What killed it?

what killed it?

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I don't know, it's pretty buggy, I guess.

Poop DLC and slow as hell patch rollouts.

the game is built around appealing to the autistic skyrim immersion crowd but attempts to be a history game
those niches don't really overlap

Did lockpicking on console ever get fixed?

It's still a pretty popular game. I don't know why trannies hate it so much

being an unfinished game with false marketing and having its attention built around controversy

It wasn't fun. Literally the only reason anyone bought it was because of the e-drama controversy surrounding it.

Optimized like horseshit. I have a 1070 and 8600k and this game doesn't run over 30fps

>developers are racist and sexist xenophobes
>game fails critically and commercially
welcome to the real world kids

It's pretty good apart from the monastery mission and the mediocre DLC.

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For me it was too short. All of a sudden you go to the bandit camp and fight the lead bandit and it’s all over. The game was really fun and filled with laughs so it was sad to see it end like that. Bandit camp should have been mid point of the game then later fight with the cumans.

>i get all my news from Yea Forums

People defended it exclusively because the developers trolled the libtard SJWs epic style. They completely forgot about it soon after because it was a huge piece of glitchy shit.

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>It's news when a singleplayer only storydriven game doesn't retain it's playerbase.

For gaming journalists these days, yes.

and for you. what you put out in the world is as useless as a gaming journalist

I guess that's why Witcher 3 and Skyrim regularly dominate the Stram charts. People just hate single player open world fantasy RPGs.

>protagonist is secretly nobility

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A bastard is hardly much of a nobility. Even Henry does not give a fuck about it.

Nobody trolled the SJWs except for themselves. They were the ones who were mad because there were no niggers in the game

>better games with more content, mods, and better sales gets more numbers

What do you mean? It took me 120 hours to complete the game with every quest. Felt like a nice deal.

>but attempts to be a history game
I think the real problem was they took the devils bargain where they used the political controversy surrounding the game and its devs to hype it up successfully, but the problem was it also permanently ruined literally any discussion of the game afterwards and I think warded off actual historyfags from getting into it (I personally tried to but didn't love it)
>A bastard is hardly much of a nobility.
ever heard of William the Conqueror?
though honestly the position of a bastard depends on the status of the moms and willingness of their real fathers to recognize them usually

Everyone still playing skyrim, is just jacking off to waifus.
TW3 is considered to be one of the best games of all time and had far more content, not be mention being more accessable to mainstream audiences who would've quit KC:D as soon as they realised you cant 1 v 3 enemies right from the start of the game.

aye the game was rushed
for example
no fucking crossbows or functional polearms

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It was a gateway to the alt right.

Polearms are fully function and have their own skill tree, dev just blocked henry from using them because they're OP as fuck.

People became frustrated that the MC is an ordinary guy who cannot take on multiple enemies at once from the start.

People did not understand that the most necessary and overpowered abilities were initially poorly explained through the combat trainer and you had to learn master strikes for every weapon type individually.

The DLC given was lackluster and forgettable and as good as just another sidequest addition.

Despite the flaws and frustration on Hardcore with all negative debuffs, I am still playing it for a second time and difficulty appeals to me.

>they're OP as fuck.
just like real life

reminder pikes and longbows ended the age of knights.

too hardcore for normal fags

Yup there's a reason why England poured so many damn resources into Longbow Men. They had ripped arms and entire forests dedicated to just manufacturing bows/arrows.

>Singleplayer game

Fucking morons, the lot of you. The game is a 10/10. ADHD riddled mongs are the only people that hate it. The only other excuse is if you just cant run it.

The fact that alt-right incels don't play games, they just complain about them.

Fuck this racists POS

It's gotten to the point where enough trannies congregate on this board that I cannot fucking tell who's joking and who isn't. Fucking had it.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, just tell them to fuck off.

You're right. I can't stand ironic cunts now too. Just 14 year olds looking for a quick fix. Fucking sick of it.

the average Englishman circa 1400 must've been /fit/ as fuck from all the longbow practice. Compare that to Bongs now.

Ironically this.

Bongs today are very fit. Bowing to Allah 100 times a day during the call to prayer is the equivalent of doing 50 crunches.

>b-but it's singleplayer
kotor 1 and 2, skyrim, and the mass effect series just to name a few get at least 1 thread every 2 days, don't use that cop out.

for the amount of hype it got there are virtually no threads about it at all. beyond an occasional one pointing out how fucking dead it is

feel free to fuck off sweatie
also have sex

user, I am game for opposing opinions but something that fucking buggy can't have a 10.

I can't think of anything I really dislike about the game besides the lack of gore and weird save system. Would help to have a more grand storyline though.

The Yew Longbow in KCD shooting Better Piercing Arrows just one shots any enemy, it's stupid strong.

It's a singleplayer game without a dedicated modding community extending its life
It came out, people played it, presumably they're working on the next one or something else now.

go back to final fantasy

Isn't it a single player rpg with no replayability? Of course it has no playerbase, the people who wanted to play it played it and finished.

Because they all were the RPG of a generation. Skyrim was probably the first good RPG every teen born in the late 90s played. KOTOR for millenials.

They're also, ya know, from huge fucking companies.

Vad gameplay, overly ambitious for its budhet

It has plenty of replayability.

kill your self

Game had soul, and the combat is the ultimate pleb filter

>It's pretty good apart from the monastery mission
Isn't that a lot of people's favorite mission?


go to Yea Forums incel, blue boards aren't for you anymore

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ADHD riddled fags would disagree

>TW3 is considered to be one of the best games of all time
HAHAHAHAHAHA really now?

m8 even the uncharted series gets the occasional thread, quit the coping
I'm not saying it wasn't successful for the company itself, but considering how hyped it was at release (the board was fucking awash with threads about it) the virtual death of literally any discussion is conspicuous, especially considering it's only a little over a year old and had dlc

>Your opinion being the opinion of the majority of the people playing it.

Normalfags love it, most of them have only played and and Skyrim when it comes to RPG's so it doesn't really have any compitition

Not quiet. The longbow wasn't a war winning weapon but it could prove effective provided the right conditions were met. Agincourt showed that longbowmen in a good defensive position and facing an impatient foe could prove to be decisive.

During the 16th century the rise of firearms made it clear that longbows were obsolence. During Henry VIII invasion of France reports from both the English and Frence were reporting that English longbowmen were being outgunned and outranged by French harquebusiers. Throught the 16th century it was debated to what should be done with the longbow and in the end it was decided that it wasn't even worth keeping around as a militia weapon as men showing up for muster with longbows were branded unarmed.


>most of them have only
its hilarious how often people talk out of there ass to try to come off as being knowledgeable. you know its okay to talk about things without making up facts. its okay if people dont believe you

I see a Kingdom thread atleast once a week. Fucking Yea Forums threads don't dictate if a game did well? You eve said it did do well. Why do Yea Forums threads matter then? You dumb fucking cunt.

Its to specific not enough choice and customization

I often see KCD threads.

Cool story tripfagging cocksucker, what else did you read off Wikipedia today?

It sold over a million copies and was considered a success by the developers.

The game wasn't bad because the devs were "muh alt-right boogeymen", it was bad because it was extremely buggy and poorly balanced on release

After a certain point you could two shot anyone in the game with a mace, and since enemies couldn't guard against unlocked attacks you could clear entire armies of enemies by yourself. You also could get rich stupidly fast just by doing the bounty hunting missions then selling all the gear of the bandits you hunt. A third of the way through the game I was already fully armed and armored in the highest quality gear that was available to buy and was pretty much unkillable while fighting normal enemies. Also, the AI could be unplayably awful, especially during group combat. Some of the game was just unfun as well, such as lockpicking, pickpocketing and bow combat. Bows were absolute shit until they weren't, at which point they could also one shot pretty much anyone in the game. The same with stealth, completly useless until you get the right gear and perks then you turn into an invisible silent ninja, you could be half a foot away from someone and they wouldn't see you. Also, Polearms couldn't be kept, no crossbows and horse combat was OP, enemies couldn't defend against it, you moved way faster than them and hit harder too. The game had a ton of combos for the different weapons, but they were really finicky to use and nowhere near as good as disabling lock on and flailing around

I personally stopped playing after clearing the nest of vipers mission which has you sneak through an enemy camp filled with endlessly respawning enemies just by walking through it and killing all the fully armored knights and bandits with one to two swings from my mace. They couldn't even guard against my attacks, it was literally as easy as walking up to them, holding the unlock button, then flailing around until an attack hit and they died.

>you best only be talking to users who are trying to start shit and never anything else otherwise i will think less of you. think about that. i would think less of you.

The wikipedia article doesn't even mention Henry VIII's invasion of France nor the Privy Council decision to stop fielding longbowmen.

Truly amazing how much this man can make trannies seethe. Regardless of how many people are playing it now it sold very well. Not bad the being the studios first game.

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lacks of official mod support tools

Hey Berlin called, they want their wall back.

>see a Kingdom thread atleast once a week.
I've seen 2 this month, one outright memeing about the fact it has virtually no discussion and another that died quickly, perhaps you're on at different times than I
>You eve said it did do well. Why do Yea Forums threads matter then? You dumb fucking cunt.
FIFA is so fantastically successful EA will literally never die because those cancerous games prop it up, does that mean you see discussion of them on here?
also do tone down the salt my man

I got to the quest where you have to go find the stolen jewel for the monk to make you a piece of jewelry or some shit but it glitched out and didnt let me loot the bandits corpse, and the game autosaved to that point so I just dropped it forever.

Have updates improved it on ps4 compared to the state it was in a year ago?

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He's fat & old now. A lot changed in 5 years

>Yea Forums is full of trannies
>Yea Forums don't like Kingdom comes

You will never be a real woman

>this thread
The game sold fantastically for a small studio's first game.

Nothing, 2 million copies sold plus 500k on DLC, it was a raging success and theres nothing you people can do about it.

You should check out the entry for Yea Forums.
Some pretty interesting stuff in the opening couple of sentences.

>muh built controversy

Holy fuck Yea Forums is full of resertera fucking faggots.

>what killed it?
Nothing, people who wanted to buy it have played it by now. It was pretty successful.

Being really fucking buggy, easy to cheese, and having mechanics that straight up suck. I still liked it though. Not sure why people made it political.

Buggy eurojank. Propped up by faggot /pol/tards because MUH BASED JEW VAVRA SAVING GAMING by virtue of not putting niggers in the game.

You will never be a real man.

Imagine going to a text based image-board and being unwilling to read

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>We want this game to be a realistic depiction of Europe at the time, that's why we didn't include black people, that's all.
>Please ignore the multiple characters that just randomly suggest a complete strange go do some poaching for them, obviously it's a light topic not worth caution.
>Don't think about the Lady who just decides to cheat on her husband with some random peasant fucker, or how he sees no danger in this course of action
>There's nothing wrong with having magical fucking potions, they're just regular ole herbal remedies, clearly!
>Oh btw I'm so glad the streets of czech are empty of tourists, what a bunch of npcs am I right! Am I right? Y-you guys see me virtue signaling with the hip /pol/ memes right?

>why did this single player game die
are you faggots fucking retarded

>got branded an alt-right game just because the dev had the gall to not add black people to a historical game

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Yeah, as far as PC is concerned, check for PS4 updates yourself.

I liked it just fine

You will never be real human

Just a butchered monstrosity

Imagine having to desperately reach this hard just because you're so incredibly frustrated there's no blacks in this indie game.


Frail little boy.

It's so refreshing to see a thread not sucking vavras faggot boomer jew cock for once. So sick of these fuckin threads seemingly posted by Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder praising a shitty dev for DESTROYING liberal Snowflakes with FACTS and LOGIC

>Game was literally unplayable for months because of bugs and performance issue
How delusional can you get?

How can a game with combat that is 3/10 and no large scale battles at fucking all a 10/10

>Thread full of tranny sympathizers and "ebin troles" flinging shit in a free for a devs view on politics instead of discussing the game.

You people are worse than Cumans.

>press mouse 3 to disable lock-on
>enemies suddenly unable to block any of my attacks
>flail at them until they all die

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I made a post trying to discuss the game, nobody read it, one faggot called it a wall of text
There is no video game discussion on Yea Forums

it did way back I believe, i played it pretty much on launch, so I had to muscle through it.

Welcome to Yea Forums, faggot, enjoy your stay.
Just like every A Hat In Time or Deadfire thread gets filled with 13 year-olds posting the same shitflinging over and over.

This thread.

Don't care about the politics but the game itself was actual shit.

Progression is weird. You get owned by everyone, then 5 hours in trainer finally explains to retard protag that you can btw deflect attacks with your weapon, then you grind low bandits for a bit, then you get bored, steal high tier equipment and roll through the rest of the game. Also i personally didnt like that leveled up endgame longsword does such ridiculous damage to everything plate included that maces are pointless but whatever.
Performance is also abyssmal. Graphics are good but its not fucking real life, granted my cpu is getting old by now but it eats it for breakfast and gets real choppy when riding. If not for those would be a classic. As if, just a good game.

And btw i was playing on hardcore so i could add that removing fasttravel and easy map adds to flavor for a bit but then becomes a major pain in the ass riding through same roads for some stupid quest and trying to find yourself deep in the wood. Too much hassle for too little realism.

that fucking monastery mission