How do you guys feel about a Zelda game in Cuphead-style artwork?

How do you guys feel about a Zelda game in Cuphead-style artwork?

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I would cum mugfuls.

I don't really think Run-and-gun works with zelda, the artstyle doesn't really work with zelda either

I'd rather they make some sort of Popeye game in the gameplay stylings of viewtiful joe or something

I don't want it
Would rather have a Startropics reboot made by these guys.

A Mario spin-off would be better considering the artstyle. Maybe a DK game, even Kirby or Punch Out

Besides we just had a Zelda spin-off right now by an indie guy.

Zelda 2 remake with Cuphead's artstyle

>Necrodancer devs got to use a Nintendo IP
>now we’re going to see every indie dev with an ego beg Nintendo to HIRE THIS MAN
Oh joy.

Why haven't I played this yet?

Ancient cartoons like these are supposed to be action-packed. Zelda games are almost all slow and ponderous. Nothin doin

it's pretty good

Even if I didn't like Zelda a new game by the Cuphead guys is worth paying attention

If they're serious about it then it's really only a matter of time

didn't the Ori and the blind forest guy hired the guy who made that metroid 2 fangame?
Would rather see indies being inspired by Nintendo and making their own games than just getting nintendo spin-offs

>Zelda 2 sequel that isn't the CDI games
>With animated gameplay like Wario Land Shake It

Why do people think this couldn't work?

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if it were an original top down zelda or maybe a minish cap or something that'd be cool

>Zelda 2 sequel that isn't the CDI games
No. CDI games remake by the Cuphead guys

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they're just letting them say whatever comes to mind huh

I would rather see them make a Zelda clone instead, with original setting and characters.
We need more good Zelda clones. No. *I* need more good Zelda clones.

>I don't really think Run-and-gun works with zelda, the artstyle doesn't really work with zelda either
well it's a good thing they weren't intending on doing either of those things you fucking illiterate mongoloid.

I specifically asked for this. All power to them.

Kinda wanted a Popeye style beat em up but literally everything these guys do is gold so whatever


Do you think they should go with a rotoscoped ralph bakshi art style?

Where the fuck have you been? Every dev dreams of using Nintendo's IPs, it's just now there's an actual chance that it can happen so they're being more public about it. Don't forget the necrodancer dev just asked if he could use Link as a guest dlc character for the game and Nintendo just gave him the whole farm.

Odds are though Nintendo rewards devs who keep it quiet and don't go public like he cuphead guy did since it's clear this is to apply public pressure, so this will go nowhere.

I imagines Kirby or Mario would compliment their visual expertise.

I didn't see a Shovel Knight cameo through the whole game, is Cuphead even indie by that standard?


I have a sudden urge to rebuy cuphead for my switch

That depends on if they can do other animation styles.

This. I didn't realize the article is talking about an actual Zelda game. Just do a good clone.

>indie game in the style of zelda

woah how fucking revolutionary. please kill youself

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maybe not run and gun but they could probably do something zelda 2 style


Honestly I’m all for it. Let the indie guys make low budget spin off stuff while you focus on big 60$ games

As long as they make it like pic related instead of 1940s cartoons.

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Cuphead was good, but I think you should probably have made more than one good game before getting handed a major license, unless you're using that license for an almost-reskin of the one thing you've already proven you can do well, like with cadence.

>How do you guys feel about a Zelda game in Cuphead-style artwork?
Reading comprehension, faggot.

I mean who's going to say no to Chad? he can easily beat up the entire nintendo staff, he's stronger. They will probably try to stop him but they won't be able to.

haha le epix trailer trash dogwhistle meme

the article never says that

Well, they could probably revive dead IPs for cheap that can turn a quick profit. Hype up the new Metroid Prime with a 2D companion game by the Axiom Verge devs. All they would need to do is manage it right. It would be the only way to ever get a Warioware game again.

am I the only one who hates cuphead's art style? I'm not saying its bad or ugly or anything, I just can't stand it. The era of animation that it's aping has never worked for me. Maybe because I grew up watching wholesome or at least not malicious cartoons, but I just associate cartoons with childish themes and youthful innocence. This era of animation that cuphead steals from was full of nastiness and innuendo that makes the overall effect really sinister and unsightly.

Not sure if that makes sense but it's the best way I can describe it. It's morally ugly

Well, that's why you don't deal with the devil.

also I hate how every character bobs up and down like they're busting for a piss

If you were that full of coffee, you'd be doing the piss dance, too.

Seriously though, that goes hand in hand with the old art style.

>was full of nastiness and innuendo
Ah, it's one of those "people"

No but that's what OP asked.

>being a huge sissy
Man up girly boy.

I don't know about Zelda, but I would honestly LOVE to see them make a new Wario Land and add Waluigi to it. That, or maybe a sequel of Super Princess Peach with Peach and Daisy.

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There aren't "more good Zelda clones" because making Zelda style games is hard as fuck and even the best pro studios struggle to put out something as remotely creative as Zelda.
Okami, for example, is a perfect illustration of something in this vein which is superficially creative, but which has a bog standard structure and simplistic approach to most of its actual gameplay.

he's also an illiterate

fuck now i want this to exist
i have never played a wario land game before though,im not buying any nintendo consoles and games

If they did get the rights, I doubt they'd do it in the same artstyle. Cuphead was in production for a very long time, and it's very short.

I don't have a problem with violence, Tom and Jerry is my favorite cartoon ever. I just hate smut and oblique references to hardcore crime. It's tasteless as hell, just like the old cartoons, which were generally played to theaters full of piss drunk men

I'd actually love to have them develop a Mario game in their style. Mario has bee in need of a refresh in design since New Super Mario Bros #2000. With Mario Maker more or less killing that series, there's opportunity for someone outside Nintendo to design something distinctly Mario with more visual flair.

A Zelda game with Cuphead's artwork would take over a decade to come out if it had a AAA budget.

I'd love to see them try their hand at mario if they're sticking to that rubber hose style
Theatrical cartoons appealed to older audiences that wanted an escape from their rigid lives. Cartoons even today are still associated with abrasiveness. The beauty of animation is that you can depict anything whether immoral or innocent as long as there is an audience for it. If you have something against the preferences of drunken men, know that cartoons weren't always whimsical fairy tales for children, but that doesn't mean they weren't able to exist in harmony. Most Nintendo games have your taste covered, but the risque style Cuphead is aping has just as prominent an audience given its popularity.

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I just think it's vulgar, that's all. You can have Tom and Jerry sitting on the train-tracks waiting for death in Blue Cat Blues, that still feels natural. It's not presented as a gag or a joke. The same is true when Tom gets guillotined offscreen in The Two Mouseketeers, and Nibbles shrugs it off with "C'est la guerre".

I don't know. The tongue in cheek stuff has always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

If they care so much on working on an existing IP why don't they just work on making a game in the same style of the IP without limitation and chance to improve on the style without fucking up the expectations fans have for the original? They make this shit so public without any apparent reason other than trying to get nerd cred.

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Pac-Man is the only logical choice for this kind of art, maybe other Namco IPs or Mario/Donkey Kong

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Why would Zelda have a cuphead?

Cuphead style animation is a beautiful piece of media in any form. There is no franchise that wouldnt benifit from it

I would hope its not a trend where successful games are "given the right" to make a spin off of some random Nintendo franchise.

Yeah Nintendo is very strict about keeping their projects out of public eye.
The devs behind all those good shooters on Wii had their project canned because one of their guys wouldn’t stop leaking info
Guess you never will retard.

Mario maker is a gift and curse.
Best believe they are working on 3D Mario maker

I mean, nobody knows how that fucking Crypt guy got to make a Zelda, so other prominent indie devs are clearly going "what a fucking minute; am I allowed to make a fucking Zelda?"

Cuphead is the kind of soulless project that feeds on what's popular so it makes sense they would be the first on the soon-to-be deeply lauded bandwagon.

Now every indie dev is going to beg Nintendo to hire them lmao

Unironically sounds rad.

Attached: zelda_II.png (400x300, 23K)

They said it with the Rabbids thing, come up with a good idea, show it to Nintendo. They don't want people working on Mario clones, but they can lend you the ip if you want to make something original.

>OK, so here's the pitch
>Except everyone is dancing to techno music
I'd rather have this. After Cadence of Hyrule anything seems possible.

I'm curious how much of a pitch you need to build up before Nintendo gives a shot. Like, is it an elevator pitch where the concept alone can green light it, or do you need to spend significant resources to present artwork, gameplay demonstration, etc.?

I've dealt with Nintendo in the past and the easiest way is to just deal with one of the local branches, although they are dickbags. They can parley to some degree.

>not taking out Miyamoto clubbing one night
>"bro what if Zelda music sounded like this?"

Sold American

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You'd have to be pretty brave. Miyamoto's frown causes cancer.

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>Cuphead is the kind of soulless project that feeds on what's popular so it makes sense they would be the first on the soon-to-be deeply lauded bandwagon

The guy behind it is not an artist or programmer. He came up with something that would sell and then hired other people to make it real, by copying enough appealing stuff from old cartoons to Contra to make it good.

>not knowing Miyamoto is all about the rave scene

The only thing I like about Cuphead’s style are the backgrounds

They're not just gonna make a Cuphead-style Zelda, or even a Cuphead artstyle Zelda. That'd be fucking dumb.

If they tried something like a Zelda II remake with art resembling the original manuals from the 80s, that'd be more fitting and a good fit for their handdrawn animation focus.

And if it were so easy, why didn't anyone else think to do so?

They did. Most "new" games are just popular thing X popular thing.

>run and gun boss battles
>30's animation
Nah, they did what they loved and it turned out to be a great thing.

This would actually be really fun.

No thanks

I dunno about artstyle (1940s rubber hose Zelda? nah) but that would be good

It's two guys, they're brothers. One of them learnt animation from scratch in order to make Cuphead. The other is a programmer. I don't see how creating a hardcore Contra/Gunstar Heroes-style game is "what's popular" now. And there was nothing to really indicate that the 1940s style of animation would be that popular, either.

Basically: you're a hater, and you tell lies.

Tom and Jerry had references to prostitutes and organized crime as well, you fucking retard
Not to mention that they ended up having to revoice most of the episodes with Mammy in it because it was so racist even I think it was bad.

Would be a million times better than that shitty links awakening remake

Whyy do you think Zelda has complex gameplay?

>Maybe because I grew up watching wholesome or at least not malicious cartoons, but I just associate cartoons with childish themes and youthful innocence.
Dilate calartsfag.

Wand of Gamelon/faces of evil remake, finally?

sounds great! can't wait to see the finished product in a decade!

I would love it.
They need to finish the Cuphead expansion first though. It's been taking so long I wouldn't be surprised if they're gonna re-announce it as a full sequel.