user please stop
replace WFT with simon or his echo and then you'll get the true Wifi warriors
I know it sucks when you're opponents connection sucks; but, do you really expect them to move to somewhere where they can get a wired connection?
I haven't seen a K. Rool player online player in ages. Same with Ganon, and I've yet to see Little Mac outside of arenas.
>No Ike
He's the lad I bunga the hardest with
replace mac with zelda
you're gonna have it rough when you start getting stuck with people that know how to face people that only use nair
Ike is offline unga bunga. Same goes for all the Fire Emblem characters.
No. Little Mac is 100% unga in online.
OP just got BTFO by the 1 person who plays WFT
t. idiot.
Wii Fit Trainer is a projectile spammer, that's the definition of a wi-fi unga bunga.
samus and ness are the true cancer of online gaming. All the others are ok, you can deal with their bullshit.
>he got beaten by 1/7th of the roster in a single round
Not happening moron, suck shit.
i'm willing to bet money that OP plays a Fire Emblem character
oh thank goodness my main's not in that pic haha
>getting unga bunga'd by Belmont chads
Yikes, pretty cringe desu
>Little Mac
>Young Link
Confirmed for bottom of the barrel non-elite player.
Young Link, Palutena, Ness, Pichu, Pikachu, Simon or Richter are my least favorite projectile fags to deal with in Elite.
god i want to rail wii fit trainer so hard
No. The Belmonts have projectile spam but their aerials have a lot of startup lag, which is bad for online, and total shit recovery. They're not nearly as unga bunga as Wii Fit Trainer's soccer ball spam from the edge of the stage.
>talk about smash online
>GSP fags
>"Actually I'm godlike and never have issues with anything" fags
>unga fags
>bootlicker fags
truly the worst community. You can't talk about shit without a boatload of people coming to talk shit because you dared to think that maybe just maybe the online isn't that well designed, or certain characters are a bit unfun.
You don't know what unga means, idiot.
I'm not seeing neutral air spamming Ike or Lucina
>Samus/Dark Samus
>Any Link
You're a fag if you pick these characters.
Because they're not nearly as unga online as they are offline.
You can talk shit about any almost character and I'll probably agree with you. Let it all out, user.
Rate my mains fags
>Banjo when he's released
You forgot splat tim and lucas