put your anime trash down son and play this game
Put your anime trash down son and play this game
i did
it was pretty mediocre
now im curious about which games you dont consider mediocre?
Good ones, like not this unity garbage made off a janky as fuck flash game.
games cool
this guy hates games
Fuck off, shill
Cite some examples?
awful thread
you seem upset
3 out of 6 post so far are yours
why are you so mad at this game ?
>inb4 some garbage ass anime game with big tiddie character
I'm just replying to people who reply to me.
The trailer was so stylish but I'm as stylish as Mr Bean when I play.
Liked it. Wished it was longer. Up there with Katana Zero as my favorite indie games this year.
nah once you get used the mechanics you can pull off some crazy shit
"my friend PEDRO"?
you really think i'd waste my time playing a video game with a SPIC as its protagonist?
even if at the end of the game a 10/10 woman in real life would suddenly enter your room and let you do whatever you want with her with no strings attached, i still wouldn't waste my time playing as a SPIC!
it's ridiculous that you even though i'd do it!
haha a banana with a face fucking epic i love rick and morty
Games with no replay value do not interest me.
>put down anime trash
>for western flash garbage
didn't you shills get the memo from MN9?
shitting on weebs is not going to get them to play your games, nothing will for that matter actually.
this honestly.
basketballs are the shit
Looks gay marketer
remove the gay twirls the spic does and i might be remotely intereste, shill.
Controls are sluggish and game plays like molasses.
I hope you know you don't get paid enough to do this OP. you deserve better.
This looks retarded, like the player doesn't even have free aim? Then slow down for retards who cant react fast enough.
There's also a button that lets you spin and be invulnerable while you spin. The button has unlimited use.
reddit is alot friendlier towards marketers OP.
You should head there.
same arguments every single fucking time
i'm not arguments. I'm giving you friendly advice.
you want arguments?
>Gay invincibility twirl looks retarded.
>Controls are sluggish.
>shitty slow mo mechanic has been done better by countless other games
>Artstyle is shit.
>Rick and morty tier humour.
*i'm not providing arguments
Game is really cool.
Not a big fan of all the laser dodging stages, though.
Nah, you're just fixated on reddit like most people on this shit board and calling people shills if they make a positive thread about a game.
You know people can post about something and not be a shill cause they like the game right? What, only anime tits games get a pass?
Also your arguments are just your opinons.
Try to have fun once in a while, will do wonders.
It's fun, I'll probably go back through later and S rank it since I only got 1 on my first playthrough.