Let's have a Nintendo NX thread. Let's discuss rumors, hopes, and expectations for Nintendo's upcoming console expected to release in 2017
Nintendo NX thread
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NO fucking WAY that is real. Only an utter retard would fall for such an obvious fake.
You sure? It looks like a very professionally made model and it even has "confidential property" printed on it!
I heard it was gonna use 2 GameCube c sticks
What the fuck why does it only have 2 control sticks, whats all that blank space for??
Rumor has it that it's a touch screen and the rest of the inputs are done entirely using virtual buttons.
This could be a legit private press conference for the NX!
>People actually think nintendo would make their new console portable when the 3DS is still selling gangbusters
>circular resolution
this really activates the neurons
Managed to slip a picture of the final design for the NX, seems to be called the "Switch", is a tablet console that hooks up to a dock. Will launch with that new Zelda game
Trust me my uncle is Nintendo
Okay, say what you will, but the scrollwheel shoulder buttons sound like a really cool idea to me. Can't wait to see how they use them.
You can try harder next time. At least looks plausible and not like it was made in 5 minutes in paint.
>expected release 2017
LOL there's no way they would release that shit. They're probably doing something with VR.
this is so stupid I'm sure it's real
Nintendo's hardware always falls behind, they have no avenue outside of gimmicks
another wii but this time it won't sell...
>Spreading Eurogamer's idiotic "leaks"
It's going to be a powerhouse. Haven't you watched MetalDave64's videos? All of the signs are pointing towards a beefcake home console.
>putting a tablet with a screen into a hard plastic dock.
Right. As if Nintendo would be incompetent enough to scratch the fuck out of screens with their own hardware.
Try harder.
The screenshot is blurry so it has to be true.
pick one (1)
The scrollable shoulder buttons are genius. It's going to make cycling through weapons in BotW so much easier
It's gonna be a cloud streaming service. They're absolutely fucked.
it's gonna be called Wii we
How the fuck are you supposed to play with it in the dock if the controller is attached to the console? They want us to buy a actual controller?
It's fucking dumb even for nintendo.
You're all fucking retarded. Go have sex.
>not swiitch
At least try. Nintendo isn't going to abandon the Wii name.
If this is true I'm gonna fuking kill myself
>have those exact same chinkshit earphones
>a dock
What is this, a fucking boat? Piss off, seaman sucker.
Dope controller, hope the next smash doesn't include Erdrick from dragon quest 3, fuck that guy
What about the games? I want an open world Zelda. I don’t know how it would work, but it sounds cool.
Uh dude, did you miss this E3?
>no buttons
That's not even a videogame, get lost.
Don't forget, there have been some allegedly leaked patents supporting a handheld/console hybrid design.
That looks gay, I can already feel the hand cramps
>Your hands would obscure some of the screen space
>Games with UI that extend to the top or bottom corners will be obscured
> It's a retarded shape that won't fit in your pocket
>Looks like input buttons will be on the touch screen making fast high level play impossible
But I honestly think a normal looking phone might be Nintendos next step
What would be the point of detaching the screen?
And that looks EXTREMELY uncomfortable to hold
guys I might get fired but please believe me
It will have an accessory after launch that involves folding cardboard to make toys like a piano and a house
Dang. That shit plugs in to your iMac or your microwave? Impressive.
>people still believe the NX is coming out
I'd rather "Switch" it off lmoa
Nice photoshop retard