Why is everyone complaining? I think her new model is sexy as fuck.
Tifa still looks terrible, though.
Why is everyone complaining? I think her new model is sexy as fuck.
Tifa still looks terrible, though.
I chuckled.
Too bad this will never ever come to PC to extract the model for cunny animations.
I'll give you a solid B+ for being sort of funny, and being more original than the other FF7re shitposters.
Cringe and ethicspilled
Yea Forums was using that joke in 2006. Get with the times youngster.
Aeris bros we got too cocky..
Good riddance
if tifa's breasts were any bigger they'd poke and smother than little girl's face. which would be awful and pedophilic
I don't care about your fucking resetera level outrage posting. Just stop flooding the board with it, or at least make it funny like this guy did.
>never ever
The PS4 exclusivity is timed, which is why it said "PLAY IT FIRST ON PS4" when the game was first announced. It'll come out a year or two later on PC, just like FFXV did.
Literally every single major FF game has been officially released on PC at this point so it's silly to think this one won't end up there.
stop molesting children
I'm calling the ethics department.
why tf are her suspenders pushed to the side?
there's nothing there fuck
I'm predicting VIII remaster will have (proportionally) better numbers than this.
Loli want milk!
not enough of this
lolis are made to be molested by their onee-chans.
i want the child to climb inside those tits
>loli drinks milkies
>her chest grows too
Oppai marlene needs to happen