Remember when all of Yea Forums hated this game
Remember when all of Yea Forums hated this game
Who's Yea Forums?
I'm glad it's cool to like it again. The last two updates have done a lot to make it feel fresh.
Most of the "content" people surrounding it are still cancer but there's still some really cool series out there, like the guy who had a Hardcore world for 5 years or the Japanese guy who's been playing for the past year and a half figuring out the game completely blind.
i used to hate it blindly
java fucking sucks
bedrock fucking suck
villagers suck
i suck at building
I hate this game for new reasons.
It depresses me to no end that my opportunity to make Yea Forums hate Minecraft more than ever fell through
I love Minecraft
Ugly Steve is the greatest minecraft meme since Notch being a race realist. sorry it didn't go your way.
Where can I download it?
Remember when notch used to post on Yea Forums?
No, you don't, because you were in fucking preschool.
What recent updates have you liked, user?
How do you know that was him?
Goddamn, European-hours Yea Forums is fucking awful.
>0.11 Xbox Gamerpoints™ have been deposited into your account.
>woo, Yea Forums!
gee I wonder
He also posted about updates and shit before they cane out.
Why are these swedecuck developers so god damn lazy? Why do they need to make a fucking poll to add in ONE (1) new mob into the game? And the other three are scrapped and thrown away, why can't they add all four in? Polls are only acceptable for indie game one developer people games like Cubeworld not a multimillion dollar game company. And the retard Minecraft community just accepts this instead of Calling out Mojangs lazy ways.
>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who didn't pirate Minecraft in Indev
I actually remember it back when Yea Forums absolutely loved it and contributed in part to its success.
Because the biggest threat to Minecraft is change. It's really not fucking hard to figure this out. The devs can't make major changes because the established userbase is capricious as fuck. They can't mess with the formula they have.
Adding four new mobs or even updating the ancient 11 year old Nether Fortress and Stronghold structures is too much?
Yep. It unironically is. And more to the point: it just isn't worth the fucking effort. Why would they bother in the first place? It's not going to change the fucking sale numbers for the better, and it may actually harm them. So... why bother?
remember when all of Yea Forums loved it?
Because if they keep making stupid bullshit like flowers or terra cotta blocks instead of meaningful content like vertical slabs, more mobs and fixing the fucking Nether so it isn't Beta empty their current millions playerbase may stop playing.
Except it won't. And even if it does, it will not be fixed by "meaningful" updates for fucking sure. Do you have any idea who is the fucking real main audience of this game?
Autists ahd underage like dedotated wam moved on to Fortnite. So the audience is normal people again who have standards.
Anyone still playing in 1.5/1.6?
You’re pretty bad at timezones
not to mention this is a game who's playerbase is very largely modpack based. Whenever it's updated it takes time for the modding community to catch up- and players who prefer to play it modded lose interest until their favorite mods are added, which largely causes mod-makers to lose interest in modding as they aren't feeling the demand. The playerbase and thus conversation of the game and the number of new players talking about it is easily correlated between the last update/the speed of mod updates
This is redundant because there's a client selector that goes all the way back to indev Minecraft.
All it takes it a few authors dropping last versions development to(in some cases) completely start from scratch. The utter lack of a modding framework that isnt broken with every. single. update. has drastically hampered the communities efforts to maintain cohesion through versions.