Attached: 32A9E7F9-497F-4A7F-8ABF-262F3EFBA3AB.png (1400x1400, 1.44M)
Asher Powell
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Robert Perez
Austin Foster
Blake Wright
Caleb Russell
white women cant compete
holy god i need to put my black cock in an asian women
Julian Martin
Owen Howard
Just buy one dude
Samuel Cooper
>Walks out on stage
Do Japanese people really do this?
John Murphy
go to mainland china
okay, now go to a club
congrats, you're a celebrity now
Juan Gutierrez
Samuel Murphy
Chinks hate blacks more than Japs do. At least in Japan you have ugly, 30-something year olds, desperate enough to fuck a black guy. Not quite the same in China where they see blacks as monkeys.
Gabriel Fisher
literally (our girl)
Caleb Wilson
Andrew Williams
It’s fascinating how everyone hates black people except white people, whom blacks demonize
Adam Lopez
I love how much Asian women piss off ResetERAtards.
Jackson Diaz
i dont know who this is
give me the rundown on her
Ryan Brown
Sebastian Nelson
I love when browns and blacks come to Japan thinking they’ll have the same luck as a white guy, only to pick up the ugly table scraps. Same goes for the fat weeaboos.
Elijah Bailey
Japanese people have autism. All of them.
Aaron Long
Did any other race besides whites enslave black people? No? Fuck off then
Julian Martinez
What does that mean anyway?
Josiah Diaz
Gabriel Davis
Yes actually, black people.
Leo Bennett
fat old retard
Cooper Torres
Julian Mitchell
Arabs did, you child.
Kevin Bell
a brown indian might have more good luck than some white obese faggot
Brandon Thompson
She honestly was trying to hard to be cute. Huge turn off. Still managed to cum all over my computer screen
Jason Parker
What the fuck? Rude!
Jaxon Brooks
Jordan Jones
Blacks literally invented slavery you moron.
Henry Sanders
Who fucking cares?
Chase Russell
black people and then arabs who whitey bought them off of. they should get a refund tbqh. that's what happens when you don't check the carfax
Asher Adams
True. True.
Robert Edwards
prove it
Lincoln Scott
>whitey bought them off
Zachary Jones
slave ship owners =/= plantation owners
Jackson Taylor
You dumb fucking son of a bitch. Blame the Spanish for getting the slave trades going as well as niggers literally selling other niggers. But nah, let's blame the white man. What a fucking joke.
Brayden Wood
You just asked if any other races enslaved blacks. Your own race did you stupid nigger. And it was WHITES who got rid of it, with England kicking off the abolition meme worldwide you ungrateful nigger.
Eli Reyes
how do asians look at hispanics?
Gavin Parker
What's that even mean?
Jonathan Harris
Is it true as a fit white guy I'll be popular in Japan? Unrelated but I also hear you can pick up JKs at disney land?
Benjamin Wilson
>white """""people"""""
Jeremiah Ramirez
>being shorter on average than an asian
they look down on you, literally
Michael Thomas
Ayden Peterson
>ugly table scraps
Literally every Asian woman is a hideous freak. The only ones who want to fuck Asian woman are lonely and desperate incels and virgins because it requires zero effort.
Andrew Foster
Depends. If they're pale they're treated as whites, otherwise they're treated as blacks
Dominic Williams
I hate that most of nu-Yea Forums doesn't know what this is
Julian Hall
Nicholas Richardson
>bawww nobody replied to my Tak post where are my upvotes
here, you whiny fag
Owen James
Bros, what the eff
Joshua Bell
Depends. Are you the upper class European white Mexican? Or a Pedro?
If the former you’re treated just like other white dudes, with the added cultural bonus of Asians being very interested in Mexican culture.
If the latter, they think you’re Indian.
Daniel Lewis
Fucking ignorant retard
Levi Powell
Jews owned most plantations, maybe not in the US but in the rest of the continent they were the most successful and owned the most slaves. Keep in mind the vast majority of these jews were converts so they are considered spanish/portuguese by (((historians))).
Liam Anderson
Nigger I'm none of the posters in that chain however I'll take the you anyways thanks
Ryder Reyes
Mikami checkin dem legs.
David Diaz
>mikami's face
Jaxon Perry
>he doesn't know how to check IDs
Adam Wood
I live in Japan. Been here for 3 months, and just only started going out 2 weeks ago after finally sorting everything out.
I’m already juggling 5 girls, and I’m going to a party with a friend in 5 hours where I’ll likely get more LINEs from girls.
And this is with minimal online dating as my Japanese is poor.
If you think this, you’ve never been to Japan, lol.
Daniel Hernandez
>Japanese christmas cake
Julian Walker
ITT: beta enablers
Doesn't matter if it's a chink, stop enabling them.
Angel Hall
What does mitte ne mean?
Jeremiah Sanchez
Mitte is the imperative conjugation of Miru, which means to look.
So, mitte ne! Means, “Look! Yeah?”
Andrew Smith
"In the name of fucking Satan!" A typical japanese expression.
Aaron Ramirez
Delete this.
Robert Brown
miru is look/watch
mite is the imperative (an order) conjugation
ne is sort of like ending a sentence with 'right?', or 'eh?' in Canadian English
So, '[You will](subjects are usually omitted in Japanese and there is not a future tense) watch right'
The 'ne' functions to soften the imperative so,
'Watch please' is accurate if less literal
Kevin Wilson
What was she saying when she jumped in joy and did the hands thing?
Jose Gomez
Gimme the link so I can watch it again cause I forgot.
Brandon Harris
fug i need a cute japanese GF
Adam Hill
Actually it was the Portuguese whom started the atlantic slave trade
Andrew Cook
How about you have sex?
Benjamin Diaz
At around 3:20
Colton Rogers
Posts like these make be think about trying to live. I won't, but I'm thinking about it.
Tyler Turner
Julian Fisher
if you mean the pose in OP, mite ne/見てね
Thomas Wood
Logan Torres
She says what OP posted. “見ってね!(Look, yeah?) Thank you!!”
Also, her English is above average for a Japanese person, well above average.
Kevin Bell
This is what happens when you let kids watch horror movies, same for the creator of rick and morty
Eli Adams
I can't wait to blindly buy her game regardless of its quality, just because I like her.
PFFP (posting from front page)
Thomas Perry
Isn't miru an ichidan verb?
Henry Taylor
I'm not even the same user you were talking to, dipshit.
Ian Diaz
Are you two admitting Egyptians and Arabs aren't under the racial category of Caucasian now?
Cooper Scott
You're the only other user that I've seen translate it perfectly. Most just use "please look"
Jose Young
>its another 'even more reasons to like japan and japanese people while the west continues to crumble' episode
Elijah Young
There's been a lot of them recently. Hopefully the Olympics doesn't change that.
Parker Richardson
Jose Clark
Ahh, got it thanks. I been wondering what it meant for a while.
Jace Kelly
>Hopefully the Olympics doesn't change that
they are making an artificial meteor shower for the games
just nuke us already
Ian Williams
No idea. But I always hear them have a stronger pause on the TE when they say mitte. It sounds like miTTe not mite when I hear it.
Probably cause I live here, lol.
Olympics will be a flash in a pan. Once they’re over things will go back to normal.
I already left 3 months ago for that reason. Never looking back, never leaving. I love it here.
Jayden Edwards
How much japanese do I need to live in japan? I wouldn't mind working there making games instead of a western games company but I am also very lazy.
Jayden Phillips