I wanna escape multiplayer/live-service shooters for a while, what are some good single-player campaign shooters?
FPS campaigns thread
Far cry 1
Serious Sam 2
Postal 2
Painkiller Overdose
Swat 4
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, No One Lives Forever 1 & 2, Dusk.
Perfect Dark remaster.
Titanfall 2
No one ever mentions it but hard reset
Deus Ex, the entire Build Engine saga (Shadow Warrior, BLOOD, Duke Nukem, Redneck Rampage, etc), DOOM 1 and 2, System Shock 2 (1 is good, but not a good shooter).
Also Call of Duty 1 and 2. They were pretty good, lot of memorable ideas. 2 I think was the one where you play a russian that's giving no gun, a fistful of bullets and sent out to die.
niche topic for a thread so I may as well ask here:
has anyone played 7554? I remember reading about it years ago and from gameplay videos it looks like a shitty CoD bootleg but the setting is interesting
>Far Cry 1,2,3, 4 and Blood Dragon
>Battlefield Bad Company 1 & 2
>Medal of Honor Pacific Assault, >European Assault and Vanguard
>Medal of Honor(2010)
^criminally underrated IMO(the sequel is shit tho)
>Call of Duty World at War
>Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2
>Metro 2033
BLOPS 1 & 2
I'll go ahead and count the Jedi Knight games, anything with Kyle Katarn
Call of Juarez and CoJ: Gunslinger
Shadow Warrior
Wolfenstein 2009
Titanfall 2
Prey, both of them
Medal of Honor 2010 and Pacific Assault
The Darkness
And fuck me for unintentionally reddit spacing
Mirror's Edge
the enrmy at the gste refrence was in cod 1, first russian missioncoj is shit
Call of Duty 1 & 2, particularly 2.
Forgot webm
Call of duty world at war
Embarrassingly bad grimdark parody of the first 2 games
Sir, it's been an honor.
Is Catalyst really that bad? Mirror's Edge is one of my favorite games, but all the talk around Catalyst really drove me away from playing that game.
I like this one
Start with doom
Then doom 2
Then quake
Then quake 2
Round it off with the build engine essentials like blood and shadow warrior
Shit Duke nukem excluded on purpose never was good way too easy
It depends on what you value about the first game. If you liked the music, the parkour mechanics, and just the idea of freerunning around a cyberpunk city, then you'd like it.
But if you valued the level design, story, combat and AI, and the aesthetic, then it's a step down from the original.
I hate Catalyst but I would objectively rate it a 6/10. It's basically a ubisoft open world but with the first game's mechanics.
Star Wars Republic Commando.
No One Lives forever 2
Who the fuck liked the story of Mirror's Edge? Who the fuck even remembers it?
I mean that Catalyst's story is just fucking awful
>Who the fuck even remembers it?
That's the thing, ME1's story IS forgettable but that's fine because it never interfered with the gameplay and it was very minimal.
Catalyst interrupts you all the fucking time with it's asinine plot and terrible characters. I never cringed at the first game's story but I cringed constantly at Catalyst's.
Aliens Vs Predator 2 (2001) = Superb story
Everybody shits on Cod 3 for its multiplayer but it had such a good campaign. American side was basically saving private ryan even up to the ending. Russian side was when russia came back after being invaded. They had a canadian faction which teamed up with french resistance members planting bombs around Nazi Camps
Time Splitters Future Perfect
Throw the grenade, not the pin
>tfw redownloaded RtCW but game keeps CTDing when you meet Kessler
>I'm McCullin. Two rules. Rule one: You're no good to me dead. Rule Two: Uh... Ah, what difference does it make. You're all probably end up dead anyway.
Just delete your wolfenstein.cfg file or whatever it is. Then run the game, get past the level, save and you can edit the file again.
Max Payne 3
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Spec Ops: The Line
Oh well, OP should've put it again in the comment section. I only payed attention to "good single-player campaign shooters?"
>Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
One of the worst game I played in the last decade