when does this game get good
When does this game get good
Route C
Game peaks around the time you finish 9S's main story, all of the good shit is in the last half.
When you play Drakengard instead
>Route C
i have to play the game multiple times for it to be interesting
im out
when you do
When you hear 2B's voice.
unironically "it gets good 30 hours in"
It peaks in C but I loved it all the way through, if you're not feeling it by a few hours into A then B and C are unlikely to win you over.
Definitely a game that slowly gets better, although the beginning/middle of Route B is probably the worst part, where you have to repeat the same stuff you've already done for no good reason.
I don't know dude everytime people talk about it it's always like "uhh it gets incredible on the 11th playthrough"
fucking please
When you get the ability to launch projectiles from swinging IMO. I also loved Route C.
It has a really cool story. The combat is solid and the world building is very well done.
Just a really nice experience.
The start, jackass.
Route C is when shit gets real. 9S' route is annoying but shorter than you think. Keep going.
if you're at least a few hours in and it hasn't grabbed you it's probably not for you
Honestly if you're not hooked after the intro, just forget about it.
no room for casuals
Immediately and if you think otherwise your taste is shit.
>multiple times
Why is Yea Forums so retarded
thats what you just told me
explain it if that's not how it works
To clarify the game's structure:
>Route A - First half of the story, leads to ending A
>Route B - First half of the story from the perspective of 9S, has a fair amount of new content, leads to ending B
>Route C - Second half of the story, leads to endings C, D or E depending on your choice
>Endings F to Z - bonus endings that can be achieved at various points in the routes
There's certainly some repetition in B but the game's not nearly as excessive about it as people seem to think.
>the game is a casual shitfest with easiest character action combat in existence and muh feefees sad story for teens
Kek, you're so hardcore.
You have to play it a grand total of 1.5 times.
And not really because most side quests stay done and you can do the ones you missed.
Nier was kind of extreme with the multiple playthroughs but Automata is not.
anyone who talks like that has no idea what they're talking about and probably haven't played it, its not like you doing a NG+ or anything, the first two routes A and B are the same story told from both the main characters perspectives and then route C continues the story on from A and B, after route C you have route D which is very short and then you have ending E.
People who haven't actually played the game would refer to them as playthoughs
The moment you start the game.
...or by the time you stop getting the "Broken [W]ings" ending over and over again.
When you turn it on
You are already confirmed to be a retarded pleb for not immediately recognizing that fact, so you will not understand this game and should stop playing.
Only Route B is the same as A but you play as 9S and there is a lot of added stuff and the end is different. C and D are basically another game with E being the best shit ever.
It doesn’t.
OP is a fag
i went in genuinely wanting to like it
i guess ill keep playing
me the whole way through this song
>implying you've ever beat DMD
>implying you've ever beat Infinite Climax
>implying you've ever touched NGB
and none of those have anything to do with nier
I remember my game crashed around this point and I thought it was just supposed to happen
Wow that sucks, probably the worst part of the game to have a crash
When you uninstall, refund, and just masturbate to the porn like 99% of its fans do.
Bet that sounded clever in your head huh.
I find that people that complain about "hurr durr muh casual game for casuals" tend to be shitters themselves.
Eh I liked the gameplay enough that I didn't really mind having to go through that section again
i dont care
its not relevant to the thread
That one robot gril with no pants and big booty is the fun part
The ending was brilliant.
>gameplay changes from garbage combat to a fun shoot em up
>the song that plays
It would've been perfect if it was about characters I actually gave a damn about. If you want me to care about the characters, try not to make them as shallow as a pond.
If you haven't gotten all the main endings then you haven't beaten the game at all.
You played through like 20 hours of combat you didn't like and characters you didn't care about?
Maybe i'm just an emotional person but i felt very connected to the characters and the ending had a huge impact for me
>u-ur dumb
Quality post.
I'm autistic. I like completing games before I pass opinion on them.
whatever you say casualcuck
How did you not like the characters?
Finally installed FAR and is amazing how the game changes in performance. My respects for the developer team.
it was a shit game
gameplay was good but the story was pure "muh shock factor"
its like the devs asked "how can i make this ending as edgy as fucking possible"
Almost as quality as your shit posing. .
I've beat 2/3, what does this have anything to do with what i said? Niers combat is a boring shitfest that falls apart very quickly, has no depth or even any real challenge. What i beaten or havent doesnt change that, and calling nutomato "no place for casuals" is just fucking laughable, don't do that.
>game of the yohra edition
How does a person play a game like nier automata and not have fun with it?
autism and homosexuality
In the beginning
But the game has something for the homos as well.
The 3rd playthrough
I'm not kidding
Ironically, you posted one of the biggest reasons I didn't really like the game.
God, his route was painful. I didn't even do any sidequests because I just wanted to get it over with.
Will you stop spreading misinformation? The "third playthrough" is still your first playthrough retard.
Why is Kyle so fucking based?
Funny, 9S is one of my favourite parts of the game.
I went into it expecting a main character to go nuts at some point and I was not disappointed.
It doesn't. admire 2B's ass rigging then you can uninstall it.
They're stereotypical anime characters, see . They were just uninteresting to me.
I wish the antialiasing in this engine wasn't fucked up
>9s is stereotypical anime character
LOL what. Well whatever my dude you do you.
>They're stereotypical anime characters,
I can respect most people's opinions on videogames but this one is just flat out wrong. There's absolutely nothing "anime" about Nier Automata characters.
Are you just trying to get a rise out of me? If you're just shitposting, you've succeeded I guess?
When you start looking at the robot's ass. That's all this game is and ever was.
>no arguments
Well what did you like about him?
>annoying kid sidekick
>bawww my not-girlfriend died, everything should DIE, I am now psychopath
He's the definition of that "twisted fucking psychopath" facebook picture everyone's seen before. I wish this game was about A2 and not this little shit.
Not gonna waste my time with a brainlet. Have a nice life :)
This. Does a complete 180 and goes full sasuke tier edginess.
If this game was on the Switch Yea Forums wouldn't have a problem with it.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
I'm out, peace.
no argument
Well, yeah. That's why a lot of people love him.
Also they're androids. They're not born and raised, they're produced and sent into battle. They don't exactly get a chance to develop healthy emotions.
Doesn't look to me like either of those posts are even saying they liked him, they're just calling you a retard because you said something retarded
80 hours in
>i have to play the game multiple times for it to be interesting
That's wrong on more than one way.
There's no "replaying", so to say. Also, the game starts good, gets fuck awesome towards the end.
Follow the reply chain, you absolute retard.
i was just joking but try the game on the hardest difficulty lol
I´ve just played 2B for now... Nines is cool and all but since his story seems to have much in common with 2B´s it feels kind of repetitive right now. I plan on retaking it eventually as i love the overall feel of the game. Tone and pacing are really quite contemplative even for a Taro game. It really reminds me to Mamoru Oshii or Yazujiro Ozu in some ways.
You know what he seems like to me? The writer's favorite character.
He's shilled so hard in the first half it's not even funny. He's the most advanced model, he's stronger than any other before him, everybody either loves him or is a villain.
And yeah, you'll be like "in the latter half of the game he's a psycho and ruins everything", but the game still blatantly wants you to see him as being in the right.
And, of course, there's the 2B thing.
We don't have to explain shit you dumb narcissistic fuck. Neck yourself immediately.
Which makes them bad one-dimensional characters. Nothing wrong with that when the gameplay more than makes up for it.
Part A is dope but C is where shit gets real.
when you climb up a ladder
He is just reacting to learning the truth. I liked the part where he sorta loses his shit.
not an argument
if only 9S actually looked that hot in game
They aren't that simple. They lose their memories of why they died and have their conscious uploaded into another unit for redeployment.
The are always the same characters.
>You know what he seems like to me? The writer's favorite character.
The opposite, actually. Taro doesn't like 9S at all.
*2B. 9S is never uploaded which is why he doesn't get the virus at the end of the game.
Your post reads like someone who has only read a wiki and never actually played the game.
To begin with, 2B wouldn't be paired up with 9S if he wasn't the latest model because her whole purpose is to "supervise and eliminate" him depending on the situation.
Seriously, what is with the people on Yea Forums who complain about videogame plots and characters they've never played?
Nobody would've bought this game if they had a buff dude on the cover. It would just be another random Jap game like Nier 1 was.
It sold because it had a sexy android designed by Akihiko Yoshida on the cover and you know it.
Surely you have proof and wouldn't just throw out a sentence like that, right?
>never actually played the game
Cute. What part of being paired with him means 2B had to fall in not-love with him or something, other than writer favoritism? What part of being a hacker model means he's also the strongest, toughest and best at everything other than writer favoritism?
Uugh you're really going to make me dig for the interview/tweet thing again? It's been posted plenty of times in Nier threads. You've done nothing but act like some wiki reading faggot while demanding proof yourself. Fuck off.
I played this for like an hour before I realised I was playing the worlds worst ever video game. The characters are 'anime' and meant for losers. I didn't really get the story. It was just cute robot girls hitting shit. One of the fastest times I have put a game down.
>Cute. What part of being paired with him means 2B had to fall in not-love with him or something, other than writer favoritism?
Did you just try to tell me that characters only fall in love because one of them is the author's favourite?
I'm done, you're not even comprehensible anymore.
His only character trait is >muh 2B. His entire being revolves around her. Jolly and happy go lucky if she's alive, and overly dramatic psychopathy when she's dead. How is that NOT one-dimensional?
>Implying these emotions have no depth or meaning
You're baiting faggot fuck you.
His character traits are curiosity and passion for learning, having an easygoing and lax attitude, and he's eager to teach about old human customs. Like all characters in the story, it's up to the player to decide whether they have actual souls and personalities or if their personality traits are merely programmed in order to make them suit their assigned roles better.
>one main ending where he just gets fucking bodied
>best at everything
You didn't play the game did you
>lol robot sad so much meaning
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
>I am an ignorant peabrain that makes everything else stupid instead of me.
That's not how it works, silly.
>I have to kill this person over and over again
>I am literally programmed to do this
>Oh shit, I guess I love him
Yeah, great writing. Not at all because the writer wanted it to happen no matter if it made sense or not.
>ask for evidence
>tirade to justify not giving it
Could've just said you couldn't prove it.
You don't even have to imagine huh
>use big words to look smart
Yikes reddit moment
>Proves the poster right for not giving into your demands by acting like an even bigger faggot.
nice job retard
ive just started. ive got the u and w endings and am at that passive robots base (already fought the adam and eve semi fight). i feel like as soon as the aliens got introduced my enjoyment went down a bit.
Adam and Eve are the worst parts of the game but they're gone halfway through.
Based to the point where he actually played the entire game with 2B's VA and even gave voice acting in character to the ending of Route D
Emotions stop them from following programming.
I liked them. They were a good red herring for what the game was gonna be about.
ok good to know. i gotta say their btles were a boring snoozefest so far, attack attack dash and repeat. hold down autofire.
Now this is a good answer. I'll admit I'm wrong about it being his only character trait. However these traits are not expanded upon enough for them to be significant. His love for 2B is still 90% of his personality.
I will level with you that Taro should have extended the story somewhere at some point to include some parts where 2B and 9S had to work together, ultimately winding up with 2B and 9S fighting with 9S dying. Just something to develop the characters since they did most of their bonding before the game even began, so most of their love is just implied and never really developed in the game itself.
The game is good, but a lot of people tend to overrate it too. The story gets great after Route B.
I felt tat the characters other than 9S were underwhelming. 2B felt like a generic tsundere most of the time, and A2 didn't get anything.
How can a game be good when the gameplay sucks and is a poorly thought out glitchy mess?
The gameplay was good though? I felt that the weakest part of the game was worldbuilding and exploration.
Why did the machines take after humans instead of aliens? Aliens were sent as colons, surely the machines would have had knowledge of their culture. I thought the point of the game is that every sentient species will turn out the same but that that doesn't apply to ayyys lmao.
Also spoilers
But that be at odds with what the game was trying to accomplish? Giving too much growth, characterization, emotion to what are supposed to be emotionless androids, might take away more than it would add. Or would more growth have driven the message that "these androids have souls" even further? I guess only Taro knows that answer to that.
Not only that, but 9S is incredibly cringy from start to finish and is in essence the main character.
>Game mechanics don't even function properly
Is this the shit on nier thread for no reason? Glad I made it in time.
You suck at video games.
*deletes route B*
Oh really I suck because the shit level scaling has me killing enemies in 2 shots?
or I suck because finisher prompts wont appear because the HP thresholds weren't programmed properly.
How are either of those a problem? Nobody cares about finish prompts by the way.
>Game mechanics completely glitched and broken.
>devs display incompetence at every turn.
>lol who cares
absolute fanboy retard.
Stop over leveling and killing low level enemies than retard.
>stop playing the game if you dont want to see glitches bro
>stop over leveling
not samefag.
are you fucking stupid?imagine blaming the player for over-leveling when it's clearly the developers fault for developing a game that does not have a balanced level system on a fucking jrpg and making the boss battles so fucking mundane
Why do you want to use a finisher on a low level enemy you kill in 2 hits?
Name a game that gets ruined more by secondary niggers than this
here's your (you), zoomer
It's almost impossible to be a balanced level because the retards don't know how to do level scaling it's the worst out out of any RPG I've played.
You can't use them on any enemies once your damage value exceeds the default because say the enemy has 5 health left. the minimum damage you can do is 10 & the threshold for doing a finisher is 3. the devs are literally retarded and didn't scale the threshold.
not to mention even if you manage to do a finisher at lower levels. enemies die on the first hit of it, leaving you flailing around in the air attacking nothing like a retard in the finish animation.
and without finishers your stuck with the cheap awful feeling combat & tiny move variety.
this game is one of the messiest unpolished pieces of shit ever.
It's not a jrpg, it's an action game. You don't even get overlevelled unless you actively grind levels.
when you go online to see the porn pics
If you have to ask, never.
>playing Yoko Taro games for the combat
What do you think the trailer tried to bait people with?
they got me with the fake controlled combat display & it was a work in progress so I never imaged the actual game would be 100x worse.
even "possessed by a disease" sounded better than what it was in game.
it just keeps getting better and better
This might be one of the only games I'll say literally gets better after your first finish.
Route B starts hinting at future shit and it plays into the last section entirely, basically your first playthrough could very well be the worst.
However if it didn't win you over in anyway you probably wont like the rest of it anyway.