Miyazaki confirmed Blackpilled

bright is something that just doesn’t feel realistic to me," Miyazaki said in an interview with IGN. "It may sound like I have a trauma or something, but I believe that the world is generally a wasteland that is not kind to us. That’s just the way I see it."

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We just had that thread

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I missed it. Fuck you

Wow a jap thinks the world is shit. Other news at 7.

Taro said something similar. Japs are a pessimistic people.

classic projection

its not that bad poor niggers just don't want to contribute

Good, we need artists like him.

Well, what did you expect from an incompetent retard who rehashes the same fucking formulaic gimmick like his life was depended on it? It's like he interned for Nintendo or some shit.
Of course does an uninspired hack think the world is bleak and grimdark. He's after all projecting his own soul-crushing creative bankruptcy to the world.

no western devs can express anything like this