Anthem Was Ruined by Player Expectations Suggests EA CEO Andrew Wilson

>“We brought together these two groups of players who were making this emotional value calculation on two different vectors,” Wilson explained. “One was traditional BioWare story driven content, and the other was this action-adventure type content. About the 30 or 40 hour mark they really had to come together and start working in on the elder game. At that point everyone kind of went, ‘Oh, hang a minute.’ Now the calculation is off. It's off because I've got a friend who sits in this other category of player. They want to play the game a certain way. I want to play the game a certain way. The promise was we can play together, and that's not working very well. Oh, by the way I'm used to 100 hours of BioWare story, and that’s not what I got.’ Or, ‘I expected that this game would have meaningfully advanced the action component that we'd seen in games like Destiny before, and I don't feel like it has.’”

>“What the BioWare teams are thinking about is that we're going to build a lot of different types of games,” Wilson explained. “We're going to have our core BioWare audience that's been with us for a really long time. There are kids today who are 12 years old who weren't around when BioWare started making games… and they have different expectations of what a BioWare game should be in the context of the world they've grown up in. As a result of that, BioWare has to evolve and has to expand and has to test the elasticity of that brand. The teams at BioWare will continue to come to work every day and listen to their players old and new and seek to deliver on the promises they've made to those players. That's what you're seeing with Anthem today.”

What did he mean by this?

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I'm glad that vampire fuck failed, he needs to know he can't get away with everything.

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True. I expected flop.

sounds to me like hes just saying Bioware has to make a battle royale now.

>stop expecting games to be good, you assholes

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Anthem was an advertisement for Destiny and Warframe. Change my mind.

reee etc

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So, gamers rose up?

What this idiot is basically saying (through his corporate speak) is that they wanted to appeal to a wider audience. But they ended up pleasing no one. Surely he has to realize that and is just doing damage control.

I don't even know why he wants to keep Bioware alive anymore if he doesn't want to take advantage of their brand, which is story-focused RPGs. Might as well kill them off (like so many other EA-acquired studios) if you just want them to chase the latest trends.

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I like that quote, because it comes from someone that does nothing but shit out an endless turd of useless product with no worth.

EA issued a disingenuous, patronizing statement to try and distract irate audiences?

That's so out of character for them.

Devs doing jack shit is also a problem

>because it comes from someone that does nothing but shit out an endless turd of useless product
They don't make anything other than youtube videos.

I think RLM know that already.

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>youtube videos.
>endless turd of useless product

I mean, he's not wrong, I never expected a good game here. The question is why would they bother making a shit game in the first place, when you can see how it'll turn out a mile away.

What is this fuck on about? EA looks like they are in full denial and damage control mode. Pathetic

He means that they're going to double down on forcing Bioware to make corporately safe, sanitized garbage that tries to pander to a broader audience but ends up pleasing nobody. Oh and if you have an independent thought you're a problem.

How naive do you have to be to expect anything from Bioware?


>expecting a quality product is now a bad thing

jesus christ

Yeah, damn our players for not liking our surprise mechanics! Do they not like Kinder Eggs??

Its fine, Bioware has been doing close to that anyways.

You know they only say this shit to appeal to shareholders right?
Nobody gives a fuck what consumer lemmings think.

>"Oh, by the way I'm used to 100 hours of BioWare story, and that’s not what I got.’ Or, ‘I expected that this game would have meaningfully advanced the action component that we'd seen in games like Destiny before, and I don't feel like it has.’”

so what's the fucking point of the game if the people who usually forgive bioware game for having shitty gameplay becasue of the story don't get what they want and the people who just want a good action game also don't get what they want?

If you're going to cut out the one fucking thing people like about your studio then the rest of the game has to make up for it. Anthem is absolute shit as a loot game and every time somebody brings up the obvious solution of adding more loot bioware sidesteps the issue.

Look at that hooked nose.

I'm shocked there are still people angry RLM gave up making video games to make youtube videos.

the entitled gamers are back

>reads a sentence of the interview
>regurgitates it with his own opinion mixed in
>no insider knowledge
>no entertainment value
>goes on for 15 min
i fucking hate youtube so god damn much and i fucking hate (you) even more for bringing it to my attention.

What’s the last great AAA title EA has released?

"Mr. Bond I presume you still haven't bought our new released game Anthem?"

>we alienated our core audience trying to gain mass effect but our game was never good enough to even please the casuals.

Dead Space 2?

weird, i never knew they did. but all i knew for certain is they make shitty consumable trash products.


>It's off because I've got a friend who sits in this other category of player.
I'm sure you do, Andrew. I'm sure you've got lots of friends.

Is there anything (you) do like though?

>mass effect
user pls.

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You people expected a good game
Stupid fools
t EA exec

Mirror's Edge

>We're too stupid to make a good game that appeals to a niche audience.

>We want a bad game that appeals a tiny bit to everyone, and we want them to keep playing our game forever on that tiny bit of appeal.

They never made video games. Rich and that bald guy did review a few games though.

Why do the even keep talking about Anthem?
It's dead, it's over, people forgot about it.
Just move on, jesus

>being this ludo

mirror's edge sucked, and so did catalyst

That's like saying a coma patient is dead

>blaming potential customers for your own faliure
it's like EA never learns

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you can almost hear it whizzing over your head

Need for Speed Most Wanted


Yeah, actual investigative journalism, sources going on record speaking freely and honestly.
Besides that, i only want regular news, but they usually can be summarized in 10-15 words, if not even in the headline, no opinion, straight to the facts.

"No, Mr. Bond, I can't allow you to go to Belgium under any circumstance."

Titanfall 2

You're really bad at communicating.

>no opinion when criticizing and reviewing an artistic medium filled with subjectivity

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this. dont forget to buy your 30$ tshirts and rlm mugs and bottle cap openers

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Then maybe you should put in "surprise mechanics" into the game. That will solve the issue!

I wasnt aware I helped develop the game, where is my cut of the money?

>It's our fault they showed an E3 trailer of basically a completley different and way better game
Yes I apologize

oh wow
its like you have to buy merchandise to watch free reviews
On which part of your superhero doll did the bad men touch you?

But there is no critique here, nothing new revealed. The whole shitshow has been on display for 2 years. Anyone visiting Yea Forums semi-regularly watched Anthem go from meh to confirmed objective dogshit and that is all the video is talking about. They read excerpts from the interview and talk the same shit every user has since the initial E3 presentation.

So when the fuck will companies stop shooting themselves in the foot chasing a 'wider audience' that doesnt exist?

>studio slowly abandons core audience to appeal to wider market
>begins to enjoy heightened success
>try to broaden appeal even more
>product flops as the wider market is fickle, and by broadening your game it becomes bland and uninteresting
>blame low sales on core audience for being disappointed in the direction the studio has gone
a tale as old as time itself

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its good, I wouldn't call it great.

Aside from sports games, does EA even have anything left to offer?
They've become an even bigger joke of a company under Andrew Wilson.

And that has to do with rlm how?
Is it summer already?

I would like the game a little more if the whole UX/UI wasn't so bad. The core gameplay at least feels decent, but holy fuck everything outside of that feels clunky, sluggish, and just horrible. It's been like that with all BioWare games lately, and if it's always the same faggot responsible, he should please fuck off.

>"It's only shitty because you expected it to be good."

>ME3's ending is shit
>gamers are entitled
I've seen this shit before

You're not required to play Anthem either or pay for it.
The point is Baumen and Stoklasa are both literal Jews doing what the Chosen People do best: making an endless pointless stream of useless trash content. That offers nothing but a common opinion for braindead retarded people to latch on in lieu of thinking for themselves. It's ironic that Jay made that content.

>by Player Expectations
I was in the wrong all the time and never notice it

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Why is so hard to grasp that all you need to do is make a good game
If the game is good, people will like it regardless if it's what they're used to or not
The second you try to appeal to everyone, no one gives a shit
Why would I play a game that is ok at best at a lot of things when I can play a game that is excellent in a handful?


>emotional value calculation
Such a thing even possible? Gosh the West sure is enlighten.

Based. rlm fans literally retarded people making up their own narrative in their hamster wheel brain and running with it.

sorry to tell you but that's exactly what Bioware have been doing in the last 13 years

>he doesn't know
lookit this fuckin' newfag

but he was literally right about what he said
they attracted two kinds of audiences and didn't please either of them.

>misrepresent the game with scripted "gameplay" footage and provide legitimate false marketing
>nooooooo it's the gamers' fault for expecting the game that was marketed
This dumbass douchebag vampire better get a tan on the beach.

>"Please stop having unrealistically high expectations for games that we have unrealistically high expected sales profits for as we pour tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars into major marketing campaigns for them!"

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The idea of making a game you enjoy instead of what you think the market will like is dead unless you're an indie developer

This is literally that restaurant analogy pic.

Will there be people yelling GAMURZ RISE UP in defense of EA?

Hearing someone talk in the background about some bullshit you don't care about to pass the time is 100x easier than reading about said bullshit

Paid actors.

you know it really amazes me how the vidya industry is the only fucking industry in the world where you can tell your customers to eat shit and they'll still buy your barely functioning product and suck you off FOR FREE

you tell someone to eat shit and accept the trash product you give them in any other industry and you'd go bankrupt the next day or two

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Call a friend.

Not the first time EA has lashed out at people for expecting something they didn't deliver on. Maybe they should've shoehorned in some feminist tripe into Anthem for a better defence.

What's your number? New phone.

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>you tell someone to eat shit and accept the trash product you give them in any other industry and you'd go bankrupt the next day or two
I see you've never heard of the movie industry. How's life under that rock of yours?

He's right, I shouldn't have expected EA to shit a good game for once.

GREAT Reddit spacing my friend.

pretty comfy honestly

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fuck off pleb

>he thinks there's a Yea Forums format
Nice meme newfag.

>What did he mean by this?
He tried to please everyone and in the end pleased no one.

It's the problem with AAA game development: in order to justify the cost you have to appeal to the lowest common denominator and have immense cross-market appeal to get the vast amount of sales needed.

Ultimately to do this you produce something that is formulaic and bland so the customer is already familiar with what the game is even if it's a brand new license. You cater to their expectations but there are no surprises there or hook to make people stick with it over other games other than the sheer volume of other people playing, which you hope to retain by producing more formulaic content to get as much money as possible until people are burned out and go on to the next 'new' (ie something more recent following the exact same formula) thing.

tl;dr They made a by-the-book game to appeal to people's sense of familiarity and people got bored of it too quickly for them to make the money they wanted out of it.

Why does he wear all that makeup? Looks like a tranny

>just have to make a singleplayer rpg in space to get the sour taste of mass effect 3 and andromeda out of people's mouths
>instead make a clone of some whatever hot buzzword flavour of the month shit

The format is whatever the fuck you want it to be.
Though "reddit-spacing" is identifiable and scorned, unless you have a very good reason to use it.
Scorned because reddit is shit, and the people from there are even moreso.

Rich men in power have always used make up

>make shit game
>no one buys it
>throw a tantrum and call consumers idiots

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>Though "reddit-spacing" is identifiable and scorned
It's a meme you newfag.

We've spaced our paragraphs long before reddit was even a thing.
It does not fucking matter.
All you're doing is exposing yourself as new.

The fact that you're making definitive statements about reddit tells me that you're the actual redditor. Just because you claim to hate it doesn't mean you aren't one, if you're still using it.

he's right you shouldn't expect quality well put together games from EA

he didn't just space paragraphs

like this is spaced.

he double spaced them, because thats what you do on reddit

you fucking retard

apologize now or i'll berate you

only ever browsed as a last resort for old as fuck games, and have never used it beyond that. Though it may be newer than Yea Forums itself, the adopted format is "theirs" now so using it heavily implies you're from there.
Can't trick me, fag.

Hold? Hokl?

>shurely they will start buying now

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No, what ruined Anthem is that the people who actually know what the game was supposed to be left the company in like 2013, then everyone left had no fucking clue what was happening, waffled around for two years slowly making it shittier and shitter and still having no idea what they were doing, then they showed a gameplay video sample to one of their bosses like a year and a half before launch and he went "yeah make that!" and that was the first time anyone actually knew what the game was supposed to vaguely look like since 2013, and they communicated so poorly that most of the team found out what kind of game they were making from the fucking E3 trailer, then they got a blind fucking monkey to program the game's balance so that fucking UNEQUIPPING ALL YOUR GEAR AND USING THE STARTING GUN was the strongest you could possibly be, and then they released it within two weeks of far cry, metro, and crackdown 3, in an industry that was already fatigued of loot shooters.

THAT'S what fucking ruined Anthem. You know, the way the project was completely mismanaged right from the start of its 6+ year development cycle. I can see why you'd mistake that for "it's all the consumer's fault", though, it's an easy mistake to make.

Good thing corporate drones are too stupid to realize this
That's why big companies love these dummy pay piggies

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tbf it's rarer to find a channel with over 1k subs that doesn't do the whole merch thing now. Fuck, I watch wargaming terrain tutorials and even they sell merch

stop tempting me with these pics


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>As a result of that, BioWare has to evolve and has to expand
lol that's not how business works. Nobody gave a fuck about Anthem. Give me a great RPG instead. Big RPG games aren't being made anymore so they left money on the table to hunt the other genres

>market your game as some crazy looter-shooter with an interesting story and gameplay that's going to be the best game ever
>game comes out
>it's riddled with bugs and is just warframe but 10x shittier


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Andrew, please. That is a pile of shit. You gave Bioware too much power and it backfired.

>warframe, but 10x shittier
I was not aware that a game can be even worse than literal shit.
Why the fuck would anyone play that heaping pile of trashfire, and worse, spend money on it?

>Try to please two audience types:the story group and the gameplay group
>Story is incomplete and utter tripe
>Gameplay is so fucking banal
>end up pleasing nobody
>pfft damn those gamers and their expectations
The fucking nerve...Why do we put up with this shit?

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>Why the fuck would anyone play that heaping pile of trashfire, and worse, spend money on it?
its fun

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"We" don't, "we" still give them money, and a whole of it at that. Not everyone is aware of their shoddy business-practices and overall scumminess of their activities, people just want to buy things that make them look good to their peers, which EA markets specifically for.
I am appalled and intrigued by your autism, have you ever considered stopping? Do you think it was worth all that time and money? I am genuinely curious, since I played the game myself, and spent my fair share of hours on it. It is a god-awful grind-fest with the same few enemies and levels copy-pasted ad-infinitum.

Why would someone with more than room-temperature IQ care about e-celebs?

Yeah, my normie cousin and I went to see the movies once and there was an Anthem ad there. He got hyped and wanted to buy the game. I've had to tell him how much of a trashfire it was, but he wanted to buy the game because of the ad. Ads work more often than you think.

What a cunt this guy is

following (or rather, knowing that they exist) trends keeps you in touch with the world and makes you look less like a buffoon.

You are right. You really should follow trend and consume product, not forgetting also to get excited for next product.

>tfw just jerked off to this

god tier doujin

>2-3 sentences is a paragraph

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>Have you ever considered stopping?
Nah, part of the reason I keep playing is that they constantly add and change things. Until that changes or they start really fucking up the game (in a major way) I'll probably keep playing
>Do you think it was worth all that time and money?
Is any game? Of course not. But I've been playing it for several years, it's not like I racked up all those hours in a year.
>I am genuinely curious, since I played the game myself, and spent my fair share of hours on it
My question is when did you play and how long did you play. If you tried playing before 2016 then I can understand why you would've dropped it and never picked it up again

>D-Do I fit in yet!?

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You seem to have lost the meaning of a few of my words in my sentence there, friend. Allow me to redirect you to them so you may better understand them.

>(or rather, knowing that they exist)

Perhaps this makes these words more clear now that they are isolated. No need to thank me, just doing my part to educate you.


This is Dungeon Keeper all over again.
>It's the player's fault for wanting a good game

me on the right with the glasses :)

>If you tried playing before 2016 then I can understand why you would've dropped it and never picked it up again
personally i stopped playing a little while after they removed the crouch jumping after a bullet jump thing, i can't even remember when it was. i think it was a bit before plain of eidolon
game was just no fun without it

American education.

>he saved a thumbnail
lmaoing @ ur life

though I'm going to guess the image shows anons using "reddit-spacing" a long time ago

allow me to redirect you to my post that you seem to have missed and did not comment on beyond "yoor nat frum round eer"
Don't reply to me if you do not properly approach otherwise I'll just assume you're baiting for (You)'s at that point, of which I will disregard everything you post.

>shifting the blame

>no worth.
>can view free of charge

What is it with suits and their ability to throw up endless lines of meaningless word salad?

I played a bit during high-school but that was fucking years ago and I can't remember the specific date. I played a lot more again recently, and there is, of course, more content. But barely more. It's still pretty much the same as when I played it in high-school, and thus just as monotonous.

It's a public relations job. That's a requirement

Unless every shit-for-brains investor gets told to shut their ignorant mouths nothing is going to change

pretty fucking high praise for present day film, music, television, and art.

all those mediums have been totally ruined by shit content with high price tags

You remember that kid in high school who always seemed to get away with not doing his homework and goofing off in class and shit and never really got in trouble?

Imagine a million of those kids all went on to be business students and the shiftiest, least self-aware, most assholish of them all got to be a CEO.

Okay now imagine you don't have to imagine that because it's reality, that's how it actually works.

That picture wasn't taken in the US

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>There are kids today who are 12 years old who weren't around when BioWare started making games… and they have different expectations of what a BioWare game should be in the context of the world they've grown up in
That's a funny way of saying "there are dumbfuck teenagers willing to buy whatever garbage we shit on their plate because they don't know any better."

Your company will go to shit ig you try to become what your audience wants, because you'll never be good enough.
What you should be doing is showing your audience what they might like but don't know yet. Nobody asked for Botw, Hollow Knight or [insert your favourite game], you discovered it and enjoyed the ride.
Your audience aren't artist, designers or director, don't rely on them for that job.

Do you see an ESRB rating on that box faggot?

Does anyone actually believe what that wannabe Bond villain says

I didn't know about Anthem, I didn't play Anthem and I still got disappointing.

It’s good to know effort was thrown in the trash for mass effect andromeda just so we can get an even bigger piece of garbage with Anthem

I can tell you right now the same thing is going to happen with Pokémon, both sword and shield and “Town” are going to be garbage because Gamefreak sucks at management

but not accepting customer input at all will have them grow disillusioned with your brand and feel that you do not cater to them anymore and stop purchasing from you (less sales = less money). You should have creative freedom but you should also be malleable to suit your audience's needs as well. You're a business after all and making the core customer-base happy ensures that you have a stable income if your product doesn't end up truly outstanding. Always strive for the best possible outcome, not for safe bets, as it will eventually drop interest in your brand as you do not innovate and do not please your core-customers or potentially new customers.
Though this is all my uninformed opinion and can be completely disregarded, I feel I make a reasonable argument as to why businesses should make their core-consumers happy, within reason.

>Comparing a few alcoholic middle aged men in Milwaukee to megacorporations in terms of entertainment output.

>lots of blather
>no sense of responsibility
I can't imagine any good CEO, or any good leader anywhere, who does this.

tldr: If your customers say they want something, meet their demands as much as possible.
You're selling to them, they need to like what they buy for repeat business and to popularize yourself.

>Never good enough
The fuck are you on about? CSGO is great example of shit turned into gold with all the updates and advice from pros and casuals.

I got the game with my 2080, it's nothing special. It's fun enough though since I didn't drop 60 bucks on it. Just wish the actual firearms were more powerful.

The big wigs think that 'core consumers' will buy literally anything they shit out on a plate. They don't have to be pandered to because they'll be good cattle. Meanwhile, the company's new project is to change the way of pandering as a way to wrangle in more livestock.

How do you get to the point where you constantly blame your customers for mistakes that you make? I honestly don't understand. Is it misinformation spread by marketing, so they can keep justifying their massively inflated budget?

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They havent. At best they made a few games with decent gameplay but nothing on the level of some smash hit.

Repairing VCRs is an increasingly rare skill. Clearly that has value, especially with the vintage market.

then those "big-wigs" are incompetent, senile, uneducated or all of the above
as a business you're not just dealing with numbers on a stat block, they're people that have a passion for your products
give them reason to show disinterest and they will change from your ((((greatest ally)))) to your worst foe

Why can’t Bioware just fucking die? At this point they’ve ruined the brand name beyond repair.

>EA releases Anthem
>blames the players for it being bad, continues to fuck it up and is on the path to just letting it die
>Bethesda releases Fallout 76
>works with the players to fix the fucking game
>6 months later the game is actually pretty decent, on the track to becoming a solid game that people won't feel embarrassed to talk about once the wastelanders DLC comes out

Man, what the fuck EA?

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Maybe they shouldn't show gameplay demos off before they are sure everything will stay in the game. I mean ffs the first gameplay demo showed content that was suppsoed to come way after launch. Don't show off shit that isn't in the game on launch. How fucking hard can it be. Even Ubisoft stopped doing that after the huge backlash with Watch Dogs.

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Literally looks like Satan

I noticed it in the sales bin during release week.

Kicking EA never gets old.

God I am looking forward to EA investor calls if the Murrican loot box ban goes through.

When in desperate straits, blame your consumer base. Classic move

They know huehues and eurofags will still buy the next FIFA and dump money on ultimate team cards

There's absolutely no fucking way you aren't poor as fuck or at least struggling with bills.

Boy oh boy, I do wonder what those twelve year olds are expecting from the "new bioware". Maybe they should just create a youtube channel and post shit animations and "epic fail" compilations there? Because that is all twelve year olds know about the new bioware.
I really do hate the stock market. You can't just make good games, your "market share" HAS to grow from year to year. So basically if you create a game a year and each year it sells two million copies you are considered a failure because you didn't "grow". seriously, what a horrendous system

dragon age origins

This is how everything is. In a job for example you always achieve 20 "units" of work per hour, meanwhile you have a co-worker who is paid the same and has always only achieved 10 "units" per hour, yet if you drop to 18 "units" suddenly, you will get shit for it and investigated whereas 10 "unit" fag will not.

This fucker looks like a cyberpunk villain. Why didn't anyone tell him that shit when he came out dressed like this?

Oh, the irony.

>they wanted to appeal to a wider audience. But they ended up pleasing no one
Same mistake as Destiny 2 year 1

He looks like an Anythingpunk villain. Slot in anything you want: Magipunk, Gothicpunk, Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Cassettepunk, Cyberpunk, I could go on. Uppity self-important CEO is perfect antagonist material.

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>and allies!
I only count on there, imagine how fucking awkward it must have been to have that goony beard ask if he could go to the womens diversity lunch because he's an ally

He forgot those of us who expected it to be complete garbage like everything nuBioWare makes

No no, they're too *smart* to make those kinds of outdated niche games. That's why they've spent so long correcting all of Bioware's old practices since the buyout. It's our fault for having unreasonable expectations. 2003 was a long time ago, after all.

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To stop for a moment, and pull the matter aside, what he's talking about IS an issue.
Some people want more story, and some want less.

Now, going back to the matter at hand...
They failed to deliver on both, and it had nothing to do with the fans.
Input delay/lag and lack of action combat variety and options. (clunky too, but they did have some nice animations)
and the story is still pretty bland, and over simplified, and uninteresting. barely more fleshed out than destiny1.
Still no mass effect.

Putting in the effort of a C in both isnt going to win over anyone.
Either go A/C, C/A, B/B, or what people want, A/A, A/B, B/A.
If you cant meet that quality line, then you cant argue people were at fault, for not liking the other category.
No one who likes story says the combat is the only part that ruined it.
No one who likes combat says the story is the only part that ruined it.
Both parts were shitty/average.

I've spent literally 500 bux (without regret) on Warframe, a f2p. Yet I wouldn't even consider throwing a dime at Anthem. I don't even know why myself.

He just looks evil. I'm not saying he is satan incarnate, but he's doing his best to look like it

>I'm used to 100 hours of BioWare story
On what planet?

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A game should always have a satisfying gameplay loop, this is the absolute fucking fundamental basic. Everything else, even story, is trivial. If you can't afford the time or money for a story, leave it ambiguous enough so that the player can project their own narrative. It's not fucking rocket science.

He is stating due to multiple age groups and genre gamers bioware could not win.

Older bioware gamers want groundbreaking plots
New bioware gamers may want something old fans already digested
Action fans want better mechanics

The major issue was EA not specifying whom this game was for, the core that played all prior pc rpgs, the new gamers whom only played dragon age, action fans, casual action fans.

The reason it failed is because they put out a title in a genre no one likes anymore. They missed, by two years, the window to strike after destiny 2 pissed people off, and destiny 2 had managed to get all those battered housewife players back into their abusive relationship in that large time period.

Anthem had 0 market. No one anywhere wanted it.

>Shirt too big
>Pants too big

Is he a big guy with bigger clothes or is he a manlet t with even bigger clothes?

yeah sure buddy.

He's a guy who doesn't know what a tailor is

I bet you would be praising them for how funny and neat they are if they didn't have a big following.

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Reminder that he's the reason why EA Sports Big went defunct because he told them to make more realistic Sports games instead of Arcade ones like SSX or NBA Street.

>yfw CDPR puts a corpo enemy in Cyberpunk2077 called William Anderson

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remind he's actually largely responsible for loot boxes in video games. not the recent EA fuckups, but loot boxes in general. it was his baby and earned EA ungodly amount of money.

andrew wilson is one of the worst things to happen to video games. he was the man in charge of developing FIFA ultimate team, now he leads the whole company.

Well he's kinda right. Retardnigger consumer paypig's fault for buying into hype and buying EAshit.

even mcdonalds stopped using frozen meat, fucking mcdonalds of all people

only the quarter pounders user.

obviously an exaggeration or they're just really fucking slow and bad at video games

haha, pretty funny mike. now let´s talk about how you can contribute to your patreon!

>this fuck get's paid damn near $20 million a year just to fuck up vidya
I don't think a bit of information has ever made me so mad.

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Real problem according to that investigative article was the fact Bioware sold smoke and mirrors to EA's management in order to not get Anthem cancelled. That initial E3 pitch was what they were shown and it's all fake, while Bioware also had no idea how to deliver on what they showed.

Imagine the influence gamers could have if we care about IRL performance as much as we do vidya

Replaying games with different decisions and romances I guess

then that's not a video games enthusiast
that's just a functional member of society
a successful one at that

>Anthem Was Ruined by Player Expectations
It's true though. The game was fine. People just wanted the division 2 with iron man suits instead. They never cared about any actual new ip. They just wanted division 2. If you went to their reddit, it was mostly just division 2 shills ragging on the game.

But the heart of it, it's the same mentality that causes a gamer to aspire to be, say, a high end raid leader/member and a corporate NPC to aim for the top. That development of skills and character. I guess gamers are just more adverse to physical effort.

"IT's not a flop, IT's a surprise opportunity for me to spout twenty paragraphs of bullshit at you"

Anthem was ruined because it went through development hell. The game had a 5+ year development cycle but the final game was made in about a year and a half. It's the same shit as Mass Effect Andromeda.

wish I had that idiocracy image right now
this'll have to do

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
return to whence you came,redditfag

You guys realize EA is the only reason Anthem is passable right?

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What's even remotely reddit about that post you suckaboob incel

here save it on your current device for the future

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He's not actually wrong. Yea Forums is incredibly guilty of this shit on a regular basis.

DESU, EA will never not be a peice of shit company. But if they wanted to truly release themselves from the unattainable expectations of people in regards to legacy studios, then they should stop rounding up groups of sub-par LGBT radlib programmers, cramming them into a studio, naming them "BIOWARE EAST", and giving them precious and beloved IPs to ruin.

>advanced action
My sides exploded in 40keks

Bad target, shit studio, too much hype.

I will never not be pissed about this. SSX 3 and Tricky sold millions and scored well everywhere but then EA went "nope it's not enough, we need FIFA levels of success"

thanks for the evidence, redditor

I will never forgive him or EA for that fact alone.

That sure is American box art, you fucking 3rd world idiot.

>Acting like Mike Judge isn't reddit material

Oh fuck. We should apologize.

>Are you expecting this game to be good?

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that line, that posture, that expression, it perfectly encapsulates my reaction to that post

Did your bearded neck wobble, user? Did part of your sofa-fused-flesh tear away and a turd smelling gasp emit from your island face buried in an ocean of lard?

He's a big guy.

He's not wrong.

Nigga LOOKS evil. Like he should be the villain for the next Mass Effect.
>implying another one will happen

why an attack on my character? you don't even know what I look like
I wasn't aware we were even arguing over something to even remotely justify such slander
perhaps you should behave less aggressively

>gameplay loop
If your first thought when designing a game is "how can I make this more like Cookie Clicker?" you might have a problem.

Reminder that the gameplay they showed at the one E3 was something that developers didn’t know about. They literally didn’t even know what kind of game they were making until that reveal

Real Talk:
If you hate EA so much why do you all continue to buy their games? Are you all fucking retarded or something?

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That's Aussie you dumb fuck

There's no ESRB rating there

they also couldn't decide a name on the game until just a few days before E3

Only people buying EA games are third worlders and Europoors who love fifa

If cookie clicker is what you think of when you hear gameplay loop i think you have the problem. Every game has a loop to it's progression, if a game exists that has completely different mechanics to every stage of it's play, I'd sure like to know about it.

Don't speak for me, cretin

believe it or not, the gameplay loop is an important aspect of development of video games
t. programming student in contact with design students

Genuinely amused me user, you win.

>wider audience
The true cancer that killed video games.

Oh, I believe it. But to me it's a lot like software people replacing the term "user interface" with the flashier (but much dumber) term "user experience." The problem with both is, you either view software as a tool you've designed to do something, or as "something to be experienced." We might also call this the difference between "software" and "apps."
You probably don't know what I'm talking about, because you're only an undergrad (and undergrads lack perspective), but--While one can talk about a tool in terms of "activity loops" (like, a ratchet wrench is involved in the tightening-and-loosening-bolts loops), it's not a good perspective from which to design tools. I have an instinct that this sort of, if you will, paradigm shift, is why new games are so much worse than old ones.

>you don't know, because I'm a mindreader and you I deem to be a unworthy person
not him, but come on

Not the user you're replying to but what's the real difference, there's always a limit to the level of interactivity a player has with the game world and usually only one way to progress. This leads to a loop in what the actual player does as a gamer to progress.


Does literally ANYONE who visits this site buy EA games?

if anything feminism and sjw nonsense killed bioware
you can´t make a game if you fire all the talented people for having the wrong gender, skin color or political opinion
and nobody wants to pay money too see a story full of ugly born people and feminist Propaganda

The staff fucking around at JB are easily the best part of the chain.

Most were expecting little to nothing and somehow got worse than that though

How fucking dare those evil g*mers expect a game to be good. It's time for corporations to rise up!

>BioWare has to evolve and has to expand and has to test the elasticity of that brand.
What a piece of shit. Just let them make a good game, not ride their brand

>What did he mean by this?
"'Instead of making different products for different audiences we are going to create a casualized grey goo that appeals to no one''

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I've not brought an EA game since Bad Company 2

I havent bought an EA game since Red Alert 2.

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I haven't bought an EA game since Mass Effect 2.

I haven't given those fucks money in years. It's the yuros buying Fifa that keep them afloat.

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Dev studios owned by production companies aren’t physically capable of making anything good. The people that stay at these shitholes don’t care about making good games, and even if they did, they would have no authority to do so.

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Even the nogs are abandoning madden

>American Education
>user is too retarded to see its clearly not from the USA
And where are you from? Bongland? Where ever you're from, you're education must've been shittier then any American's.

Im honestly confused as to how many high ranking CEOs and corporate fuckheads in gaming got to where they are. But more so how they RETAIN their positions.

They constantly push huge flops, make the brand absolutely hated and drive stocks down...but they gain and keep million dollar jobs in making these decisions?

Honestly /pol/ has to be right in the Jewish nepotism theory. Its the only way.

Honestly Yea Forums should coordinate an assassination on him.

Last EA game I bought was TF2. They effectively killed titanfall with apex so I will never buy anything from them again

this, they love FIFA and freak the fuck out when you tell them they are being used and bending over backwards for corporations.

Sims fags

All corporations have this issue. Even where I work. New managers that never worked destroying the company and bringing in their own people to jerk eachother off.

how it works is you get up to a 'director' or 'vp' level job at a company in any industry, it doesn't matter at all, and then you lateral move around forever to companies that my be entirely unrelated to the one you came up in. it's fine because once you get to that level, somehow you magically know everything about the category 'marketing', doesn't matter what you are selling. and it doesn't really matter what you know or do since you make very general decisions that other people actually fulfill.

once you're at that level, it's just a matter of luck and politics to perhaps be appointed to a c-level executive position somewhere, which is even more broadly defined and generally applicable. then you continue to move around politicking.

it's like receiving a noble rank. you don't lose it once you get it.

Are you actually gay?

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Your on the wrong website, kiddo. Ask your buddies on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and Discord that question.


They play 2k.

Of course he'd say that. A company that prides itself in making investors happy would try to find any excuse to shift the responsibility elsewhere that isn't their core business, otherwise investors would not be happy.

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I'm sorry they didnt like your shitty movie.

Haven't bought an EA game in twenty years.

I haven't bought an EA game since the original Mirror's Edge, and even then I got it on sale. That was almost a decade ago. It was also one of the last good games they ever made. The sooner this company goes out of business the better.

Haven't paid for one since Dead Space 2 and that was on a steam sale.

this motherfucker needs to step down

Did they even put some money into marketing for this? I knew it was coming out, but that's pretty much it.

I don't buy any games, from any company. To who are you talking to?

>players ruined it, not the fact that our devs spent 6 years to only put out a sub-par product that hasn't had anything meaningful for it release in the few months it has been out despite saying they were going for a GAS model with the game

Meanwhile the company that made your pic related has CEOs that are willing to take huge paycuts when their products are failing and put out notices and messages of apologies (as recent as Metroid Prime 4 and Animal Crossing) when products need to be delayed to meet fan expectations and in order to keep dev morale high

Good roast user

the average hue is too poor to buy a console, it's just the yuros keeping EA afloat


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This guy will be replaced by another coporate machine someday.

>Wilsons Australian
They can not keep getting away with it

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He is right. Cucks believing in Bioware are always at fault.

>But if they wanted to truly release themselves from the unattainable expectations of people
Those strong desires are exactly what drive people to make irrational decisions like buying games that aren't all that great. Or pre-ordering Cyberpunk 2077 over a year before it's released. EA wants those expectations. Of course, Anthem is a new IP and not a beloved old game so Anthem couldn't exploit the fantasy people construct in their heads about what a sequel to a classic game will be like.

EA burned up their own brand with their monetization tactics. No one wants to buy a loot shooter from EA because everyone knows what it's going to be them constantly trying to squeeze money out of you. They used to burn up companies, they'd buy up a company with a good reputation, them force them to pump out quick cashgrab sequels one after another until the reputation was all burned up. Then they'd toss it aside an use the money they made to buy up the next company. Except they got too greedy with microtransactions, and now they've burned up their own brand.

Mass Effect 2

Call it prejudice or whatever, but I don't see why anyone trusts a man who, quite literally, looks like the caricature of Businessman Satan or Devil Lawyer.
I'm genuinely confused how he even gets investors with that level of deception and manipulation

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>EA calls Lootboxes "Surprise Mechanics"
>EA blames customers for expecting a good game
Can't make this shit up.

I haven't bought a game from them since DS3.

>100 hours of BioWare story,
Fucking WHAT?
What bioware game is 100 hours?

Passable? hardly.
It's 100% EA's fault that they didn't fire the shitty "leadership" of BioWare.
Instead, they gave them relatively free reign until like 4-5 years was past, at which point EA's investors and overseers were starting to get pissed off.
They were right to kick Biowares ass and tell them to pick it up or pack it up, because BioWare's feminists, hamplanets and SJW employees were NOT DOING ANYTHING, and the actual coders had no proper leadership or decision making.
Simply put, there was too much money being drained by BioWare. It's not EA's fault that they suck ass, but it's their fault there was false advertising and a rushed release.

Wasn't it EA that said the game was called Anthem and that was the first time Bioware had ever heard of it?

unironically this.

Gonna need a name, senpai.

My expectations for Anthem actually couldn't have been any lower. It looked like bullshot garbage from day 1 of the reveal trailer. That's why I didn't buy it or care about it at all. The fault lies exclusively with EA for being retarded faggots.

swtor? as there's 8 of them

You can't fool me, Bob Page

>Food get replaced if you don't like it.
Go outside.

It's actually almost the exact opposite.

Ea doesn't have to worry. My expectations for their games could not possibly get any lower than they already are.

Any good restaurant will refund or replace a bad product, provided you have a valid reason for not liking it.

if a steak is charred all over, you get it replaced
if your kfc bucket has an entire chicken's head in it, you get it replaced and they'll probably pay you to shut up about it to boot
if you buy a bag of chips and you find an insect inside, you get it replaced, and once again they'll probably pay you to shut up about it

You're the one who needs to go outside corporate cocksucker
They are not free from responsibilities, and they ARE shockingly concerned about their public image.
They are especially afraid of social media.
If you take a phone photo of bad food and make it go viral on the internet, it can potentially cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars

I don't think I've ever seen them really peddle their shit.

>The teams at BioWare will continue to come to work every day
Isn't Anthem a broken mess that has barely received any updates or fixes or anything on the "content roadmap"? Sounds like the teams at Bioware come in to work just to sit around.

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What expectations? I thought it was gonna be garbage from the first trailer.

>Those fucking consumers and their expectations
This is how you know a company wants to just roll in wads of cash

>if a steak is charred all over, you get it replaced
> good restaurant
if they serve it charred all over, how can they be a good restaurant to begin with?
QED EA can never be considered a good restaurant for games; their service is horrendous.

Exactly. How many times do you all need to watch them fuck up before you realize itll be trash?

First time I saw Anthem it was supposed to 'wow' you with generic Destiny world and F L I G H T. The second I saw that I knew it was going to be a boring piece of shit, it got shilled for months, people got hyped, and it slumped. Doesnt matter though, EA and shareholders got paid, so I look forward to the next game they get 'gamers' excited for

I really did not expect it to be such a hot garbage fire, but I always thought that people were blinded by bioware hype, nothing they showed from day one looked interesting or impressive, not even the completely faked demonstration trailer.

>good restaurant
>bad product
Sounds like a bad restaurant

>market game to be one thing
>players expect it to be that way
>its players fault to expect it to be good
not even the No Man's Sky guys had this gaul

>No Man's Sky guys, Fallout 76, Sea of Thieves, and even Ubisoft are able to admit when a game is delivered poorly
>EA actually says its the players fault they marketed the game wrong

>EA is once again clueless

Its impressive they have the staying power they have despite hating their fans

fucking diamond dogs

>“What the BioWare teams are thinking about is that we're going to build a lot of different types of games,” Wilson explained. “We're going to have our core BioWare audience that's been with us for a really long time. There are kids today who are 12 years old who weren't around when BioWare started making games… and they have different expectations of what a BioWare game should be in the context of the world they've grown up in. As a result of that, BioWare has to evolve and has to expand and has to test the elasticity of that brand. The teams at BioWare will continue to come to work every day and listen to their players old and new and seek to deliver on the promises they've made to those players. That's what you're seeing with Anthem today.”

This is the important part. What he's essentially saying is, 'core' Bioware fans are a given. They'll buy whatever they put out. There is no reason to chase them or attempt to please them. Instead they need to be chasing 12 year olds (he literally says 12 year olds)

Low quality bait

>you were supposed to expect a shit game and buy it anyway

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I wish that pizza was me

>I take it he was agreeable?

he's getting smaller with every minute.

>(and allies!)
Damn the one guy gets a parenthesis mention, not by his name or what he really is (a man) but only in relation to the role he plays for women. Brutal

>The teams at BioWare will continue to come to work every day and listen to their players old and new and seek to deliver on the promises they've made to those players. That's what you're seeing with Anthem today

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i have bought exactly zero ea games, EVER

I want Jim Riggollini to come back.

>this man killed Skate and SSX

it's not fair bros

>pride and accomplishment
>surprise mechanics
>emotional value calculation
I can't wait for the next one.

>You should eat every shit EA vomit in your mouth, you can't have standards

Fine, im in awe of audacity of these fucks

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Why would you ever play Anthem when Destiny 2 is right there. Even if you dont like it, it offers everything Anthem does but better, the only thing Anthem has is Flight, which isn't shit but a faster way to move.

Nigga should be counting his lucky stars diablerie is outlawed.

I hope it goes f2p or mega sale, it looks fun.