Lets be honest

Lets be honest
When was the last time they've actually done anything scummy?
Hard mode, when was the last time they've done anything EA levels of scummy?
I remember a time when they were as hated as EA

Attached: 1024px-Activision.svg.png (1024x264, 14K)

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They made Skylanders.

That was 8 years ago

>record profits!
>lays a bunch of people off to do it

They literally das juden'd non season pass owners on BO4 and they let overwatch still exist. At least EA publishes titanfall Activision is the worse cause they used to have so much good shit but now they have nothing

A lot of the hate I see for them is from jilted Blizz boys who can't fathom that their favorite indie company can do any wrong so it must be daddy Activision pulling the strings making Bliss put out shit expansions/games the past few years.

Doesnt dismiss that as a scummy. Theyre also killing WoW. Theyve had lay offs.

Everything related to WoW's monetization.
>real life "trading cards" that offer rare ingame pets and mounts
>everything costs 20€, server transfers, sub, race change etc
>pioneering psychological exploitation to drive people to use said services "all your friends paid their 50€ for the realm transfers, what are you gonna do hm :)"

Blizzard's fault

Why don't you try to play COD WW2 or BO4 and tell me instead