What does Yea Forums think of Evenicle?
What does Yea Forums think of Evenicle?
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Mediocre weebshit for cringey incels.
i didn't know Yea Forums was filled with absolute CHADS
mediocre and a waste of potential.
Boring turn based combat funny fanservice scenes
2gb game for 10 pics only.
A good entry point before playing Rance games.
Isn't Rance a cuck compared to Aster?
What? No. If Rance sees a hot woman he rapes her. And because he's such a Chad they love him for it
I thought the girls cheat on him or something.
It’s pretty good but it has insane tonal whiplash
tiddy! animoo tiddy!!!
Not that I can think off they sometimes deprogram between games but nothing a rape won't fix. Usually its Rance that does the cucking.
decent although never finished /10
>insane tonal whiplash
It's amazing how it can randomly go from happy-go-lucky adventure to brutal monster gang rape in like 10 seconds flat.
What the fuck were they thinking with Croix?
As a gurofag I was pleasantly surprised by the monster eating that one chick in the dungeon desu
This bit was really fucked up and hot at the same time too
alicesoft is famour for doing this.
Rance games have a lot of rape that seems like they were supposed to be a jumpscare with none or little warning beforehand
The snuff film one? I must admit it surprised me. I've seen my share of shit on the internet, so I wasn't really bothered by it, but most people would probably find it seriously disturbing. If you just look at the game's cover, you definitely wouldn't expect seeing stuff like that in it.
>father daughter incest rape snuff cannibalism necrophilia
They definitely seemed like they were going down a fetish checklist to make sure everyone got at least one scene for something they liked: vanilla, rape, guro, loli, harem. Some things needed improvement, mainly the lack of any scene where you actually fuck the whole harem onscreen (a couple scenes were with the larger group, but only focus on one or two girls, which was a disappointment). Anyway, Gurigura Best Wife, and Ramius was overrated as fuck and becomes a meme after the first chapter.
alicesoft games are made for women.
being raped by aryan chad and falling in love with him is the #1 female fantasy.
that's why rance never hurts women and actually goes out of his way to protect them from actually evil guys who coincidentally are usually ugly as fuck with crooked noses and shit.
if you dont believe me look up the alicesoft writers on google they all have VAGINAS
stop playing ths shit
I wanted to fuck Tio after chapter 3 but instead I got some Reimu wannabe. WTF
very good, even if the MC is kinda disappointing it's still a solid 8/10
The game has a great concept, setting, and story yet goes often from everyone being happy to ultra edgy in an instant. Every time I see Yea Forums talk about this game , they will instantly dismiss all dialog and gameplay elements just to see how quick they can reach the cgs and cum.
You fuck Tio later in the game
It's actually porn, which already makes it better then that ecchi bullshit Senran Kagura
>can't marry a single girl and ignore the other whores
it's shit
only found a result about a female writer who retired in 2009
I want at least 3 alicesoft writers to be female to believe you
Standard japanese harem MCs are always bland as fuck, because the only thing anyone is supposed to care about is the girls.
Also, not being allowed to penetrate Qu was probably the greatest crime in the game. We need that other game she's in localized.
Sequel on steam when?
some japanese harem MCs are good though, like YU-NO and Sharin no Kuni's protagonists
Aster is especially disappointing because he's just a dumbed down Rance
porn is fine. not great, but fine
gameplay is mediocre at absolute best and story is either sleep inducing or "i almost laughed but just ended up breathing out of my nose slightly harder than usual" tier
horribly fucking overrated by both Yea Forums and /vn/ on release
Evenicle gameplay is simply bad, even by H games standards. It felt like a chore and I'd rather go through Bunny Black or Kamidori from a scratch than replay Evenicle.
kamidori holds up as its own game without porn. evenicle wouldn't have been bought by a single soul in the same situation
its definitely not worth 45 bucks thats for sure
>buying vns in ANY context
I'm guessing Evenicle 2 is more of the same
Sure, but the grind to 100% it is pure hell.
At the very least you need 4 replays and "deliver billion XYZ in 10 days" quests are complete bullshit.
From what little I've seen, the combat seems a bit improved. Nan's chipmunk teeth are at their worst though. That coffee-colored girl and her sister are top waifu-bait, though.
Not really. While the gameplay and the story are mediocre, the character interactions more than make up for it.
Evenicle 2 when?
it was fun enough.
Learn nip
less grindy and funny rance quest
Enjoyed it more than traditional Rance. Also it has that classic comfy jprg feel to it. One of the few games I've beaten in the past few years, somehow.
>Also, not being allowed to penetrate Qu was probably the greatest crime in the game.
No, the real crime was not being able to let QD pound Aster with her futa dick.
I very much enjoyed Ibunikuru, can't wait till 2 is released to keep on playing old-school JRPG weebshit and jack off over the cute girls being hatefucked
Most of the time, when Rance rapes somebody it's presented as goofy and truimphant(partly because of his silly sex theme) even though he's being a horrible person, but when someone else does the raping, they play the sad theme so it feels completely different.
Was okay until the tentacle part. That shit was completely unnecesary.
this thread is interesting. Every other thread I have seen praised the game for how surprisingly good it was.
this thread is nothing but shitting on the game.
so which is it?
Why don't you just play it and form your own opinion?
gameplay-wise, it's really pretty basic. some of the porn is also a bit out there, especially if you were expecting vanilla shit.
Porn is decent and covers variety of fetishes.
Character interactions are great.
Story is meh.
Gameplay is shit.
It's a fun and engaging vanilla JRPG filled with violent sex and weeaboo degeneracy. 7/10
Best girl
The Dragon Sisters and Gurigura were the only ones I played the game for.
>Everyone is canonically in the Dragon Sisters Harem
Honestly though, the only real loser in the whole story was Colpis. Even though she gets a good epilogue, everything leading up to it was ridiculous.
I'm thinking it was BASED.
She literally has more experience with rape than just about anyone in the world, so it was a good choice to make. Natal clamblocking herself will never get old to me though. Aster STILL thinks she hates him.
>Natal clamblocking
I wonder how many people thought that she would be one of the wives.
Her tsundere was just too strong. She should just go get fucked by Millet again.
>full everance never
Great game, a sex game that's an actually good rpg on top of that.
Who else hopes the loses the weight? Her husband was a bro, genuinely loves her and wants her to recover. It's not really her fault she ended up like this, though it sounds like she's grown to love her food a bit too much, so it'll be hard for her to get back to normal.
I hope she does, she and her husband were good people.
>Too dark for the vanilla crowd
>Too mild for the degenerate crowd
Who were they trying to appeal to with this game exactly?
picked up
because i like to do a little bit of research and get a general idea of what I'm getting into before playing a game.
but I know you're just being contrarian for the sake of it.
everyone, same shit as usual
Look at how fucking flat she is god DAMN
imagine the naizuri
That red swollen sausage dick Aster got from those drugs just looked painful, though.
You should play it. This board shits on anything popular.
I dunno. Nan's style is just too moe for x-rated stuff. It just feels...wrong.
>write a boy
>call it a girl
amazing character
I'm still baffled people actually liked the MC.
At least until you get into an H scene
The only woman I can think of that flatout rejects Rance is the japanese one.
But I dont remember if he rapes her anyway and if this is before or after the rape.
He's like Rance, but not as fun
Most of his non-Senran stuff is x-rated. It's just because he has to churn out so much stuff for SK that people think that's what he's all about.
DAE get really sad and hate the lorenzo scene?
She still got her husbando so it all ended ok.
But her husband is also her cousin.
And Aster is technically Kyou & Kinou's pet, so what?
but he didn't get to be her first
rise up
face art seems extremely similar to senran kaguras one
Comfy and cute.
I think we can all agree that Kath is the best wife too.
Eh, she's still practically a virgin compared to the rest of her race lol.
same artist
pretty sure its just the same artist
i just finished chapter 3 and i just want ramius as my waifu, is it worth playing through chapter 4 for kathryn (i assume thats whos next)?
>not buying vns in EVERY context
Kath is great, best wife only second to Ramius
Erimo is best wife.
> vanilla haremshit
hard pass
O I am laffin.
Everything involving the MC's harem is vanilla as it gets.
For me, it's Towa
It was okay. Better than Rance Quest at least.
>Who is Croix
Might wanna try again there champ.
Meme characters don't count. And even if they did Croix is the one exception.
The true harem is the MC's combat party.
only acceptable answer
Erimo best wife
Evenicle was pretty good. What's the latest rance game with eng translation?
Any other recs for similar games with equally as good porn?
I do like Erimo. I don't understand all the hate she gets. The forced way they handled her marriage to Aster wasn't her fault, it was the writers being too lazy to figure out how a girl who was clearly being set up as a wife could actually become one.
I beat it a few months back. Took me about 60 hours. Nice comedy, good translation, fun JRPG mechanics. Some really bizarre surprise rape scenes including one with vore, like wtf, this was so out of place.
Kath > Ramius > Gurigura > Riche
Fite me
Too expensive. Make it 8 yurooos and then i'll buy it
I bought it for roughly $10 in my region. Then they suddenly added trading cards and I was one of the first few to sell them, made like 4 dollars.
Kath is garbage. Tsundere is the shittiest character trope in the universe and Kath is a prime example of why.
Qu > Main wives >>> Dragon twins > Croix >The rest
Gurigura > Ramius > Kath >>>>>>>>>>> Riche
Kath is tsun tsun. She continues to treat Aster like garbage right through to the end of the game.
Alt outfits were a bitch to grind.
>gurigura in front of anyone
im sorry user you have the worst taste ive ever seen
The real best girl.
>here's a couple that's deeply in love but too awkward to fuck, you will NEVER guess what happens to the girl!
Getting real tired of this bullshit
>Dragon twins above anyone
Biggest disappointments maybe, and good for comedic sex scenes. Otherwise, meh.
w-what happens?
W-what happens to the girl?
Literally the best girl/wife/fighter in the game. Other than a lack of crowd-control abilities, she's the most powerful fighter, Aster prefers her to all the other wives, she's perverted in a way that Ramius should be (ie: isn't embarrassed by how much she loves cock).
You would put Riche in front of Gurigura? And you say I have bad taste.
no u
don't bother arguing both the devs and the characters ingame disagree with your terrible opinion
it's a good thing the harem in 2 is leagues better though
Nothing she doesn't learn to enjoy
They are talking about Colpis. And she gets raped, alot. Seriously, a lot of rape.
>add haughty drill hair ojou, aka best type of girl
>let her get raped by monsters
>never even an option to romance her
Burn this game, and this studio
Swap Ramius and Kath and you're correct.
Why can’t it be a happy ending? What is the japanese obsession with this subject?
She was happily married and a mother and you want her to fuck the man who murdered her loving husband and newborn child?
Girls with glasses always suffer in alicesoft games
You can thank Qu for that.
wait theres guro in this game? idk if i wanna continue now
how bad is it?
It was a happy ending. Her fiance was kind of a pussy and turned out to be a dick. She gets over it and even turns it to her advantage.
It's one scene. Pretty heartwrenching, she calls for her mom and dad as she's being eaten.
She becomes the world's greatest expert on Rape, so there is that.
I was talking about Poncho and his waifu, but it's more or less the same.
Alicesoft really needs to make it a bit less obvious what they're gonna do to certain characters, I saw the rape coming miles away.
oh so its not like saya no uta bad then, good.
I actually kinda liked that the dumb bitchy stuck-up tsundere didn't get the dick because she's too tsun.
Hopefully we can get her in the sequel.
Lorenzo ended up a bit better than Colpis. At least her bf avenged her, still loved her after, and they got happily married.
There's at least two (that I remember).
>a girl gets raped and eaten by a monster
>a zombified girl fucks her wounded father and then eats his flesh
Both are pretty disturbing and unavoidable, hold CTRL to be done with them faster.
Sequel is a different world. Only Aster and Ramius seem to have ended up there after world jumping.
There is another scene that technically Involves one person eating another, but in the dismember and eat in chunks manner rather than swallow whole and core manner. That part of the scene isn't described in great detail, so it's not quite as visceral as one might think it is from a retelling of the scene. Everything else that happens on top of it still make it pretty fucked up though
how many wives can you have, im at 3 now
Lorenzo only ended up better because her race couldn't get that stupid fucking ring like Humans can.
10. 4 battle brides and 6 non-combatants
You get 4 wives + aster to have in your combat party. Throughout the story you will aquire six more as well.
You technically should get 11, but Alicesoft only lets you get 10.
4 main ones and 6 side ones
Riche is best.
can i fuck the trap merchants?
No, but you can fuck all of the nuns by doing a certain series of sidequests.
>towa is one of your wives and doesn't get raped into oblivion
Wew I was worried after I met her the 2nd time.
are there any traps u can fuck?
Don't be to happy, another one of the wives gets raped into oblivion by fat orc cock instead
There's some close calls, but Aster is as opposed to faggotry as Rance is.
No. You do get to fuck a genderbent Arthur though.
wait which wives get raped
It's pretty boring and Evenicle 2 is more of the same boring
Erimo and Croix.
How did you like the plot? Were you surprised by Black Knight and White Knight reveals? Too bad we didn't get to meet Eve though or even learn what happened to her.
Towa is just a letdown of a wife slot
She's like an actual brainlet
She's still pure in her consummation scene
Erimo doesn't get raped though?
i dont want to wive rapees
I just started the game but honestly I'm almost certain one of the knights is Barron.
Towa is the obnoxious pedo bait.
Too bad, Aster isn't a fag like you.
Wasn't surprised about the Knights, I wanted to meet Eve just so they could bitch about the fucking rings nonsense. Hurp durp you got raped, enjoy being a criminal now.
Croix gets kidnapped, drugged and put into monster cock carousel, which gets broadcasted for entire world to see. After days or weeks of constant rape, she finally gets rescued by Aster, who tells her that he doesn't mind that dicks she had inside her can be measured in miles and marries her.
Played for while got bored
played second one even longer got bored as well
>rape victim loves rough sex
Hate this trope.
is the second one out in english?
My mistake. I forget that Erimo just gets eaten out, and it was according to her own plan anyway, so I suppose it couldn't even be called sexual assault. Still, she does get eaten out
I thought that was guri
But it reflects reality, user.
Biggest surprise spoiler is that he isn't one of the knights.
its kino. now we wait for translation for part 2
Raimus is best girll. I would've been happy if it was just her as your wife as the romance grows throughout the story.
You can see the exact moment Riche becomes obsolete
Towa is full on primary schooler fetish fuel. She even has the typical Japanese school bag and everything.
k now i know where to stop
Combat is slightly disappointing but can still be fun or interesting enough at times. No matter the case though, everything else shot way past my expectations. The world, its characters, and the story were all just lovely.
Me too tbqh
At least she is in the 2nd game.
My only other guess is the twins
It's just a porn game, there are no meaningful bonding scenes. The protag goes "dude boobs lmao peepee so hard" in every other scene even during supposedly important and dramatic story reveals.
it's another reason to never listen to moogy about anything
"just as good as classic rpgs like chrono trigger and saga" my ass
Think harder. Like, what other strong male characters are there in the game.
>let's ban rance 6 instead
Valve are so weird.
>and becomes a meme after the first chapter
Call her a meme all you want but she just embraces the cute and becomes the ultimate wife instead. Ramius and Aster shouting love at the top of their lungs was the most heart-warming shit.
Evenicle looks super cute and the first rape scene happens only like 5 hours in. I suppose they just didn't bother playing it for that long.
Rance VI also has a lot of gruesome scenes too, not as intense as the ones in Evenicle but it definitely has more
Urza's early scenes are pretty uncomfortable.
I'm only on the very beginning of chapter 3. So the only males in this game are the adventurer dude, the 2 zero knights, and the king (who I assume isn't strong). If I assume they must be male then it only leaves Raimus's brother and adventurer . But while the former makes sense at least in where he was the latter seems pretty random. Unless of course arthur is still around and is being a dick for some reason.
The first rape scene happens like an hour in with colpis getting kidnapped and raped.
Isn't the worst thing in VI the nazi girl getting raped by her fellow muggles?
Though I do remember that there was some serial killer, but I don't recall it being overly graphic, on screen at the very least.
You got one of them right, but I'm not telling who.
There are more males in later chapters though. The important one will be shown in the next chapter.
Hard facts:
1. EOPs are subhuman.
2. Alicesoft games never should have been EOP'd.
The wrost of Rance VI is when Camilla orders a girl to be raped to death
From the very first time Croix showed up Riche was obsolete.
Riche is not as brain dead as her sister though.
Rance was pretty nasty to Uruza.
Which one Yea Forums?
garbage game for cumbrain weebs
Eh, it felt more like she acts like that to placate Riche honestly.
She did nothing wrong
Gurigura or Ramius.
The fact that she gets beaten to the punch repeatedly by Guri when it comes to sex and perversion gets annoying though. And she almost never contributes to the conversations because by the time she comes up with anything useful to say, the others have all already moved on. She has her moments, but after chapter 1 they're few and far between and she just feels like she gets left behind most times.
Gurigura's events are mostly just slice-of-life with no porn.
>Gurigura's events are mostly just slice-of-life with no porn.
Good. I didn't want to fap right now.
Evenicle's genuinely one of the funniest JRPGs I've ever played.
The king is a zero knight as well. He just doesn't mention any of the multiple wives he probably has, but the other rulers recognize and respect him for his strength.
Honestly, I just enjoyed it for the banter and the ridiculous story. Started skipping all H-scenes about halfway through.
The closest Alicesoft has gotten to gay sex is Futa.
Also that one dead studio they had; Aliceblue.
Everyone has one or two of those, though.
Why are nips so obssessed with Arthur's legend? Played Berseria and Zestiria recently and they were both based off the same mythos.
I think she'd like rough sex even if she had never been raped. She likes strong emotions and likely appreciates the intensity of wild sex.
In many ways I think it reflects her personality outside of sex. Think about it. Even when she is being "calm" she is like the most intense person around, forcibly hugging and goading others into emotional responses. She likes it.
This, the game has a lot of flaws and is overall wasted potential but I enjoyed the fuck out of it
The super edgy rape scenes were the biggest flaw IMO. Just stupid pandering to the people who likely weren't interested in this game in the first place.
And it's so immersion breaking, e.g. Tio gets the whole village gang raped and then everyone's like no biggie and Aster goes "all is forgiven if you let me touch your boobs". This was so bizarre.
Agreed, it was fun and cute with a tad bit of edginess to keep it interesting.
The most famous white guy with a magic sword. Combining the two things japs love. Whites and fantasy.
based pure user is based
Rape scenes in an Alicesoft game is directly pandering to their fanbase.
The super edgy rape scenes were great though. Honestly I'd prefer if more of the wifes were raped beforehand, Kath and Erimo need the smug raped out of them, I thought Towa was rape-bait but unfortunately that never happened.
The edgy rape things were good but it was in direct contrast to our heroes and distinctly highlighted how different they were.
Unironically, if the game hadn't been as edgy as it was when it was, then I hadn't felt nearly as much as a hero as I did when I saved everyone.
Without therapy people could/are driven to relive trauma. It's why chicks with shitty dads will go get 5 kids with Tyrone who will beat and abandon her. Or dudes who are raised with little esteem boosting become cucks
gameplay is overrated (pic related had much better combat imo)
h-scenes are too short
there's lots of characters but some of them only get like 1 or 2 scenes which feels like a waste
the last party member should've been a tittycow
ramius (best wife) gets sidelined when the other wives come into the picture
second game seems to keep most of those mistakes sadly. i hope pic related's sequel comes out sooner rather than later, that was the only hentai game i really enjoyed playing i think
I was scared Towa was going to be raped with how mean the game was to side-characters, in the chapter in the country she was from I was scared to see what happens next.
Lewding Towa felt wrong.
>The super edgy rape scenes were the biggest flaw IMO. Just stupid pandering to the people who likely weren't interested in this game in the first place.
user, for their latest game they got a lot of shit because it had no NTR like the other VNs in that series, they're definitely pandering to their core audience with the inclusion of rape.
Kath if anyone is off limits! Kath is only allowed to effectively rape herself by proxy of getting into sexual encounters with her beloved husband that she herself was not prepared to but also unable or unwilling to back out of!
Pictured is Kanami's profile from the Rance 4 (1993) manual. Notice anything peculiar? That's right she's said to be 16?. Yet she's one of the girls you (as Rance) fuck.
What did Alicesoft mean by this?
Rance fucks plenty of 14 and 15 year olds, too. Not like Kanami is anything special.
How is that okay?!!!
16? Good heavens.
They're not real.
>pic related had much better combat
Not really. Pretty much bare bones srpg. It's better but only because a bare bones srpg is better than a bare bones jrpg.
>h-scenes are too short
Not sure how you can complain about this when I'd say futaring suffers from the same thing. Worse in some respects since I found the same position seemed to be reused for lots of scenes so that (I assume) the artist had less work. Though it was nice that the cgs would change when you adjusted your physical characteristics.
That said futaring is still great. Uncensored unity version was a gift from the heavens.
This artstyle is so lazy. These faces have less structure than a fucking emoticon.
yeah fujuuhime has the same issue wrt to the scenes. you're also right about the positions. but given that evenicle got a lot more praise and seemed to be the work of an experienced team instead of a 1man project, i had higher expectations
Are there any other comfy JRPG's with porn/raunchy stuff? I only know of Kamidori Alchemy Meister (ugly art) and Rance series (too edgy for me).
I don't think it's because of that, Alicesoft games are always like this and I like how it puts an unexpected dark tone to the game. Here's a few of my complaints:
>Aster is very boring, he's not exactly a bad MC but I wish he'd be more than just "lol boobies"
>The romances with the wives are all over the place, some are great and heartwarming while others are rushed to hell or almost nonexistant
>The game needs more interactions with all the wives in general, especially with the subwives
>The setting is interesting but nothing is really done with it. Seriously how is it that the only harem we encounter is with Aster?
>The ending is shit and teases you with a sequel that might never even come (not only that but everyone has already finished their own arcs, so I don't know what could you do in the sequel)
>The whole Natal thing is awful, the game teases her as a wife but nothing ends up happening and she gets the worst ending
>H-scenes are also all over the place, some are great while others feel really weird even though they don't feature any super obscure or hardcore fetish
The ending was just very convenient for them. It says there are multiple continents/worlds in this setting, so they could come up with pretty much anything in the sequel, and it also says that they don't know where the characters will end up once they jump into the portal, meaning they might or might not return in a sequel. From what I hear only Aster and Ramius appear in Evenicle 2, and only as cameos.
>>The whole Natal thing is awful, the game teases her as a wife but nothing ends up happening and she gets the worst ending
I was super excited to marry Natal and was ready to abandon everything to do so if given the choice. But in the end, while I admit to feeling quite fucked on that front, I actually did appreciate how the game completely subverted my expectations on this. I also kind of appreciated and could relate to Aster's remorse at the whole ordeal. And while way too late, the ultimate resolution to Natal's story was kind of sweet.
Natal is the girl robbed of her wife status, but she grew stronger from it. May she grow happy yet.
Eh, how many people did we meet that were qualified to have more than one wife though? Barro only wanted lolis, Ramius' brother was all about GLORIOUS COMBAT, and the King may or may not have had one. I can't think of any other male characters who'd be qualified to have one, and all the female knights wanted Aster's dick anyway.
are all of these playable? Croix makes my pp the hardest, but apparently she was raped
There's something oddly pure about wanting and sticking to wife despite having the option to grow your harem. At least sometimes and in certain settings
Only the first four are party members.
>third game has both parties from the previous games in another world
>game makes you switch between parties as you progress through the game
I love rape though. bros
rape suki
Rance was around the same age I think
the only loli he fucks later on is Mill
I wish the game didn't have such a basic combat system
I'm at the part where the three saints are hiding all over the world.
I don't want to know where they are, I just want to know if they're just hiding on the overworld or do I have to look in the dungeons.
Is there a better feeling than having a nice complete collection?
I see, can I marry all of the others?
>no Magnum
It's in the Quest folder, doofus.
That's a sidequest, you can skip it if you want. Just use a guide, they're not worth finding on your own.
have sex.
>being proud of collecting digital media, especially pirated
You're never going to play them all. What's the point?
I know it's easy to confuse the two these days, but OP clearly asked Yea Forums, not r/gaming.
This crazy madlass of a woman was so great. Even though she was hard gay, her sheer devotion and dedication was simply both shocking and awe inspiring somehow.
The warm feeling in my heart that I can at any time.
loved it
eagerly awaiting the sequel being translated
Just learn japanese. It'll be faater
The saint hunt quest was weird. Kinda rapey.
She wanted to be a wife so bad just so she could legitimately fuck Croix, it was hilarious.
Boring, the only good scene was the chick getting drugged, raped, kill and maybe ate like 5 mins into it
Is it true that the sequel has a completely different (and shittier) combat system?
how is Evenicle 2 anyway? I downloaded it but haven't played it yet
is it as funny as the first?
No, I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same except there's a doctor mechanic or something.
Is he right?
Nips didn't like the sequel. vndb.org
put them in the correct order right NOW
The flat girl who isn't a loli is surprisingly the best.
I didn't see that coming.
people shouldn't be allowed to make things I don't like
No. That is my design.
All he did was it was jaw dropping. Jaw dropping in outrage or in excitement I can't determine.
Objectively yes, since he's only stating factually what the game lets you do and it is surprising its a series, not saying if its good or bad. He never stated an opinion to be wrong or right about
Do it or I'll rape you.
EOPs making a fuss. Now the score is at 80, which is very good for EGS and there's no 期待はずれ tag among the top ones. If it were a real disappointment, you'd see a score around 60 and that 期待はずれ.
Huh? It has an 80/100 on EGS which is the same score the first one got.
wtf it's on epic games store?
I didn't play the original but in 01 that button doesn't lead to a rape 99% of the time.
he aint wrong
but then that's why Rance was so successful, he was very different to anything else at the time, and indeed even today
>I do not, in contrast, think that you could enjoy Rance without enjoying the idea of raping women. There is, after all, no internal reason for rape in a game. Enemies you kill in games are obstacles to overcome; items you steal are steps towards wealth and power. But there is nothing that you can accomplish, no puzzle that you can solve, no quest that you can achieve through rape that you could not also achieve through not raping.
You asked if he was wrong about the firs bit, not this bit.
A very tedious game with a fun story and boring porn. I'm excited to play the sequel in 3 years.
Ya a pedantic poof.
he didn't get dicked enough by futanaris/strap-ons tbqh
>not CTRL skipping all the sex scenes so you get back to the gameplay & main story
>ywn sodomize your way through life
>tfw played through most of the Rance games and maybe jacked off once or twice in all of them
What does that make me?
Imagine having a porn stash that huge out in the open for your wives to use.
what famicom games are those?
>Gurigura Best Wife
Why is murder only bad if it targets children, the elderly, minorities or women? Do white guys have no right to live or something? How does murdering white guys not pander to "disturbing urges in a minority of the population"?
Some JRPG's. She asks you to help her with grinding enemies in one of the optional scenes.
The fact that you can brutally rape the victims instead of just simply saving them, makes the act of saving them without raping them, that much more outstanding than if raping them hadn't even been a choice.
It was pretty good when I played it in jp
Magic was supposed to be 15 in VI, right?
That's QD's porn stash.
What happens in the final chapters if you never ever bothered with Beauty's quest lines?
In fairness Rance is a much less complex character in the first game.
>first nude cg in hotel it’s blank vagina
Dropped. Also too much melodramatic bullshit and not enough gameplay/porn.
But the hottest scene to me in Sengoku is technically consensual.
While they for hypocritical reasons aren't allowing Rance on Steam, do you think Sengoku Rance would have been able to sell numbers that would have impressed Valve or are eroge simply too niche to ever accomplish such a feat?
>blank vagina
Nah. Like you said, too niche. For reference, Nobunaga's Ambition, the game it's riffing on, doesn't do great on steam either.
Nothing changes. They get to the capital on their own just fine.
Rance is pretty well known, Sengoku Rance in particular.
They delude themselves into thinking that violence in fiction is ok as long as the enemies you kill are just "obstacles to overcome". These people think that they possibly couldn't enjoy the idea of hurting/killing/raping/etc someone and have to shun everyone that may enjoy it even if that person already knows what's healthy and what isn't and has a firm grasp on reality. This is what is called "virtue signalling".
>Nobunaga's Ambition
I've wanted to get this for some time.
PC versus the Switch version. Shill it to me please.
>tfw we won't get a translation until 2025 at the rate MG is going
It's a really long-running series. If you've played Sengoku Rance, then you understand a lot of the mechanics, but SR cut out the more complex stuff like trade between territories.
>no outlaw route
What a waste of potential
At least the scene you get for the choice is pretty funny
It is not meant for EOP eyes.
Is there guro in the Rance games too?
Only played Evenicle and Rance 1
In fairness Rance X apparently has one of the longest scripts of any game produced in Japan ever.
>For reference, Nobunaga's Ambition, the game it's riffing on, doesn't do great on steam either.
How are Sengoku Rance and Nobunaga's Ambition similar? Just asking, I've heared this a lot but never played one
>Is there guro in the Rance games too?
Yes but it's pretty rare and always done by the villains. The worst Rance does (besides rape) is light S&M.
Kinou & Kyou would have killed Aster if he went outlaw though, or kept him locked up in their house at a bare minimum.
>How are Sengoku Rance and Nobunaga's Ambition similar?
It's literally the same game on the country screen.
>rape a girl until she loves you while her boyfriend is dying
Ran's route in Sengoku was pure kino.
>never see her tits
It's shit
Just learn jap. It's worth it.
While I admit to being something of a purity fag, I can't help but realize that plenty of the girls in fiction that I am particularly fond of are rape survivors.
I have plenty of reasons for being a purity fag, but I guess I just can't help but admire the strength and iron will to not get broken or dragged down by the dick.
But the combat and RPG stuff is completely different right? From what I've seen from screenshots it looks like some kind of Total War game
She doesn't have any tits. According to Rance her main asset seems to be that she has a great ass.
That's mostly the newest iteration. Nobunaga's Ambition has been around since the NES.
Translation isn't even going to be the hold up. Arunaru will finish the translation years before the game comes out, like he already has with Sengoku and 9.
Yeah but what version should I get? Does it even matter?
Lot of people tell me the PS2 game is really good, so emulate that.
I've already played it though. It was pretty painful at times because while I'm not a full on EOP I'm not fluent enough in the language to understand most of what's happening in the game. So I messed up a lot. It was when it first came out too so there weren't any guides on what to do to avoid bad endings yet. I just played it last month so I could finally get pic related scene. All I can say it that it's about goddamn time even if the scene isn't canon and is just a bonus for beating a secret boss.
Girls crying during sex is the best.
I heard there was pregnancy is evanicle 2 is that right? It was the only issue I had with the first game, contraceptive magic
I thought he dropped the series because MG picked it up?
I'm about to get a gf, Yea Forums. Will she allow me to play Eveicle (I am yet to play it) or will she forbid me from doing so?
Please let me know.
Why should she care?
He works for MG now.
If she tries to forbid you from anything, you need to find another chick.
You're post makes no sense. I'm gonna give you the botd and assume you're shitposting for (You)s
>one of the longest scripts
The longest script*
>in Japan
The world*
Arunaru just quit fantranslating them, due to becoming an official MG employee.
Almost all the Rance games are already translated.
>Out of beta!
This has got to mean that the release is imminent, right? Right?
Play it together. Unironically.
It's been out of beta for months
It'll never be released user. Though in all seriousness at this point I'm guessing for a early/mid 2020 release. Anything longer than that and it'll just be ridiculous.
>This has got to mean that the release is imminent, right? Right?
An employee made a post over on /jp/ last month saying they need to fix all the bugs that they found first.
It has THE longest script of any video game and is one of the largest literary works ever produced by mankind, almost doubling over the fucking Mahabharata.
>This has got to mean that the release is imminent, right? Right?
I have no idea how that filename happened.
I didn't know Rance X was that powerful, please forgive me.
>40 apples
>for months
Hasn't it just been like, 5 weeks or so?
Aren't bugs sorted out in the beta stage?
"Beta" just means QA in MG language.
You'd think that wouldn't you.
Anyone finished the second game? What's the last CG? Can't be arse to grind.
That's a pretty weak harem, Alec's one is a big improvement.
rance is like 19, that's perfectly normal.
>finished the true route half a year ago
>wait for the official translation to play the other routes
>still waiting
>Quest also still pretty far away
>wait for the official translation to play the other routes
You'll be waiting a while. Though I do feel your pain. I'm tempted to start a new game but I don't tire myself out of the game before the official translation releases.
>Quest also still pretty far away
As far as I know they're working on both at the same time, the UI and text insertion seems to be done already.
Liked the music, art was nice, and it wasn't just point and click. So it was okay.
I got bored of it a few hours in
Have you played all the previous games?
Rance 03 is still one of the best Rance gams so far. Shame we won't see it translated for a long time assuming MG even decides to do the remakes.
Played Sengoku Rance and Evenicle. Which Rance should I play next? Rance 6?
Rance 6 is a pretty good one, it's fully translated too. Though grinding for orbs can get a bit annoying.
so what vn is that?
>Though grinding for orbs can get a bit annoying.
the game's data is not encoded at all and you can just use cheat engine or manually edit the saves to skip grind
it's fuujuhime, it's a srpg
imo the recorded scenes of the muggles being raped & tortured to death were way worse
apparently there's even a CP ring later in the game but I never made it that far
Boring VN with even more boring gameplay and boring H-scenes.
Only popular because of its Steam release letting ironic weebs get ironic weeb points with their ironic weeb friends because "lol i'm playing porn on steam!!!"
>apparently there's even a CP ring later in the game but I never made it that far
You just obliterate the people responsible. I don't even remember it having any ero scenes. I guess it very well might have had, but not with Rance anyway.
wow you're so hardcore, you only play fan translated pirated games from sukebei nyaa
you're half right, but part of the reason this was so interesting was because of the possibility of seeing senrans having sex. sadly, the sex was extremely disappointing
We had threads way before the Steam release. The Steam release just caught everyone off guard.
that actually does make him hardcore and you a faggot
An unironic porn game hipster. Huh
This is the part where you suggest an orgy
What made you think it was a good idea to start with the final game then?
>pirating games is "hardcore" now
maybe if you're from reddit
What the fuck does EOP mean?
sorry, buying steam games is wicked cool, especially if it's VNs
>Spot the Senran Kagura characters
if it has gameplay it isn't a vn. And I don't buy games.
oh, no wonder I didn't find it on vndb initially
Any more flash games like this? Not necessarily SRPGs
Any list out there?
English Only Plebeian
English Only Pleb
Funny because most people that use this term are probably bilingual at best
i dunno man. i like futa but i don't play h-games often. i just download the hcg on the panda most of the time. i bought fuujuhime because i really wanted to support the artist (i love futa desu nohomo), and played it because there was no hcg rips coincidentally
It's English Only Peasant. Not denying it makes you a plebeian though.
So Rance X has 8.3MB of text
When it gets translated to English, it will have about 2.125 million words
Entire Harry Potter series: 1.084 million words
Bible: 800K words
The one chick who pretended to be raped, trapping the monsters dick in her cunt and then cuts it off to eat later whilst casually coming to say hi to party afterwards was weirdly arousing.
Played Sengoku before and it was fine. I also thought 10 would actually have a good game in it
What exactly did you dislike about X? I thought the gameplay was pretty good for a JRPG.
>tfw CTRL the sex scenes in sengoku so i could go back to conquest japan with my samurai army.
>not playing alicesoft's magnus opis and unironically one of the greatest jrpgs made in the last decade
Fuck, you make me want to replay it. I STILL didn't do the Ram path.
pic related
wait seriously?
So combined, does that make the rance series as a whole both the longest running and longest story in videogames?
Kath and Riche a best after QD of course
It's been a few months, but this little elf girl pretends to be raped by a common monster you've killed like hundreds of.
All the sudden she turns hyper dominant while it's fucking her and cuts the monsters dick off to eat later for reasons I forgot, then just casually comes to hang with your crew who thought she was in trouble.
I don't remember what it exactly was, I just remember getting bored with it fairly quickly
No, it licks her vagina and when it exposes his dick, she smacks the dick.
But I am. Going for Silky this time on my second run. Feels lonely without these retards.
I shat bricks when this happened.
so does colpis get a good end or...
I just finished another run today.
Hero Arios is ridiculous
And he was nerfed.
looking at the hcg on the panda, each girl gets few hcg too, like evenicle. man that is disappointing. the art is so good and the positions seem varied. the designs are also nice. there's too little hcg for each character.
also might be because i was just skimming it but i didn't see a scene for the character on the left
Rance X has like 400 characters or something.
No way there will be scenes for everyone.
Also there aren't that many H scenes, yeah, but almost every girl has a naked sprite that comes with an event which is quite nice.
It was pretty boring. Characters, art, humor and especially gameplay were all mediocre and I'm a fan of Alicesoft.
I liked it.
Ramius is best girl.
Hahaha. No.
In fact, the game goes out of it's way to portray Aster as a good dude and totally not Rance, when in reality he's just a watered down version of him who's rapey in other ways.
This guy is a faggot.
Silky is 500x better than hawzel and seizel
amazing meal ticket scenes, way better h-scene, way cuter in general
her leazas path is also way better than the comedy shit from hawzels
What a faget
is that gal looking character only a side girl?
Pretty sure she's the level-up girl, so yes
to me 10/10, it's super fun
you faggots just don't like jrpgs in general
evenicle 2 heroines are SHIT
Rance X?
>her leazas path is also way better than the comedy shit from hawzels
Does it get better at the end? I just got to Leazas castle and she's barely opened her mouth except to suck monster cock.
Yeah just wait for her recruitment event
hey that was endearing monster cock sucking
I have played most too and never jacked off.