How do you feel about Square Enix's "Ethics committee" saying that big boobs are unethical? Do you agree? Do you feel an "ethic committee" full of paid full time workers that only work to actively hinder game development is a good idea?
Are big boobs unethical?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder what your mom would say if she found how upset you are that a video game character has regular boobs.
we've already talked about this
It's just further proof that artistic integrity has been sapped from the video game industry
haven't bothered to speak to her in years
think I should call her up at 2 a.m. and tell her that I'm pissed about Tifa Lockhart's breast size?
my mom is upset that tifa has smaller boobs
I'm on my knees here beggin ya to have sex
Hell no! These jackasses stopped understanding what it is about. Instead of catering to their target demographic they somehow began to think that a tiny loud crybaby portion of people that arent even in their audience is more relevant than everybody who actually pays for their shit.
That's nice, you can start a rally with her then.
She'd be amused and probably agree with me. She's been dead for over 15 years though, sadly.
I got a lot of my sensibilities from my mom.
Would make the character more feminine and worth protecting
user, you should call her up in the morning and tell her that you love her.
my mother's my sister
Yes every woman in real life with big boobs should have them cut off.
>regular boobs
As opposed to irregular boobs?
Infrequent boobs?
And seeing as how every girl I've dated has had seriously sizeable suckables, I doubt she'd be surprised.
Modern men no longer desire big breasts
I'm just gonna assume you're trolling.
>regular boobs
You seem upset.
And it means you're a moron for acting like large breasts are somehow unnatural or foreign.
You seem retarded, and I know which one I'd rather be.
>big tits not normal! small tits normal! think what ur mum would say if she found out you're not normal!
stop this sexyshaming culture. girls with big tits exist and they deserve representation too.
Fortunately you don't have to choose.
Fortunately I can make better posts than "SO ARE TITS THAT AREN'T REGULAR INFREQUENT?"
What the fuck was that.
When will women stop being mad at other women for winning the gene bowl or actually taking care of themselves?
Ah, I'm sure you'll get laid some day if you continue to cry for all the big tittied girls that have been shamed because of this video game.
Man, you really got triggered by that, huh? You said something stupid and I mocked you for it.
You should grow thicker skin.
Big boobs are the most ethical.
It is the evil machinations of unethical people getting into those positions to push their truly unethical desires.
Never by pulling those women back to their level they maintain some kind of "quality" in the dating game.
Sorry, stupidity and bad posts trigger me. At least you didn't deny it was retarded.
Yea Forums wasn't always like this. We weren't always shamed for getting angry about stuff like this.
What went wrong bros?
>y-you just want to get laid!!
nice projecting of your insecurities onto others. well done. now stop being a genetics nazi and accept that girls are allowed to look hot, even if you dislike that
>Sorry, stupidity and bad posts trigger me
then maybe you should stop posting
Why would I deny that your outburst was retarded?
But I want to hear more stupid shit from you.
My outburst? All I did was copy what you said kiddo. It didn't make any sense, try harder.
Well it would take me a few hours to explain to her the whole background of the situation so I really have no idea.
>m-maybe if I post my 2d girlfriend he'll get embarrassed and leave
why do we need 10 of these threads everday? It's embarrassing.
When all games are without jiggly physics and there are no large chested characters in games, I wonder what the corporate left will censor next.
Why are girls so mean?
You factually did not. You raged that I said something that made me look smarter than you, then you did the overzealous fake quote thing, and now you're trying to act like you've been cool and collected this whole time.
I know you're insecure about your intelligence, but you'd have a much easier time if you didn't broadcast it so much.
white whores disgust me
I'm sorry, was you calling tits that are larger than the average size "infrequent tits" a post that you thought made you look smarter than me? Holy fuck. Like you seriously could not figure out a name for tits that are bigger than normal besides "infrequent." Christ.
are you not doing the same?
No, but I can post something else if my post was bothering you.
Yes big breasts make women have unrealistic ideas about their bodies and teach men to rape. All big booby having people are sexist pigs and should be spanked, yes spanked hee hee, by me, oh yes.
People wouldn't make montages like this with biased sampling r-right? Who would do such a thing.
>i'll tell him that his beautiful girls only exist in 2d! hah, that'll show him!
um, sweety...
Those are fake as fuck though.
if you still didn't figure out that he was mocking you then maybe you should get your head checked
>was you calling tits that are larger than the average size "infrequent tits" a post that you thought made you look smarter than me?
No, it was a post that you thought made me look smarter than you.
>Like you seriously could not figure out a name for tits that are bigger than normal besides "infrequent."
Oh man, you are REALLY dumb, aren't you? How on Earth did you come to that conclusion?
You call that disgusting 3dpd thot "beautiful?" She's faker than 2D.
She has to have the back of an ox otherwise she'll have several prolapses before reaching the age of 40
That is a very very strong bra
1. Ordinary people acting like retards attracts actual retards thinking they are in good company. Because Yea Forums and Yea Forums in particular adopted "rage" motif a little over a decade ago (right after the mobile phone boom at that), it brought in a ton of idiots who actually hate everything and actually believe in the "watch the world burn" bullshit.
2. Cultural marxists have also boomed in activity over the past decade because of social media. Their primary tactic is to actively infest every culture and chase out the people who built it by screeching at and browbeating people on "moral" issues. Of course, most idiots actually try to argue shit on such grounds against these scumbags instead of telling them to shut the fuck up while posting boobs.
>No, it was a post that you thought made me look smarter than you.
I would never think that about any of your posts.
>How on Earth did you come to that conclusion?
Gee, I don't know, maybe you couldn't figure out what regular sized boobs are?
I don't think you are using that word correctly
>walking down the street
>see this coming towards you
what do?
Let your boyfriend do the speaking, thanks, he doesn't need you to try and fail to fight for him.
I'm now cured of wanting to see big breasts. Thank you.
>wobble and jiggle and bend like real
>fake as fuck
i seriously hope you gals don't do this
>sexy curves? but it's 3dpd! thus it's automatically not sexy and also is also fake! no i am not jealous fuck OFF!
Does she ever post nudes
unzip dick
no problem. if 'big' is not big enough,there's always bigger fish to catch
no, i want bigger
Are you really surprised that I'm not jealous of having gigantic chest tumors.
Just how much of a breast envy cuck are you?
There are horror stories about how dysfunctional women only workplaces are.
Dude you're just embarrassing yourself, stop.
on the one hand, if she always had big titties, I don't think they should randomly change it. On the other hand, the only people who care are a bunch of horny losers. So I don't care either way
I dont even know what unethical means
I'm too busy laughing at you to stop.
I want bigger
I am honestly flabbergasted at your misunderstanding. I don't even know where to begin to explain to you how utterly moronic you are being right now.
How did you get this way? Was it intellectual neglect? A concerted effort to avoid any kind of mental growth? Do you have another kind of "mental growth"?
>tits, the things that give the future generations life, the hopes and dreams of all humankind
are, in your words, equal to
>chest tumors
i am very sorry you're born gay, user
>Censoring Tifa's nose
Now THAT'S unethical.
Are you just going to pretend you didn't make Am I about to hear "that was a different user?"
That is a third poster that popped in just now. So far 3 people have identified your astonishing lack of understanding.
It means nothing.
I hate to break this to you, but women are kind of shit and don't bring hope to anything.
How kind of you to get offended on some random anons behalf because he and you got confused by the term "regular tits."
oh boy! finally an excuse to post pic related!
I made that post, but you are confused about what that post meant. I would laugh if it wasn't so embarrassing.
You should've learned it from the trolley problem memes
No one is confused about the term, you dumbfuck, they're making fun of you for using it.
I'd ask you to explain what meant besides announcing that you don't know what "regular boobs" means but I don't know if you can handle that amount of backpedaling without falling off a cliff.
>they're making fun of you for using it.
Regular boobs means boobs that aren't bigger or smaller than the usual average.
Do you you get it now.
I can't believe I had to explain this to you so you can stop giggling at the term regular boobs.
re-read my post again you fuckmunch. the Tits are the hopes and dreams, not the girls the tits are attached to. if we had sexbots with huge tits that are as real as inhumanly possible, then those tits would hold just as much hopes and dreams as the real tits do.
>the way they cave in so deep when pressed
>like actual, slightly deflated balloons
That is actually gross
not that guy but here's my take
the "irregular" part in that post pokes fun of you using the word "regular" in your post. that's it, that's the joke
the bigger joke is your inability to understand such simple jokes.
>the Tits are the hopes and dreams,
They're bags of fat that you fap to. Holy shit you put women on a pedestal so much.
No woman has as big boobs as Tifa had originally.
Now she's realistic, the biggest boobs a woman can have.
Even now you don't comprehend your mistake.
"Regular boobs" is an idiotic term. You mean to say average, normal, or something along those lines, but what you REALLY mean is that you think that large breasts are somehow unnatural. I was making fun of your word choice by suggesting deliberately absurd antitheses to your poor word choices. If you still cannot wrap your head around this concept after this post, there is just no helping you.
So if I said normal boobs instead of regular would you have a har-har by calling them abnormal boobs.
I can't believe calling regular boobs, regular boobs, upset you this much.
Everyone knew what YOU meant, you chimp. You are being mocked for your word choice, and more recently for your inability to understand that you were being mocked even after being explicitly told such multiple times.
Both you, and my original post have something in common: they're both jokes.
She's wearing a sports bra and her tits are still larger than Aeris's
Thank you, """progressives""".
is that goalpost heavy?
I'm not apologizing fo calling regular boobs, regular boobs, so if you're waiting for me to say sorry for triggering you with such an UNFAMILIAR term then you're going to have to keep waiting.
I have good news for you, wayward user
We'll see during the Corneo mission.
Did you quote the wrong post?
Not only are you wrong, who gives a shit about realistic tits in a game that is completely unrealistic to boot? Its called FINAL FANTASY not FINAL REALISM for fucks sake.
Do you really give a shit? Do you really play a game and watch the pixel boobs and thinks "OH NO her boobs are a bit smaller. All my fun is now gone."
I can understand it with some kind of retarted political shit that is forced into a game, but this...
How many months of NEETbux would I have to save to get her to cosplay as Tifa?
my mom has big boobs like her, so shed probably get offended at the notion of people like her not being "realistic"
you are leaking military grade retardation
just stop talking
>[tits are] bags of fat
so you're uneducated, too? in actuality, tits are not 100% fat, as one might think they'd be. a large portion of the chest is made up of fatty tissue, which, basically, is the place where breast milk is made.
>you put women on a pedestal
stop putting words in my mouth. i repeat: i don't care about the girls, i care about the boobs. if, or rather when, sex toys get to the level of being sex bots, i will fully abandon the idea of marrying a girl just so i could cuddle with my face in her chest, because that would be unnecessary since i could just do that with a sex bot with no insanity of a girl attached.
also yeah, as the other user said, you're moving goalposts quite a lot. chill out maybe?
Of course, because it wasn't just your poor word choice that was worth criticizing, but the whole braindead sentiment.
>I can't believe calling regular boobs, regular boobs, upset you this much
You are the one that got upset, you even admitted it. I mocked you, and then I along with 2 other anons tried to explain a simple joke to you.
Are you autistic? Not understanding jokes really makes you seem autistic.
How many threads are you gonna make about this manufactured issue? Jesus Christ.
They haven't even revealed best girl yet.
Damn, you're scary. What are you gonna do if I don't?
fyi "ethics" is a mistranslation
you're all getting your edgy gamer pants in a twist over literally nothing
You don't understand. Tifa is my wife and they had no right to change her.
You're really laying it on thick how much my choice of using the word "regular" over "normal" is upsetting you isn't it. Even though regular was used properly.
"Ethics committes" in Japan are equivalent to American's trying to get a certain ESRB rating and have been around game developers for decades.
And "restrict" clearly means, and even more literally if you go back to the original Japanese source of the quote, means wearing a sports bra like any logical female fighter on earth and has nothing to do with the size.
I really want to believe you all aren't seriously retarded enough to look at a headline translated from another language and start assuming everything about the situation, but look where I am.
That's what it meant? I kept thinking this whole time it was a reference to the fantasy genre as a whole, given that it's basically Fighting Fantasy in a digital format. Man, what a world, who know Fantasy meant
Just curious, don't you love your mother? Why have you not talked to her for years?
>tfw you visit these "ethical" threads only for the chance of good tiddies art being posted
No one cares if you apologize or not. I will, however, continue to mock you until you stop saying stupid shit, the thead gets deleted, or I fall asleep.
Damn, I can smell the virginity from this post.
Wait, this isn't even good bait because they have slimmer big titted people in Bleeding Edge.
Also, ya'll will get your real objective, which was getting panty shots during somersaults in Tactical Mode. That's what you guys have wanted as soon as they mentioned that feature anyway, heh. They literally gave you a free feature to get dynamic slowdown shots of cute girls.
Your attempts to mock me for using the word regular over normal aren't really very effective.
It's UK time, is this some sort of Europe thing? Is that why you're so mad?
Your posts are devolving into word soup. Are you flustered?
Okay then post an MMA fighter who is skinny (but shredded so low %bf) with natural tits as big as Tifa from the original FF VII. Ill fucking wait.
No, I'm pretty...regular.
Why do people even think giant melons pasted onto a twig body type are attractive anyway.
Even if you look at pics like
their boobs are proportional to the size of the rest of their body. Having a slim anorexic body with giant honkers just pasted on like Tifa in that PS1 pic isn't even attractive, it looks ridiculous.
I respect your opinion but remember, not everyone is a faggot like you, user.
If I hated her, I'd spend my time talking to her. We never got along much, and usually just ended up fighting. She's likely better off this way.
If I tell her I don't want to see her, it's likely heartbreaking. If I just ignore her, she'll probably just think I'm a callous prick. Probably still feels bad, but not as bad as the alternative.
Isn't right riding some mobility vehicle?
Or has had her legs replaced with some wheels?
I considered that subtle shade or commentary.
Now post a skinny mma fighter like tifa with big boobs :)
>Your attempts to mock me for using the word regular over normal aren't really very effective.
of course they aren't, it took three people explaining it to you before you realised that you are being mocked
you are either underage, braindead or both
>underrated filename
Could be bigger.
>The translations are all wrong! Mine is right!
That guy is still paraphrasing the Japanese. It clearly says:
激しいアクションでも(during violent action) 不自然(unnatural) にならないように (to not be) 胸部(chest) を絞める(to constrict) 必要(needed)
So the widespread translation that the ethics department constricted her chest is 100% accurate. There's no mention of a "loose top" or anything.
>aren't really very effective
I don't make jokes at the expense of idiots in the hopes that they will be able to appreciate them.
>It's UK time
I'm sorry, what? What is UK time? Are you saying it is time for the UK? Are you trying to say it's X time of day in the UK? Did you have a heat? Did I have a stroke and you're really just a figment of my stroked out brain randomly firing off neurons trying to interpret stimuli? What would cause a normal (regular, for your 4th grade vocabulary) person to mention the UK out of nowhere like this?
You can samefag mock all you want, regular is an adjective that exists and it was used properly. You're literally mocking me for being right.
Brevity kid.
Let me just say, her original design is much better than her new design. I don't even mind they shrunk her boobs or covered them up more or whatever. I liked her more simplistic design that didn't actually take away from the attractiveness of the character. Pale skin, black hair, red eyes, and that was the coloring of her outfit. A simple skirt, suspenders to keep it up (because she is living in a literal bum city below a real city) a white top and red gloves and boots.
Now her design is just obnoxious with a bunch of unneeded additives that detract from the characters overall look. A complex pleated skirt, stockings that don't match the black of the skirt, red boots but not red gloves. It's like they were going for a school girl look and then stopped after they got past the skirt and went for an athletic one. It's just a bunch of trash tacked on for no real reason and it looks like a mess. Tifa's original design was great because it was simple, now it's just noisy.
That would explain your shitty posts.
Are you even trying anymore?
What the fuck else could it mean if they're talking about action sequences?
They're not speaking in general retard, they're talking about a very specific circumstance where it would look "unnatural." They're not saying "Tifa would look weird with big tits" they're saying "Tifa would look weird if she was fighting in action sequences." Which could only refer to the fact that "unrestricted" tits fucking bounce everywhere if a woman tries fighting with them. If they didn't it would look "unnatural." So it's the same fucking difference as his translation.
I found this.
I would.
why would they even tell the public this? did they think this explanation would help?
>So it's the same fucking difference as his translation
It's almost, ALMOST as if you didn't read the post at all and just used some pre-written response to deflect from any form of critique. Almost...
Underground with the moles, digging holes, eh?
>regular is an adjective that exists
>and it was used properly
>You're literally mocking me for being right.
Regular has a somewhat similar meaning to what you were trying to say, but it is decidedly not the right word.
Are you legitimately asking me to dumb my posts down for you? lmfao
Those tits are even smaller than the remake ones.
Face it its literally LITERALLY L I T E RA L L Y impossible for a person like Tifa in real life to have big boobs like she had in the original (natural of course)
I didn't know that mma fighters can kick robots away that weight a few tons. I also thought that the "realistic" angle has been debunked
enough times for you tards to stop trying to compare it since then you could can the whole fucking game.
They thought it would
I take it you didn't get that joke either.
So if I called a regular apple a regular apple would you yell at me and say I should call it a normal apple?
Would've been easier if they simply said that they thought the new look was better and it's why she was designed that way. All this shit with ethics department and translations just poured more oil into the fire.
You're the only joke here.
Wait, I think this is a great and cute girl, but most people call these peeps fatties, and now it's used as an example of realistic body types? I smell hypocrisy here. Now, there is fanart that tried to make Tifa have thicc'er body proportions so that her bust is more in line with everything else, but her original design was always to facilitate a fantasy of a cute girl with a moderately larger bust, but the ass wasn't there, the thighs and calves were really slim, and her arms lacked discernable definition. If we wanted to argue that she should have a larger bust shown now, then we should argue that she needs better thighs, ass, and slightly thicker pecs, but then she would probably make Cloud look even girlier. There is a definite issue that some artists mean yo have a voluptuous girl, but give her no ass, no thighs, and her legs are too slim. Sakura from FSN is an example where Nasu would say she has a super dynamite body, but his illustrator Takeuchi hid her tits and ass until very recently. But fans of her working at the company showed official art like pic related.
This new design for the remake is essentially them giving her the boob tape like some samurai girls, so I expect some comical scene in Wall Market where she has that blue dress where they are set free and the laughs that will ensue when it happens. Nomura and Kitase must be chuckling to themselves and looking forward to the fanart and commentary.
As ifs for any person to wield a sword like cloud with his small build, yet I don't see you fags up in arms about that and wanting realism.
My point is the paraphrasing is important to provide context behind why they would say something like that. Without that context retarded journalists can spin it into a headline like "Ethics Department Reduced Tifa's Breasts."
Good translations are supposed to provide context to someone of a different language that wasn't there in the original language because things often get lost in translation. That's why it's a better translation.
You fucking retards you are literally arguing big boobs like Tifa had exist irl so Tifa could have them in the remake but you all post fat cows or fake tits, post someone with the build of tifa being a fighter having her og boobs THEN you could argue someone like her could exist
Her original was solid, unique and likable. New one is just generic korean MMO trash tier.
Nobody realises this for some reason.
Why was the same company perfectly fine with this less than 3 years ago? What is it about Tifa's tifas that's so unethical?
yeah, this is the only point I want to come across in all this
Look up Anne Russillo, she has F tits and they forced her to fight in a heavier weight division because they were giving her an unfair advantage.
her bimbo tits would look stupid in full 3D anyways. but the implications of an "ethics department" are....worrying.
Except that there was no spinning or word twisting as proven now. Don't worry, I know you can't understand that since it goes against what you want to be true, not what is true.
>Regular has a somewhat similar meaning to what you were trying to say, but it is decidedly not the right word.
I assure you that big boobs in sports bras are based around surprise mechanics. And I can also assure you they are quite ethical.
>they were giving her an unfair advantage.
Also here she is again
Because FF7 is aimed at amerifags nintendo basedboys, they always was the main FF7 fanbase and FF15 had wider auditory.
Hitomi Tanaka is an actual black belt in karate, does that count?
No, but dressing in such a way as to incite lust out of others is unethical
That depends, is it an apple that is arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances, or otherwise is it recurring at uniform intervals, or an individual that frequents a certain establishment? If so, then "regular" would be the right word.
If instead you mean that the apple conforms to a standard; is usual, typical, or expected, then the word you should use is "normal".
Are you ESL by any chance?
>he still doesn't fucking get it
monkeys comprehend things faster than you do
Because it was never about them giving a shit about size themselves. It's about marketing.
Are you implying pic related has the build of Tifa?
The moment she would be as skinny as her those boobs would dissapear
>in a fantasy game it's utterly incomprehensible that someone has big tits
It's you fucktards who keep on claiming that tits like that are "unrealistic" despite it having no bearing for them to exist in a fucking video game. You tards have some serious issues being unable to understand that tit sizes in reality have no bearing on those in a bloody video game
>Except that there was no spinning or word twisting as proven now.
>That depends, is it an apple that is arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances, or otherwise is it recurring at uniform intervals, or an individual that frequents a certain establishment?
As long as you're copy from
There was actually some people who wanted him to have more definition to his noodle arms. It just wasn't as pronounced as the Tifa discussion. Notice that he now has slightly better arms than earlier trailers.
>say something stupid
>get btfo
How do big tits give you an advantage. In combat I mean.
It was a yes or no question kiddo, and your response contains neither. Try again. You can do it!
Thanks for agreeing with me tough I doubt you did it on purpose
>it's another clickbait nigger thread
when do we get to the porn posting to fight the censorship on Yea Forums and 4channel as a whole?
That's your excuse for getting confused by the word regular?
>It's you fucktards who keep on claiming that tits like that are "unrealistic
>Literally a spam of pictures in this threads of girls with big boobs
Whatever you want to believe nigger.
Kill yourself.
More precise definitions can be found here:
Why are they body shaming women with large breasts? Is it wrong for a woman to have large breasts? What kind of message are we sending those women by saying that Tifa having large breasts is immoral?
>calls them unrealistc
>gets proven wrong
>tries to claim that it's not the tits but the bodysize
>gets proven wrong again and called out for his weird view of a video game to begin with
Can't make this shit up.
Ok you niggers, I'm going to sleep. I'll give you the quick rundown:
>Tifa's breast size looks smaller
That's because she's using a sport bra, which constrict (を絞める in the interview) her size.
>So it was a design change
That change was suggested by the Ethics department according to the interview, who asked for her "her top wasn't loose" according to a translation, ie: No boob jiggle as she fights.
The Ethics department's job is to make sure the rating of the game stays on CERO: B and ESRB: T, the original rating for FF7.
>But Square Enix has never done jiggle physics before
Yes they did:
>But that's a M rating, CERO: C
How about a Square Enix game with CERO: A (For all ages) and ESRB: T?
>Then why would the Ethics department suggest for her breast to be constricted if the rating would've stayed the same?
We don't know.
But her smaller tits mean she has BIGGER boobs because she is wearing an sport bra!
You certainly make stupid posts at regular intervals.
Tifa doesn't have the build of a fighter or even an amature athlete, she is built to just be skinny. Anne weights in at 150 but her tits alone weigh 12 pounds.
Seeing as only fat cows (with some genetic exceptions) have breasts as big as og tifa yes its wrong, lose weight
have sex
Doesn't matter what I believe. You agreed with me, not my fault you're really too dumb to understand it.
>If instead you mean that the apple conforms to a standard; is usual, typical, or expected, then the word you should use is "normal".
If I wanted my own comeback I'd ask your mom.
As I said from the beginning, the meaning is similar, but they are different words with different meanings. Your usage is incorrect.
Now ask yourself: if you had said "normal intervals" here, would this post make any sense.
The words have similar meanings to a lay person such as yourself, but they are different words and are not interchangeable in every or even most situations.
But she is fighting people with more muscular mass than her. How does that give her an advantage?
Here is your Tifa bros
So what you're saying is that I called a normal, standard, everyday apple a regular apple, that is incorrect?
Is that your final answer?
Because that is what the word means.
It's easier to bring others down to their level, then to try and make up for it otherwise.
Yes, I am aware that that's what regular means. So why can't I use it?
not but seriously I love big breasts.
She is at a disadvantage there because they are forcing her to fight in a higher weight bracket. She can't fight in her own weight group.
Isn't the whole point that it wouldn't be practical to have big boobs as an athletic person?
Your boobs shrink when you become athletic because they're literally bags of fat and big boobs like the ones of FMV Tifa would just get in the way of combat.
or are you just trying to be mad for the sake of being mad
Adding on to things is literally Nomura's gig. The cuteness of her slight tinge of lipstick is still there, and she still has the showy red eyes. The skirt and gloves I knew he would go ham on, but I liked he added some details like decorations to them, and of course he was gonna add more belts, this is Nomura have you seen Lulu. The gloves show the materia like the other characters have for their weapons and now have runes etched into them, do they end up looking super cool.
Big boobs or the lack of them is a secondary concern when it comes to videogames. Gameplay mechanics and their dynamics is the measure of a game. If you disagree, you are retarded. And not figuratively but genuinely, clinically retarded.
>B-but user, it's not true to the original and this is supposed to be a remake!
They are re-imagining some parts of the game and they, as the creators of the original game, have every right to do so.
And couple this with the fact that Cindy from FF13 exists. And people still cry that Tifa's design is "censorship" by Squeenix rather than a design decision by Nomura.
I just don't understand the stupidity of this place.
Can't punch heart and ribs that good, pain but protection. Also cause rage status: the opponent attacks more but misses a lot and lets defense open, also quicker to tire them.
why censor the cola bottle?
The hole world is falling in the SJWs slippery slope: always remember that if you give an inch they'll take a mile. The took Lara, they'll take Tifa, than it's all finished: never again big boss, because it's the new normal and accepted.
>you can only criticize or talk shit about one thing at the top of an arbitrary list of priorities
>rather than a design decision by Nomura.
I just said it wasn't a Nomura's decision, but the Ethics department that wanted to make sure no jiggling was allowed.
>her tits alone weigh 12 pounds.
I want to point out this is a serious disadvantage for women with large breasts going into MMA because they go up an extra weight bracket or two because of the weight of their chest. That is a big reason you don't see as many large chested women in MMA.
How more clear do I need to be with you?
You cannot look just at a list of synonyms and hope to have a clear understanding of the meaning of a word, otherwise you could say the apple was constant, frequent, habitual, periodic, repeated, steady, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted, routine, day-to-day, daily, established, settled, set, fixed, traditional, quotidian, prevailing.
Imagine being a chestlet and you only braging rights are being able to play sports, then that titty monster comes and kicks your ass.
They must be SEETHING
I for one welcome our flat chested heroines
Cola bottles are unethical.
You can whine about non-issues, but don't expect to be taken seriously.
84,900 results
64,400 results.
Sorry fag. You're in the minority here.
I can online imagine your seething face as you struggle for a "TH-TH-THEY DONT COOOOUNT!"
It is supposedly unethical to make fictional girls/women look prettier than their real life equivalent.
She has great tits, but boy is she a cunt online
Logistics: because it was empty and she can't do that with it full, and it's weird and unfunny to do it empty.
>implying anyone cares that you don't care
Eat shit, millions of flies can't be wrong.
Cindy was designed by Ferrariman, not Nomura you mongoloid. Also Cindy suffered from the same SJW outrage.
>Erect nipples
There it is! The "They don't count!"
At this point, a single fly is smarter than you are.
"I always had small breasts and everybody made fun of me, but in boxing I'll have the advantage of an athletic, body, YAS KWEN!"
>KO on third round because was too tired.
Rip cindy
>Cindy suffered from the same SJW outrage
Was she changed?
>Implying anyone cares that you care about the bust size of a videogame character
You can have thousands of threads whining about the new Tifa look but that won't change it. The general sentiment outside of this place is that she looks fine.
Honestly, I kinda doubt it. She'll probably look real sexy during the Don Corneo mission and people will quickly forget this as they furiously draw more fanart as they are doing now and fap to sweaty Tifa. Just like the SJWs went quiet after SE laughed at them about Cidney after a couple months, this too shall pass, we'll have fun, fap, and play through the game. Neither side of outrage lasted very long.
You're seeing the metastases.
Where's the actual translation, and not mistranslations?
Oh, please, stop making this your "agenda". Exaggerated, excessive boob bouncing makes me puke.
You are a lay person with no argument. Your useage of "regular" approximates your meaning but is not accurate or correct. You also spent several hours not noticing you were being mocked, then proceeded to try to act smug to save face.
You are an idiot in every sense of the word.
You're the kind of idiot that still believes
>We don't want to take your games
Getting grease and oil on your skin isn't that bad. It's slimy and sticky, that's it. Does this fag think vehicles and robots run on sulfuric acid? Nobody reacted negatively to Cindy's look other than resetera perpetual moaners and game journos.
Oh shit, the "they don't count!!!" continues!
>Now ask yourself: if you had said "normal intervals" here, would this post make any sense.
Yes. Do you not know what a normal interval is?
Don't go, you're too much fun.
>Exaggerated, excessive boob bouncing makes me puke
Wow, what a fucking faggot. What kind of reaction were you expecting from this, namefag?
check or translate it yourself. You'll end up reading it was the Ethics department suggestion in any case.
Oh man, I haven't seen an user get this wrecked in a while.
You got fucking destroyed, you are so mad.
>The general sentiment outside of this place is that she looks fine.
Nice try.
>Won't have any complaints if they actually bounce
>Between Tifa's face modelling and her breast size, I hope they fix both quickly. They're holding her breasts back and the face shape really looks like an old lady's face, it's not cute at all
>>Could you please introduce me to an old lady with such a cute face, please.
>Based on the interview, Tifa's tits is a problem abroad. Surely if we raise our voice, they'll become bigger and they'll add bounce. The ethics board will learn the original player's opinions
>>It's probably more severe for foreigners. Gore is completely fine there but needing a tit bounce on/off setting is awful
>>It'll be fine if bounce is available for Japan. It won't be for foreigners so there won't be complaints. If they want to see bounce they can buy the Japanese version
>It's not the outfit. It's the boob size and no bounce. I'm the type that needs bounciness
>>Hey fucker, you can play a porn game, why does a normal game need boob physics?
>>>Because they bounced in the original FF7. Do you think the original FF7 was a porn game? (exchange continues like this)
>Everyone that's only fixated on tits and tits, why don't you try looking down Aerith's cleavage
>Her tits and thighs are whatever, but the thigh-highs don't match the tank top at all
I'm going to be bold and assert that in general, people on Yea Forums don't have a problem with her either. Only a minority of very loud faggots who have a physical need to feel oppressed by video games that don't cater to their specific tastes have a problem with the new Tifa .
>Your useage of "regular" approximates your meaning but is not accurate or correct.
Can you believe someone wrote this diarrhea of the mouth?
I wonder how you'd talk after dropping the s oy.
I wish all the actual women with big tits would form some sort of coalition just to bitch about how they're being dehumanized because of all this wankery over the female body. Watching an ugly blue haired college kid or fat landwhale blubber about "unrealistic body standards" just for an actual woman to come by and say "I am that standard" is amazing. Pic sort of related, fatties were shrieking about body shaming because thin women are attractive, and a 40 year old mom of 3 came by to tell them to fuck off. They started bitching about thin privilege.
>Here are the opinions of a few otakus to prove that her design is universally reviled
nah they actually added new scenes like her bending over washing the car windshield or the last animation of her bending over when you get the car repaired
What fucking agenda you brainless piece of namefagging human shit? I'm just calling you on your stupidity. Cindy was designed by Ferrari, not Nomura. And that Cindy suffered from the same censorship tifa does now with the "jiggling". Why do you have to be so retarded when facing the facts you smooth brain retard?
A normal interval would mean something completely different from a regular interval.
If a stellar object emitted radiation at random intervals, and this was true of every such stellar object, that random interval would be normal for said object. If such an object instead emitted radiation at regular intervals, that would be abnormal.
You have been proven wrong repeatedly, but enjoy pretending, because you believe one thing is as good as another in general.
Let the women fight. Trust me you get a bunch of women who look good, who have millions of simps like you begging for their pussy.
What's taking "regular apples? what are fixed-interval-apples!?" user so long I need more gems.
Hurry the fuck up with next jewel.
>"The general sentiment outside of this place is that she looks fine."
>Post something outside this place
>"T-that doesn't count"
Truth is stranger than fiction and if you turn to the world records we have humans who live on this planet with bustlines that near if not are or are bigger than 160 CM (Don't know what size is ZZZ cups), just look up the world record for Biggest NATURAL breasts. Yes they're on a black woman too.
based. it's what they should have done with tifa here instead of shrinking her tits and legs and putting her in a burqa
Are you asking me to use smaller words?
I'm going to not be bold and assert that in general, people on Yea Forums do have a problem with her. Only a minority of very loud trannies, creepy white knights and shitposters who have a maniacal need to feel oppressed by sexuality in video games and think that fictional sexy female characters somehow offend them, have a problem with the new Tifa .
Do you know what "general sentiment" means? The fact that there are sweaty basement dwelling nips furious about the fact that Tifa does not have jiggling cowtits does not remove the fact that the vast majority of people who are interested in the remake have no issue with the touched up design of Tifa.
And if a stellar object omitted radiation at regular intervals, then it would be doing it at normal intervals for that object.
Fucking WRECKED. Keep going.
>look, I have 5 tweets I spam in every thread
>that means all japs dont' like her, just like me
No, I'm asking you to give me more laughs.
Actually my mom would probably think it was pretty retarded that a video game developer has some kind of tribunal devoted to ethics, an the issue they've chosen to focus on is the bust size of a character. She'd likely find a level of humour and irony in it, tat they'd establish something so "important" and then focus it in on the most trivial non-issue they could.
Moms are pretty based if they're old enough.
Pic related, the teenage model that Tifa canonically looks like.
Do you mean "emitted"?
To say large boobs are unethical is to say large breasted women in real life are unethical, and saying women are unethical simply for existing is misogynistic as all fuck.
Maybe their ethics department should stop being incels.
You cucks will buy it regardless. And then you'll buy part 2 and whatever comes next. Why even bother creating these threads?
No, I meant omitted.
Man I really hurt your feelings, huh?
>this was only early-mid 2000s
Fun read
The ingame model was altered to hide more breasts. The pre-Rendered model shows the difference. But hey, keep moving the goalpost and now say that the alteration was "minimal" and "it doesn't count".
>vast majority
And your proof is?
They're not tweets, but posts made a few hours ago. What's your counterpoint?
That was fucking weak, do better.
For some reason that doesn't surprise me.
She wasn't censored, when tabata was talking about the jiggle he was talking about before they even revealed her when they were still making her model and animations the jiggle was too excessive so they toned it before they even revealed her, they didn't change anything after about her after reveal in December 2014
also even random NPCs in XV have jiggle
You're not even going to try to fight for emitted?
Yes, and other sites like twitter, reddit and resetera are just echo chambers were you get banned if you don't obsessively go along with radicals. So the actual internet numbers of whose pro or against the censored design are obfuscated by the fact. Which is why they have to screech extra loud on the few places that aren't npc central
One, I never said Nomura designed Cindy, my point was that Squeenix has done it recently, those boobs and fanservice like this Two, jiggling too much sucks balls and doesn't support your argument of "censorship". That would be dumb.
>even random NPCs in XV have jiggle
Then why not Tifa?
If I'm too clever you won't even understand that you're being mocked.
Why do you dumb faggots have to keep pretending like this is the first fucking thread you've made on this topic even though the goddamn date is in the link you posted. Get some new material holy shit if you're still doing this a week from now I feel sorry for you.
Not saying it doesn't. I was asking a question. Now I should ask why are you acting like I'm persecuted you, when I was legitimately curious?
That's ok, you can show off how clever you are to everybody else, right?
So you admit that you were wrong then?
>And your proof is?
The fact that only shithole imageboards are whining about the design. Whether you like it or not, places like 2chan and Yea Forums are not representative of public opinion. They are fringe communities.
They would have taken the games already if that was the case, yet I see despite the outrage, sexy girls appearing because above all, money talks and bullshit walks.
Don't you mean accept rather than admit? Admit means "to allow." You're using the word wrong.
>She wasn't censored
>after nomura explicitly said she was censored
That isnt a censorship though or even a change, that's just a comparison between the prerendered CG model by visual works and the real time in game model, also we saw her in game model first and that CG model is never and was never used in the game or for the game itself, it was only made as the promo CGI model for promo renders, by your logic Tifa in FF7 itself is censored because her CGI model and in game model boobs size are different
That pic is the truth. Tifa is the latest victim of my soggy knees.
That's a bold statement. Care to back it up?
Oh, they've seen it. They've also seen just how stupid you are. You're just going in circles now.
you guys are retarded,remember Cindy fiasco? it made the news so much that tabata had to reply
they're just simply dodging that bullet by going the safe-road
Oh well. Do it again. Explain again how regular doesn't mean normal.
So yes?
>expecting a piss4 exclusive to not be censored to shit
How do you want me to back it up? Can you find me a large amount of hate towards the design from outside of such sources to prove the point wrong?
My counter point is collecting a few otaku posts here, some tweets there, don't mean a thing. Unless you uncover some sort of petition documenting +100k likes saying the new Tifa design is bad or people thinking her tits are too small, you have what's essentially a cherry picked subset of japs sperging as hard as you. We've been having this same dumb thread for days, with pretty much the same people. Even if we've collected a thousand unique fags putting in their 2 pennies, that's a drop in the water and we already know there's a split in our threads.
Why are large breasts a bad thing?
Are women with large breasts immoral?
Should women with large breasts also have them reduced?
>So you allow that you were wrong
I can't say yes to that user, it doesn't make sense
Oh, fuck off, retard: they are boiling us slowly. They do it on our faces out of spite and some fags cheer, we've got them right here. Tifa was always THE Big Tits girl with skimp clothing of vidya, together with Lara Croft, and WHAT did they do with Lara already and now with Tifa? Fucker, half these threads are making excuses and defending these "changes" (censoring). Fuck you.
Well, I answered you and sorry, I'm not implying only you, but everyone on this thread moving the goalpost everytime they get told, but hey, if the shoe fits. And just for some example, look at already claiming that wasn't even censorship when the prerendered model is worked on and finished before the ingame model in the production pipeline.
I'm not talking about Tifa.
Why would I repeat myself? I know you're wrong, you know you're wrong, anyone else that has happened to read your little hissy fit knows you're wrong.
So i take it you want to see unethical breasts.
>Why would I repeat myself
To amuse me.
The burden on proof is on you. You said it was the general sentiment so I'm sure you have something to back it up.
No it isn't, the 2D design is made first and the game model is made separately from the Visual Works CGI models
Do you believe that you're making me mad?
I wish big boobs exists.
The fact that this is triggering tifa fags and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it is priceless. I already love this shit
gonna pirate it day one
Boring? There's no drilling of the Earth going on here! Man, you can't use any words right.
Can we also restrict Clouds and Sephiroths sword sizes to something more realistic? It ruins my suspension of disbelief. Tifas larger than average breasts was already pushing it
That hit me harder than I expected. I like you user. Thanks for answer my question.
I don't care, just do it. I want everyone to hear how regular doesn't mean normal again.
Don't forget that the Chinese version of Shiva was the only one that got censored, while the Japanese and Western versions have the most revealing version of Shiva to date. People forgot that.
Tifa's design likely was a mix of marketing (or their ethics department lol) telling him outrageous jiggling was silly, but Nomura's redesign autism was likely already at work. She is more busty than milf Tifa in the jacket in AC. Squeenix did what they always do and just marketed things poorly, had they shut their mouths and just said it was a new design, this would be a quick fart in the wind.
>I wish big boobs exists.
We will never know how they look.
Trannies are seething.
Post haram.
To be honest, there are plenty of real women with large breasts, but there's no real skinnyboy twinks who can swing a 200lb sword. Not even a strongman could.
Because it's a sign of Beauty and Healthiness. (((They))) want to pervert and corrupt everything due to being rejected/rejecting Jesus. So Truth, Logos, any Virtue, must be destroyed drawing us to man made Hell on Earth with (((them))), were we are their cattle, (((they))), Lords, is a Satanic way, mocking God.
Cloud's sword has been shrunk and so has the Masamune. Both confirmed.
But you can't prove that something does not exist (in this case, large scale hatred for the redesign). Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to prove that it does exist, and since you are the one making the claim that it does, the burden of proof is actually on you.
Yeah and that's a country thing for china, the skeletons had to be changed to goblin like things with white marks that look like drawn bones for china too because you aren't legally allowed to show skeletons in China
For all their virtue signalling about "representation", they sure hate representing a category of real women who actually exist.
how is it stuck to his back though? so unrealistic! UNETHICAL
no but jiggle shit is definitely otaku pandering. normies find it very nerdy. and nerdy shit doenst sell well. so it isnt always needed.
Stop being a disingenuous faggot crying about bodyshaming as if you care.
Cute girls with big breasts do NOT exist, user.
Magic obviously. Which is common in the final fantasy setting. So it's very realistic and ethical
I kinda like the new black undershirt, but I wish it didn't simply extend 1-2 inches around the white top. Maybe if it was treated more like a sports bra?
I also like the idea of her skirt being looser, but a pleated skirt was going too far. Pic related skirt was my ideal, but I would've added spats, too, if they have the intention of never showing her panties.
Everything else is just poorly thought out.
I'm not certain I've ever made someone this mad before. Is it just because I act/am superior to you, or is it because I proved you wrong about something, or is it because you embarrased yourself so much that your only recourse was to double down and act even more obnoxious and retarded to save face? Is it all of the above?
It's genetics dicklet.
Really hope someday I get to squeeze big boobs
It literally is bodyshaming. I can't stand you low-t fags who rage at the sight of large breasted women
Excuse me, I believe I asked for you to tell the class how regular doesn't mean normal again. What the fuck is that post you just made.
Sanna Meira, first ding on image search
What's stopping you going out right now and finding a nice pair?
Tifa doesn't seem to mind, not sure why you're crying in her stead.
Ya'll posting chicks with cleavage, forgetting that Tifa never shows any originally and had short cutscenes of jiggle? Come on now.
But don't stop, you guys have some good ones.
Not going to bother reading this post.
I wonder if that will make you madder.
>she's an Inuyashafag
Aw, too many words?
That's all nice, but where's the proof the majority is fine with the design?
If it was just a couple of perverts complaining, why almost every gaming site was reporting how they reduced/constricted her boobs?
Someone made the claim that the "The general sentiment outside of this place is that she looks fine". I posted proof that outside this place there are people that are not content with the design. Then I asked for proof for the original statement "The general sentiment outside of this place is that she looks fine", which I'm still waiting too see if that general sentiment actually exists.
We had some in an earlier thread. I deleted them though so meh.
This, they should have just kept it simple.
You are fucking retarded and illiterate, by your logic FF7 Tifa's in game model is censored because those tits are smaller than her CGI FMV model.
>I deleted them though
No you didn't you ban evader, you can't delete posts that old.
Didn't read this one either fyi.
Saw the word "aw" and I think "you".
I'm going to guess you said something to the effect of "Aw I wanted you to entertain me more".
So yes, it was too many words.
Are you gonna say "I don't know how to read." for a 3rd time in a row?
Reminder, the white polack incel just needs a little push before they kill themselves. If a Sportsbra can trigger nonstop spam, imagine telling them to obtain procreative partners would do to them?
Why are incels so fucking disingenuous? God you faggots make me ill
The answer is a combination of legbeard purple hair feminazis and the incels who surround them.
Fag I mean on my harddrive. Its common sense you can't delete posts in an archived thread.
Based and Christpilled
>stopped responding
Seems I hit a nerve. That's okay, we can talk about something besides your inability to discern synonyms like regular and normal.
We can talk about how hard you've been crying over Tifa's loss of pixels. How many keyboards have you broken?
It's easy to bolster your retarded opinions if you attempt to convince everyone else you're the moral superior
>"Muh big titty girls are being told they're not wanted in vidya."
Yeah, if Tifa was real she'd find you repulsive, you ugly porn addicted cocksuckers
>where's the proof the majority is fine with the design?
You are the one asserting the majority dislike it by giving a handful of cherry picked jap responses. I could counter point every post you come up with with a new piece of fanart or hentai of Tifa in bikeshorts and sports bra.
>why almost every gaming site was reporting how they reduced/constricted her boobs?
>read: why are "news" outlets clickbaiting lies and/or misleading articles on the most anticipated JRPG of all time?
Especially if it's a lie such as her boobs being reduced, or a misleading title like "Ethics department says to restrict Tifa's breasts". That gets clicks and people worked up because "how could they?".
You are participating in a perpetual outrage loop and I'm trying to set you free. Tifa's tits are big, they were designed to be big and no one suggested making them smaller. We can agree or disagree if we like her new look, but then it's just a matter of opinion, and I think her new outfit looks fine.
>stuck on safer-sephiroth for a few hours now
i think i might give in and just watch the final bit on youtube
as much as I love supernova, his ability to one-hit my party members and being turned into a frog, I value my sanity
Thumbnail looked like Super from a glance, so you have trash taste in anime too. Go figure.
Night, spaz.
How come my dictionary says that regular can mean normal.
do we have that many trannyera invaders because their place is dying after the pedophile blowup?
Pretty much anyone who tries to spin this Tifa thing into altruism, as if big-tittied women all over are crying over this news and they have to be defended, is a total dipshit.
I think that that shit is probably part of the marketing department and they are just exerting their borderline omnipotent power over devs simply to have the female character one will spend the most time in game look more like what their home demographic like as to then make a shit ton of merch that them fuckers will then buy. Really it is just double dipping of sorts since the new slightly altered design being official can now be something new for square to fucking license and make mad bank off of.
Like fucking hell honestly look up any of them sort of top 10 type list of best/most popular girls. And you will just how much more the new tifa design lines up to them. Then right there you will have your answer as to why they chose to do this shit.
That said tifas tits were never that big in the more detailed in battle model and shit was probably as big as they were everywhere else simply due to the shitty as limitations of the console and the shitty probably nonexistent talent of the cg move cut scene animators
Dude I'm not even part of your little catfight but shut the fuck up, you're acting like a bitchy, catty woman always trying to have the last word when in reality we're on an anonymous chinese tapestry exchange site and none of your little spat will ever matter
>ESLs fight chestlets
This thread is shit.
Weren't you going to go to bed?
>I-I'm a different user
Sure, well, anyway, did you know that regular and normal can mean the same thing?
>I posted proof that outside this place there are people that are not content with the design.
There are always outliers and those tend to be the loudest. Westboro Baptist groups represent a miniscule percentage of american christians, but they are perhaps the most visible in the public eye because of what they do. But that does not mean that their sentiments are shared by the public. The same concept is at play here. The most vocal otakus (on the eastern front) and weebs (here in the west) are up in arms about the redesign and because people who are just fine with the design do not loudly proclaim it in every possible social media outlet, it creates the illusion that there is massive backlash towards the design, when in reality it's just a very small but loud minority.
>Why almost every gaming site was reporting how they reduced/constricted her boobs?
Writing an article about a change to report on it is not the same as complaining about that change.
Fuck I can't believe Sony is censoring Tifa's lobster claws
Sorry, where are all these hordes of hot women who are upset over the Tifa news? It kinda feels like only ugly virgins care.
In a thread a couple of days ago, an user who was at the actual Square Enix E3 said he was beside a bunch of women.
They were screeching excitedly and shouting Tifa!, but lessened their cheering when they revealed her. That user said he overheard one of the females say her boobs weren't as big as she'd hope. user could tell the women felt their heroine was nerfed and they weren't happy.
But that's just women they're irrelevant all that matters is pedoera.
I was there and none of the women cared.
>amazing tits
>has to make retarded faces
Perfectly balanced.
>not even 2 minutes passed before replying
Well I'd like some pics or something.
Why would it take longer than 2 minutes to remember something from a week ago
mine too. She has big boobs too and hates how this demonsize her bust.
She said that adds more to the guys stare and the bad talk from small breast girls!
Nice anecdotal evidence from a very reputable source
>an user who was at the actual Square Enix E3 said he was beside a bunch of women
>said he was beside a bunch of women
Because replying so fast, I can feel your seething. You're that easy to bait.
Not even Stretch Armstrong could stretch as far as you are.
I trust Yea Forums more than censorship fags. Nothing wrong with Yea Forums.
>I trust Yea Forums
I'm only attracted to women with large breasts irl. They're amazing, not unethical.
If some chestlet is triggered I think they should look at their own fragile ego than a video game.
>I trust Yea Forums
But you just didn't trust me.
Seriously who gives a shit what women think about it
The reddit spacing gives it away.
Same with this retard
>I trust Yea Forums
>Nothing wrong with Yea Forums
Ok, whatever, keep white-knighting for Tifa on behalf of all women as if they really care and as if you're not just concerned you won't get as many boners while playing.
god i wish that sandwich was me
>fucked up her tits
>fucked up her legs
>fucked up her face
>fucked up her hair
>fucked up her skirt
>fucked up her silhouette
>fucked up her color pallet
shit's fucked
You could have had this, Yea Forums
>accuse user of white knighting Tifa
But I hate the censorship.
The burden of evidence is on you now. How do you know that they don't care?
I presented to you a retelling of an account of an user who was at that same E3.
They watched the trailer and were happy.
None of them I saw were like "oh no my big boob representation."
What more do you want
They massacred Tifa boobies, I will never forgive them and buy this remake.
Yeah the problem here is you expect a riot or for them to speak to you.
I trust that other user with the story more because he just listens like what any normal Yea Forumsirgin is capable of doing.
Actually talking to a female are you nuts.
You trust that other user because he fits your life narrative more.
This will happen unironically and it's gonna be funny.
I wouldn't want any fat Tifa
Asia lags behind to a degree when it comes to progressive horseshit
she also shits through a hole in her stomach
I trust him because talking to girls is for normalfags and a Yea Forumsirgin wouldn't do that. The area of error and dissonance is fucking small.
>I trust him because talking to girls is for normalfags and a Yea Forumsirgin wouldn't do that.
You just said you trusted Yea Forums and that this other user talked to girls at E3. So which is it.
No you don't understand. Just stop. Nothing Yea Forums says could be agreeable to your kind. Any user who says they think the boobs are smaller gets to you what makes you think my means of communication can get past the filters?
This is how we know you're outsiders.
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
noun: cognitive dissonance
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
So if that was unethical what was this then?
>No you don't understand.
Well yeah, I don't, because you just contradicted yourself.
My mom has raised me to be a man, so she is not surprised that I care about that much about boobs.
But internally she's disappointed in you.
Why did Nintendo betray us bros
I suspect the 'ethics' committee doesn't have someone with big boobs on board.
>regular boobs
Its cognitive dissonance. That user couldn't believe that a female IRL would think Tifa's breasts are small so he changes reality making talking to females a requirement.
Now its necessary to get an actual interview to believe a female thinking Tifa's breasts are small could possibly exist.
This way he cements the idea that there's no possible way a female in real life would think Tifa has shrunk.
Not this again, give it a rest.
>How do you feel about Square Enix's "Ethics committee" saying that big boobs are unethical?
So much bullshit.
Allow me to present you guys a bit of autistic conjecture.
The real purpose of the existence of something like an "ethics department" in entertainment companies is to control what the consumers are allowed to like.
They are encouraged to create these departments so that outside forces can influence them with their subversive moral goals. It is no coincidence that every major entertainment company is in line with "progressive" agenda.
Square's ethical department had no problem with underage sex in LIS2, because the characters in that game are in accordance to the narrative. An emasculated boy and a masculinized girl.
Why is this allowed?
Make no mistake, if the girl in that game was attractive, there would be an uproar and leftists in all corners of the world would be screaming how unnetical it is to portray underage sex in a game.
Thus, it is not about sex or being sexy. It was never about it.
It is about controling you, as a man. Characters like Tifa appeal to the most basic, masculine drives we have. People imply it has something to do with masturbation, and thus demand us to get laid or go watch porn.
They don't get it.
You are a man. Think about it.
We imply being a man automatically means you like certain things in a certain way. What we like is directly or indirectly linked to how we behave, and what we believe in.
But being perpetually with a boner is just a small part of basic masculine nature, and the least important. The most important is that we are creators, providers and protectors. As silly as it may sound, characters like Tifa reminds us of our nature. Why is she appealing? Because she is hot as fuck, while simultaneously not being a whore. The appeal of a woman who is simultaneously beautiful and not a whore is the implication of her aviability to become a good wife and mother.
big boobs are rare in Japan
Cus they're studying/working instead of having babies.
The logical end of this is that people are expected to behave in a certain way, and to like certain things in a certain way. It just happens that this particular behavior we are talking about is also what creates societies who have strong morals rooted in tradition.
These traditional notions our ancestors built, that is exacly what they are trying to destroy.
My mother love big tiddies
con·fir·ma·tion bi·as
the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses
I don't want to believe that there's two people who don't know that regular and normal can be synonyms.
>I suspect the 'ethics' committee doesn't have someone with big boobs on board.
loli's getting mad about big breasts every time. The #flatjustice department will always sink because they got nothing to stay afloat with.
It's proof that the ethics department was a thing even for XV (a google search of the term in Japanese for Square Enix goes back to about 2015) it's just Tabata was much more adamant about not being bossed around than Nomura is, who just fucking takes it even though he was the original fucking designer
I want to point out that you're an absolute faggot seething over the fact that you lost the argument and cannot let it go.
My mom is a christian subservient housewife who follows all my father's orders. I bet you never met a woman like this in your life, but they are pretty common in my country.
She made a trip to Europe not a long time ago and came back utterly disgusted at what she saw there. If anything, she is glad that I'm like this and not a "progressive" faggot who doesn't objectify women.
>faggot who doesn't objectify women.
If only she knew the real you.
It's definitely a department called the Ethics Department completely separate from marketing
>Tabata was much more adamant about not being bossed around than Nomura is
Nomura just wants to make games
Tabata wants glory and fame.
Then again the main franchise is being sabotaged to hell and back ever since FF13
You do that even more. We have had a week of anons raging over the bra shit. But none of them count to you.
When it comes to matters involving lewd shit, I'll side with the fellow Yea Forumsirgins, yes even the perverted guys who fap to fat creatures. Because resetera and reddit manchildren can't handle this stuff. How am I supposed to take you seriously.
Just take for instance the Ethics Department angle. Do I trust gaijinhunter on twitter or the guy who works at Famitsu, pic related. So tiresome.
What argument?
This got me thinking about the whole unrealistic expectations thing.
If you're a guy shooting fireballs and doing air spinning kicks you're gonna be jacked as fuck. Since their actions are unrealistic their physique might as well be overblown.
This goes doubly for women on the battlefield. They wouldn't be there clashing swords with men anyway, so why not give them huge tits and bikini mail while you're at it?
more organized version
The one on the right is fucking cool though.
>nothing to stay afloat with.
I lol'd
>ethics department
Just shut down that entire company already. Who the fuck in the higher ups even considers paying for this shit. Waste of resources and time.
It should be allowed to beat trannies to death on the open street. Just take a hammer and bash their skull in and throw them into a mass grave.
Nomura is going insane at Square and is compleley starting to loose it, he's done nothing but work his ass off and just came to the conclusion after all these years that he doesn't want any kind of relationship or time off and now he's a total pushover who gets told by people who probably never even played the game the his original design is shit and how he should do it, and he doesn't even see the issue, like a frog being boiled alive he's so dead inside he can't even bring himself to leave like Tabata at least did.
He might be the better director but he's failing as a human being and it's catching up with him.
>We have had a week of anons raging over the bra shit
>we had a week of anons raging over fake news
>therefore I'm right
Every version of the translated article says her silhouette didn't change. That means her boob size never changed. So you're basically reading clickbaited headlines spreading lies and taking it as truth instead of actually reading translated versions of the article.
Holy mother of god
Looks like Nomura needs to have sex
Boobs not in a sports bra are unethical
>Just shut down that entire company already. Who the fuck in the higher ups even considers paying for this shit. Waste of resources and time.
Wasn't it made mandatory to have these fucking clowns?
I agree tho it is a waste or money and time.
we'll kidnap him and force him into it, this should have been our ultimate goal all along
>muh suspenders
The suspenders have physics, dawg. They're flapping in the wind as she's casting Fire. So that entire section of your "analysis" is rendered useless.
so Tifa was unethical up until now
which doesn't make any sense since suspenders by definition are suppose to be under tension and stretched constantly.
If they're loose why even wear them?
The only reason they'd cover is if something is actually pushing them
wher are u from? russian?
Ehrgeiz Tifa best Tifa.
why is she so anorexic? her chicken legs/calves can't even fill out her high-top boots...
Bitch needs to be 20-35% thicker all around.
>He might be the better director but he's failing as a human being
I ain't surprised because the head of SE is a complete dumbass. With the restrictions and shit they pile on make it even more impossible to have a proper direction because all we have seen from them is that no power or influence leads to being in a "remake" team.
Tabata made a smart choice but it doesn't come with it's own issues. Just look at the idiot behind Blue Dragon. The game was decent and the anime was nice but the manga is where it was at. A complete and utter shame what happens.
That doesn't matter because we have not yet seen the new redesigned Tifa wear her original outfit.
Isn't pic related from Advent Children? Tifa doesn't wear this shit in the film but we can see her wearing her original outfit in the image.
We don't have nu-Tifa in her original outfit to actually compare anything. Its one sided.
What we have is Nomura saying they're changing shit to fit the artstyle, to make it more realistic. What art style by the way they said they're going for realism. He is fake news himself if you want to use the term.
For me I can weave through the size issue just by watching the gameplay trailers and finding out myself. And I'm in the camp who says that they've definitely shrunk. The interview is more like icing on the cake. More proof that they're changing things to fit your current year world view and that is no good.
>Wasn't it made mandatory to have these fucking clowns?
what? They are irrelevant. The devs are mentally stable working human beings who can decide and rationalize for themselves what to censor or not. You don't need a group filled with entitled autits who pretend know better. You are castrating your game by paying for it.
Watch the trailer again, that's what's happening. Unless she's standing still, using the suspenders as any indicator is useless. Also, the fags who made that are using bad contours on Tifa's chest in Remake, niggas don't don't know how shadows and boobshelves work.
As if the people supporting and "bravely" defending this company are being genuine..
You mean Dissidia, unless you're a tranny who only likes fat thighs
>That doesn't matter because we have not yet seen the new redesigned Tifa wear her original outfit
>entire hissy fit by Yea Forumsedditors is censorship and boob changes
>when there weren't any
>"doesn't matter"
kill yourself underage
Just insert your version of Tifa in your imagination.
I was being considerate.
is just a bad escape goat in general. I'm going to play some video games now. I hope you have a good day hurting yourself trying to make anons think they weren't changed because of an Ethics Department.
Yeah no shit but I recall this crap being tossed around a couple of years ago and it becoming a reality late last year in china. The fact that is brought up now just shows how stupid this is.
We have the ESRB but they did not tossed their weight around in 2006/2007 and now we are here.
Since I remember the ESRB telling the FTC that these "raters" don't even get around to playing the full product before giving out their dumbass label.
Still nothing there disproves . If her tits were bigger and were jiggling like it was stated they previously were in the interview, it'd make sense for them to flop a bit since they're getting pushed out. But just them waving like party streamers? No.
>the fake news I read first is what matters
>what's actually said in the famitsu article doesn't
That's right, runaway with no real response bitch nigger.
>Infrequent boobs?
There's medication for that.
Did you watch the trailer again? They fucking gave the suspenders physics, there's nothing to "disprove". Is dumb? Yeah, it is, but that's what they did so there's no "empty curve", it's the suspenders waving around like retarded eels.
Just circumvent them by adding making it mature 17+ only then. I can't imagine one single CEO sitting in his office thinking 'fuck yes I rather pay for a group of mentally deranged people because I don't trust my own devs to do it properly'. It's like you want the game to fail. Makes no fucking sense.
It's not even a translation issue, it's the fact that people want to interpret it in a way that reinforces biases.
The original interview had the context of restricting movement during action sequences but polcels here like to ignore that.
>you're a tranny who only likes fat thighs
Healthy men are attracted to women with around 20-30% body fat. You can guess why mother nature made you feel attracted to borderline anorexic girls (that is, girls with known fertility problems).
lmao gameragators are fucking pathetic. thats why noone takes you seriously
Its a literal PR Disaster.
yeee hawwww
>trannies starting to push their "fatness is beauty now"
If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see if, seeing meant
That you would have to believe in things like heaven
And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
>still reeeing about gg almost half a decade later
>anti lewd virgin shaming brigade on Yea Forums
what happened to this board?
>Makes no fucking sense.
It makes a lot of sense if you ever seen how these fucks function. Why you think youtube started as open and public and now they going for closed and private with even putting up much of a fight?
calm down incel, Y I K E S
Why are you getting so mad over this? They already confirmed the tits were shrunk one way or another, it's over.
No need to get testy just because no one else wants in on your reunion tour, Sargoy
Except whatever you described is not Tifa. Or anyone in a FF game.
resetranies in full damage contrl
fuck user, i'm sorry
>look mom I posted it again!!! XD
nigga it's over, you're letting them live rent free in your head
>seething tranny
>They already confirmed the tits were shrunk one way or another
No they didn't, they literally said no changes were made to her boobs.
They can do whatever they want. Their company. But I'm not buying censored garbage and never will.
New Thread:
I'm just joining in because I saw gamergate and immediately thought of Carl trying to get everyone to do gamergate 2.0
What the fuck? Then why censor Tifa? Literally retarded. So I can look at random npcs that have fat tits, without sport bra and their tits jiggle but not Tifa? Literally fucking retarded.
her silhouette literally changed.
dont believe nomuras lies.
her signature visual, the dolphin shaped ponytail is gone.
its all bullshit.
Yea but those are mostly from poor places in eastern europe. Also its nothing compared to almost 50% with trannies.
She doesnt like that sone are implying that big breats are unethical.