What do they taste like?

What do they taste like?

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apple, watermelon and blue.

goron’s pussy

Green Apple, Cherry and Blueberry.

Green Apple, Watermelon, and Blue Raspberry jolly ranchers.

Also, before anybody asks, potions taste like shitty cough medicine.

i didnt realize there was someone else as smart as me on this earth

I'm thinking more of that bootleg candy that comes out of mexican piñatas. Ya know those overly sized bags of sweets that taste so close to the "flavor" it's advertising.

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Hey wait a minute. In breath if the wild malice is red, sheika magic is blue, and the green stuff in the trailer was green.

What do deku nuts taste like?

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what the hell is bootleg candy? Does somebody have a copyright on sugar?

I want to explore the Sacred Realm and lay hands on the Triforce so badly, damn Ariana and those old age Triforce Rumors.

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Pic related.

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to this date, OoT has some of the most delicious looking objects in games


Like rocks. Dipshit.


>What do deku nuts taste like?
chocolate covered hazelnut

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My english is not to good. My apologies.

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its ok just show me a picture of what you're talking about

That ice arrow looks refreshing as fuck.

If I were to make a zelda style adventure game, I would copy the FUCK out of those for the temple reward thing. God I love that texture. How would we make a modern day version of it?

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Si señor.

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Don't worry, he's just retarded. Bootleg candy is definitely a real thing.

I think user means like the dollar store candy that's like a parody of brand stuff

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I live off of mexican candy

Oh so candy laced with lead.

more importantly, what does THIS taste like/.

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They taste good, like fruity candy but they smell like shit. In fact, the entire temple of time absolutely REEKS. I would know, I've been there myself. Those days are long gone now though.

Doesn't smell anymore after Sheik left. That guy braps like a girl.

Fuck you. I laughed at this.

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>be Italian company
>name all your products in French

Green one tastes like jamaica, looks like limon but it's tamarindo
Red one tastes like limon, looks like tamarindo but it's jamaica
Blue one tastes like tamarindo, looks like jamaica but it's limon

It was a pretty good move. Giving things French names tricks retards into thinking they're good.

rotting fish




This fat fuck always made me want to try some magic beans. He just sits there and snacks on a whole bag of the stuff.

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