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Which one did you fuck?
Colton Ramirez
Nicholas Reed
liari being open to a threesome but ash being disgusted at it tells you all you need to know
Luis Jenkins
Jaxson Bailey
>not holding out for tali in the sequel
Jaxon Collins
first time ashley because im speciest. 2nd time alien because fuck it why not. 3rd time ashley again. 4th time tried both. 5th time alien.
Xavier Price
Liari fucked me and I don't even know what I did to make it happen. I was just hitting dialog buttons the whole game.
Chase Richardson
>expecting me to believe you played mass effect
>post pic full of tendie merch
Anthony King
ME1 Liara was perfect. I wish they hadn't ruined her in the next game. Tali was just a discount version.
Ian Lopez
why would you think i didn't play ME? I maxed out my level to 60 and had all the best gear and upgrades. fucking loved ME1
Joseph Collins
Ashley. I didn't even spend a second thinking about it.
It's baffling to me that Mass Effect gives the option to engage in bestiality and this just not a big deal to anyone. Even that alarmist nut on Fox News claiming the game was explicit pornography never seemed to have an issue with the fact that there's animal fucking in the game. Has the whole world gone mad? Why the fuck is everyone okay with bestiality in the Mass Effect franchise?
Hudson Martin
I liked Andromeda. I'd put it on par with ME2
Xavier King
>not exclusively hooking up with the men
Josiah Thomas
>Expecting a faggot to play faggot games
user I don't see why you're so confused.
Dominic Cruz
Liara, always Liara.
Mostly because Ashley wasn't down for scissoring
Benjamin Green
Oliver Brown
Mankind goal is to fuck everything that there is to fuck among the star
Robert Martin
True. Drop the blueskin slut and choose the righteous christian girl.
Daniel Russell
ME2 skipped romance, ME3 Liara again.
Even on replay this doesn't change, I can't pick anyone but her.
Aaron Lee
pfff, plebs
Austin Long
Neither, unironically saved myself for Tali and fucked that purple pussy good.
Easton Evans
Dr Chocolates
Jacob Perry
Joseph Davis
Neither because I don't play garbage
Jace Cook
well that happened.
Matthew Thomas
ME2 was pretty shit, so you're not wrong.
Robert Ortiz
>nipples bouncing
That's not how that works at all
Joseph Morales
>liari being open to a threesome
She wasn't open about it. Ash just storms out before she has a chance to say anything.
Joseph Jackson
Then how do you it's garbage?
Cooper Perez
The game prods you to smash that blue alien cunt.
Adrian Adams
Because Yea Forums told him he wouldn't like it
Josiah Collins
>No planet exploration except for limited runs in a fucking DLC
>Ego-stroking your crew to the max, no way to succeed without this
>They decided to not let Ashley or Kaiden be with the crew
>Severe reduction in arsenal and equipment choices
>Planet scanning for resources with mouse is fucking atrocious
>Suddenly use thermal clips like the entire galaxy changed its arsenal to inferior ammo system
>The ending boss is some super cringe giant skeleton man for some fucking reason
>Half the crew doesn't even make any sense, they are just DLC inserts to satisfy certain shit niches
The only thing that felt right was the combat pacing in ME2, otherwise ME1 is a superior game. You could play ME1 and then walk away feeling pretty satisfied.
Landon Gray
Liam Stewart
Liara without fucking question.
>not sassy
>tries to find solutions instead of beating a dead horse
>checks up on you and sees if you're okay
>smiles when you talk about the past
>brings you to reality when you panic
>has your back and never betrays you, even when she was working for someone who has intel on everyone else
Ashley is a typical thot in military grad clothing who still got assblasted that you worked for someone while saving the galaxy she didn't like (despite being on the same boat in the first game). Hell she was still assblasted after you stopped whats-his-face from leaving the citadel.
Blake Anderson
>gives your body to a hilariously incompetent pro-human terrorist group on the promise they bring you back to life which they are able to deliver through complete bullshit
Mason Rogers
>Is some non-gendered snowflake who ends up being some privacy-invading data hoarder.
Adam Reed
Shepard I'm a Reaper doomsday device!
Nathaniel Hall
Owen Phillips