So how faithful is it?

So how faithful is it?
Does anyone know if it has the Sacred fire, Ultra Sacred fire and Safi fire boost mechanics like the original?

Attached: ctr.png (1024x659, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's censored trash

How so my lad

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Ignore him. He's just a seething pcnigger who has to wait a year to play it

It's pretty much a 1 to 1 copy of the original CTR, with a very slighly different feeling (which most people probably won't even notice unless you've come straight off CTR). It has SF, USF, Penta cheat code, the original music is in if you want to toggle to that.

>So how faithful is it?
extremely with the exceptions of sewer speedway and hyper spaceway
>Does anyone know if it has the Sacred fire, Ultra Sacred fire and Safi fire boost
yes, yes, and i don't know what the fuck the third thing is

Sounds awesome, Does it have pvp battle mode too?

user might be referring to the lack of trophy girls

The games an outdated kart racer thats attempting to cash in on nostalgia without the nostalgia.

>user might be referring to the lack of trophy girls
Not them but what?

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you know i honestly have no idea, spent the entire day playing the damn thing but not once did i go into the online modes
it has online races so it probably has online battle mode though

they're in the game. stop giving this pcfag attention

Trophy girls and drivers are not the same thing.
They have lost their unique soul

>Muh PCfags
Rent free nigger

Yeah. PvP battle modes, online and offline.

how's CTR? oh wait...

A prime example of soul vs soulless

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>So how faithful is it?
It's soulless compared to the original.
>30fps racing game in 2019

Even as a kid I thought those hairstyles were some ugly-ass 3D models

Now you have the choice between bad models with soul or bad models without soul.

I mean how do they manage to consistently fuck up every remake? You had one job.

I do not miss those ugly anime faces at all

Thats because you are a zoomer.

Born in 89. Just not a weeb


>tfw you realize CNK tracks were the better tracks all along

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It seems pretty accurate. My only issue is that it doesn't feel as clunky/beefy, the carts themselves. Kind of hard to explain but the driving feels like speedy little put puts zipping around, compared to the original where it was like clunky carts blasting around. Like when you landed after a jump, it really SLAMMED the fuck down and you "felt" it, and when you boosted there was a real kick to it and you "felt" the oomph behind it. I guess kind of like, as if the drivers were just hanging onto these little blasting death machines rather than driving go carts.

Probably simplest I can put it is the carts are like
compared to used to be

Probably an autistic complaint I know but in missing it I notice how much it was something I loved about the original. That said it could hardly be considered a negative point, it's a very minor complaint and mostly just about the "feel" of the game. The game itself is great, and like a 99% faithful recreation.

I witnessed the battle of a century, for a brief moment.

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oh shit, 2 penta pros 1v1 was it?

Any switchbois here play it? How is it

How many race tracks does Nitro Fuelled have, compared to Mario Kart 8 and Team Sonic Racing?

>Pit Stop requires either buying your way through items you don't want to get to the items you want or waiting 24 hours for the chance that it will appear on the front page

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Fuck no.

Speedghost is gone too for whatever reason because there's no downhill speed increase, but ironically enough everything else is there, including double bounce and cresting.

USF is now "blue fire", and there's way more super turbo pads on the CNK tracks. Also, blue fire doesn't disappear until you run out of reserves or until you hit something, so you can keep boosting and jumping to maintain it. This means if you're good enough, you can do entire laps at USF tier speeds

Did the patch fix save corruption

Attached: scared.jpg (420x500, 108K)

jesus christ, learn to do your own research.

Git gud


>Hey guys, look at me! I'm a failed franchise!

Attached: gottagowhoah.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

>10:30 am
>can't find a single online race
wtf is going on? Are the servers down?

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>those terms.
To think the CTR speedrunning community could out autism the kh speedrunning community.

Anyone got the 3 images of Coco with writing in her clothes that end in saying
>Do it faggot
Sauce or anything helps
Also everything is fine but the load times, not even joking the load times are fucking killer and it's really annoying.

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>kh speedrunning
nothing in the whole universe could out atism that lmao kys

Where'd the elephant genie go? Where are the planes and hovercrafts?

>weebs complaining about something they weren't even interested in
Sounds about right

You're thinking of Diddy Kong Racing. If only that would get a remake as well but alas, we'll never be able to play a clock again.

They were long time fans of crash up until this happened.

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I have one

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Sure thing

31 right now, 12 arenas. New track every Grand Prix (which I guess is every month from now on?)

There's three upcoming free tracks for the next three Grand Prix events (but each Grand Prix will bring a new track so who knows how many are intended to come:
>Twilight Tour
>Prehistoric Playground
>Unannounced Spyro track that was confirmed

Attached: Crash-2.png (1365x656, 1.82M)

>muh soul
Just say you don't like it, Jesus H. Christ soul is the dumbest thing that has ever gotten a foothold on Yea Forums

>mario kart 8 has 32


It has those boost mechanics but they are activated in different ways. Easier to attain, harder to maintain.

dataminers found files for grand prix up through december

I want to hug coco and never let go

Post them mains

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>Just unlocked Fake Crash
Alright, that's Adventure Mode done

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>single player races only award 20 Wumpa Coins
>online gives at least 400 but it's currently broken
Who balanced this shit?

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>Easier to attain, harder to maintain
I didn't see myself liking this change as much as I currently do. It's not as easy as the original CTR but you are going so much faster.

Cheers chief know the sauce or artist? Appreciate it either way.

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no it isn't, get the blue relics on turbo track and slide coliseum then re-race oxide.

I already got the guy I wanted

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Oh no, we can't see Liz's underwear anymore in an E10 game in 2019

Thanks moot
I got Fake Crash now don't know what to do because not sure if time trials are still broken

What do the gems unlock now that they don’t unlock the bosses?

>just dodged 2 missiles in a row
I don't know how I did it, I didn't even know it could be done.

Purple Gem unlocks fake crash.

>if you don't agree with me you're a zoomer
classic Yea Forums

> They changed Dingodile's ending from founding a animal breeding program to a firefighter.
What the fuck Beenox

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It always did, what do the others unlock?

It's great, only problem are the 20 second load screens but other than that, games perfect. However play with a pro controller. Joycons were a bit too unwieldy for me.

DSP needed 27 tries for a track

Attached: Crunch_Bandicoot_Twinsanity.png (193x275, 58K)

Some skins

Is it selling well?

The numbers are very low on Twitch, and it seems like there's no hype compared to N'Sane Trilogy..

if you buy an item it gets replaced by a new one


Why are so many faggots here completely illiterate?

That's what I meant by
>buying your way through items you don't want to get to the items you want

which difficulty?

That's what he said.

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I don't really care for the furry shit but why on earth would they remove them, it only annoys some and doesn't improve it for anyone.

normal. he would not pass the first stage on hard.

Skins for the bosses. Purple still gives Fake Crash though.

It’s because he starts the fires and then ‘conveniently shows up to put them out. He’s gaming the system for fame and wealth.

Fuck you. You did that on purpose.

They weren’t removed though, which is the point.


Gotta get that sweet ass hovercraft user.
unless you're one of the guys who bought the nitro oxide edition

Or maybe because they were ugly low poly abomination.

Most people are so starved of Crash games that they somehow think this soulless cashgrab is a good game.
It's pretty sad, if you think about it.

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This game feels slow as fuck, wasn't it supposed to completely shit on MK on this regard?

They changed it because they're making it Brio's instead

They've radically changed the look and role, not remotely the same entity. You can't just give something else the name to deflect criticism.

As said it's not a huge issue for me, I'll buy the game at some point but it does make me lose respect for the developer.

Attached: I'm not a furry _________ but.jpg (1062x896, 392K)

It does.

Attached: TinyTempleUSF.webm (974x544, 2.95M)

He saves the breeding for the bedroom

Is it me or is relics and time trials a bit harder now? I had a bunch of gold and a few platinum relics in the OG version. But I can only get a few gold and like 2 platinum relics in NF.

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I'm sure it is. I would say to give it a week to see if anyone reports on sales numbers

calm down faggot

>go through n-trophy times
>check my times compared to oxides
>already faster on a bunch, second or two off others
I've only played for a day now and I'm already catching up to my child self, feels good.

It's for a firefighter skin. Gotta be. We are already halfway there with the water gun and the hazamat suit

>literally who sucking at childrens game
fucking manchildren

>dont know how to play the game

You're like a kid playing in the mud.
Have fun making dolls out of cow manure.

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>blatant rubberbanding
>can look behind you and literally see enemies phase through your weapons

Who the fuck decided this was fit for release?

can't believe people are so pathetic complaining about taking furry trash out the game

its good that they took them out the game, its embarrassing enough that I'm playing a game with cartoon characters



>in 1st place
>on 1st lap
>suddenly an invisible TNT lands on my head out of nowhere
online still has a few minor bugs i guess

The game has soul

>all those Twinsanity easter eggs in Cortex Castle

Anyone have a good still of Nina's portrait on one of the banners?

Wow you're so fucking cool user.

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why do you all take bait without fail every single thread, it's actually more frustrating to watch than the bait posts themselves

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Those faces would look incredibly out of place. Their outfits weren't radically changed either.

>it's embarrassing enough that I'm playing a game with cartoon characters
Christ you cut yourself on that edge fag?

Predict the grand tour characters up to December

Hardest one so far but its not too bad after a few tries

Get help.

Quality is so bad I thought it was Banjo in the kart at first.

what's with penta giving evil looks

Says the user spending his time posting about a game he dislikes on an anonymous image board. Every. Fucking. Time. Kek.

I am a weeb a)nd played CTR like madman in my childhood
Old trophy girls were some uncanny valley shit. New versions are meh(expect Liz, the nutmaker) but anime-uguu eyes bgone ty.
Also them being playable is 10/10

damn!!!!!!!!! the only reason i was going to buy this game was the weird furry trophy girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking sjws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How do I use him without coming off as a scrublord? use his ''everything vanilla'' kart and outfit? My speedster is N. Tropy, my Allround is Joe and my Handler is Roo.

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The look is almost identical even though the role is different. I imagine they don’t hand out trophies anymore because they’ll be on the podium to earn them, though I agree that just not having them there was kind of a lazy copout. The fact that they’re in at all tells me it wasn’t a censorship thing and rather just a misstep on their part so I honestly don’t think it’s that big a deal, though I’ll concede it is a little disappointing.

Have anyone tried to play it with a wheel?

Just use brakes and hop a bunch. It's instinct to wanna drift it, but not possible unless you cut it with brakes. You can always try the shortcut too, but I find it really doesn't save time

>blatant rubberbanding
You can beat most races before AI has done 2 laps what the fuck are you on about?
Git gud

Kek okay kid

>grand tour
Jeremy Clarkson
James May
Richard Hammond

A reminder that A LITERAL CANADIAN beat the game on hard mode today. You have no excuse.

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Furshit is embarrassing but that's not why they were removed, they were removed because they were sexualized females. That's how perverted these people are.

>The king of falseflags
Anyway, grid girls aren't allowed IRL either, so to avoid controversy shit and making everyone happy, they made the trophy girls playable.
A good compromise desu desu

I wish the entire game was just the low poly retro version

There is rubberbanding though, had an AI shoot THROUGH the beaker to get me with a missile amd he even managed to time a TNT nitro crate on me in mid air

i did it lads, i wasn't braking hard enough

That would be based as fuck

The AI constantly get speed boosts out of their asses. If your driving isn't absolutely perfect that you're far ahead already they will magically stick to you like glue.

We already got a Nascar girl in Sonic, so sure

>had 2300-something coins
>needed another 1300 to unlock princess Coco
>took me four fucking hours to get the rest of the coins because offline is gimped vs online
Well this game can go fuck itself. I didn't buy a kart game so I can have MMO tier grinding.

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Nitro Fueled hard is too hard for Nintentoddler Shitchers with their Mario Shart to properly compete on though. Mario kart is the Glock of the kart racers wherein nitro fueled is, ironically, the Nitro Express - you need to git good to use it properly.

Nice. Racing games are kinda like being an alcoholic. Acceptance that you need to slow down sometimes is the first step towards getting better

No one cared for them as racers and i can guarantee almost no-one will play as them. Making them racers was an excuse for not having them on the podium, not the other way round.

As a remake they shouldn't deign to remove creative choices of the original, part of why remakes are so popular now is because creative choices of the past were more appealing than the boring censorious style now.

That's not rubberbanding. Why are you even so close to others that they can shoot or drop items on you?

>not playing perfectly in the first place

If fun isn't your main objective and you are so dissatisfied with what you have - finally being able to use Oxide for example, who has the same class as Coco…. Yeah, we don't want you in our lobbies.

Anybody ever feel like they ascended into godhood while going through the white turbo tunnel in N gin’s lab? Genuinely never get tired of it

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I'd think you'd buy a kart game to kart. What, it's no longer about the game anymore?

>The AI constantly get speed boosts out of their asses
>what is Boosting, the core gameplay mechanic in the game?

Is it just me or online still fucked? It was fine last night after the patch but I'm encountering the same issues before the patch.

>remove creative choices of the original
They didn't remove them tho

In what way is it a false flag? I also disagree with racing girls being removed irl. Once again not because i actually care for them but more that i disagree with the morals of those trying to remove them.

I'm honestly worried they might butcher the game down the line so normalfags don't drop the game on the spot.
They're planning on hosting events and stuff and with a skill ceiling so high you can lap people if you're good enough, the worse players are not going to want to stay.

I was just sad as kid my flames didn't progress to blue, lance like flames. probably would've kaboomed poor Tiny.... That tunnel is indeed awesome, especially if you get hit with Nitro. The thing accels you even when tumbling and it's hilarious.

I get this feel in Hot Air Skyway. Going so fucking fast that I can barely keep myself on the road feels so good.

It was fucking hilarious lapping noobs online last night

The AI literally rubber-bands harder than any racing game I've seen.

Is there an archive or gallery of all the racer skins yet? I want to know how my nigga N. Tropy looks

>defending pre-MK11 patch coin mechanics because its your new toy
There is no good reason why the items cost so much or you get so little coins when winning a race.

I swear I'm not going insane, but right at the entrance of the tunnel there's a little easter egg that plays N. Gin's classic 'yes!' line from the original CTR as the tunnel distorts all the sound around you.

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Baby Cortex and Baby Tropy are going to be included in the second Prix as hidden characters. The Spyro Prix adds Spyro, Hunter, and Bianca with Elora and Moneybags as hidden racers, and the track is a mix of level themes from Spyro connected via portals like Hyper Spaceway. The fourth Prix adds N.Brio, Komodo Moe and Koala Kong with Rilla Roo and the Warthog from Crash 1 as secret characters. The track is based on the Great Wall of China levels from Warped. The fifth Prix adds Twinsanity Characters; Victor, Moritz and Nina with Madame Amberley and Rusty Walrus as hidden characters. The track is based on the 10th Dimension levels from Twinsanity. The final planned Prix is based on CTTR content. It adds Von Clutch, Pasadena and Willie with Chick and Stew as hidden characters. The track is a mashup of the different hub world themes from CTTR. The first agrans Prix had no hidden characters because if one Trophy Girl was in, you obviously knew they all were.

Yes, I work at Activision

>with the exceptions of sewer speedway and hyper spaceway

>with a very slighly different feeling
Could you elaborate a bit on that? I do feel something slightly different but I haven't touched CTR in months.

They did though, the creative choice was to have somewhat sexual anime tier podium girl bandicoots. Removing that role and instead creating same name, edited look racers is not the same creative choice.

I know you are talking out of your ass. The AI gets speed boost because they are boosting, as should you. Do it better and your opponents and you will win. How hard is this to understand?

Maybe they felt that their namesakes deserved more respect for all the good they did for Crash.
Being a playable character sure as shit is more respectable than showing up for two seconds after a race.

Tell the devs to do something about the coins. Whoever thought it was a good idea to grind in a kart game should be fired.

Ignore anons that can only default to 'git gud' and ignore shit A.I. design just because they only care about the boost system.

No good reason for A.I. like that to be accepted.

Truth be told, Electron Avenue is probably the best track in the game, it's pure fun. Nice and flashy too.

Are people seriously complaining about the trophy girls being "censored"? They're fucking playable now you retarded faggots and they look way cuter than their Ps1 abortion models. How is this even an issue? I don't think censoring the barely coherent polygonal furry girls was anywhere near the devs' minds yet there are people shouting them down over it. That's legitimately embarrassing

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>when you're the only one to cross the finish line

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Not him but for characters with low turn stat, to switch drifting direction, you need to press way too much to the opponent direction for the change to happen. I don't think it was this dramatic difference in the original.

Otherwise I think the feel is pretty good.

No Nina?

What mechanic allows constant boosting on a straight line without drifting or items?

Yes and no, the game certainly feels faster but outside of tracks that have USF I haven't beaten any of my old times yet.

they really are. I've had a blast playing tracks like out of time,tiny temple, and deep sea driving for the first time.

>just because they only care about the boost system.
The boost system is the defining aspect of the game though

Dropping the game entirely over it is just sad

>Finally got an online win with Pura

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I always had a gut feeling.

>save corruption

Where the fuck is my Gladiator Tiny skin Beenox?

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>anime tier

They really aren't that expensive, and you make like 600-800 for winning an online race. I will admit that the singleplayer payout is abysmal

No shit. You still don't need to defend hilariously low standards for A.I. design that just rubberbands instead of driving more intelligently or taking shortcuts.

Attached: Papu.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Yes, it is in generally an incredibly faithful remake - could genuinely be the most faithful remake (remake not remaster) of a game I've ever seen, it really is the original with modern graphics and additional features and a ton of extra content.

So, how hard is it to beat an average lobby? I'm asuming the game has no skillfixing.

>so little
>like 400 if online


also, let's say 40 coins is the average and a normal race takes 2 minutes. Bonus points if you use a very short track (idk what the shortest is). that's 30 runs per hour and 1200 coins. stop whining.

you got jump ramps and a direct hairpin climb behind them, can you go from a ramp to shortcut that papu pyramid style?

ask for the datamined files, she may be in there for a future event. Moe and Brio are for example.

huh, thought I was the only one…. Yeah, you'll have to make due with his Stalin General skin with a LITERAL RED EMBLEM.

Attached: stalinhitshitler.jpg (2500x3096, 364K)

I hope these events and whatnot don't take too long to come out. I don't want to be burned out on the game by the time the first event ends, just like what happened with me and Overwatch.

Plat relics are ass in both games but significantly easier in the classic. It's taken me about 20 minutes-an hour to get plat for each level, the worst being Papu Pyramid which took me 2 hours.

And yet Coco is sexualized aplenty. And that is a good thing.

Attached: does she have something in mind.jpg (1920x1080, 585K)

i have literally never seen tiny temple or meteor gorge be available to even be voted for, but the others have been hella rad when i've played them

He literally said Nina for the Twinsanity user.

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>So, how hard is it to beat an average lobby?
I have won every single race so far. Not sure if most people are boosting correctly or at all.

Grid girls aren't allowed IRL so cannot put them into games either. Go complain to people who made them illegal and not to devs. I want loli dating in my games and ability to kill kids but I know why they aren't allowed though it still makes me sad.
Still, complaining on Yea Forums about how you cannot understand why the trophy girls were removed, while this has been explained 9001x times, isn't helpful

Pathetic. True. That is exactly what you are.

You can either burn as hard you can, come back later (what I do) or force yourself to take some distance. How is your steam library? mine has the witcher trilogy, untouched so far. shoulda I?

Has the switch online been fixed yet? I downloaded a patch last night before I went to bed, but now it just can't find anyone for my lobby.

Man, Coco makes a lot of lewd faces in this game.

You encounter some good players here and there but if you're drift boosting you'll be coming first/second a lot.

They're right here. You're the one who's fucking embarrassing.

Attached: HoloTG.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I didn't say I was dropping the game I said it can get fucked. I'm fresh off spending 4 hours grinding coins so I'm pissed off, not how I should be feeling about this game at all.

It dosn't seem expensive until you're only getting 60 coins a race. I'm not paying for online nor do I have interest in it to begin with. Gimping the single player to force people to pay for online is EA tier scummy dev tactics.

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in two months this game will have 33

Too good to be true.
>Rusty Walrus
I wouldn't mind this at all

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>Grid girls aren't allowed IRL so cannot put them into games either
>Murder isn't allowed IRL so cannot put them into games either

Attached: oof.png (680x445, 202K)

What good did they do for crash? I'd say its also less 'respectful' to the characters, as said attitude was split between indifference and those who liked the podium girls. So they would have been most appreciated in that role.

mfw holding USF for ages in N Gin labs and every other players gets DNF

Attached: file.png (824x522, 569K)

Yeah hahahaha

Attached: theworks.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

That's a neat little crossover I did not expect.

Penguin Yay One

What good did they do for crash? I'd say its also less 'respectful' to the characters, as said attitude was split between indifference and those who liked the podium girls. So they would have been most appreciated in that role.

To be fair I'm well on my way to needing that for fucking Skyway

I really hope the add more oufits. They need to add this and literally anything for Nash.

>can you go from a ramp to shortcut that papu pyramid style?
yes actually

LADS has anybody worked out how the FUCK wumpa coins work online? Why do you sometimes get 60, and then sometimes, 800??? even if you come first or last or second??

Who do you use and do you suspect the use of skillfixing? How many races we talking?

So Prostitution is totally legal in the civil world, but grid girls are illegal? why and what?

Clutch win > pubstomping imo. IDK why but I really like opponents that make me work for my win.

>Turbo Turd

still awful.

don't win too hard, make them atleast neck you abit else they will cry and Beenox will ''fix'' it.

If you think that's sexual you have a problem.

>you have to unlock him with a cheat code
Very nice touch

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Man it sucks that you don't get a winner screen after a multiplayer match.

>just got princess coco skin
>shes wearing spats like tifa under her skirt

Attached: 1560852365560.png (750x750, 39K)

>he bought on Switch

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 64K)

If true, neato.

If you think the trophy girls are sexual you have a problem.

Attached: CrashShrug.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

Why would they nail Ami's hair only to butcher them in her finalized state?

Im not sure how you formulated this as a logical belief in your head.

Pura first and then Komodo Joe.
Maybe dozen of races? I have mostly played single player so I know it's not that many.

I just had a race and it is indeed fixed. Players aren't jumping all over the place no more.

I don't know what they did except for one of them making the Crash dance but before they were confirmed everyone was sucking their dicks and saying that removing them was a disservice to all that they've done.


If you don't think that's sexual, you have to go back.

sooooo….. what kind of people are there? does it have rage?

>he doesn’t take advantage of wumpatime

Not podium quite clearly, just a rotation of characters

I don't. As said i don't care for furshit, i do care for remakes morally editing out problematic features of older games.

It's the little things.
I'll admit I was a little surprised there was nothing for the Spyro 2 demo code.

Nina is bound to be in so what kind of skins should she get and what will her win animation be?

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The first few races you do online each day get boosted rewards. After the period ends (don’t know if it’s time based or number of races yet) you go down to normal rates. The rewards decrease if you keep using the same character class repeatedly, so you need to actually switch between all 4 classes pretty regularly if you want full rewards. Also, certain tracks give different amounts. Longer tracks can give up to 800 coins maxed out whereas some give 600 or only 400 when maxed out.

>prostitution is totally legal in the civil world
Escorts aren't exactly prostitutes

link to the datamine?

alright, NEAT. thanks bud

Escorts are basically daily wives.


Escorts are a rebrand of the same product with an inflated profit margin, but, okay, red light districts operate legally here.

God damn i'm doing bad but i want to improve, any advice?

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Isabella is named after Isabelle Tomatis, the product manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe at the time of CTR's release.

Ami is named after Ami Matsumura-Blair, who was the marketing manager for Sony Computer Entertainment America at the time.

Megumi is named after Megumi Hosoya who was the product manager and marketing manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Japan for the first three Crash games. According to the old Naughty Dog website: "Megumi Hosoya, marketing genius, created the Crash Dance for Crash 1's TV ads in Japan. The success of that campaign influenced Naughty Dog to incorporate the dance into Crash 2 and Warped."

Liz is named after Elizabeth (Liz) Ashford, who was the PR Manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe at the time.

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Just play more and get a feel for what you can and can't slide around. Map memorization and getting turbosliding down is half the battle.

As far as I know you can't talk to other people, right? I haven't seen people leave early either.

Do you mean her racing suit? That’s an alternate skin, her normal lookis the classic one.

Don't you understand? That was part of its soul. Without Liz's panties the game has no soul. Literally soul vs. soulless.

Boost as much as possible.
Don't be afraid to use the brakes on the really bad corners.

also ami came up with HEY PLUMBER BOY

Go into Time Trial and go as fast as you can on your favorite track, and see if N. Tropy's ghost unlocks. Select his ghost on restart and see if you can beat him. It will largely make you better at the game to do this.

yeah when it hits PC, and with the steam ''recently played with'' tab (who invented this hogshit?...) the toxic is going to be unreal. ask any dark souls player.

No problem user. It hurt my head trying to figure this shit out cause I’m a retry slow usually so I’m glad it’s helping someone.

I heard mention of there being a hidden matchmaking mechanic to pair you with people of a similar skill level, but so far every race has been easy as piss to win.

The problem comes once the stream of coins starts dwindling. At the time I'm only getting 80 coins for coming first in races.

I always suspected women keep their souls in their underwear

I really hope that was just playing along with a joke

She's using her default skin here and her hair is like it was in the original game.

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This is clearly going to be an event add-on.
I need this one, cop Cortex and Biker Crash, at least.

fuck android alley

That’s what I’m saying.

>Colosseo DerRAPE
That’s what happens to everyone else when I race on Tiny Temple.

Just got done playing online for 4 hours. It's so fun but god damn my hands are in pain.

I second this. Tropy is a good teacher, and once you get that down, Oxide will be a better one.

With what we've heard of her so far, that sounds like something she would actually do

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What triggers blue flames? I just got a "super boost" trophy which I assume was the blue flame, but I have no idea what exactly I did differently that time than the others? probably autistic question my bad

you may be in a bracket too high for the thing to work with I guess, so it puts you with greenhorns. Just a theory.

Megumi is clearly the best one. Full anime.

I honestly feel really bad when that happens

Certain boost pads on certain tracks

Single player is not for grinding coins.

>That’s what I’m saying.
The thing is her playable mode looks nothing like that

take that back

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So, how much do you all wanna bet USF gets nerfed hard after too many people cry about it online? Maybe I'm just being cynical but it just seems like a thing the community would try and rally up for. Enjoy the new USF while you can, I personally don't see it lasting forever, knowing the community.

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Then you gotta just play for fun, or take a break and play again tomorrow. How much did you end up scooping from the store today anyways?

true, pro, nobody talks about tips. mute the music.

put on ridge racer/wipeout music.

watch your fucking game go up ten fold.

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She deserves a free crate of wumpa fruit for all that she has done.

I'll be Ami's plumber boy any day

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>skipping the last turn entirely in Papu's Pyramid
Never pulled it off in the original but that felt good

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Literally are

Oh that's really neat.

All nintendo games are 30 fps yet Yea Forums doesn’t care

>Ridge Racer Type 4

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Once I start time trials, I'll start dabbling in my own music

>tropy ghost: 1:37:23
>player ghost: 1:37:16

jesus christ that was intense


That shit does nothing for me.

Now, Sunny Flight on other hand........

>Mario Kart

You might as well buy everything before the tourney begins, just in case you cant get all the stuff before it ends.

>fellow RidgeRacerfags in the thread

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I'm playing for fun, don't get me wrong, it's just that I'm not big into grinding when items are on a rotation and god knows when I'll see what I want again.
So far I've grabbed Scuba Crash, Princess Coco, and the Deadinator and Imperium karts.
Thing is I want to get the Crikey and Ninja Cortex before they go away too, and at 80 coins a race that's going to take a lot.

I'd live with it if we could still use it in local modes


>Player Ghost: 1:37:53
>Tropy Ghost: 1:37:53

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pffft, scrub. Do Oxide now, back in the day he was my mentor to gud driving. I wish the guy had just -one- wholesome detail about him, that he isnt 100% black and evil. Like, maybe he rebelled against Gasmoxia and Gasmoxia is a bloodthirsty society? I dunno? I just don't like pure good/pure evil. (except with the masks, fits em)

Yeah, same, seems to work properly now

>mute the music
I never cared for the music in this Crash game so I did that from the start.

how in the actual fuck? that is a hundredst second accurate you autist.... So, did the game treat it as you winning?


Did they fix the xbox load times after finishing a race on adventure mode? It literally takes 40+ seconds.

>All nintendo games are 30 fps
>Mario Kart is 60
>F-Zero X was 60

Give me Online leaderboards and personal stats or i'll RIOT. Keep your promises you hacks.

>get hit by clock over the big jump on oxide station and land on the earlier part of the course

They’ve confirmed it all gets added to the pit stop afterwards, so you can’t miss it. It’ll probably be way easier to do it during the event though.

I feel ya. Crikey's not on rotation though, so you might get lucky on that one next shop update. I also want ninja cortex.

Shitch ''graphics'' though.

Normally if you draw with your opponent games tend to treat it as a loss.
So he's fucked.

My headcanon is that Oxide is a bitchboy on his homeworld and set out to prove himself by conquering planets because he's a wingless pussy compared to others of his species (he's clearly some kind of fly or other insect.)

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>Mario Kart and F Zero are all Nintendo games

The "original" clothes for the trophy girls are skins lmao....

You can't make this up

>can beat N.Tropy ghost easily on first or second try with Penta
>can't beat Oxide at all, always 0.3 - 1 seconds behind
Does stats in trials even matter or is it all same for all in this mode?

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>Crikey's not on rotation though
Not initially, no, but it showed up once I bought the Deadinator.
I saw someone online use the Trike so I guess the items that show up after you buy the current ones are randomized.

I'm hoping more features are added down the line once the servers have been stress tested and ironed further. Although that should've been done much earlier.

>adding a podium sequence for CTR tokens and time relics, forcing me to sit through a cutscene and drive back to the level I was playing
Well that was unnecessary.

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Be fair, Oxide's ghost is literally 14 seconds faster than Tropy on most tracks.
At some point you're approaching a pixel perfect time.

I think you can turn off cutsceens in options. Or is it only for intro?

penta is no longer as broken as he was in the original. hes the same as dingo and tiger now

I was being lazy at this track and my time barely unlocked N Tropy's ghost

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You can skip them the podium cutscene by quitting out at the post-race screen by opening the options menu iirc.

>to piss off the players
If you're "pissed off" because a game company removed your polygonal furry waifu from a 90s PS1 kart racer you should unironically hang yourself today

I haven't bought the game yet because Mario Maker is out on Friday, so I wanted to wait it out to save a trip. Does doing offline races still net you a decent amount of coins for the shop? Does it take anything you've unlocked out of rotation for future visits so you don't get duplicates?

His speed and turn stats are perfect for speed boost without any drifting

>tfw you have a hack for the pitstop on switch for all pitstop items.

Can't wait to own all the trophy girls.

Hey guess what, winning a race against computers is a hell of a lot easier than people, retard

I thought all the Big Norm memes were stupid but I actually like him now. Who else mains Large Norman?

You can't get duplicates.
If you buy a pack with stuff in it you own, you get a partial refund.

What the fuck happened to this post

Did I just delete half of it by accident?

>and personal stats
>all of my losses against speedrunning-tier Coco players will be recorded and put on display
Have mercy.

You saw his victory pose? the guy is just extremely insecure, he may've been bullied for his percieved autism?

Are unique victory animations only for Online mode?

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You can't earn wumpa coins unless youre online and connected to the servers btw.

>Already bought Beach Dingodile, the main thing I wanted
>Now have like 5.6k coins or something
>Not sure if I should buy Crunch and the Kart available right now

Attached: Time to hit the beach.jpg (962x725, 72K)

what causes certain character models to become abominations? I ran into a completely fucked up electron crash online awhile ago.

It's funny because that's really not the case in this game so far.

Attached: TropyTime.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

theres no wavy flag on loadings
literally unplayable

>tfw only getting sapphire on the relic races
>on easy difficulty
I've got a way to go, it seems.

what difficulty was classic mode
because i just beat it
it better not have been easy mode

But his stats are the same as tiger and dingo tho right?

Please tell me I can play as my nigga N Tropy without beating all his ghosts

They are certainly wider (with a couple of exceptions), allowing easier constant drifting. (!) crates were also a really good idea in the original CNK. They won't do much in time trials/speedruns but they spice up the game a bit when playing against AI or other players.

I didn't 'buy' Princess Coco. Please forgive me; I hope she'll be in the pit stop eventually again.

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Chromosomes user.

everyone was a player? I saw 4 names.

Yeah, I just love his "penguin yay 1" scream

There is no podium online which is odd when you look at games like fortnite and recent forzas

He was being too negative.

Medium IIRC

Any piratefags? From what I understand there's characters and stuff locked behind online shit which obviously pirates can't use.

I hope you can unlock trophy girls offline when it comes, gonna take a bit for me to git gud.

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Isn't she today's one
I really can't tell if we all get the same things or different things

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Yeah, so get fucked, faggot.

Does plat relics gave 101% or gold giving it too?
What reward do you get for all plat relics?

Nothing is removed from the Pit Stop, it’s just the order they can be unlocked that changes each day. You can still get Princess Coco if you buy all the stuff before her.

I wanna play some stich online, where teh fuck are toy nintendofags?

Sorry my man, had to do it myself. Worth it.

So how do I unlock those animations in Adventure mode?

It's good to know you won't get duplicates. By online and connected to the servers, does that mean I just have to be connected to the Internet?

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What do you get for beating all Oxide's ghosts?

Yes, but I bought the car and I won't be able to get enough coins by the time the page changes to new items.

Oh thank goodness for that.

Gene Supression, we got a gene that supresses OUR tails to grow. CRISPR isn't outside of Cortex's league.

Were the recent patches exclusively for online or was there other changes?

Imagine defending Activision

Afaik the animations are part of the skins

Does Penta say it in this game? I've done a good amount of races with him and no Penguin Yay One yet.

But why? A third appendage would be useful and we could just tie it around ourselves when out of use.

>wtf where's my fellow pirate hugbox? :(((((

>got Nash, N.Trance, and Crunch already through the daily deals.
Nice. Those are the 3 I wanted most.

Tropy's legendary skin.

you should be charged a fine for that.

Compare that trophy girl to the new ones. How does that make you feel?

>unlocking skins for favourite character before unlocking all the characters so that your guests have a bigger pool to choose from
y'all niggas kidding me, don't you have friends?
why did you buy a party game if you have no friends?

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Only at the moment you unlock him.

I really don't understand why the fuck they didn't do this. The ONLY people you are showing your skins off to are online.

Here's hoping they add the cup series' to matchmaking and this plays the podiums at the end as intended.

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>play unfunctional online
>get millions of coins
>play singleplayer/local multiplayer
>get 20 coins per race
this is why this game is dead on arrival, fuck activison, and fuck e-sports

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Yeah you have to at least be connected to the servers even in adventure mode to earn wumpa coins.

He says it with his voice

>Spyro, Hunter, and Bianca with Elora and Moneybags.
Gib Ripto plz.

dood, have you seen how small and rudimentary they are?

you posted this yesterday

How does anyone have the patience to unlock fake Crash?
I was literally shouting at the TV and that was just the first crystal challenge.

I only have one friend who knows ctr and he doesnt care, the others are probably fine with 16 choices.

Not only then, but in game too

Why does Dingodile look like he's about offer me some pingas at a music festival?

It's still true today, what's your point.

got the game today, was n.trance yesterday? fuck

It's just prioritizing and routing user. Grab everything closest to you and make sure nothing is left behind you, you'll finish every time.

that we're still playing?

No cause its suppressed!

Took me like 15 minutes. Had to retry like 3-5 times each except the last which was easy, then the cup itself was trivial.

Patience father. I honestly don't want the bundle, couldn't care for the stickers. She'll come around as just a skin for 2500, I'm sure of it

I'm playing, too.
I'm just angered that I won't be able to unlock shit, because I don't have a stable internet connection on my console, and therefore am essentially playing a demo version of the game.

Yep. He was part of a summer pack along with some skins.

The original trophy girl models always looked mangled and bugged-out to me

do you have the xbox version or something? the Switch version's online got fixed to work beautifully and from what I've seen the ps4 as well.

>Android Alley
>uh oh, never played this track before
>proceed to DNF everyone else in the lobby
I don’t know how but I fucking shredded that course despite not knowing it.

I don’t have friends and I’m still unlocking all the characters first.

Tbph I don't really even play as Coco, I just thought she looked cute in the princess attire

They don't deserve to play if they don't want to play Coco. Only choice you need is which skin.

small tail would be gene Tt for example, big T meaning no tail but it isn't fully dominant - thus a stub tail still forms. Crash is TT and we got no accounts of tt. just some science bro.

Did you use the shortcut?

anybody played this shit?

Didn’t know there was one.

You won't get additional % for all plats. You'll get a platinum paintjob jor your karts though

That's not too bad then. I doubt I'll do any online races since I have zero experience with this game or the mechanics


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is that nitro fueled on the Switch?

Relic times are the same on all difficulties I think

so how long until we get more porn of oxide?


Actually this is the game CTR NF feels most similar to in the way the steering and hopping feels.

Jesus fucking Christ the same thing just happened on Jungle Boogie too. Everyone’s left the lobby now lmao.

It's a very intuitive course. I hadn't played it since back when CNK came out and I was still able to handle it easily enough.

I've had it happen in a Trophy Race in Adventure, and it treated both the player and opponent as being in 1st place, the player of course wining the prize

just watch out for when the plant is close to they ground, that's when they're a real hazard.
Otherwise, the happy, bouncy animation indicates you can drive straight past.

Is it just or does no one play adventure mode on classic?

You can go straight through that great glass window before the cleaner bots.

Of course I'm playing it on classic, why would you play it on the other modes unless you want baby easy or hard?

I could've sworn easy difficulty had +10 seconds on Mystery Caves, I'll have to look again

just how? I played OG CTR a fuckton and NEVER had that. it's a HUNDREDST of a SECOND. a fly needs 6 to react! Like, are you just this accurate?

Because I want kart customization and more characters.

My brother is doing classic mode

I've been playing on Nitro Fueled just because I like using cosmetics.
Have it on hard though to prove I ain't no little bitch.

>Medium is too easy
>Hard is too hard

With the amount of bugs, do you think this game was rushed?

You get all the unlocks in classic mode still. It even says so.

You are not alone

I meant using them in Adventure Mode.

Noobs, go hard or go home, a game must MISTREAT and ABUSE you for that win!

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did you platinum all tracks one medium?

I played classic enough times on the original CTR
The new mode added some much needed flavor to enjoy it again

No, Beenox are just inexperienced.

I think it had a low budget considering the discounted price.

No clue. Crash just came up behind me right at the finish line to Blizzard Bluff and we both crossed it at the exact same time. Now I wonder what happens if there's such a dead heat in an online race, since it gave the victory to the player.

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I mean, I'm playing it on classic to. I played all three kart racing games and I want the original experience.

Oh, that's kinda weird, but okay I guess.

I think they did stellar for an inexperienced studio. Look at Twinsanity and Failout 76. Bugs can be fixed, bad Visuals and gameplay cannot.

Anyone else finding missiles way more persistent in this?

itkf bro. They should nerf the silly CPU kart speeds on hard, a middle ground between the two difficulties would be perfect.

I wanted the achievement for playing on hard. I don't see why they couldn't put difficulties into Classic mode, just say "Normal" is the original difficulty or whatever.

I'd say add another lap just for the 2 guys. yes/no? starting light and all, so the people got time to react to this.

but 'bout frames, does the time count on intervals of 100 divided by 30?

NO! You never played the superhardmode cheat did you? git gud.

I haven't run into a single bug. What are you on about?

Missiles are only persistent if I'm not the one that shot them, if it's mine it'll immediately swerve into a wall

Happened to me as well, I actually thought I lost because Coco used a boost just before finish line, she was in midst of overtaking me.

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Missiles don't explode on gaps like they used to, and feel also a bit faster so less likely to get juked into a wall

I like the special podium animations and using the retro kart gives you the original engine sounds. What's not to love?


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why didn't you block her with your kart? highly illegal in real races, but hey...

What bugs?

which track would be the easiest to do a full lap drit?
this trophy seems impossible

should this our be represent mascot? he gives ZERO FUCKS. Just look at his victory platform.

they spin though, missiles got fins to never spin. autism activated.

Is Papu the adventure mode casual filter? It took me like 40 tries to beat him, I feel like such a shitter.

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100% it's coco park.

Bro, who gives a shit? Both censoredfags and waifufags are equally as bad. Just enjoy the fucking game.

If only there was a track so boring and scrubby… that it was a near perfect oval? nope, got nothing.

>3 clocks in a row online
what the fuck

Thanks doc

Pinstripe will annihilate you if Papu's causing you trouble.

This is harder than super hard mode and it's also extremely inconsistent. Some tracks I can smoke the AI on hard and others, usually smaller tracks, are a complete clusterfuck where you rely on the sheer luck of getting good items.

Another user, but let me redpill you on tails. Their primary function is not to grab or help you swim (even though those can be useful); the real purpose of all tails, no matter how short, is to be the extension of the spinal cord (the secondary brain). It will then act like a cat's whisker, giving you extra awareness of your surroundings and better reaction.

Consider this forbidden knowledge schools do not teach. You are welcome.

Having beaten 4 of the bosses he was definitely the one that took the most time for me, it's because the plants kept fucking me over on that track

>you don't get coins if you DNF
>I've been denying kids their reward 90% of the time

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Dunno about that. I got him first try, and now I'm stuck on skyway, getting completely filtered by it

that feeling is the bad oozing from you, keep going!

Waifufags actually post image content for the thread so it doesn't read like r/crashbandicoot where most of you faggots belong, let's just get that out of the way.

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aren't trigger hairs far better for this? why did we lose ours? awareness is never obsolete is it?

>got five clocks in a row and a blue orb on top
You don't know suffering yet.

>Finish race online
>gained such a lead that no one else gets to cross the finish line in time
>Photo Finish trophy pops up

Was it autistic of me to 101% gold relic the story mode from 0% in a single playthrough?

feel the might of Yea Forums in 8th!

so what character do scrubs use the most? like, last place.

>tfw you come second place and just managed to finish within 20 seconds are the only one besides the maniac in first who gets any coins

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You ain't shit if you don't have the Platinum relics, chump.

user… holy hell. classic or Hard NF? how many hours? how did you feel when you got the Oxide hotrod sin for this?

>beat all bosses on the first attempt
>the fucking rubberbanding on regular races after I started learning how to USF destroying my anus on Medium
CPU Tiny on N. Gin Labs eviscerated my asshole while Oxide was completely helpless.

I really hope these fags that keep making it impossible to finish races get segregated into their own matchmaking pool somehow so I can actually have a chance at winning


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Oh, you can live without a tail (as we prove by existing), just telling you the main purpose of a tail if you had one. Awareness and reaction; it's not just bones and some muscle, there is some brain in there too. Keep this knowledge, it might come useful some day.

Slaughtered by a Tiny Doberman in a neon blue buggy?

wait, how powerful is hard oxide? if he doesn't neck you the entire race I'm gunne be pissed.

>so I can actually have a chance at winning
You should get better, user. You'll have more fun that way.

What if i dont wanna get good and just wanna play a nice kart racer?

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Every lobby is filled with default Crash and kids who think using Crunch makes them good

Same, but I’m the one doing the slaughtering and it’s getting kinda boring.

''brain'' don't you mean some nerves and CSF? still, why did we lose ours if it gives awareness? you'd expect tailless members to do less well or even be found ugly?

I'm just going to keep 3 missiles on me the whole race and stop at the finish lines to slow everyone down that tries to cross.

Admittedly my first test was a bit cruel because it was actually a backmarker.

Attached: TropyGr.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

It was medium AI. I felt I needed to practice first before i tried hard. I was fetting gold relics almost every first attempt so i just cleaned up the few races i only got sapphire on.
About 8 hours I think

The opposite will happen, over time they'll be the only ones still playing online

They also ruined his victory animation.

so Oxide scrubbery isn't all that common actually?

kek I did this in the Original too. also did you lap that Coco? it didn't use the gravel shortcut at all...

Neck you?
He'll lead.

Nearly impossible without landing a potion in front of him, from behind.

Nothing is stopping you from playing on lower difficulty, battle mode, etc. Online will always have tryhards, but you can always set up a private lobby for casual races.

>play online
>go fast
>go so fast I eventually catch up to the last racer
I honestly felt bad.

How is your brain not fried? Adderall?

Deep Sea Driving is fun as fuck

can't you mask slam him? he actually flips unlike the Original. I do think Oxide should be hard, thus to relive that awe and fear I had as a kid... yeah, hardmode.

I rarely come across Oxide players, which is surprising. Usually it's an assortment of Crash with some other characters thrown in.

I'll have more fun if I don't have to deal with people who've been playing the original game for the past 15 years

plays great. why are pcbros living in your head tho?

Most people probably don't have him yet, the game's been out for barely a day.

There really is nothing quite like it and the game deserves a fucking 9/10 just for that shit.

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xes evah

CNK cast is least used then? hey, you could help me and others out: tally who you see every race, don't count the same guy twice if you meet him twice. writing down ''used'' people should do.

Same. I thought there was some kind of matchmaking tiers or something, my first few matches I got destroyed by USF artists and the next 90% of them I’ve won easily. I guess it’s peobably not updated in real time, maybe I’ll get fucking thrashed again the next reset?

Your joking right? Because if thats the case ive easily cucked 40 people today of their coins.

oof, if this voice had mic support... I fear for your hearing anons.

I don't have the game yet but how often do you see based Pinstripe, N. Gin or Ripper Roo bros? I'm looking at those three to rep

>he doesn't know

In the same camp as you user.

How different is easy mode from medium in adventure?
Call me a filthy casual, but man this game kicks my ass even on medium. I guess I really am a Mario Kart bab because I could lap people online in that game with no trouble, but the bots on CTR make me feel like I've never played a racing game before.

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I want to know this for


as these are what I aspire to use.

Extra awareness, extra reaction. Humans obviously have enough. Plus we have big brains to compensate.

Does it has a campaing mode like the original?

Fuck off if you think I'm actually going to do that user, don't be a poorfag and buy the game yourself.

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do you get anything for beating him on hard? except pride of course.

>stuck on hot air skyway
>try over and over again to win, with various characters, but I never win or even come close to winning
>save up my wumpa coins so I can get the electron red skin and electron red cortex wheels, so that crunch can go faster
>win the next attempt with an 8 second lead
remember anons, cool red cars are always faster

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Oxide's crates are rigged; you can't get mask, electron ball or shield against him.

You can get a mask

I've played 200 races, something like this:
>1 (me)

Basically no one has even touched Adventure mode so far and nobody picks the villains. It's a Bandicoot orgy out there and occasionally Dingodile and Tiny. Day 1 stuff I guess.

Just played.
I think it's about 90% same as CTR, definitely feel like carts have more inertia and you can't just power slide straight narrow paths like you could in CTR more or less.
Legit used break a couple of times to regain control.

aren't we one of the very few that can throw with reliable power and accuracy? a rock and a crow means food!

waiting for PC port, but, that's not it, i want as many research on this as possible. don't you want to know the true scrub char?

triple missile juiced? you need to fire diagonally and be pretty close though…

so why is Roo common? is it because he is a tard and thus funny by default?

I'm sorry user, but you've fucked countless kids in the ass

Occasionally, I think Komodo Joe is used most often out of the bosses.

Easy is about half as difficult as medium. If you're very inexperienced, they'll be good for you, and by the time you get to the gem cups, you'll basically be ready for medium.

Even if there’s some kind of matchmaking it probably doesn’t work properly yet since the game has just come out

Not on hard mode
you just unlock roo very early on

I hope not, I want to mess with noobs AND have challenging guys.

Medium is actually very hard and took me a lot longer to bear than expected. Go with easy user.

The block of ice could be interesting to have back

>This game actually has the U-turn physics from CNK
I'm not over this shit. I will never be. Just how erect this makes me you can never understand.

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How is it so fucking simple on medium but so ridiculously difficult on hard?

I thought “turn” characters are kind of weak by default though?

git gud

>Played with my older and younger brother. Younger brother is bona fide estrogent.
>his face when a 30 year old boomer fucking dominated him in a game that he's played longer than he lives

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>try playing this online
>there's always one lonely neckbeard virgin who picks coco/penguin and finishes 20 seconds faster, while the other 7 players are enjoying a nice race
such fun, why not record a speedrun

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let's go laydia

Can you still do local split screen?

Fuck playing with kids at 30

you are seething

why did they turn velo's colosseum into a space prison?

CTR might as well be a fighting game where the online slowly dies because all the casuals got their fill and it becomes the salty spittoon where the same 8 people fight for dominance.

Which sounds really stupid for a kart racer but Beenox must have known it would happen

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Nobody cares but autists

>Lobby entirely filled with pre-order skin Crash Bandicoot's

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This would not be a problem if there was more time to finish after the pro players cross the line/DNF gives you coins too.

To be fair user, I understand your frustration, HOWEVER. That person -is- just playing at there skill level, ya know? What do you expect them to do... go slower because.. they can? There will always be that one autist who is just elite fucking tier, in all games.

Pick default Cortex and show them what for.

Honestly if the hidden ranking system doesnt do anything they could just add a mode that removes sacred fire. They wont remove it entirely like nintendo did for firehopping i dont think.

start DNF when 3rd finishes I say.


Day one pirate on pc

I already stopped taking the multiplayer seriously after 2 rounds.
Gonna use it to grind out some coins, because the game apparently hates rewarding single player content, but mentally I've already dropped out of online.

user. It's literally impossible for veterans to play CTR slowly because the game feels 200% better at high speed. When you're not going fast, the game loses its biggest edge over MK.

Beenox really just needs to work on fixing the faulty MMR.

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>online a mess
>easy grinding for Wumpa coins

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Well, fuck veterans, I hope they enjoy their dead multiplayer after they ruined the game for everyone else.

The first and second crystal challenges are much harder than the third and fourth.

Dean Takahashi pls go.

No need to cry now, I'm sure you'll improve

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