Is it ok to dial back on story and character building to give the player more freedom to kill important NPCs?
How much freedom is too much freedom?
I'd rather a sandbox rpg with little story than an action adventure game with lots of story
I think a dev can focus on wanting to ship their story. Then if everyone complains about it, the community or the devs will just make a mod/option to kill all npcs and fuck your save state. Look at Skyrim, I can mod it to kill children if I want to but no developer on the planet would ever allow that.
Fallout New Vegas has a shitty shitty story with lots of freedom.
I'll go for CDPR approach instead
ITT: trannies upset about a poster and autists upset that games aren't solely for losers anymore
>How much freedom is too much freedom?
There is no such thing.
>Is it ok to dial back on story and character building to give the player more freedom to kill important NPCs?
FNV has a great story trapped inside an RPG with bad gameplay.
>How much freedom is too much freedom?
Nice false dichotomy.