GTA6 when?

GTA6 when?

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After Rockstar is done milking 5 and RDR 2 Online

Some guy at R* basically said they don't even want to attempt to make a game like GTAVI in today's political climate.

>liking GTA and Rockstar
Summer break thread?

Never gta online will be more profitable than creating a new game for decades to come

I hope that Casino DLC isn't gonna suck ass, though this is GTAO so what the fuck am I talking about

idk. US culture has felt pretty stagnant since 2013 when V released and it doesn't seem like there's anything new to lampoon apart from drumpf. It's doubtful they'll go back in time either.

It's probably not even in development yet. Late PS5/Xbox Scarlett life cycle maybe?

>in the final act of the game you contract AIDS
>you die no matter how moral or immoral you played throughout the game
>the post game consists of you playing as some stick figure manlet who thought it would be cool to play cops and robbers

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2021. Go to the airport, find doors. 2013 written on entrance door, 2021 written on exit door.