I have never seen discussion about it. Why is it so bad?
X 3
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almost everything that could go wrong with it went wrong
hell even the fucking soundtrack is horrible, especially compared to the first game.
Chip gimmick is pointless, damage scaling is retarded, and the PS1 music sounds like ass (and so do some of the SNES tracks, to be honest). Not being able to use the helmet upgrade anywhere you wanted was also dumb
It's not bad but it's nowhere near the level of the first 2. Not shocking when you realize it was outsourced.
mediocre OST in a series with extremely strong OSTs, too much fucking shit to collect in stages that of course require other shit from other stages to collect first so you're replaying stages multiple times to get all the stupid shit
It wasn't the BEST, but the only thing that went wrong was the fuckawful Playstation port's music.
Well, I know the bad stuff, I'm actually playing it for the first time. But was capcom proud of it?
iirc capcom didn't even make it, it was outsourced to some shitty 3rd party
>Not shocking when you realize it was outsourced.
That's what I was asking. I needed a reason for it to be so shit. I played 1 & 2 so many times, this is really bad
I thought it was alright. Main problems I can think of is shitty boss patterns (Long boss rooms is a cool isdea but not when it despawns the bosses attacks), a lack of difficulty and Zero is completley pointless.
Because it was made by the Gameboy team that would later go on to become Inticreates, since everyone has to start somewhere. Instead of having a solid team of people that knew what they were doing as most sequels would, Capcom shuffled around team members and ended up having to rush this one out the door due to reaching the end of the SNES life cycle while also placing it on the Saturn / Playstation.
It had a lot of good ideas, such as chips and branching elements, but it was bogged down with horrendous music and level design, as well as stage bloat with how long they were. Having enemies placed willy nilly in stages along with hazards that were meant to be beginner traps felt horrible in comparison to the first two games, where it felt more of a game of skill in such matters.
Probably not. I can't think of a single time X3 has ever been referenced by capcom. No musical remixes, no continuity nods, nothing
>too many collectable items (ride armors and chips were especially useless)
>surprisingly convoluted ending system depending on if you used weaknesses to kill Bit/Byte/Vile before certain points in the game and that one doppler boss
>buster upgrade/arm chip/golden armor actually downgrade your damage output for charge shots due to the change to shot type and enemy invincibility frames
>few standout tracks, and the ps1 music was a major downgrade from snes
>Kaiser Sigma was a boring, shit final boss with an awful, miniscule hitbox
Yeah that's pretty much it. Not even made by the same team as x1 and x2 and it shows, I still enjoy it though, same with mm7 which is also outsourced.
>all these posters shitting on the ost
I don't get it.
It's bad in the "it's not that bad" way. There were some fuck ups, like the ost in general but nevertheless it is a solid X game. Yet it's the proof that when it went to Sony, Megaman did nothing but decline being X4 the only legit good one.
We came from 1 & 2. This game has like 3 good tracks. Compare the password music for example
Because almost nobody played it until years after its release, either through emulation or some compilation pack. It just doesn't leave much of an impression that way.
would the chip system work better if the gold armor was scrapped entirely?
The instrument choice is really what ruins most of them, Blast Hornet and Gravity Beetle sound great on shit that isn't X3's awful guitars
Of course, then it might be a bit interesting
Though I have a feeling that most would go for the Head chip just to be able to use sub tanks effectively anywhere, anytime
If you want to have some fun with X3 do a samurai run. Get the Z-saber without updrading the X-buster. You miss out on upgrades and can't get the gold armor but you get zero's close range saber after just charging to yellow. You're basically a glass cannon.
check out these rom hacks
This track was absolutely vomit inducing the first time I heard it. Was playing the Legacy Collection, so I heard the PS1 version too
Does the Legacy Collection contain both versions of X3? I thought it was just the SNES roms slapped on an emulator and shipped off.
Just the PS1 version
>X3's awful guitars
This! I never got this. It sounds on par with Capcom's then-current games, like X-Men COTA.
>3 good tracks
I always thought 3 had a more memorable music than 1 and 2.
did a samurai run a while back, very fun way to experience the game
>Doppler Stage 1
>Gravity Beetle
>Toxic Seahorse
Shit you're right
More memorably bad. Uninspired compositions with Neon Tiger being the worst offender.
X2 > X > X3
Neon Tiger sounds pretty banging. I can't actually remember X2's music.
I'm the opposite where I can barely remember anything from X3 for how muddy the whole thing was. It lacked the flair of X and had basic melodies that made X2 sound like works from Bach. Probably doesn't help that Grunge is shit.
X - youtube.com
X2 - youtube.com
X3 - youtube.com
>muh grunge and basic melodies
Oh now I get it. At least X3 was catchy. X2 sounds like a mess and Crystal Snail might be its only catchy theme. X1's pretty banging though, I stand corrected on that one.
Actually, thinking it back, X3 might sound to you what SF Alpha 3 might sound to me and X1 might be the one akin to early CPS-2 music. X3 is still more catchy than A3 though, I guess.
I liked X3. From the sound of the thread, I'm sure you guys never played it when it was actually out on SNES. You wouldn't have complained about it how you are now.
>Crystal Snail might be its only catchy theme
Oddly patrician. Most people consider Flame Stag's BGM to be the best of X2 and a good followup to Storm Eagle.
>X3 might sound to you what SF Alpha 3 might sound to me
That's a good way of putting it since I also didn't care too much for SFA3's soundtrack. I get the reason for the dance music but there's nothing to remember from the soundtrack.
I can't remember shit from X2 besides Crystal Snail/Wire Sponge and his Holiness Wheel Gator
Toxic Earworm
Anyone who bitches about X3's sound track obviously went deaf during Toxic Seahorses stage.
>Because it was made by the Gameboy team that would later go on to become Inticreates, since everyone has to start somewhere.
didn't they also make X2?
I think some Inti staff did, not sure about the GB guys.
I really enjoyed X3, but you can't go in blind. You need to follow a walkthroughto get everything or you miss out