they dumb down the formula to a more lineal game and also the story is shit, le ebin infinite universes

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Most of Dark Souls is reused Demons' Souls assets

what does 3 do that 4 didn't do


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Demon's Souls actually innovated

Confirmed you never played Dark souls

The only people that liked this are the same people that think the last of us is the best game last generation

Absolutely garbage opinions
How can someone be so wrong?

>Shit storyline (Dima dying like a retard after surviving a nuke)
>Shit maps
>Shit weapons balance

>reused animations and textures from Demons' Souls aren't reused

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>Caring about any battlefield campaign characters in any way

Bad Company 1-2 had great characters

I refuse to believe they are of the same franchise when they are this good

fucking wrong

Hello fellow based battlefield boomer

What a fucking retard

>he likes having a half-assed system, which causes level-design to suffer due to poorly-handled implementation of gameplay and map mechanics

based, fuck codkiddies first battlefield

Giving a shit about "muh destruction mechanics" when all of these games fail to have what battlefield is meant to have. Good combined arms gameplay. Battlefield 2 was the last good one, the red is just cod shit

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The whole series is shit

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>makes a statement with no argument but merely their opinion
>a popular video game with lots of merits and fans
>shits on it
>likely to garner attention
Take notes, people, this is how you REALLY bait.

Prove me wrong

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the biggest offender

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I don't get the boomers who have an irrational hatred of BF3 and BF4.

What exactly is their problem with these games?

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Just giving my zoomer opinion: BC2>>BF4>>BF1>>>>BF3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal trash>>>>>>BF5

>(Dima dying like a retard after surviving a nuke)
Yeah why did they kill him off like that?

I don't know, I'm an oldfag who's been playing since BF42 and I really enjoyed BF4 once it got unfucked.

It lowered my expectations for all big name games from this company, not just FF

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Most disappointing game of all time

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bf3 was my first battlefield and loved it. Ofc it's flawed but still.

>mediocre gameplay
>-2/10 story
>Easily the worst graphics on the N64, and sub-par for the sequels
>Absolutely dry and tasteless as far as ighting games go
>A joke at Evo
>Its only redeeming quality is its nintendo shill characters all being placed in one poorly package game
>dmg goes up when hp % goes up
>0 consistency with its art style of new characters
>Truly fan-base of all the fighters
>No 0 meat when playing solo compared to other games of its genre, the bots are a laughing stock
I'm sorry son but your video game is just shit. The best version of the series was a mod for Brawl and even then it only brought the game upto a solid 6/10. Better luck next time kido.

>caring about the campaign

you're part of the problem

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This was my first introduction to the series and holy shit it was bad. What a disappointment.

Final Fantasy XV or XIII
I would post a pic but I dont have one

>not Bad Company

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Play 4 and For Answer. They are the best in the series. I will never forgive V and Verdict Day for ruining it. Fuck FROM.

Now that the next Zelda is confirmed to be a BOTW asset flip it seems likely we won't a good Zelda fame this generation. Reminder that we could have had this, but instead Nintendo decided to appeal to the zoomer demographic by making a Ubisoft knock off with a Zelda skin.

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>having any expectations after 3
>the worst travesty to ruin everything Fallout ever forever

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Dumb Boomer

Well it was already ruined with Tactics and BoS but yeah Bethesda continued to desecrate the series

you think Obsidian's New Vegas was bad too?

Would be fine if was just called Id champions

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lmao gtfo zoomer

Nothing, they're both crap and 4 is a clone of 3 with some extras shoved in

It was okay. It has all the same garbage as FO3 like the terrible gunplay, visuals, movement, constant loading screens and VATS aka consolepleb assistance tool, but it is a far better RPG than 3 which is paramount.

Has most of everything that BF3 has (some guns removed) but with a lot better tickrate and hitreg, as well as more weapons and customization
Oh, and also has an in-game server browser as of like 2 years ago

Tactics is actually good tho

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Best 24 game, though.

Not the person that posted the image but are you retarded? Do you not remember when the entirety of v shilled the absolute shit of FNAF when the first trailer appeared?

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The most correct opinion in this thread.

don't even start user

What? It was mw2 that went balls to the wall with every aspect of the game. It was almost blasphemous compared to Cod4. At least blops1 went back to a slower pace more truthful to the older gameplay.

Exactly, and it was shit for it. Then all the other games followed suit and it never recovered.

only cucks play that shit