Fire Emblem Three Houses

You will protect her smile, right FE Bros?

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You are a monster Byleth.

Sorry but I'm sadistic and I like to see their faces full of despair.

Funnelling all resources into protecting my cute wife Beru.

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I respect your choice.

Anyone got that otome edit of Ingrid and the boys?


I hope I can kill her after picking a different house and rape her corpse

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For me, it's Eagles.

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>Joining Eagles
I'm going with my man Dimitri and poaching Bernadetta as soon as I can.

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Blue Lions with male Byleth is literally an Otome game.
>Dimitri is the main route A and gives you the Normal ending
>Felix is route B and has an alternate ending
>Sylvain is route C and has an alternate ending
>Byleth is the secret route and gives you the True Ending

>loses the sex hair in the time skip

I want to protect this girl.

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She looks good, you nigger. shoo

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At least the female lead won't be completely useless and garbage


Mommy Mercedes.

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serenes has it


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CHADrenz makes me so happy, I wonder if he's still a pompous jerk or is more humble now.

Edelgard gets a tit ugrade and a new look. Every one else just gets new hair design, clothes just slapped onto their pre timeskip bodies.

>I'm tired
>my feet hurt
>Caspar failed the Grappler exam
>Edelgard keeps asking me to reclass her to Brigand
>I still haven't planned the lessons for next week
>I wish I was still hunting down criminals for the church

Based. God I wish I were her.

Caspar literally went from small kid to gigachad. Ashe seems quite a bit larger too, and Bernedetta.

God damn the poor Lions really seem to suffer a lot.
>Sylvain will have to kill his brother
>Ashe will have to kill his father
>leak says something happens to Dimitri's family
>Punished "Venom" Dimitri, a prince denied his sensei tiddies

Attached: Punished Venom Dimitri.jpg (686x595, 70K)

Caspar doesn't look like he gained height, he's still looking up at Byleth, and Ashe is looking down at femletleth so I don't know how that ranks either

Those big tits she's trying to hide need to be set free.

looks too much like reinhad

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look at the fucking earring, soiled it

>>leak says something happens to Dimitri's family
that happened before the game starts I assume, since dedue is mentioned to be part of the bandits that killed his family, and was kept around by dimitri as his bodyguard for whatever reason

Of course

I will protect anyone, OP

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How is it possible for a game too look this bad?

it looks better than the new pokemon. the graphics are serviceable to me so I have no problems with it since everything else looks promising

hopefully its not as shit as it looks but i doubt it

As long as it's fun to play and has depth and even a little bit replay value.
Sword 'n Shit has none of that and it looks like fucking trash

Her crest will be added to empress's collection.

This is the Fire Emblem team's first HD game right? I'm not surprised at the shit graphics. Remember back from like 2006 - 2013 Japanese development ran into the ground and was basically declared dead until they got their shit together. Now it's finally time for the Fire Emblem team to stumble into HD development.
The only Japanese devs that skipped this phase was Platinum and Monolith Soft. XCX has its share of flaws but as a first foray into HD development it's actually baffling what they managed to accomplish.

>Alright what should our first HD game be, so that we can test the waters a bit
>It should be something easy...
>"A masive open world game"
>"With seamless load times"
>that sounds hard
>"And you can fly around at high speeds in a mech"
>How the fuck are we going to make that work

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Jeralt and his cronies got twitter profiles tonight

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MS alr had a bit of experienced for open world games b4 XCX, actually
>XC1 was their 1st gamble, and it work
>poached the map designers by BOTW, it fucking work
>XCX was amazing
>XC2 was great. the quality downgrade was mostly because of the BOTW poaching

How long do we have to wait to see post-timeskip students?

we've already seen some but I think they wont be showing all of them, and definitely dont seem like they'll be showing off portraits for them for some reason

We've seem some already. Hopefully the rest will be revealed over the coming weeks.

Say Happy Birthday to your queen.

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I actually dont like them showing off more post-timeskip design. the main casts are good, but then it ruins the novelty of seeing gigaFABULOUSrenz

Happy Birthday Empress.

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I wanna hold hands with the clown!

Perky Hilda.

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>before the timeskip he hits on all the women
>they laugh at him and think he's creepy
>after the timeskip all the ladies want him
>he snubs them and says he has no time for their nonsense

I want to save Cronje!

I'll go Blue Lions and recruit Bernadetta and Marianne. Maybe Lorenz too.

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Who cares? I sure don't. Rhea is the one I'm aiming for.

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>different hair colour
Does that mean customization is confirm, Smash and Heroes got me so use to default Robin and Corrin I forgot that was even a thing

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I need to know how her tits stack up to the other big tittied students.

I want to fuck this girl

It's their timeskip design, no customization is confirmed, should be obvious since Byleth is in pre-rendered cutscenes

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No, he just goes super saiyan post timeskip and never goes back

>basically all the characters except the ones I wanted to see

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Good tastes Tharjaanon.

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>Hero is male only
>Grappler is male only
It's 2019!

>Byleth gets lighter hair
oh god it's really a Cold Steel clone


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Those fucking t-rex arms

Attention whore.

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I know I should've learned something after P*ri, but this slut still does things to me. Send help.

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haha that's our byleth

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Edgelard did warn you about the crests.

fuck, I just realized
please don't give us a father figure possessed by something as the big bad oh god the shitposting will never cease

>can make Marianne sing
>can share lunch with her
>can give her flowers and tea on her birthday

I'm gonna enjoy this game

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have you seen this

yes that was the joke I'm going for, he had enough flags for it since we first saw him

And you can stare at her till she bushes in embarrassment.

>make small talk
>getting all the answers right lets you stare at them and maybe even tease them or hopefully flirt

I'm probably gonna enjoy tea time more than Fates' face petting.

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It's going to be great.

>it looks better than the new pokemon
Don't lie user. The lack of AA and textures are worse.

Black Eagles is the wost house now.

Edgelord was always the only thing it had.

>like Edelgard the most of the 3 leaders
>like the idea of Dimitri's story the most
>like Claude's group the most
I can't decide what to pick first. What are you picking?

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I'll roll a dice

>FemByleth is the canon ending

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I'm writing the houses onto paper and putting them into a hat and whoever I pick out on release day is who I choose.

wherever my dick leads me

The one with the most gay options because the 3 lords are boring and you can get nearly every character regardless of route. So most likely Black eagles and maybe golden deers.

I don't care about this overrated tumblr bait, faggot.

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Nips on twitter have shit tastes.

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This is the only bad female design so far. She looks so fucking generic.

But your pic shows the exact opposite?

seems like everyone has shit taste

Nigga there's japanese porn games that have less jaggies then this shit.

I think you're the one who has shit taste.

>upside down man is not highest

>Edelgard: 6666
And there are still people that deny that she's Satan. The Holy Knights of Faergus will purge Fodlan of her evil.

Marianne the most boring girl of the lot got the most liked. Fucking hell Japan.

FE is dead

the character designs are all anime avatar creator tier

Doesn't even look like the same character

>it looks better than the new pokemon
Surely you realise what a hilariously low bar that is?

No, she and the rest of the punished lions can fuck off. I only care about protecting Marianne's eye bags.

RIP is piece.

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>guys look better
>girls look worse
sasuga otome game

>>girls look worse
But that's not even remotely true.


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Why is Annette so short?

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She will live

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Golden Chads

>Marianne top overall

Why do men love tired girls so much?

In her child.


Most men like to feel in control. Especially nips, who value their women docile and obedient.

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It will be weird if you can recruit one of these 3 when in another house.

>there are people right now on this board who dislike this design
Yea Forums is truly too far gone.

>people liking Edelgarbage when the superior white-haired cutie was shown to be alive and well

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Recruiting all of Dimitri's friends!
Having them gang up on him and kill him!

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Cyka Byleth

Lysithea's pre-timeskip design is literally just a cheap Egglord knock-off. Loving her look after the timeskip tho.

Based. Blue Lion really is the best house. I want doujins of those three gangbanging Ingrid.

mah kween

Best girl confirmed.

More Ingrid please.

Ingrid is small

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A best

That is a beautiful look.

>Porn game
>Literally just jpgs and dialogue boxes
>Has better graphics
Wow geez I wonder what all the time spent on those go to


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Edelgard's house!

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Lysithea and Marianne are literally carrying the golden fags teams.
>that fucking 1k drop from 2nd to 3rd place.
>literally all placements from 3rd and beyone has the deers last

Already wants sensei's cock/pussy.

I'll follow my kween and get the best girls from the deers.

How will she look after the timeskip?

Name one student who DOESN'T want sensei's cock and pussy.

In 4th place Eagles are last, they also have a 1k drop from 3rd to 4th.

it's a long forgotten rule, but in the past JRPGs always had either good gameplay or good graphics and never both. clearly it's just a return to form for the genre.

>Black Eagle's leading
Truly, the minorities are the loudest.

How does she heal injured allies?

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No raised pinky.

Wtf Bluechads?
W-Where are you?

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What the fuck is that... helmet?

tough decision

Hair the same.

You are right, eagles also seem to be carried but less so (specially since they are still last)

Blue Lions has the most consistently liked students (6 of them above 5k)
Deers have people's favorites
Eagles have nothing

I would like to believe Koei Tecmo would take a good chunk of the blame for the game's terrible graphics. IntSys can be competent, with a lot more time and no musou devs co-developing, I believe they can pull off some 3D shit and make it look appealing, honestly, Fates looked fine for a 3DS game.

Can't wait to marry Ingrid and force her to kill her childhood friends

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>House of democracy is dead last
I have always suspect that Yea Forums have shit taste and this just confirmed it.

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IntSys had to do a Musou and a mainline game at the same time after all. Awakening also looked like shit, so really I have hopes for whatever FE on the Switch after this.

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What will your pairings look like?

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Omega Force who create all Musou games with the help of Team Ninja did all the work on FEW. IS just told them what roster they could do.

Too early to make the call. But if I can get into a age gap relationship with Lysithea as a girl then I'll do just that. If that's not possible then I'll play as a guy and go after Ingrid.

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>youngest girl is 15 years old
>after the timeskip the youngest girl is 20
too fucking old, Yea Forums

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>doesn't grow any taller or any tits after timeskip
lmaoing at her life

I share the same birthday as muh queen. Nice. I wonder how that would work in game

Happy birthday, user.

Happy birthday, user!

Since I don't have to worry about kids anymore, are there any yuri options this time?
also male bygaloo or whatever his name is looks like a fag

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That's because you can't improve perfection.

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Are you going to burn everything with her?

That's a very classy, cute hooker.

im going to let her fall to the wolf monster and pray that it rapes her nonstop with its massive canine cock faggot.

This is my wife Petra, she has been claimed and you can't have her.
Say something nice about her.

Attached: Petra.png (1200x1200, 837K)

Her design blows and she can't even speak well.

By the time we're done Faerghus and Leicester won't even be in history books

Leaker said there was 5 yuri options with the only yaoi option being Linhardt. No true how that is though since they did say that they mixed some lies in with the truth. At the very least from what was shown no one in Blue Lions are fags.

She looks like a young C Viper.


>Edelgard with the super satanic get
uhh churchbros?

She's getting a divorce and marrying me instead!

For me, it's Claude.

i really like mbyleth's look. He seems like a more mature SMT protagonist, almost like Demi-fiend grown up. Hope we can go full true demon route with sothis in this REAL SMTxFE looking shit

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I can't pick a house, they all have nice characters and waifus. I hope they give you enough time in game to choose and getting to know them.

is marriage even confirmed yet?

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>picking anything else when you could be marrying into one of the oldest royal houses in the world and she's smoking hot as well
Always marry up, anons. That's why I picked Lucina.

There is S ranking, but it's already been stated that children units are not going to be a thing this time around.

this is still a strategy game right?

thank god, fates was ridiculous with those hyperbolic child neglect time chambers

It's tactics, but yes.

I'm definitely going Blue Lions first playthrough. My only dilemma is male or female Byleth.

Female so you can shove your massive rack in Dimitri's empty eyesocket.

Gay, but redpilled.

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Look at how soft and cute she is. Don't you want to heal her?

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I'm just going to spend every opportunity i can get staring into Ingrids's eye.

You can't heal the dead.

She's the childhood friend of 3 guys. Stop trying to cuck them.

All three had the chance to bang her silly and they blew it. It's my turn now.

her ear is creepy looking

Childhood friend romance is one of the shittiest tropes around.

Going to have to add you retarded fujoshi to the auto filter. Holy fuck this is one insufferable cunt.

>giving her a teddy bear makes her happy

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regardless of the house you choose, you will protect her, right user?

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Not interested in her.

fuck no lmao

She'll end up impaled on the end of Lorenz's lance most likely

i'll protect her... with my cock

Also Faggot leaker is already misinterpreting information. I believe That Dimitri does not lose and eye and wears an eyepatch because he wants to hide his scizophrenic eye that is rapidly moving from trauma.

If he actually loses it, it gives me faith that fe4 will have child hunts.

Don't worry.
Girls will have the heroine and grapplette classes

>Deude in 8th place
Nips can go choke

>Leonie is the least popular female
Are Japs low test? Why don't they like tomboys?


I will save Dimitri from his despair with his childhood friends.

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>Annette 7th
It's ok I still like you.

That retard Caspar actually....came out pretty good. He looked like such a dumbfuck before, what an improvement. Felix always looked cool so no change in his time skip form. I'm off the Lysithea train, her hair is kinda eh now and she's patently flat chested so no good milk from her.

Pokemon Sword and Shield is being compared to N64 games, specifically OoT N64's Hyrule Field. You're saying beating out an N64 game is a big win for FE? I've come to terms with the shitty otome art flair they're going for, but everything a few feet away from your character is blurred to hell and back looks terrible. It's inconceivable how ugly 3 Houses is. Then you have the laid back Animal Crossing New Horizon game and goddamn it has so much more polish and attention, the Animal Crossing devs skipped out on the Wii U (fuck that Amiibo shit) and are comparable to the IntelligentSystem staff who never had to make an HD game before. And voila their game looks so much better despite not having the literal millions of gacha money Fire Emblem has been racking up. I don't see this level of passion coming from the Three House devs, Animal Crossing/Legend of Zelda/Xenoblade/Mario are at their A game while Fire Emblem and Pokemon look generations behind graphically; yet the latter franchises actually make more money than those other game series. Astonishing really, I'd love to read some juicy details about how mismanaged Nintendo's most popular studios have become when they get rich. That Yoshi game outsourced Unreal Engine 4, Zelda's staff had to hire more people and Pokemon+Fire Emblem are penny pinching with 10 people. What the fuck.

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"Fire Emblem Three Houses looks fine bro, stop being nitpicky".

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Based. I will impregnate her and make her kill her friends.

Soul vs Soulless. Animal Crossing chads rise up.

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There’s no cure for shit taste.


headpats and standing blowjobs

I hope you're into getting netorare'd user-kun

implying fishing isn't the absolute pinnnacle of videogame soul , i pity you user , i pity you

Is anyone else seriously worried about map design

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Literally the character designer/artist for this fujobait shitshow, fucking retard

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That one dungeon map with teleport pads looked good, the rest i've seen look bad

No, user. Because now that Ingrid is here the game is perfect! GO LIOOONNNSSS

I thought Japan likes baras.

Is he the biggest chad?

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Marry Marianne.

Based but stay the fuck away from my wife

From that angle her tits don't look that much smaller than in this webm

I thought he stabbed out his own eye cause he kept seeing his dead parents

From near the top to the bottom in popularity.

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I hope she loses the hat in the time skip.

If she loses the hat she'll be popular.

Painted tits.

>Leonie wants to fuck your dad

I see no problems with that.

>You get to cuck your dad

she wants the reverse oyakodon

Can’t blame her, it’s the only design I actually like.

She has tastes.

>DS graphics
>Another dime-a-dozen anime style
Yeah, no thanks.
Can switch have a game that actually looks good? Or are they just reserved to making shit that could run on a phone?

But Switch IS a glorified phone.

Surprisingly very girly.

You're absolutely right. They're gonna keep releasing this shit and Nintendo fans will defend it just because it's Nintendo brand shit. It's legit been 2 years since they released a game worth anyone's time.

The art style of this game is great but why does it look like complete ass? The switch runs mario odyssey at 60fps and it looks beautiful

cope more snoy

IntSys themselves aren't very good with graphics, and they can't ask EAD to do them, so they got stuck with Koei/Omega Force, which is why the game runs in a Musou engine.

what went right?

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>Leonie and Annette are less popular than dudes

Honestly embarrassing.

The game looks worse than fire emblem warriors though

haven't decided yet, but I'm going Blue Lions

Mercedes is cute, but I haven't been following character reveals closely either

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Mario Odyssey is a technical marvel though

It runs worse too.

Uh, ok. What does that have to do with what I was talking about?

This is the same company whose reason for not having feet in Awakening was because they "underestimated the 3DS so they didn't try".

Fire Emblem Warriors has Quality and Performance modes on Switch. That game looks better than this one, not really sure why.

We actually got news about mechanics and gameplay

Like what said, it's a combo of this being IntSys' first HD game and their routine inability to grasp a new system's hardware their first time around. See: Mystery of the Emblem, Binding Blade, DEFINITELY Path of Radiance, and "We were worried we wouldn't have been able to render feet in" Awakening.

I also theorize that the game has had a much shorter development time than the 3 years this game was announced. If you paid attention, you might notice some oddities, like the change from Formations to Gambits, the shrinking of the Skill Levels box (and the change from the name from Professor Levels), and how the E3 build was where we saw the icons for Crest Stones over the Gauntlet icon acting as a place holder for Demonic Beasts. This is even the first game they had to recruit another development team, Koei-Tecmo, for. I feel like Three Houses has been in development for give-or-take 20 months, much less than the 3 years we've known about the game. Whatever build that was in development before Warriors came out had to have been scrapped behind the scenes. HD Game development is a fuck.

You can’t say bad things about Nintendo here on Yea Forums.

I'd rather have a game that plays good also Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, what we've seen from Astral Chain and Smash ultimate look good

Sounds more like IS lacks talent. Valkyrie games and the new Atelier looks better.

Bernadetta and Marianne are both unrecruitable

What happened to the people they had making Color Splash?

That guy is a faggot, but stop spreading misinformation.

Marianne is able to be recruited.

>Hilda only on 4th

>and the new Atelier looks better
Atelier has PS3 games that look like PS2 games, and PS4 games that look like PS3 games. Also this

I really hate this artstyle, but it's clear there's actual soul in these characters.
I can't believe I'm going to buy another one of IS's 'games'.

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Lisythea,Marianne and Bernadetta have already been show with the scout option,while Based Loyal to Blue Chads Ingrid Have Not

>where have you been
>I've been waiting for this

Honestly I was already sold by the teaching mechanics allowing you to micro-manage each character's stat progression, I'm probably going to spend more time tweaking everyone than actually playing the maps.

This is a nice.

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Maybe the Blue Lions path had been chosen in the screenshots with Ingrid.

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>What is Honey Select

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Hard to recruit her when you pick her House, user...

Lysithea is for

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Shitting on.

I miss the designs of older games. Magvel and Tellius were peak FE aesthetics.

This just looks like crap visually. Isn't the artist a fujo? I hope the gameplay is good at least.

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Indeed. The Tellius games may have shit graphics but the artstyle and character design pushed it forward.

Why is Byleth so handsome?

Attached: __byleth_and_byleth_fire_emblem_fuukasetsugetsu_and_etc_drawn_by_haru_toyst__02e470075d9d6e19cbb750f (636x900, 104K)

cuddling and start a happy family with me

looking into her beautiful eyes.

IS DEFINITELY lacks talent, that's why they hired KT in the first place. Omega Force did a passable job with FE Warriors and Hyrule Warriors, they understand HD development much more than they do. Atelier is even a yearly franchise that relies on blatant asset reuse since the PS3 era, they know how to make a game not for a 240p handheld and have a well-known, highly-tested, well-regarded art style that can cover up their massive technical flaws and cheapness. But that's the thing, every single one of KT's work effort is on their games and releasing them yearly. I'm betting that all the gacha money in the world wouldn't have been enough to pull anything more but a B-team that can help them straighten up the performance while they work on the mechanics, coding, tying every weapon to an animation rig, and sheer size of the game. All this while making sure that whatever they have doesn't get scrapped again and forcing yet another, much longer delay. I'd be surprised if they managed to hire Omega Force again. Not to mention they are really bad at organizing other teams. Warriors' development sounds really confusing if you read all the interviews on the game. With all that considering, I think this is the best that they could give us, regardless of talent or cash.

Three Houses seems to be more of a tech demo for all these major mechanical shifts over anything else. It's why I'm excited for the game, or at least get why the game looks like it could cut me in the middle of a dark alleyway with all those jaggies.

Petra's gimmick is that she speaks funny because she's learning the language right?

Lion chads.

she's a syrian refugee

FE has never really been a game about 'amazing grafix' but the games prior to Awakening had good visual design. Even the earlier ones with that campy 80s floof were really charming.

If the gameplay is good then I can live with it, but the art direction and weird fuccboi fujo art vibes it has are pretty off-putting.

Attached: 1424711305800.png (543x453, 223K)

Post-timeskip Mercedes and Ingrid when?

I'm so glad FE5 fixed the portraits. Having everyone being based off the same 10 heads in FE4 was so jarring.

The artist does otomeshit not fujoshit. And the series' design peaked at Hidari.

Hopefully after release, I don't want them to spoil more deisgns

Next Famitsu if you're lucky.

Hopefully soon, I need to base my choice on the post timeskip designs instead of on the pre ones.

>Games prior to awakening
SOV exists and is the best looking game in the series.

Best 20 year old waifu

pinching her soft cheecks and impregnating

Attached: What's her name.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Based chibi Edelgard.

will they ever fix claude's bow being off in the middle?

Attached: Dorothea.webm (480x592, 557K)

Attached: Marianne.png (634x720, 179K)

damn she cute

Kek. That pic fits perfectly too.

precious cinnamon roll must protecc oooh so relatable so awkward and nervous and shy and wow look at her hair its so messy and greasy does she shower? i bet she doesn't god her feet must smell amazing, what a perfect package since she's also so awkward and relatable and shy and precious and a shut in, did you know the japanese word for that is hikikomori?

bernadetta time skip... that precious cinnamon roll aged like a fine wine in a basement. god i cant wait for her to just completely turn into an absolute FREAK when the timeskip happens. maybe she'll grow big bountiful breasts for me, lorenz, the sex god himself, to suckle upon like a true deserving lord and protagonist. god, and her feet can only get bigger and smellier from here. i can already FEEL the WRINKLES

it happened again. i woke up with a stain on my pants just THINKING of bernadetta's delicious feet. i would give ANYTHING for her to step on me and run her greasy hair all over me. i can't do this. i can't wait until july 26th just to get a glimpse of her delectable toes. it feels like i'm waiting the whole five years and more just to see bernadetta time skip. is this what you wanted nintendo? give us more bernadetta before the game releases, i'm BEGGING you.

>the people that made this ugly turd made color splash that looks really good
Very strange

That's an entirely different fetish than what they were going for with Marianne's design, I think.

Still hot.

I am honestly wondering if anyone who isn't an FE fan got genuinely interested after seeing some trailers/reading info. I feel like I'm eating this shit up now, even the 'bad' games of the series I find decent, still stoked for this love letter to FE4.

So, is she our teacher's mommy?

>Atelier looks better
Come on user, I love Atelier games but we both know that's a lie.
Atelier Ayesha on the Vita regular got to the single digit in fps and everything that wasn't a character model was ugly, blurry and low poly

There’s been some people asking if this game is a good entry point to the series. Every new game for a new console gets new people into the series.


The west should learn from Japan.

She's the anti-Goddess and our punished boy will end up as a church reformer.

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The main theme in the first trailer was beautiful, why was it changed? They even altered a few words in the lyrics

Uhm, excuse me, but what is nintendo's ehtics department doing?

Can i turn her good with the power of the D?

No, but you can recruit her when you go on Edelgards dark route

Being based

>Golden Chads best house
>Marianne and Lysithea best girl
More like great taste

New Atelier you retards not old.

Since I'm seeing no fanart, Marianne can't be that great.

Reminds me of Merula

Just got back from work
Tell me bros is marianne recruitable or not?

Attached: 1560013941149.gif (180x180, 144K)

Yes she is.

based art here, i miss the black knight days


Attached: noose-chan.jpg (600x600, 57K)

No she's not.

Says who?

>Not to mention they are really bad at organizing other teams. Warriors' development sounds really confusing if you read all the interviews on the game. With all that considering, I think this is the best that they could give us, regardless of talent or cash.

People were so mad at the director they threatened to quit over who makes it in the roster. The FE Warriors lead guy was always in fights with his own if you read the dev interviews.

A screen shot yesterday.

It's still there though. It plays on the official JP site.

The only unscoutable units are Edelgard/Hubert for Black Eagles, Dimitri/Dedue for Blue Lions, and Cladue/Hilda for Golden Deer. Everyone else is a traitorous faggot


she wanna be reinhard so fuckin bad

Attached: tumblr_ngm1g5IZbe1sxykh6o1_500.jpg (500x365, 52K)

You all have shit taste.

I will see that my empress takes the throne and she takes my hand in marriage.

Attached: __edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_fuukasetsugetsu_and_etc_drawn_by_tohru_cipher__ace321d8e0fa317b (496x496, 41K)

I' love with a cartoon? How?

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she's dull as fuck, if it were me and you at war with eachother and i chose dimitri i'd set fire to all of your shitty villages you waifufag fuck


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Does she yell at the player and insult them all the time?

Do you think she likes anal

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I'm going to treat her like a child at every opportunity I get.
The hate fucking will be glorious.


Yea, supposedly she's extremely egotistical and kinda a cunt. She's supposed to be a 15 year old genius.

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Very high probability

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Looks better than her time skip design.

>she's extremely egotistical and kinda a cunt. She's supposed to be a 15 year old genius.
when I thought she couldn't get even more perfecct, she does

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her shoes are cute at least

Attached: y_5d07a05407ae6.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

>wears platform heels after the time skip to try and look a little taller

Attached: 1561136885564.png (315x803, 441K)

>Even with heels, this 20 year old is still IMAGINE tier
>She makes retards on /feg/ seethe just by existing
How is she so perfect?


she's afraid of ghosts

Attached: 1561208460422.png (1366x768, 957K)

What are those faggots even mad about?

is feg actually talking about 3h now? it's not just feh garbage?

That they are.

Attached: 1559175527205.jpg (750x537, 121K)

She's seriously the perfect size for mating. God I wish I had a qt petite girlfriend...

So you can poach characters from other houses, right?

It's the hair Veil that looks crap.

Short girls are the only reason manlet genes don't die out
god are they tempting

I think the veil looks fine I just don't really like the ornaments on the front of her hair

Golden Chad here. Ingrid is the only student from other houses I really feel an intense need to recruit.
But if given the chance I'd probably welcome Bern too.

Still 95% FEH garbage.

Yeah, when news comes out, the discussion is even mainly about 3H (which makes gachababbies seethe so hard). Even know I'd say that it's 70/30 in favor of 3H.

Nobody ever gives reasons, just calling her shit any time someone posts her

They have been ever since we started getting more news, and there's quite a bit of hype. There's still some gacha talk, but that's to be expected. What's better is that they stopped talking about gacha e-celebs/esports autists.


yu are muh kween

Attached: Jon Snuh.jpg (211x239, 9K)

What do you think having Lysithea as a girlfriend would be like? Imagine cuddling late at night with the light of the TV illuminating her ;3

Attached: D7yqip7VUAAZmcR.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

excited for this game, but what's up with the aliasing and jaggies?

That dress is extreme effay.

i'd put my dick in her mouth, faggot

How am I supposed to recruit Bernadetta if she won't leave her room?

Attached: 1438807368922.png (900x738, 103K)

break into her room, duh

Biggest offender is the lack of AF. Textures and models look like puddles because of it.

I wonder what her toes taste like and how soft they are

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the switch is a handheld

Not true. With my mom being 5'1" and my dad 6'2", I've ended up 6'5"

Emulator when? I wanna play it on PC.

You shouldn't be thinking things like that.

So what kind of teacher do you want to be, anons?

Attached: teachers.jpg (1596x550, 188K)

Yuzu is actually doing relatively well. Not sure how fast will it be able to emulate 3H without many issues, though.

I want her to sit on my face

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that bitch with the fucking hat
I can't stand her and her god damned hat

>that lorentz

Attached: richter laugh.png (960x599, 21K)

Her hate is cute! CUTE!

Nobody says Eagles is best anything.

Ingrid is beatiful, hopefully her timeskip design is good

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Is it just me or he looks like the original FF versus 13 protag? Maybe this will be the fantasy of final that we've all been waiting for...

It looks nothing like Versus Noctis

>release July 26


Attached: lelouch.gif (480x270, 232K)

Why don't they release it on PC?
Imagine FE+modding

Attached: bcd6fc3.jpg (900x900, 109K)

So beautiful looking.

She's that beautiful already they don't even have to change anything.

I knew I wasn't the only one

Thats why I'm afraid they will ruin her, like Bernadetta

I am not gonna make it...

Attached: 1551929695201.gif (460x258, 3.93M)

Are nips still doing midgets with bad attitude?

Bernadetta wasn't ruined

dont let that mariannefag see this

Attached: 1533849244291.png (447x335, 198K)

Bernadetta looks better though.


Attached: 1560910427536.png (600x700, 311K)

Constantly worrying about the police finding out you're dicking a 15 yo

Same. Multiple playthroughs is the only answer

They know their audience too well, the only reason you'd play FeMC is for the bishes.

>look up the fe3h tag on twitter
>a bunch of oc donut steels
So this is the power of school settings...

Attached: D9bwft7XoAIivMq.jpg (953x680, 79K)

Imagine having to tell Lysithea's parents you impregnated her when they come to the academy for a Parent-Teacher meeting.

There definitely is a certain type of players being attracted to this, just read the comment section of the official trailers

>the only reason you'd play FeMC is for the bishes
Uh, no? I'm playing FemByleth because she's cute and sexy, and because I want to watch her fuck other women.

Attached: 02fbcc7fb8464517a26f94b3f73dd9e4cf4e7dfb.jpg (460x559, 160K)

Eeeew you're so stray

Imagine watching her soft belly grow over the months

I'd honestly be willing to chance jail and have my life ruined to be with Lysi.


I actually haven't looked at any comments or anything other than these threads. And I think I'd rather stay that way.

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What the fuck did you just call me

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Which will be the "canon" route? Or will there be none?

I feel like they'll do timeline shenanigans. Playing through all the routes leads to a convergence point where you can save everyone and get the true ending.

What Ps2 game is this?

Nursing handjob from Rhea

Attached: rhea.png (1000x1000, 1.02M)

>incels who've never had sex complaining about no "sex hair"
Like poetry

Why are the characters models in this game so aliased? It's not a normal image quality problem, it's specific to the characters models outlines. Can someone explain?

It'll keep me motivated.

Canon is a meme.

>Playing through all the routes leads
This is what I think as well. Strange how the game allows for 4 save files despite 3 routes only (when the FE standard is 3 save files).
Clearing every route leads to the 4th hidden route where Byleth decides to not be a teacher and continues traveling with Jeralt's group.

there are 5+ save files though

do we know what will amiibos do?

Doesn't Edelgard have 2 routes ?

S-shut up!


Her timeskip design actually made her tied for top spot for me, even like the half veil thing. Hopefully can steal her pretty easily.

Attached: b.jpg (1280x2048, 179K)


Is that the Cipher stream? Anyone got a link to that?

>this thread is still up

It ended a while ago but you can see a bunch of caps here

or check the account, the second tweet down should have a youtube link to rewatch it

Attached: D7aIxc2UYAAUlYP.png orig.png (600x840, 901K)

looks like that blonde girl from bible black


Kill yourself

I am not a Tyrannosaurus.

All flat girls love anal.


>show a Lysithea card instead of a Marianne card

I'm onto your forced fake popularity and shilling, Cipher team. It didn't work when you spammed Faye cards it's not gonna work here

Fuck off, Tharjafag.

Marianne isn't popular. I don't see any fanart.

wtf is that

Attached: NintendoSwitch_FireEmblemThreeHouses_scrn08_E3.jpg (1920x1080, 1020K)

Is there a chart with all known pre and post timeskip designs anywhere?

Edelgard's mobile sex dungeon

They are both for IMAGINING

Attached: 1560982985387.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)

it's an automaton or something that looks like the flatwoods monster, has the crest of seiros on it. Probably a 4 tile boss monster

Kill yourself

>leonie that low
Such shit taste! You have no idea what's good!

No. She looks like a generic waifu character with generic traits. I don't see why anyone can like her.

leonie was the last character revealed so she would probably at least be above ignatz and raphael if she was shown earlier

That's what the kids call it these days?

begun the clone wars has

>all the female students look worse
fucking great

Have to be discreet, Hilda is right there.

>loses sex hair
fuck me sideways why would you ever do that IS fucking why?

Can I switch between eng and jap audio at anytime or only when I start the game?

Attached: 1434219501974.gif (250x251, 999K)


Dual audio was confirmed, I believe.

I'd say they all look better, hopefully the others dont look worse too.

Ingrid will probably wear some armor that makes her look like a male.

All of the post-timeskip designs have been an improvement so far, delete this right now.

>Three Houses donut steels
I wanna be the bile forming in the corner of Bernie's unkempt roomvagina

>loses sex hair
>bernadette looks better

Fuck off bugman

have sex



she looks like a hobo before time skip

>sex hair
I think you mean unwashed introvert hair. Shit's gross.

I wonder if they're gonna show more timeskip designs in other famitsu articles

Would kind of ruin the surprise but I want to see them

Attached: D9HfMfWVAAMU2HD.jpg orig.jpg (972x1117, 179K)

They've started so it would be silly to stop now.

They're going to use post-timeskip designs when they show off S-supports

I want to save Kronya!

Attached: file.png (800x801, 463K)

Kill yourself cuck

I want to have Lorenz kill Kronya!

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based Lorenz bro

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I wonder if there will be a dick chart for the Three Houses girls.

Oh I hope, Fates one was pure gold

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I am going to pamper Leonie and Lysithea so hard. They're going to be the best generals to have ever graced the lands!

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Attached: D8_X_4MUwAAq9ZQ.png (800x801, 517K)

oh my god, jagged ass graphics, literally kills the boner