How old are these characters supposed to be?

How old are these characters supposed to be?

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you have autism

Peach is 25
I think Samus is 28
Rosalina is as old as the cosmos

about 30, about 30, infinite

Early-mid 20s

Their games don't follow a Continuity so they don't have an age.

infinite years old mommy

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Peach is canonically 24-25 like Mario, Luigi and Bowser

Space mommy is the perfect age

>mario and luigi are 25

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>caring about the age of a fictional character
fucking retard

Look at this fucking baby


Care to argue with their creators?

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plumbing is hard work, it takes a toll on your body and your mind if you let it.

>western tv show

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Miyamoto said that Mario is 25

She's 40, but don't you dare say that around her.

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How old is Daisy?

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18, 20, old as fuck.

Same age range of the Mario Bros. and Peach. Peach is slightly younger because she was still a crying baby with pacifier in Partners in Time while the Mario Bros. walked on two legs and Bowser is slightly older because he already talked a lot in Yoshi's Island.
Only Rosalina is ancient.

20 something hoes. All of 'em

How can Rosalina be older than her own mother?

>all these varying answers
Lol pretty sure is the real answer

I didn't say otherwise