Can Mass Effect still be salvaged?
Can Mass Effect still be salvaged?
What about Dragon age that might not even come mass effect doesn't even stand a chance.
don't @ me
I don't think you fully grasp what has happened.
This must be like that page of Tails Gets Trolled for you.
Probably not? I mean, the first two games are really great. The third game, despite its flaws, is still better than most RPGs that have come out the last five years. It's okay for things to no longer be with us.
i've heard rumblings that Dragon Age 4 is gonna have mandatory online requirements
not even looking good for it
>The third game, despite its flaws, is still better than most RPGs that have come out the last five years
Holy shit, fucking kill yourself
No, it's dead. Best just enjoy the trilogy for what it was and move on. No manner of waifu or ass is going to fix what happened to Bioware and the franchise. Stop holding on.
The only thing anyone can hope for is that someone was taking notes on why the first two games worked so well and will become what Bioware used to be.
They built the entire universe around the existence of the Reapers, with them gone there's not much left to tell. They legitimately had the right idea with Andromeda, at least the setting of the game. The only way they could continue to make Mass Effect games would be to fuck off to an entirely different galaxy, but they botched it.
It seems to be a very common opinion that 1 and 2 are the only good games. Is it because they want to forget about what happened in 3, and treat 2 as the "final end"?
ass effect
Name a recent RPG as good as any ME game including the 3rd but not A.
What's even the profit from those closed studios?
More blood for the blood God.
>More money for the money god
>Mass effect 3
>WH Online: Wrath of Heroes (cancelled)
>C & C: Generals 2 (cancelled)
>D A: Inquisition
>Shadow Realms (cancelled)
>Mass effect Andromeda
Bioware is on a roll, I'm sure mass effect is in good hands.
1 world building
2 team building
3 combat
No Sony would probably censor that ass so what's the point.
But how do they gain money from it?
>2 team building
Arguably one of the most annoying things in that game. Yes it is awesome to have a large crew you can take you with on missions, all with their specialties and armaments, but the way you have to ego-stroke them so much and babysit them got old..
>can a game that has been shit since the start, and continued to have worse iterations be saved
The answer is no.
find a female, have sex.
no, story wise its a dead end. hence andromeda in another galaxy entirely, but we know how that went.
It could but it won't by the retards who run or own the franchise.
Only takes 2 steps.
1. Release a new ending for free to the community which makes up for the bullshit to show everyone you mean well.
2. Pretend Andromeda doesn't exist and/or redo half the game so that it's good. The concept wasn't bad but the execution was total ass. This point could be substituted by writing it out of canon and producing a new game in the universe.
>Acquire a studio that is doing really well and making high quality games.
>Start making bank from the franchise you now own.
>Fire/lay off people in studio, downsize studio and focus on recycling old technology instead of building up
>Studio continues for a short time to churn out games, degrading in quality but still hyped on due to franchise following
>Basically making products for super low cost and high sales figures due to the fans and the following
>Studio is held on by pennies; game quality starts to fail significantly
>EA uses its hired critics to constantly hold the game up on high regard in spite of failing
>Still manage to make profit off terrible games
>Notice people leaving the franchise, lower sales
>Kill the studio to avoid spending money on a entity that isn't giving them profit anymore.
I thought some of the squad missions were ME at its best, they even found something interesting for Jakub McToquenarius, but it did seem retarded like your new boss shows up to recruit you to save the galaxy and you insist he drop everything to resolve your childhood trauma first
no, because bioware is gone beyond repair
Theoretically it could be, bioware lost what made them good so its not happening.
Bullfrog had nothing to do with Ultima
Witcher 2
Witcher 3
Thanks, that somewhat clears things up. Is this really more profitable than, you know, just making games? Fuck this world.
I found these games boring and the combat mediocre at best.
It actually is. EA doesn't need to dump millions upon millions in developing new technologies or hiring large teams to invest in some next generation project. They can cut costs by just feeding off already successful game studios with the technology and experience they already have, then just slowly cut down the studio while banking off the franchise they own and the hype they got from fans. Sadly there are too many normies in the game industry who don't really know EA's bad practices or don't care, so this is a cycle that can be repeated in spite of larger awareness.
Is BioWare still infested with 300 pound purple haired cunts and cat dads? If so, they'll never shit out a good product.
Not as long as nu-Bioware owns it.