Don't laugh but I might buy a Switch when Animal Crossing comes out

Don't laugh but I might buy a Switch when Animal Crossing comes out.

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>dont laught, but im using my money the way i want to


I might do that to, if there is an online option and I can play with Yea Forums.

What's the appeal of animal crossing games I dont really get it? Is it just that they're cutesy?

Don't worry we are on the same boat, I'm also getting a Switch just for AC alone, I was craving for new AC stuff for a long while and so far it looks dope.

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If that’s what you want go for it. I’m definitely picking it up.

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animal crossing is boring as fuck
all you do is catch bugs and sell random garbage

>what's the appeal of __________ I don't really get it? Is it just that they're ____________?

You also fish and donate to a museum.

Relaxing cute rural slice of life simulator collectathon, if that makes any sense.

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I already have a switch

Should I get one?


And hang out with cute villagers.

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I hope there will be a switch bundle with a special edition switch.

Filbert was always my bro

I was just walking around at midnight and a tarantula bite my character and fucking died

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Physical or digital?


RIP user

it's top comfy do it

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Goldie was my homegirl in WW

postpones suicide
There is 273 days left until March 20 and it slightly terrifies me that I might die before then

Relaxation. It's a nice world where events happen in real time (even when you're not playing) but there's no pressure of daily quests or min-maxing or anything. The GameCube version pulled it off the best, so you should fire it up on an emulator if you want to see what its all about.

Limited edition switch with AC because your town saves on the console itself anyways. It's probably the only time I would bother with a shitty nintendo-digital copy.
In a game where you will inevitably sink 500+ hours into, what you care about is where the save file is

whats the appeal of black coffee?
i like mine with milk but no sugar

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>caring about AC when Pocket Camp already exists

sounds good, user. maybe we can visit each other's town!!

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you mean island

when you just want something interesting and hot to sip on instead of drinking what is basically soda for people who order double double (two creams, two sugars; sticky garbage) or worse.
It's probably an acquired taste, just like people who like drinking tea.

also, when you're doing a 16:8 fast. You don't want any sugar or milk ruining it in the morning.

I paid $100 for the City Folk package and I somehow think paying $400 just for Horizons would be infinitely better spent that way.

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you /fast/?

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no conflict, just debt

Animal Tracks ruined City Folk. Your town quickly became ugly as fuck.

Not that it already wasn't the most inferior game in the series in essentially everyway.

I still enjoyed it though.

>March 20
what happens then

i mean 16-8 takes like no effort to turn into a habit because it's basically just being too lazy to prepare breakfast everyday. Might as well start with it before I turn pre-diabetic

New Horizons releases

hopefully fail only one April exam afterwards

>no cloud saves
I'm worried my Switch will brick and I'll lose literally 2 years of my life, though.

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Toby Fox releases a trailer for Deltarune Part 2 Demo coming in 2021

That's a perfectly justifiable reason to get a switch, user. Enjoy your comfy animal island.

I haven't played much City Folk. Why do people hate it so much?

Mostly a mix of enjoying bitter things and health reasons. Also gate keeping like drinking liquor straight

>If you drink stuff that tastes like shit then your a real man

>Playing animal crossing without wifi friends

you'll have a homebrew save editor by then

it was just Wild World HD. People were also still burnt out by WW considering how CF was released so fast relative to WW.

Funny, i think people would have been happy with a New Leaf HD given how long we've been starved this time

man i regret buying animal crossing new leaf it was such a boring piece of shit

animal crossing is basically a niche game that somehow ended up being a system seller by accident. No surprise that feelings are very mixed on it.

I'll buy a switch when a switch mini or dockless comes out.

I mean, all the games are inherently boring and mundane, but that's why people like them. I guess it's not for everyone.

Are you serious?

You know that game is gonna suck right? Are you some kind of chump?

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SD you mean. And it actually a worse version of WW considering it has the worst dialouge variation in the series and, grass degradation.

I mean i still enjoyed it cause its animal crossing, but it was a pretty lazy sequel all things considered. Didn't really bring anything new to the series.

added onto the fact that it was a console. I'm not sure how we ended up liking Animal Crossing on the gamecube, but it's just so much better on a handheld. At the very least, at least you could start up a game much quicker on a gamecube compared to the Wii onwards

we are already laughing

I miss him so much. Why did he have to leave me?

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Sounds like a pretty good reason to get a switch. I haven't seen anything else thats worth the buy

i don't know why it's taking so long to get a mario kart 9. I seriously hope a fucking port is not all we're getting as the switch's mario kart.

We were laughing way before then, sweetie.

Animal Crossing as a series demonstrates all the reasons I hate modern Nintendo
>Over a decade and still hasn't added any actual additional mechanics to the games
>has actually removed content game to game
>instead adds shitty minigames like in New Leaf
>A tiny amount of furniture in the game despite having 0 excuse to not have a huge amount of them
>regardless you can't have all the furniture because they put arbitrary limits on storage space just because fuck you

They just announced BotW 2. The Switch's lifespan isn't over.

>A tiny amount of furniture in the game
There are nearly 1800. How much do you want?

>wanting an MK9 resulting in a divided playerbase
Why? What is MK8 Deluxe even missing?

tracks that were actually designed with 200cc in mind

>nearly 1800
Fucking pathetic. Nintendo do doesnt even pretend to try anymore.

It's like Harvest Moon or the LEGO games. It's really difficult to explain the zen of doing something that isn't particularly challenging, and is also kind of menial.

>regardless you can't have all the furniture because they put arbitrary limits on storage space just because fuck you
that's more because you can have up to 4 players with their own respective storage in a town. If you have a town to yourself, all that space is basically wasted. Add that on top of the 3DS limitations.
Keep in mind that this includes "storage" in the house itself and letter storage. Also the added storage with amiibo update.
There is plenty of storage across a couple characters if you really want to save all the items not available from the catalog, but there will never be enough storage to satisfy hoarders because that is an obsession and problem of its own.

Your taste receptors change as you get older, and bitter things become genuinely enjoyable. I don't mean that in any kind of gatekeeping "hurr youngfags" kind of way, it's a biological thing. I used to hate black coffee and beer until I turned about 24. The other thing is, most people's introductions to things like beer and coffee are with cheap, disgusting "entry level" drinks, like 7-11 coffee or domestic American lager. If you try a good Hawaiian Kona coffee or a Jamaican Blue Mountain, you won't want to ruin it with sugar and milk.

>Harvest Moon
fuck no. I always end up minmaxing every single hour of every single day and applaud myself for getting x amount of progress in just y amount of days. I can never enjoy HM and RF in a chill way even when there's nothing actually pushing you to rush.

Then I guess maybe the appeal of HM and games like it and Animal Crossing is that you're setting up your challenges at your pace. My favorite thing to do in Animal Crossing is to pick a design theme for a bedroom, then track down every piece of furniture needed to complete that theme. Like my "disgusting dorm room" bedroom, or "meth lab" basement.

>I might buy a Switch when Animal Crossing comes out.
holy shit are you a transexual yes or no lmfao

I’d like to see the dialogue be as good as WW this time around, and I’m hopeful that this could finally happen.

Starting playing animal crossing recently. I still prefer harvest moon because I feel like there are more goals than AC. AC is a lot quicker though, I can usually get everything I wanted to do for the day in around 40 minutes of play and is great if you want to play something with only limited time available in your day. Not really sure what I would do after I finished collecting everything in my museum though, but hopefully I can make more goals along the way.

I bought a 3ds for new leaf.

I'm buying another Switch when Animal Crossing comes out. Probably a Switch Mini if they announce one.

Animal Crossing is peak comfy, pull your head out of your ass.

Fresh roasted black coffee is clean and fucking top tier

>phone games

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I think so

Unironically this
Vesta will always be my favorite character after an awful birthday where everything went wrong then later getting a letter from her talking about how lonely she was.
I nearly fucking cried

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