For me, it's Tamers12345. The BASED autist

For me, it's Tamers12345. The BASED autist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Come now, my fat bitch

this taste like shiiit
what the fuck?

something about the way he acts, idk if its how he speaks, or the content he puts it, but something just makes me keep coming back to him.
not sure why but his channel is truly magnificent

what other autists are there that make surprisingly good content?

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you're just one of the few remaining TRUE sonic underground fans

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Tamers is unironically hilarious. He's the epitome of absurdist comedy

Awwww thanks biiiitch

oh my gawd
this is bullshit
hell no

>watch a Tamers12345 video expecting cringe
>it's actually legitimately fucking hilarious

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he fakes the speech impediment

The halloween special last year was something else

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>Dingo kicked out of bowling team
>takes off the uniform
>walks around sad and bare-ass naked for the rest of the video while still in public

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Tamers needs to license his own show. His comedy is honestly kino

>mfw it's another "Sonic calls Manic 'gunky-poops'" episode

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>When Grandpa Mexican sonic started beating the shit out of baby sonic for running out of the bath

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>character starts to cry
>uses stock audio of an infant crying no matter their age

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>Just go trick or treating as a ballsack!

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>when Grandpa Mexican Sonic beats the shit out of a little boy solely because he reminds him of a hobbit

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>Bartleby kills a man, drags is daughter out of the vehicle by her hair to fart into her face while a crowd of onlookers applaud and cheer

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Women do not eat burgers, it is not in their nature. Did I stutter bitch? Go eat a flower.



>Not even in the grocery store and already admiring the watermelons
Favorite episode for me

is he actually autistic or is he faking it?


Autistic but self-aware and playing it up for the camera.

My leading theory is that he was a bit of a sperg and sincere at first, but over time he realized how autistic he seems and turned it all into a comedy piece

he's cool

ty bby

I really do hope its a sef-aware autist, considering he's been doing this shit for years.

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This is all that matters

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Someone red pill me. Is Tamera as autistic as he let's on, or is he less autistic but also more autistic for committing to the character?

Ignore me

H'es most likely faking it. A lot of his stuff is just a bit too on-the-nose

How many boiled eggs can you fit up your ass?

I knew I watched too much when I associate all these text to speech voices with ms paint sonic underground.

>that kid kicking that solid ball of gold and breaking his fucking leg

What you're looking for can be mistaken

this man is a comedic genius

oh my fucking god

dudes a fucking enigma. you expect shipping of obscure characters but you actually get a video that's loaded with legit hilarious jokes

This. There's obviously some weird shit going on when it comes to this man

>those bits in the 4th of July video and Harry Potter video where he talks in his actual normal voice

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I have a sneaky suspicion that there's more to these videos that we haven't picked up on yet.

>depicts all of his "favorite" characters as insufferable douchebags
gee user I wonder

Sonic! I love based Sanik!!!1

I love his food review videos

Knuckles is an asshole

Michael P he's forever stuck in 2008

Tamer's videos remind me a lot of 2000s era adult swim.
I would not be surprised if there was a commercial break after one of his videos and 12 oz mouse came on

who here /knuckles/

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already /kevin/ here

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>actually draws the females kinda cute

Is Tamers actually autistic or is just a persona?

Oh my god what video is that from I'm busting a gut here

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i just love how he makes any excuse to strip everyone naked. also
>that episode he used shin buddyfight second ending
fucking out of nowhere, that man has good taste

have you seen his box costumes

No, go on

>that episode when sonic plays yugioh against his brother
>dark magician and celtic guardian having that face he puts on all human characters
i just love that face he draws

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he has a bartleby and i think manic costume that he wears to conceal his body with his very strange speaking voice, a mix of chrischan, a midwesterner, and ???

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fucking kek

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i never saw sonic underground, is bartleby really that great of a character?

He's only in about 3 episodes of the 40 that aired.

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Bart le by is just some rich asshole that appears in like 2 episodes.

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Kevin reminds me of my dad. I wish he would come home lol

why the fuck are his videos actually entertaining

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Post your fav episode

>Sonic's grandpa has a flat top mohawk

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I hate how funny Tamers12345's videos actually are

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a classic bitch

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why is sonic fat? i know manic is also drawn fat but in occasions, sonic remains fat all the time

There is no explanation. Sonic is just a fucking fatass that loves to eat
Tamers has balls of steel to do all this in public

Did you pick up what he was putting down Yea Forums?

That's how Bartleby likes it.

Ratboy said in an interview he isn't autistic, he just likes making the music and videos

Who is recording this?

Part 2 never

He says his mom is holding the camera in those videos.

so fucking close

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>Right in front of a church
>hundreds of cars driving by
>So windy that you can't hear a damn thing
This is austism, I'm sorry tamers

>that wizard of oz episode
>sonic and manic running from the tornado leaving sonia behind
i will never get over this one, bunch of dicks

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>Bartelby stuck on the toilet for a whole episode because he can't wipe his ass without a 1 bajillion dollar bill
>Bartelby having a man and his whole extended family executed for bothering him
>Bartelby ordering his men to shoot down his own plane with the pilot in it because someone left a shit stain on the side of it
>Bartelby recreating the whole lost city of Atlantis out of sand just to win a sand castle competition
>Bartelby shooting a kid for touching him
>Any time Bartelby pulls a gun in general.

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How can one man be so based?

I think this is how I found out about tamers, gamesrepainted was making fun of him by reacting to this video, turns out tamers was more based than them.

it's an act but a very good one

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But does he draw porn?

>tfw you found his IRL info and it's a matter of time before some joyless faggots like KF ruin it for everyone

>sonic is fat, still lives with his mom and goes to school
>his boyfriend is the richest and sexiest man of the world
how can someone be so lucky

His normal content is already pretty lewd.

What's his race?

>Tamers himself shows up in a video
>His raw autism for Sonic literally blows the other characters away

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dont be a faggot and leak his info

>Says he's a fan
>Hasn't bought THE GOTC
I really hope you guys don't do this.

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from the same episode
>heh, nothin personnel, kid
>Omae wa mou shindeiru
>all according to keikaku

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What the fuck is this thread and where is my quick rundown

He never said he would. He just said that he was able to find it.

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a guy manages to recreate sawnic undergwound for the better of humanity

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thanks I was just about to make this myself

The amount of things Tamers can do with ms paint puts other artists to shame. I wonder if he'll being doing all this twenty years from now

so based

who else /koolkidkrisps/ here

/chunkypuffs/ and /raisinbran/ faggots need not apply

>look him up
>unfunny ironic humor
>funny screaming xd

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I dare kiwi to try and target him. Bartleby will just kill every single one of them

Tamers may or may not have autism who ships Bartelby from Sonic Underground with Sonic the Hedgehog. The reason why this thread is so big is because Tamers makes videos that are legit funny even though the're full of his blatent fetishs. One of the big things about him is that know one can quite tell if everything he does is all just an act, though act or not, he has been doing... this, for at least 7 years now, so who knows really.

Ratboy isn't autistic it's just an excuse for the creator to make music.

>google Sonic Bartleby
>see pic related
he single handedly took the character all for himself

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He's already got a thread on KF and it's basically the exact same sentiment as this thread. Just 2 pages of people talking about how weird and funny his videos are and debating if he's satire or not. No ill will.


>Not /C3PO's/
Get better taste whiteboi

Guys, Sonic Underground had 40 episodes... his episode counts somewhere in the 70's now.

Fuck off echnigger

This shit is fucking glorious

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Is there a gif of Manic twerking yet? It would be a good shitpost.

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Tamers12345 is some guy on youtube who somehow managed to make sonic more entertaining than the actual people who own it.

it is amazing how he manages to be more and less autistic than the sonic fanbase at the same time

I think it's the budlight that really ties it all together

Who the fuck is this and why does he sound like discount Satan from Leo and Satan

lol look at this shit I found on Google.

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tamers is OBVIOUSLY parody, what the fuck

chester benningtons death really got to him

It's even more wild when you find out that his videos have a huge underlying plot that you can only notice when watching his animations in order of release.

He hasn't uploaded a full length animation in a while so I hope he's working on a climax right now

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>It's right behind the rain

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I feel like Tamers has another BIG video coming soon

>and a young boy in a green goblin costume
what the fuck
also why isn't the photographer wearing pants

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Is there a single vidya character who could defeat Bartleby?

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4th of july is coming up and tamers loves his holiday specials so probably then

how do i get into this shit? t

>That time tamers promised us a halloween special
>Then he cancelled it a couple days before halloween
>Then the night before halloween he posted a video that the halloween special was still on
>It was just tamers playing in a mermaid dolldivine game with the sonic underground theme song playing on repeat for 3 minutes

One time, even Randy from down the street was there.

required viewing for anyone not in the know
you're welcome

That entire ep was gold.
>When I came in they were having sex behind the couch
>Don't act like you didn't see that shit

I can't even look at sonic without thinking about his lover Bartleby


Bardonic is the answer to life itself

>that one video where he berates a walmart employee and threteans him with physical violence because he doesn't know about Sonic Underground

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post it

I'm not gay but I think it's kind of cute how he says bartleby as bo'bby

>Audio clearly not actually recorded in an open space
>When he "puts the camera down" it's obvious the footage was just paused
>Can't actually hear the walmart employee
This was the video that proved he was satire to me

He lost his clothes after manic pushed him off a cliff and into the sea when he tried to touch mindys ass.

Obviously it's satire, but it's funny as a concept.

sup erryone
tamus un to fee fo five here with a vewy special video

>I'm thankful for the fact that nobody at this table is black

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As another user said, it's very probable that he fakes an autism accent for the lolz

>He actually walks away from the camera to gain an actual echo effect
the whole idea that he most likely did this at home alone is even more worrying for some reason.

Mindy's Sweet Sixteen

>mfw he deleted the single, solitary video where he breaks character

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Tamers is unironically a comedic genius

Every time I re-watch one of his videos I pick up on a joke that I'd never noticed before

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The way Aleena is drawn is kinda cute.

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>the time she looks back at the camera and smiles in the halloween special
I'm not even a furry

>the guy who made the song is aware of the sonic x bartleby video it's used in
This will never not make me laugh

there was a video of him talking inane bullshit about his love for SU and he breaks down laughing, as if he knows his love for the show is cringe as fuck


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Tamers always takes care to make Aleena super cute. He has these moments where he shows he really knows how to animate and makes her hair flow really well.

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that's fucking hilarious

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This just makes me ask why he even faked this then

Which halloween special and what time?

You bitches sound like the yoda!

>Knuckles is sitting right next to Sonia when she says that
>Manic: "Knuckles, you're black. Aren't you good at basketball?"
>Knuckles: "Damn, white people crazy"
>Knuckles gives sonia a valentine that reads "lemme smack dat ass white girl"
Is TamersKnuckles black or white?

>walmart guy slaps Mindy's ass
>makes a "BOING" sound

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link pls

You're bullshiting I would know about this video. Tamers is also based enough that he wouldn't take down a video for something like that. He'd just make an excuse and say that his mom was making faces behind the camera or some shit

That fucking Valentine's Day card made me lose my shit

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23m 30s

to be fair I'm only repeating what I've heard

>Ctrl + F "ulillillia"
>no results

Who are you people even?

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but he got baptized in the blue water and became a normie

>More views that the actually creator
holy shit based

He's a different kind of autism.

I'm not a furry but I am whenever sleet is on screen

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There's no character to break

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>Those tiny asses right at the start
I doubt I could make it through 5 minutes let alone 40.

I'm smitten, fellas

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Is tamers gonna make them canon? He's been pushing this shit pretty hard

>I unironically think this is a good song and am kinda sad that all I can think of is bardonic whenever I hear it

Which Bartleby video is it?

>Now I'm looking up porn of Aleena

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Sometimes I'm shocked at how smooth tamers animations can be

>Aleena and Charles being brother and sister, as one would expect have a good relationship. Which they do, but that doesnt stop Charles from groping her ass.
true alpha

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post more pretty aleenas please

sssssUP EVRYONE! Tamers one two three four FIVE HERE witha veryspecialvideotoday

Ah, you are thinking of the video he released right after his last halloween video. He went on a rant, irl (with bartleby costume on) about how he spent so much effor on the Halloween animation, yet it got less views than his other Halloween animations. He then considers stopping animations all together, as he doubts people want to see more SU stuff and will not like his stuff. Luckily, a fan of his lived nearby and talked with him about it (they both lived in Wichita). Tamers then deleted the video and acted like it never happened. Even started pumping out animations faster.

Tamers is legit, my man. He really does love SU, he just hates everything else related to Sonic because it goes against his fave design of Sonic and also excludes his favorite character, Bartleby. Dude isn't even gay, he just has a lot of fetish shit and is obsessed with pairing Bartleby and Sonic.

Dude might be bi though. He does love asses, if you could not tell from his animations.

He can make his shit look surprisingly good when he wants to. There's talent hidden under that cardboard Bartleby costume

has he ever shown more of his original comics?

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Does Tamers really like her or something? An appreciation for moms even?

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He started uploading them but stopped because they weren't getting any views. He told people to let him know if they wanted more but no one really cared

All right, I'm convinced. This is epic

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He doesn't seem to have a dad at home despite talking about his mom in some of his vids. and if he does he doesn't talk about him. She's also one of the few characters he doesn't sexualize so maybe there's this psychological reason behind it

>She sees your dick

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this thread is making me want to watch sonic underground but if I recall its shit

It's so bad it's good. Sonic and both his siblings including the girl are voiced by Jaleel White

Literally just the steve urkel voice

That's frankly really valid. Maybe he sees his mother in Aleena


We already know, Uncle Chuck.

That's the Child of Light theme why the fuck

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>Not Tails Gets Trolled

Yep I'm thinking cringe.

TGT wishes it had anything on Tamers12345's content.

They are both peak Poe's law, both a perfect synthesis of unaware autism and genuine humor.

>specifically a Tamers12345 thread
>wonder why no TGT is posted

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