this was the last good wRPG
prove me wrong, obsidiot new vegastards need not apply
this was the last good wRPG
prove me wrong, obsidiot new vegastards need not apply
I can already tell your opinions and taste are shit, so I won't waste my time. Enjoy your J""""""""""""""RPGs""""""""""""""
Sucks what they did with Witcher 2 and 3, though. Especially 3.
found the obsidiot
Case in point.
Dying Light released 2014 is more of an RPG than FF15 the fuck you on about now?
Act 1 was iffy
Act 2 was interesting as fuck, the city has such a great atmosphere, swamp was alright
Act 3 was great
Act 4 was pure kino. Beautiful locations and music
Act 5 was a great conclusion, the bit where geralt walks in and it's full of women and children was an exceptional Oh Shit moment
not an rpg
>it's more than FF15
wow what a great benchmark
gameplay was a pain in the ass
I've got a copy but haven't played it. Should I? Is it too dated to bother with?