>This data shows a significant drop in Fortnite’s profits in relation to other games and to the past history of profits for the game.
>The drop off in revenue from may 2018 is not a good sign either. That indicates a couple of things. First that people aren’t spending as much or that there are less players in general. What is also means is that the competitive scene hasn’t brought really any value to Epic Games.
Looks like Epic won't be able to afford exclusives much longer. Hopefully the EGS fucks off for good.
Yea Forums will hate anything as soon as it gets big enough to attract the insane shitposters and their baitfagging. Not sure what this has to do with fortnite tho.
Nathan Mitchell
yeah and it took 10 years for us to come around
Owen Brown
>Online only fad game As soon another fad game appears, everyone will just flock towards it, next fad will probably another iteration on br, I guess that 2D transformice clone or the "auto chess".
Aaron White
years from now you guys are going to be really nostalgic about fortnite
Ryder Morris
>Fortnite made $203 million in May which is absolutely a great return on the game >Fortnite made $203 million across console, PC and mobile, up significantly from April
Logan Rogers
My nephew called me yesterday to tell me he got a new phone (3gb ram can play any game). He's 12. >arent you glad you can play anything, did you install fortnite? He said no its boring. >you finally realized that running around empty fields is not fun? yes had a bit of a chuckle
Nolan Nelson
No shit some of the people here loving fortnite right now will stick around years from now and feel nostalgic about it. It's called being child and getting older.
You really don't need to be Nostradamus to predict this.
John White
Fortnite isn't going anywhere, keep coping tho.
Xavier Kelly
based uncle
Andrew Martinez
Everything peaks. Fortnite will still be printing cash for them for quite some time. Don't kid yourself.
William Gomez
LoL wins the lategame baby.
Blake Peterson
Your cunt nephew that will get laid before you is over fortnite. I'm convinced the game is dead
John Clark
Oh no Fortnite is making a billion dollars instead of a bajillion dollars whatever shall us gamers do
Jeremiah Anderson
based boomer uncle
Ethan Carter
People want Fortnite to die because is gonna fuck Epic. I want it too.Fuck chinkjews.
Joshua Rogers
Fortnite making less money and that's a good thing! And here's why make unreal 3 you fuckers
Austin Moore
>nephew has sex before you >see him and ask him what games he's playing >oh i don't really play games anymore uncle user
David Smith
Based, have sex
Daniel Harris
Nobody seriously expected it to go on forever, the fortnite mania peaked last year and it can only go down as people will move to a new trend, just like with ASSFAGGOTS. That doesn't stop LoL and DOTA2 from making enough dough to feed the entirety of Congo, but investors are slimy snakes that only want to see a constant growth in profit