I hope you're waifu doesn't have large breasts because SE is sending in their censorship brigade.
SE Declares Big Boobs Unethical
Other urls found in this thread:
>everything is getting censored
>free speech getting restricted
It's all over. Gaming is dead.
>Another thread based on FAKE NEWS from a clickbait article based on an exaggerated presentation of a mistranslated summary of an interview
>waifu isn't sexualized besides being cute
Feels good, man.
Nostalgia thread?
Nostalgia thread.
Just another company to boycott until they cut this shit out
right next to
CD Projizz
Welcome to my list squanix.
>Trials of Mana remake is full of nice perky tits
>FF7 remake is PS4 exclusive and suddenly tits are unethical and all girls are covered up
Really makes you think
but tifa's tits are bigger that that lmao
>no nintendo
Did everyone forget about Fire Emblem, SMTxFE, and bravely default already?
>first it was sports bra
>the they were always small
>now it's mistranslation
I wonder what the next excuse will be.
>All Cyberpunk discussion derails into reeeeing about trannies
>All FF7 discussion derails into reeeeing about breast size (Which arent even smaller)
Fucking neck yourselves
those are way smaller, she's cute though
>still peddling an incorrect translation
This is so boring.
Tranny shill lier, just search any other article, it's saying the same, since n your mentall illness you can't see the images showing they reduce her tits, as if covering her up with spats and almost her entire legs in thighs was not enough indicative of that.
>linking to shitaku
Loving every laugh.
>until they cut this shit out
They deem Bouncing boobs unethical.
Boobs still big. Just can't bounce.
Based and redpilled.
Particular kudos to you for not shrieking like a retard and thinking that's somehow a replacement for actual evidence like the pro-censorship people I see in these threads.
I took the 15 seconds to find the article. You want me to take an extra few seconds to copy and paste the translation?
>first it was sports bra
And it still is a sports bra
>the they were always small
That was never the case. her measurements were always 37-24-35 inches and that has yet to change.
>now it's mistranslation
It's not "now" it's "Also". The translation said the sports bra was added to stop her tits from bouncing. Nothing about boob reduction.
>tfw this is the real reason Japan refuses to use Gudako in animated shorts
The one where the censorship department demanded a compression bra so her tits don't jiggle?
I see you're new to our community at 4channel. You got laughed at by pretty much everyone for directly linking to a site that nobody takes seriously. In the future, please use an archive or more reputable "news" site to avoid such blunders that expose you to everyone.
Have fun in your future shitposting endeavors.
This has already been confirmed to be a mistranslation, fuck off already.
>And it still is a sports bra
You're either full of shit or don't know how a sports bra really works. Besides, that as argument for why they were downsized is one of the most retarded ones imaginable. Saying they did it to appease SJW would be better.
>That was never the case. her measurements were always 37-24-35 inches and that has yet to change.
Yet they're obviously smaller in the remake and everyone with two working eyes can easily see it.
>It's not "now" it's "Also". The translation said the sports bra was added to stop her tits from bouncing. Nothing about boob reduction.
You didn't even the new translation, which then begs the question why even post about it? is the hunger fotr (you)s too big?
>source: My ass.
It hasn't. But keep on screeching more about it. It'll surely go away then.
Lolifags finally won.
I'm honestly buffled people are actually having an unironic "debate" over this. Truely embarrassing. how much more bullshit will you turbofags meme into existence?!
They look up to snuff with the measurements so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
>Obviously smaller.
Confirmed never saw a titty before.
>You didn't even the new translation
The New translation says it's only to stop bouncing. The bad translation says reduced boob size.
Sad you don't know how boobs work seeing as you probably have a pair of Moobs yourself.
Some people are pro-censorship, some are anti-censorship, pick your side.
I'm pro facts.
Im so sick of Yea Forums right now. Who enjoys these same threads hour after hour, day after day? Arent you guys tired?
>only girls of X body-type may be depicted without wearing burkas
2 + 2 = 5
>the pic clearly shows they're smaller
>somehow that means they're not
I don't know what you're taking, but you should stop. It's fucking with your perception.
>doesn't know how a sports bra works
>thinks he can imagine how tits look like
Nice kick in your cut-off balls.
>The New translation says it's only to stop bouncing. The bad translation says reduced boob size.
>he still hasn't read it
I repeat, why even comment on something you obviously have no idea about and are either too lazy or dumb to read up on?
>Im so sick of Yea Forums right now
Feel free to leave. I can promise that pro-censorship tards will not be missed.
I'm just curious if they legitimately wanted to design her with smaller boobs, should they not be allowed to do that? Is that automatically censorship. How big the tits need to be, to not be censorship?
large breasts are sexist and a misrepresentation of the female gender, since mtf can't grow them that large without surgery
you asking him to leave is so censorship
get out pro censorship
As big as possible.
Fuck off
What do we do now, user? What CAN we do?
>make tits smaller for artistic vision
>say it's because it fits better on the new take on the FF7 world
>only a few insane shits go crazy for it
>say it's because of an ethics department
>try to downplay it as sports bra or whatever
>fucking everyone goes nuts
It's not really hard to see the difference.
I'm sorry that you don't understand Measurements user.
But it does you no good to resort to insults.
Watch SE make them bigger.
back to your discord tranny
Post the quote, nigga. I trust you, but I ain't giving them clicks.
Look for a new hobby. I heard music is ok since they told any SJW who tried to infest Metal with their shit to fuck off and never come back.
You're not actually answering my question. There was outrage even before the "ethics department" comment.
My man
Im pro videogame discussion. There is not discussion on FF7 remake. Its literally all about Tifas fucking tits, every single thread, which is one singular minute aspect of the game as a whole and pretty much irrelevant.
>>fucking everyone goes nuts
By "fucking everyone" I assume you mean several tubro autists?
You will not oppress us gamers any longer!
Not that user but OP linked fucken eurogamer. Just as bad as shitaku
>dat reading comprehension
Are you ESL? Or just retarded?
Uncensored Tifa for American audience in the making. Here's a preview
>still doesn't know how a sports bra works
>let alone what measurements are for
>thinks I insulted him
kek, keep going little retard, my sides thank you for it.
>still doesn't know how measurements work.
Keep going.
>retards are still spreading misinformation
I want FF7R to fail.
>Nomura: This time, visually there were things that were made quite real, and real-world clothing and accessories are being used as design references. For example, we’re referencing military (wear) for Tifa’s suspenders and martial arts and biker (wear) for the gloves. The full body silhouette hasn’t changed from the original image, and from that part, we’ve aimed to increase the minute details.
>Nomura: First of all, since we wanted Tifa to have defined abs, we made her more athletic looking. And then, there were also directions from our internal ethics committee that as not to make even the most intense action look unnatural it was necessary to bind [Tifa’s] chest. And thus, for her single upper body clothing, we put a black undergarment with a fitting tank top for a fitness-conscious, sporty design.
People were only worried about tit size reduction. I never saw anyone concerned for jiggle. So we kept the size, lost the jiggle.
I should say the same to you.
That seems to be the general consensus at this point in time
Jesus christ it was literally a ratings compliance board that said put a sports bra on so they don't get flagged for titty bounce. That's it, everything else are some neckbeards who didn't do a proper translation of a Famitsu article and now every other outlet is running with it so they can jerk off their egos.
Stop feeding into these people or the actual titties you care about will get neutered and no one will listen.
Not to that extent. Only after they had the interview with the ethics shit it really blew up. Before you had at best a handful of threads and not half the catalog full with it.
And yes, I did answer your question, if someone changes their game for their own artistic vision I doubt many would bat an eye. It becomes a problem if they tell you that it was a decision forced upon them.
Time to rise fellow gamers...
>doesn't know what measurements are let alone how they "work"
Yes please, dance more for me.
>Remake with mediocre looking combat and super padded narrative sold across multiple full-priced releases
>Criticism and anger is only directed at Tifa's tits
it isn't, Yea Forums isn't the majority
Have. Sex. PLEASE.
You don't know how reality and virtuality work, that's proof you're mad.
Fire Emblem Fates is still their being on my shitlist.
That and doing absolutely fuck all with their flagship IPs except retread and FotM garbage for the last two decades.
Suck my nuts, Miyamoto.
The ethics department had them censor her with an extra layer on her chest, as well as "tightened" up her chest. On a 3D model when you tighten it up you just make it smaller to appear tight, there aren't some pressure physics, they just made them smaller. Additionally there are no breast physics in this game, there aren't any even any clothes physics and her skirt stays pretty stationary.
You can subscribe to pewdiepie
Sports bras don't exactly stop tits from jiggling, they just keep them from swinging around like shopping bags.
Shh, no logic or facts. Only hurt fee fees and loud screeching please.
Well there's no gameplay to discuss in these moviegames, so something's gotta give.
Same size of the original game. It's that simple.
Except we didn't keep the size. The sports bra is just a very poorly thought out excuse to comply with the ethics department.
They announced jiggle physics unethical.
>Famitsu: But the clothing was also refined?
Nomura: This time, visually there were things that were made quite real, and real-world clothing and accessories are being used as design references. For example, we’re referencing military (wear) for Tifa’s suspenders and martial arts and biker (wear) for the gloves. The full body silhouette hasn’t changed from the original image, and from that part, we’ve aimed to increase the minute details.
>Famitsu: Since Tifa’s chest is large, was there any consideration also given how the rendering was done?
>Nomura: First of all, since we wanted Tifa to have defined abs, we made her more athletic looking. And then, there were also directions from our internal ethics committee that as not to make even the most intense action look unnatural it was necessary to bind [Tifa’s] chest. And thus, for her single upper body clothing, we put a black undergarment with a fitting tank top for a fitness-conscious, sporty design.
>Bound, not reduced
>Her model [read: big tits] wasn't changed, they added a sports bra so her tits weren't flopping around
Literally what the the first poorly translated both said and implied. Just used better word choices that didn't spark /pol/niggers' "MUH CENSORSHIP" autism.
I'm just pissed because it's just another example in a long fucking list of the trash Nomura is trying to force in the game.
To be fair, though, I was pissed as soon as I learned Nomura was the head. The man is a hack and has always been garbage at designing games. Fucking Cloud looks like a pretty boy twink going out to meet his Daddy, for fucks sake.
Seriously, FUCK Nomura.
>the actual Japanese uses the word for binding
>dumbshits translate it as reduce/shrink even though that's a different word all together
She's based off of jennifer connelly, i'm not seeing a shitskin connection
Maybe Argentinian, because they're the only pure breed white latins
>>Bound, not reduced
>now it's semantics faggotry
>nevertheless that ingame they appear smaller
Don't stop now, I want to see what kind of excuse you can come up next with.
But the fact that there still was. People would have still been pissed even if it was there own artistic vision. I wouldn't say they aren't in there right even if it was that, though. I'm on the side of wanting them bigger, and this outrage would have been avoidable if they just had up her by a cup size or so. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I can't see how if they were a cup size bigger that there would be a big number of people bitching about her being too big. No one cares that original Tifas has huge tits.
How do you know that?
Probably the ethics department composed of Sony people.
Why are you guys so fucking obsessed with this?
Want to fap to Tifa? Just check out the countless lewd fanart she has.
Like, do you seriously masturbate to her fully clothed in-game art? What? Are you thirteen?
>Except we didn't keep the size
>"The full body silhouette hasn’t changed from the original image"
Sounds like you need to find a different angle
Tits are ILLEGAL!
it's just clickbait based on mistranslation
The only people who "care" about this (unironically) are incels, and even then they all will probably forget about this once the game's out and they inevitably play it. This is the biggest Nontroversy I've ever seen
Her tits are still big, they just didn't want to add jiggle physics so they gave her a bra. Everyone here is making a big deal out of nothing
>SE Declares Big Boobs Unethical
This gives me such a chuckle.
>all this outrage over a slight breast reduction
I cannot even fathom how this is a big deal. Artists will make them as big as you want, but I cannot get my head around why a company putting smaller tits on a video game character is somehow equal to censorship and deserves the unadulterated fury of thousands of Taiwanese carpet weaving forum users. Is this game unplayable if it doesn't get your peepee hard ?
Why are you constantly thinking about other people's dicks and fapping? Kind of weird
>Fucking Cloud looks like a pretty boy twink going out to meet his Daddy, for fucks sake.
Of course he does, that's part of the game
Sucks for you that in every comparison is clear as fay that they're not the same body. I really don't know what the fuck's wrong with your eyes to not see it. The shit with the "bound" is just a piss poor excuse for the reduction and you tards keep on swallowing it like there's no tomorrow for god knows what reason.
Argentina is WHITE!!!
Make your own game. Oh right, you incels can only talk on anonymous anime website.
Don't be stupid, it's not about wanting to masturbate, people just want her to look good.
Good thing that FF7 never had any "jiggle" so it's a moot point to use it as excuse.
We lagitimately had more threads about Tifa's tits than about Cyberpunk.
You "people" are legitimately fucking insane.
No, I dislike 95% of the content from VII, and I am almost sure hate whatever the fuck they are trying to do with the remake.
VII is an "okey" game at best, there are several fucking jrpgs before VII that are better JRPGs than VII, but what would you know?
It still makes me laugh that they didn't want Xenogears to be the next Final Fantasy game because "it was too complicated for the average fan to understand".
this is actually legit sexist
Tifa's tits have been a cornerstone of Yea Forums since it's inception
>>how this is a big deal
>ethics department
Fuck you, strawman shithead.
Did you just unironically try to say 'I know you are but what am I'?
Ok, yeah, you're retarded. But I'm feeling nice, so here: Saying 'No one would miss you' is not a request because it the verb 'to be' and conjugations thereof are considered non-action verbs.
'Leave', in the phrase "I want you to leave" which you're trying to infer in your mouthbreathing sub-70-IQ mind right next to the scat porn and fantasies of having sex with a pink-haired Obama, is what's called an intransitive action verb because in carries the implication of 'command' rather than just 'existence'.
Isn't it funny how censorship is always championed by the most illiterate twats in a population?
I know you're really desperate right now, but you're going to have find a different angle to shitpost with.
The characters were polygons you jackass
Makes sense.
Had a woman like this in my Gym, except she looked exactly like Pharah from OW.
I've never sweated so profusely when she asked if she could work in on my squat rack
>Anime website
Here we go again...
General consensus on Yea Forums but the vast majority do not care very much
Yeah man I know lots of girls who DDD breasts who run around without a bra all day and fight.
Spoilers: They don't and the two I know have back pain just from existing (One is 5ish lbs overweight, other is muscular from rugby)
It would look retarded for DDDDDDDDD tits to be on a model flipping around and shit. If I need porn I got pornhub
>original word used was "restricted"
>/pol/niggers: "reduced, CENSORSHIP, SJWS REEEEEEE"
>in game, her tits are almost as big as her fucking head
No excuses on my end, you're just a fucking faggot looking to be outraged about nothing.
And where's the jiggle in them? O right, not there. Since everyone only wants the same fucking game only better looking I doubt anyone would have complained about it. Not that someone who never played it like you would understand that.
because not everyone is braindead retarded
Based keep lapping up the censorship! Soon there will not be allowed anything but full body sweaters and no violence.
I refuse to believe a girl that pale is mexican
>doesn't even try to argue
Guess the need for (you)s is bigger then to simply admit that you're wrong.
>appeal to realism
We can do this all day
Kill yourself retard fiction does not have to make sense, its always better when it doesnt in fact
Is there anywhere other than Yea Forums and /r/mgtow that give a fuck honestly?
That sounds pretty gay
We weren't really arguing. You're just screeching about nothing
>muh slippery slope
First of all wanting someone to kill themselves over a game is sick
Second of all it would look retarded as fuck to see a character with tits bigger than her head running around fighting and doing karate.
Go masterbate to something else
>still tries to argue with semantics despite visual evidence to the contrary
how can anyone defend a company for this shit? Is Nomuras cock that deep in your ass or what?
So you better go out to the great normalfag internet!
refugees welcome! diversity is a strenght!
Will trannies ever recover?
>infamous honeybee cross-dressing scene is in the remake
why is it infamous? its great. cross-dressing is a joke
>muh slippery slopes
You people truly believe that this is the end of the world
Her boobs weren't shrunk, they were restricted via the addition of the sports bra, and it's not for the reasons you think. SE's "Ethics Department" is there to make sure shit is age-appropriate, not politically correct. They want to keep the game below an M rating so they didn't want her boobs flopping all over the place when she's doing uppercuts and backflips. Besides, if this were a "censorship" matter I can guarantee you there's no way she'd be wearing a mini skirt and halter top.
And yes I realize this post is a complete waste of time because people are going to dismiss it and accuse me of being a shill or COPE or DILATE or whatever other nonsense.
As long as a dilation station is nearby
Holy fuck, that journalist is a retard.
Ill masturbate to whatever I want thank you.
looking retarded is not an argument
it doesnt look any more retarded than anything else in the game which is filled with unrealistic elements
You are fucking boring
>lost so badly he even denies to have argued in the first place
Keep going, I'm sure you have some better deflection up your sleeve.
Not that user but
Fear not, they ethics department will modernize that too
If you think fetishing crossdressing isn't a big deal you are part of the problem
Have sex, incel.
>post yfw gaming died
>Second of all it would look retarded as fuck to see a character with tits bigger than her head running around fighting and doing karate.
Can't wait until Clouds sword gets downsized. this shit just looks stupid and has no place in a realistic setting.
All of the Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Tekken, Blazblue, and Ninja Gaiden Girls would like a word with you, you fucking blithering idiot.
>SE has an ethics department
>declaring yourself the winner
Not only were we not arguing, you got so mad that you resorted to danth's law
So guys. Do you think that in 5 years we will STILL be arguing about this? Is this the Rei vs Asuka of Yea Forums?
>models not even the same size
Nice try, but very poorly executed.
>OP is still a faggot who can't read
At least you faggots can feel safe, knowing that there's still some things that's never going to change.
Cindy also isn't a fighter
Are you really surprised some people hate censorship?
>og tifa needs to be half the size
yeah you sure showed them
I said nothing about no one would miss you being a request. What the fuck are you pulling out your ass?
white people telling what japs can and cant do in their own games, thats white supremacy right there
>now the strawmanning starts
Keep going.
Dilate, faggot.
The interview, they covering her up, the images, are not proof enough for these retards because they are either liars or shills.
how about posting what was actually said instead of some faggots fake news.
the japanese dev clearly states they didnt change her boobs. They only went through an ethics team to make sure they functioned naturally and didnt look like hentai fake bullshit u find in DoA.
They do after Cindy
>haha just like have sex man haha
Reality is stranger than fiction.
>models have different sizes
>old Tifa is clearly smaller overall
You're not doing your cause any justice with that.
>video games
>ethics team
Fucking retarded horseshit. Give me my big titty fighting anime girl and Knights of the Round.
>seriously just HAVE SEX by working on your personality
>the word actually used in the interview means "to hinder movement"
>fags are screaming "they made them SMALLLLERRRRRRRRR because ETHICSSSSSSSS"
If by semantics you mean "I'm living in a fantasy land where I hear words that I want to hear instead of words actually used", then sure. You win, you're living in an alternate universe where you're oppressed by SJWs. I'll enjoy reality along with Tifa's big tiddies.
>it was necessary to bind [Tifa’s] chest
They say it right there, they shrunk it to make it look like it was bound. When you bind boobs you are trying to make them look smaller. In 3D you just shrink the chest
Does it feel good to be outraged all the time? It seems as though people are getting off of one ship to the next as soon as the game releases. People seem to complain about Snoy censoring but they don't even bother with talking about it more than a day.
Is summer already here?
Fucking zoomer trash.
I'm so confused bros
Just be yourself
Yes, they made them smaller for some arbitrary reason. Glad you finally agree with me.
Der Zoomer....
It's whatever fits the current translation.
It´s funny how everyone is talking about her tits but nobody mentions that she lacks muscle mass for a martial artist female. That´s not how a trained body would look, even a stylized one. She should have a slight six pack, a broader back, at least some bicep muscle and bulkier legs.
Who cares they make her tits smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't it said by tifa's original character designer that she had a G cup?
But it's a fantasy video game. It doesn't have to look realistic unless it's about breasts of course.
It feels fucking terrible, actually; but it's not nearly as bad as letting 3rd party fuckwads who don't play games dictate what should be in them. Go back to whatever shit website you came from and fuck off from Yea Forums.
People point that out all the time, that is honestly a bigger issue. The smaller chest would be fine if they filled out her legs and arms so she didn't look like she was going to pass out from starvation.
Who typed that soi bullshit?
>She should have a slight six pack
Didnt they also say in the interview that they were focusing on her abs
of course a faggot is gonna say that he don't even like females, fucking white faggot.
>TFW oldfag chad who got to experience the golden age of games before lootboxes, politics and censorship
Sorry youngfags, but you got a fight ahead of you if you ever want to experience a real video game.
>before censorship
You're not serious are you?
>"The full body silhouette hasn’t changed from the original image"
>full body
>hasn't changed
Good lord, he's right. You are just looking to be offended.
Holy shit thought you guys were kidding, try to search 'tifa censorship' on twitter, i've never seen so many trannies together in my entire life, i guess this explains everything. Only a mentally ill person would defend censorship.
Yeah he is, dozens of games have been butchered my Nintendo and Sony this year alone
>western journalism
The 3rd party dickwads you're referring to is the majority of Yea Forums who haven't even played FFVII and only know about through the the idea of it. And you're trying too hard to fit in.
Some vice guys, you can just search up 'cindy ffxv problematic' for more of the outrage over her design
>this year alone
This is adorable, how old are you sport?
kill yourself
Yeah, not one bit
some white faggot virgin with a small dick made this
>keep the same body
>"bind" the tits because reasons
>translates to smaller tits in the visible model
It's really not hard to understand tough I somehow doubt you're able to do it.
huh....... these ethics departments........ sort of like a.... shadowy cabal over all of humanity.. really makes me think about the society we live in......................... we truly are the most oppressed group of people on the planet and the last bastion of free speech..........
I wasn't bothered by her reveal in the E3 trailer, but the idea of an "ethics department" bothers the fuck out me. Are we really heading into another fucking dystopian Hayes Code era?
Believe it or not there are lots of white/pale skinned people in Mexico. Strangely they're never the ones trying to hop the boarder
That’s actually an interesting statistic that I wished we had: how many people did not play the original that are outraged about Tifa.
If SJW stop censoring the threads will stop.
Nuke california and we can have a better board.
Mostly going to effect sony games
>shadowy cabal over all of humanity
watch the anti-semitism, user
Sorry. you stupid nigger, this isn't Reddit.
You can just figure this out by asking people to explain the plot of FF7 in it's most basic form.
>my paraphrase is better than your paraphrase
If there's any ambiguity in what the Square guy said, look at it word for word:
激しいアクションでも(during violent action) 不自然(unnatural) にならないように (to not be) 胸部(chest) を絞める(to constrict) 必要(needed).
>ignoring the handy dandy proportions circles for your convenience
>instead you post the same image that has Remake model at an incomparable downward angle, poor lighting, with no OG model head to compare for proportions
>she still has big honking tits
Calm down, little SJW fucknugget.
Why do retards type in all caps?
Only Sony. Nintendo and PC are only becoming more free with what is allowed.
Can't help but notice you didn't deny the statement. Possibly because you agree and just wanted to creep on little boys cuz you're a pedo
they spaz out from time to time
Why are Asian roasties sperging out over Tifa?
So the widespread translation that the ethics department constricted her chest is 100% accurate. There's no mention of a "loose top" or anything.
shut the fuck up you dumb imbred
literally the only way arguments can get through you head
waa waa i dont know what real oppresion or censorship is, so im gona feel offended over the most insignificant thing like puting sports bra on a girl WAA WAAAAAAAA
She is hotter than tifa
Calm down, little SJW fucknugget
Send emails and seed after downloading. Also collages spreading the truth.
waa waa i dont know what real oppresion or censorship is, so im gona feel offended over the most insignificant thing like puting sports bra on a girl WAA WAAAAAAAA
put a , at the end of the phrase this time so Yea Forums can let your post
It's really hard to beat prime Conelly.
why the fuck did you just samefag and post the same thing you posted here
>If I need porn I got pornhub
Why bother? It's not like inserting stuff in your axewoulnd would give you any pleasure anyway.
>keep the same silhouette (ie boob size is part of a silhoutte)
>tits are "bound" so they don't move around in goofy ways
>translates to same fucking tit size but they don't have to code physics
The desperation is fucking pathetic at this point. Nomura is saying they didn't change her boob size at all and that new underbra is an excuse not to have her tits smacking her face during Dolphin Punch.
>through you head
>puting sports bra on a girl
calm down, little SJW fucknugget.
Square said nuTifa is asian, it's time to stop being delusional
Tiffani Thiessen > Jennifer Connely
>Tiffani Thiessen > Jennifer Connely
Post proof
I'm an assfag so I don't give a fuck. I also just think it's a design change to better fit with the more realistic art style rather than censorship. Tifa's tits have been smaller for years, and now it's a problem?
Tomb Raider fans called this years ago with the remake.
Welcome to the burka-countdown.
waa waa i dont know what real oppresion or censorship is, so im gona feel offended over the most insignificant thing like puting sports bra on a girl WAA WAAAAAAAA
now add the ,
the c instead of C wont work
>more realistic art style
>just shrink her breasts
>don't fill out her arms and legs, give her sticks instead
>give her stockings for some reason
>first it was the sports bra
>then they were always the same size
>then a mistranslation
>now it's non-existent jiggle physics
I mean, you can keep making shit up, but it won't change that they're not the same models size wise, no matter how loud you screech about it.
Don't forget the thighs, Really surprised the leotard made it in.
Reminder when people say "more realistic" they only ever mean "smaller tits" because big tits aren't real.
Make your own games. Like seriously it's the only way.
>d-don't post the truth
>it hurts my narrative
Cry harder retard.
We didn't call anything out except for the fact that ryona might become mainstream because of the reboot. Quit trying to talk about shit you haven't played.
>Yea Forums getting offended and angry over almost nothing
isn't that usual on SJW?
How come you despise SJW so much, yet act like one at the same?
have sex once you stop caring about fake news
>first it was the sports bra
It's still a sport bra. And complainers where the ones who brought it up.
>then they were always the same size
And they still are.
>then a mistranslation
Which it was.
>now it's non-existent jiggle physics
As far as we've seen there is no jiggle physics, at lest not during combat, so yeah.
I mean, you can keep making shit up, but it won't change that they're the same models size wise, no matter how loud you screech about it.
Newsflash - real /fit/ girls CAN HAVE BIG BOOBS.
Repost this at any incels saying otherwise.
why do nuincels like this align themselves with feminist puritans?
they literally dont look any less disgusting to women by joining the kill all sexy fictional characters movement
“I’d say that what we’ve learned is that making remakes can be very challenging,” said Matsuda. “It’s as difficult or even more so than making an original title, a new title, in a different sense. What I mean is that when you’re making a remake, you can’t just chase nostalgia. That’s not going to work out. You have to make it the latest game, a game that’s current.
“In making the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, we have to think about the fans of the original, who know Final Fantasy 7, but at the same time we want to expand beyond that to people who may not have had any experience with Final Fantasy 7, or even Final Fantasy altogether. I don’t believe we can just be thinking about the fans of the past game when making this. Of course we value how much support they’ve given us, but at the same time we’d like to see new customers play this as well. We need to make a game that will satisfy both of those customer bases. That’s why I say it’s so challenging.”
have sex
They think puss is their reward later on
Hey, those are almost as big as Remake Tifa's. Neat.
>tells people to stop being delusional while believing a company said something that was never said
yikes, when will you hang yourself
>We need to make a game that will satisfy both of those customer bases.
Aaaaand it's shit. There, this is how you know it.
>>It's still a sport bra. And complainers where the ones who brought it up.
>now he's trying to change what the first translations said
>>And they still are.
>when every comparison shows this not to be true
>>Which it was.
>As far as we've seen there is no jiggle physics, at lest not during combat, so yeah.
Good ,since that makes the new "official" reason for the reduction redundant.
But screech some more. Seeing how you can't even come up with something on your own just makes it so much better.
Provide some sort of source if you want anyone to stop laughing at you.
These fags HATE when proportions are brought into blow
It fucking obliterates their argument every single fucking time.
Why have sex when you can play a video game?
That's a way better explanation then the "ethics endearment" and any substitute for it. Simply saying it has been done to appeal to a larger audience is shitty, but at least understandable.
That's the point of the image, it's dishonest because of the dishonest half size tifa image you keep posting.
I say it's good idea, I'd rather them try new shit, even if it turns out shit. I'll always have the original to play.
The sad thing is that this even needs to be addressed because of all the idiot "gamers" out there who feel the need to ruin everything all the god **** time. Holy crap. I've been gaming my whole life. I grew up in arcades. My earliest memory is opening an Atari 2600 for Christmas and spending the whole holidays playing Pacman and Donkey Kong non stop. I've been through times where I was scorned and made fun of because I liked gaming, seen gaming become mainstream...and now this. This is the first time I'm starting to actually feel embarrassed to be known as a gamer. I assume this is just a very vocal minority out there (at least I hope it is), but thanks to the garbage fire that is social media and bloody youtube these days it is inescapable and toxic. And its unfortunate because we are in the golden days of gaming, with tons of games for anyone and everyone, and all I ever hear is bitching and crying and toxic a**holes who feel the need to crap on others to feel better about themselves and their sadly fragile egos.
>source: the interview
I still have an original copy of PS1 FF7 and I will tell you that she had big fat polygonal titties. Even Dissidia Tifa had bigger ones than the current remake build.
Okay fine nerf her chest, whatever. But fix her fucking legs and arms
I really like that you keep trying to police my grammar when you wrote '' im gona feel offended''
In short
Calm down, little SJW fucknugget.
Because people keep acting like this guy's translation is 100% perfect, when he's adding words and inferring meaning just like everyone else. He's just making a fuss because his interpretation doesn't match other people's. Mine is a direct translation, word for word, so no meaning is lost or added.
Let's organize a boycott. It's ridiculous. I'm not going to pay for that.
Can any character look this cute?
Here's the timeline, faggot:
>poor translation comes out that says the chest is "restricted" to avoid unnatural actions
>illiterate /pol/cucks SCREEEEEEEEE over smaller tits because "ethics in vidya" and "muh censorship" because they think "restricted" means "not allowed and reduced"
>what Nomura actually said was that they changed the design philosophy of her clothes but kept her model the exact same so that her tits aren't acting in an unnatural fashion
>non retards have been saying restricted=/=reduced for the last two days while posting images showing the tit silhoutte is, infact, large
>fags like you are willfully floundering around, conflating words, hearing what you want to hear, and making excuses to be angry over a nothing issue
>Tits look bigger because they're half the size of her chest
>Conveniently forget her chest was 1/3 the size in the original game and her legs were like 3/4 of her body so proportions were completely fucked up because of how stylized it was
>Will probably default to "W-who cares bout proportions tiddy stay same"
You people revolve into the same cyclical argument and REFUSE to see the truth, it's fucking pathetic
Calm down, little SJW fucknugget.
(((they))) dont want you like feminine features. They're trying to turn you into tranny lovers. Big wide hips, big natural breasts ARE A NO NO.
>i-it's in 'the interview'!
>does not provide an actual link to the interview
This won't work when you make it to university, underage-kun. It doesn't work here. Have sex.
were people this mad when she had smaller tits in AC, KH2, and pretty much every game after FF7?
You don't literally translate Japanese to english because it doesn't make coherent sentence, how the fuck do you claim to know japanese and not know that?
You're free to be angry about this but calling it censorship is pretty dumb, not every design choice you don't like is censorship. If the original character designer can't go back and change his design then who can? Can a female character EVER have her breasts made smaller without it being called censorship? This shitstorm creates a really dumb precedent.
did you not read the reply chain, you goddamn retard? or are you just baiting for (you)s
>One guy last night was saying "To tie down" or "To fasten" means reduce in size
It was HILARIOUS when the translation news broke because SEAniggers that didn't understand english were throwing their hats in the ring
>now he's trying to change what the first translations said
I guess I've misunderstood what you've been talking about then, since I was just talking about people being angry at it.
>when every comparison shows this not to be true
Looks like you might need to get your eyes checked. You do know that them being the same size doesn't mean that one of them is smaller, and in fact means they're the same size, right?
>Which it was.
At least we agree on that.
>Good ,since that makes the new "official" reason for the reduction redundant.
I guess sort of. The thing is adding it would be a waste of time, since it would look bad (their own statement) and just take more time a for a small visual effect.
Give her a sport bra, and they won't look as weird doing combat, and as bonus, they don't have to add physics to them.
women arent funny
It's funny how hard stupid people try but fail
Unethical is just a bad word to use in this situation. Literally any of the modern SJW buzzwords would be 100% applicable but "unethical?"
>No big head mode
>No polygon seams
She makes my penis hard
Notice the black straps on her outfit. This is how you know for a fact they purposefully reduced her breast size. In the 97 and 05 pics they are so big that those straps are basically pushed way out as if they cannot contain her tits. In the modern 2020 version half of her titty meat seems to be covered by the strap. Meaning they aren't so gigantic anymore that the strap gets stretched way out.
Anyone saying she hasn't gotten reduced, just lol.
congratulations you've drawn red lines
>meanwhile in reality barley anyone gave a single shit about her tits until the ethics department came out and sites started to report on it
>neotards like you tried to defend it while throwing out words that Nomura never used in the interview
>some fagtard posts a "true" translation that you lap up since it supports you
>it doesn't match the literal translation which is closer to the first "fake" one you so just ignore it and keep making up new excuses
Can't wait what new shit you come up with tomorrow.
It's not about "trying new shit", you dishonest fuck, it's about appealing to two different contrasting audiences: sjw and fans. This is why it will be shit and fully satisfy no one.
Showing big tits is an affront to god, therefor unethical
Why did every SOLDIER wear that stupid ass squatting belt...the wrong way round?
You're right. It's a wonky as fuck translation because Japanese and English don't work the same way. But it's also completely accurate, which seems to be more important when people are shouting "mistranslation". The guy was probably translating for an article or whatever, so I get that he had to make it a good read in English. But that also means he added shit that didn't exist in the Japanese sentence.
>Guy who heard rumor from guy that doesn't know anything about accessory parenting on character models repeats his retarded theory on something he knows nothing about.
I figured a few people in her would fuck around with item parenting in Honey Select or something but I guess you retards all just follow each other around like lemmings
That's not a link, retard.
ANYONE can cut together a shitty jpg 'news' story in MS Paint.
Again, this won't work in university. Your parents are going to be even more ashamed of you than they already are.
are you retarded?
Up to the bit in FFVII where Tifa goes into Cripple Cloud's mind. How long's left?
Amazing.how far you people twist words on a daily basis
First reaction when I saw the trailer were that I though her breasts were smaller and her outfit is different. She looked to altered for me, and the thing at the back of her skirt looks stupid.
kek shut the fuck up tranny retard. Tifa's breast have been restricted and it came right out of Square shits own mouths. They could have been based and actually increased her breast size to really please fans but instead they want to please idiots who hate games such as yourself.
There's a ton of pics in the thread with comparisons of the models. If you can understand then maybe there's some hope for you, otherwise you should go see a doc about your eyes.
And if you seriously think that increasing her bust size is some monumental endeavor that requires a lot of time you're in a for a big surprise should you ever learn modeling. They could've easily kept them the same size, add the "spots bra", save the juggling, and have a good day.
>and the thing at the back of her skirt looks stupid.
Its called a Butt user. You have one too.
Code Vein's Io is fully uncensored. Namco Bandai are not keks that lower their head against Sony like Square Enix.
In the sense to not make it move and not in the sense to make it smaller.
I know it's difficult billy, but you were wrong
How does changing proportions to be more accurate fuck with the size of the boobs? Giant tittes exist in real life, and can easily be transposed onto a newly proportioned body. You're just biased against big fat titties.
The butt is inside the skirt. You may think your smart, but you're not.
Talking about people new to Final fantasy 7. Nothing about sjw boogieman you're talking about.
Bitch elsewhere
The Tifa on both sides are at different angles. Post Tifa from remake with tits this big, you won't because you can't. Die, shill.
At this point it's pure pride.
They're pissed they got called out for having their perception of Tifa completely changed by off model porn so they're grasping at anything they can at this point.
Honestly surprised some retard isn't in here with the off model CGI scenes repeating "IT'S IN THE GAME" "WHO CARES IF THE OTHER MODELS DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT IT'S IN THE GAME" "PS1 GRAPHICS WEREN'T LIMITED"
Why are you posting the overworld model and not the in-battle model?
This isn't a pokemon thread. You must've misclicked.
If you're removing something because vocal moral police will seeth if you leave there, then yes, it's censorship.
Because I posted the battle model earlier in the thread dickcheese, and it's even more goofy
>Legs 3/4 of her fucking body
>Body 1/3 the length in the original game
It's a joke
Jesus fucking Christ this thread.
I really hope they give cross-dressing Cloud DDD tits just to spite us.
>still no source
>How does changing proportions to be more accurate fuck with the size of the boobs
Me realizing I'm arguing with a retard.webm
>Off model porn.
>Posts the deformed overworld model instead of the more accurate in-battle or FMV cutscene models in order to try and prove himself right.
You're an ignorant faggot.
oops my bad
Her tits are smaller (proportionally to her height) even when compared with that model? Holy fuck!
I wish.
zoomers get BTFO by that one gif in literally every tifa thread
Now that's the tifa I know
>In battle
>Fucked up leg and body proportions
>Done by a different team and Nomura says "Looks silly"
Try restricting your throat, see what happens.
Yeah but the pointy, low-poly field model is SO much more accurate?
Glad you admitted I'm right by deflecting my origin story.
Those breasts are completely unethical though.
>Cloud DDD tits just to spite us
Would that be a bad thing?
sauce me baby
No, thsts where the spat is. Butt is inside that.
You were talking specifically about leg length and overall proportion to the rest of the body. Do you understand how busy size can be a completely different metric, or will you just continue to be a disingenuous faggot? All this duplicity in this thread is disgusting. Obnoxious faggots.
You realize in the sense they were talking about a choker would do this yes?
Oh wait you don't, because you're retarded.
It's the model most used in the game itself, going to tell me the one used for 10 minutes is more accurate because all the porn models off of it?
Pretty nice message for any woman who has big tits...Square thinks you are a bad person.
Imagine being such a virgin loser you care this much ovef a video game characters breasts. How sad and pathetic.
Then why the fuck did you quote me, tranny? And still, fans and new (PC) people, it'll still be shit that satisfy no one.
Don't post my beautiful wife, thanks.
Yeah, they are smaller than Honoka, the extra black top doesn't change her tit size either.
anyone who thinks tifa isnt hot anymore is one big gay.
>meanwhile in reality barley anyone gave a single shit about her tits until the ethics department came out and sites started to report on it
True, people saw that they kept Tifa's big zonkers and were happy until someone read "ethics department" and started sperging out over "censorship" and suddenly fags think they're magically smaller because someone said "restricted" and SJWs are out to get them
>neotards like you tried to defend it while throwing out words that Nomura never used in the interview
Non retards like me and these anons have eyes and were saying you're screaming over nothing because Tifa's massive melons are still in the game
>some fagtard posts a "true" translation that you lap up since it supports you
Someone posts a "better" translation that shows the actual distinction in words and the original japanese moon runes for anyone who cares to look up and give context, and given we can already see Tifa's tiddies are big in the game, it gives proper context.
>it doesn't match the literal translation which is closer to the first "fake" one you so just ignore it and keep making up new excuses
It does match up with the literal translation, and it doesn't use the loaded word "restricted" like the poorly translated one uses so fags like you have a harder time screaming "CENSORSHIP, muh FREEEDOMSSSSSS"
It could be worse. Just imagine how a cucked Western studio would do to her. They'd probably cover her up like Lara Croft and make her tits even smaller.
I'm telling young to kys.
Yes dumb fuck, it only looked bigger because HER TITS WERE HALF THE SIZE OF HER CHEST.
I know you're a fucking retard and will back pedal from this curbstomping.
But in the end know you'll never get your clown balloon tits Tifa, incel
implying im spending a cent on this tumblr edition of ff7
the most interesting part of this is that the japanese don't have a word for "refine"
Are you fucking kidding me.
It was a simpler time....
I blame Chad, he should have married the landwhales and ugly women.
I'm an ass-man myself.
>Previously, “restrict” was interpreted as “shrink,” by some. As pointed out by game producer and well-known Monster Hunter content creator Gaijinhunter, and others, this is simply not the case. As Twinfinite mentioned, with the full context, it’s easy to infer that “restrict” in Japanese is meant to be understood as “bind” or “squeeze” as opposed to “shrink.” You can read Gaijinhunter’s full translation below, replacing “restrict” or “constrict” with the much clearer “bind” instead.
>In summary, Tifa was not requested to get a smaller chest, only to be given a proper garment. With that said, of course it makes sense for Tifa to wear a high-impact sports bra. Tifa fights, runs, jumps, and does all sorts of physical activities in FF7, and let me tell you: not having the proper bra during intense activities can be annoying, painful, and, I’m not going to lie, embarrassing, especially if you’re as #blessed as Tifa. Yes, she very obviously still appears to have large breasts even while wearing a constricting undergarment, and that is a miracle, especially as someone with such a low body-fat percentage. Of course, Tifa is a fictional character and the laws of physics and realistic body proportions vary greatly from game to game, but the addition of the sports bra makes sense from a realistic standpoint.
>It's the model most used in the game itself,
No, that is the battle model. Shut the fuck up about the porn you addicted freak.
Again, them being the same size doesn't mean that one of them is smaller than the other.
Even fish understands this idea. Why don't you?
Is this because you can't translate the style change in your head? Are you also mad that her pelvis isn't the same size as the rest of her torso anymore?
Or that she's between 7 and 8 heads tall now instead of 6?
You're fucking nuts. I'm sure they also changed the combat and gameplay to fit sjws too, huh?
>only to be given a proper garment.
What's not proper about her top?
shes literally just low body fat. fit girls are literally female body builders that lose their tits.
>same guy who designed these character also is doing the FF7R redesigns
Wow those graphics are eye cancer. How did boomers play video games before the ps2 without puking?
>No, that is the battle model.
Is this what your mental gymnastics look like IRL?
It's hilarious you'd say that and pretend to have touched the game
Bind or squeeze is to restrict anyway as they are not free. That is literally making them smaller.
No bra. Tifa isnt some dirty hippy who lets her tits hang out uncontrolled.
You know I wouldn't even have cared all that much if they didn't bring up their ETHICS DEPARTMENT
Let me start off this post by saying no I won't post tits because this is a blue board, and I'm not a whore.
Okay, that being said, are they out of their fucking minds? Do they really think it's impossible for a girl to have big boobs but me muscular? My friend is exactly that. She's extremely top heavy and is very fit and in shape, way more than Tifa is (Tifa doesn't even really look in shape, just thin) and she has probably at least D cups, all natural. Do they not realize how fucking stupid they are? They're both pandering to and against SJWs.
>big boobs are sexual!
>so women's natural features are automatically sexual?
>b-big boobs are...uhh...W-WE DON'T WANT HORNY MEN STARING AT HER
SE is fucking cancer.
>"I'm literally retarded and can't read"
Thanks for letting us know.
>Again, them being the same size doesn't mean that one of them is smaller than the other.
Expect that they're not the same size. I even linked you the pic that directly shows it. What is it that makes you unable to understand something this fucking simple. You're either dumb as a rock or just after (you)s pretending to be as retarded.
This, the problem is it won't on its own, normalfags will still eat it up.
Was watching a ff7 limit break video and noticed this. What are the odds they'll change her design as well?
If they don't stop development of FF7R before gold saucer.
She is quite literally an eco terrorist
>Definition of restriction
>1 : something that restricts: such as
a : a regulation that restricts or restrains restrictions for hunters
b : a limitation on the use or enjoyment of property or a facility
Synonyms for restriction
>check, circumscription, condition, constraint, curb, fetter, limitation, restraint, stricture
Lol it's "B"
Except that's not a 1:1 scale increase in proportion in relation to chest and breast size and the rest of the body, you shithead. Why would you arbitrarily say you want more accurate proportions for the torso of the character in relation to the legs and then only increase the torso size and not the boobs? Just admit that you're an anti-boob faggot and get off of my board.
Who the fuck actually cares if her boobs are smaller or censored or whatever? Where is there a fucking official rulebook on how remakes are made that every videogame has to adhere to? Tits aren't going to affect gameplay or story. This is why Reddit has better discussion threads than Yea Forums
If the main characters are getting censored the small side characters have no hope except burkavill
you dont even know what you want, thats why going for nostalgia never wins.
Imagine 22 years have pass since you first played ff7 in 1997 and you still don't know what a sportsbra does to tits.
Every time this gif is posted the trannies shut up.
You realize words means different things in different languages hence the term "Lost in translation"
Sorry, how could I expect some high school drop out to actually think about shit my bad, keep SCREEEEEing
Nice strawmans you got there. That you're quoting the pics that pretty directly prove that they've been reduced doesn't even surprise me anymore. You idiots are so far up your own ass you try to use everything even it it contradicts you, hoping that it'll work.
And you better reread the direct translation, you seem to have misunderstood what it says since it pretty much agrees with the first "fake" one unless you really want to die on the hill to not know restrict/constrict.
But she's a competent eco terrorist, not dumb hippy eco terrorist.
>and then only increase the torso size and not the boobs
So you did want them bigger.
Check and mate.
im not trying to police anyone's grammar, im just telling you that it will be pretty obvious that you are gonna spam "Calm down, little SJW fucknugget." , so im just giving you advice to change minor stuff so Yea Forums can let you post.
Like putting , instead of . at the end, you know, that kind of things.
Based OP fighting the good fight.
why is everyone obsessed with her boobs? look at that stupid face and this thinn legs, that shit annoys me way more
>But she's a competent eco terrorist
>Tags along for one mission
>end sin failure
Barret just keeps her around for the bar
You never played the original ff7, zoomer. Shut your dilating shill ass up.
People who played the original game and want the remake to be faithful care. That's literally it.
What is wrong with it? It says restrict. On a 3d model it has the same result as simply shrinking them.
She's a bar whore. Gotta keep them titties perky if you want business.
>Posts proof
Yikesaroo dude
Are you illiterate or just pretending?
You can't just resize one part of a body and leave the rest. Fucking hell, no wonder they get away with shit like this, thanks to utter retards like you.
You linked a picture that showed them being the same size.
When compared to the rest of the upper torso, the body part that the tits are a part of, they're the same size.
You see them as having been made smaller because all the body parts have been made more proportional to each other, so the upper torso, including the tits, don't make up nearly as much of her entire body now.
Are you angry that her head is smaller now too?
>All this discussion about some tits changing size
>No mention on how the Game looks, how good is the Gameplay, etc...
Gee i wonder why the videogame industry sucks know with such level headed and critical thinking fans
Her hair being way shorter annoys me more.
Fuck this generation and these pussy millenial developers and fans.
Yea Forums will eternally screech over some tits while ill buyff7 remake, play it and enjoy it
That's better
So you have no argument and just want (you)s. Have one more.
Nope it's actually worse than you thought. the puritans in the California ethics department are going to guide them away from even an M rating. so everything's getting censored.
They've confirmed their not just going to make the game faithfully and it wont even be rated M.
Less effort to post about small vs big.
this models are so bad
Restrict can also mean "prevent from moving". As in they didn't want to big titties flopping around.
People already talked about that. The reason why this goes on is because Tifa is a popular character.
>I'll say "strawman", that way he's automatically wrong
Okay retard.
>that you're quoting the pics that pretty directly prove that they've been reduced doesn't even surprise me anymore
They're literally showing that her tits are as big, if not bigger, in proportion to her sprites in the game. Namely her battle sprite.
Again, feel free to live in your alternate timeline where Tifa's tits were stolen by SJWs. Just please stop sperging and shitting up Yea Forums with your cries of non existent oppression and censorship.
>the pics that show that they're smaller now proof that they're the same size
You're some grade-A retard, mate. Good luck with the rest of you life, you'll need it.
Take it to Twitter, lads. The public is not so favorable to the Ethic's Department meddling, and there's an on-going movement about restoring the old VAs, they could become allies of ours. Mention that those practices are disrespectful to long time fans and we may just get traction.
japan is cucked now too, thanks to california
They don't even have jiggle physics
They very much can because her original model was made with her canon bust size in mind and her reproportioning was done to account for the stylized nature of her anatomy.
I know these are really big words for you just google Tifa's bust size, then get pictures of girls in bikini with that bust so I can blow you the fuck out with Jennifer Connelly
Why do you need to run bouncy breasts through the ETHICS department?
Holy fuck is this for real? I never knew this about her wow.
>Regularly handling substances you really dont want on your exposed skin
Does this retard thing mechanics are handling battery acid every day? You're going to get all kinds of stuff all over your hands/arms/face/etc working as a mechanic that is perfectly fine. I worked in a shop in sleeveless shirts and shorts in the summer and just put on gloves if I handled anything caustic. This was clearly written by someone who has no fucking clue what a mechanic does during their day-to-day. It's mostly just road dust and oil.
>You linked a picture that showed them being the same size.
No I didn't. The pic showed why they're not the same size despite initially looking like it, thanks to the difference in the models size. You can't just increase one part and leave the rest as is. They resized the rest expect the tits , which is why they're smaller now. It's really not hard to understand, but somehow you still fail to do so.
Exactly, because she is wearing a sports bra now.
>SE is fucking cancer.
It all comes down to this, SE, GF and Bioware are the worst developers in the entire world.
user, you're framing a the situation in some arbitrary nonsense about how the characters chest and legs were of a different proportion than the rest of the body, but that has no relation to the overall design and shape of the character I the game.
There are three different models of tifa in FF7: Overworld, FMV, and Battle. All of them have slightly different leg, head, and chest proportions, but what unifies them is big fat titties. They are a staple part of her character design, and shouldn't be changed.
She does
And people already talked about Tifa's tits. Which has even less to talk about than the gameplay. But leave it to everything needing to be political, and this not just being a move to appeal to a bigger audience.
wtf i love video game "journalism" now
He's a game's journalist, he hasn't had an actual job before other than finding outrage on the internet.
Her 92's merely looked bigger on a stylized body, I know this is crazy to you, but they're still big, everyone denying that is being disingenuous
Yeah, she looked way better when she had those pointy, Sharp tits
Jiggle physics is something that have to add to the game, there is no exactly. They don't even have any physics for clothing and only some hair physics.
I noticed that whenever this gif is brought up the damage controllers can't respond.
Fucking checkmate,
>They're literally showing that her tits are as big, if not bigger, in proportion to her sprites in the game
>meanwhile the direct opposite is true
Do you have some problems with your perception? Unless you're legit retarded or baiting this is the only reason I can come up with why you would think that they're the same. Your twisting and making shit up still hasn't ceased so I guess the days until release will be just more bullshit from you.
>is something that have to add to the game
Apparently not since they didn't
>Lara flatbooted
>Tifa forced into Mulan-tape
Is there anyone left to save us now?
>Previously, “restrict” was interpreted as “shrink,” by some.
by some random nobody? the original translation was correct and didn't say shrink at all.
"Gaijinhunter" is a fucking retard.
it's best translated as restrict or limit.
So since they are censoring everything, are they going to make yuffie button up?
>I hope you're waifu doesn't have large breasts because SE is sending in their censorship brigade.
Thanks for worrying user but I am a man of culture so my wife doesn't have a large chest.
You do realize that with all the evidence anyone can conclude they are censoring her, right? I mean, covering up twice as much her body, giving her spats and a longer firm skirt so we can't see the panties underneath, her legs got covered almost all the way, her sports bra (that has nothing to do in VIDEOGAMES that) there won't be boobs jiggling, the two interviews (in context, mr. mann) and all the images comparision showing that AT MOST (not the case here, they downgraded her) they left her tits the same size, is obvious they're catering to the SJW crowd.
>durr big boobs all i can think about is boobs boobs boobs fuck gameplay i need big boooobs to enjoy things!!!
They don't have to because you're not getting porn Tifa ever :)
Mad? :)
We lighting now
>They resized the rest expect the tits
No they didn't. They reduced the upper torso, compared to to her other body parts, just like they reduced her head and hands, since they where proportionally larger in the stylized old model.
They just made everything to more natural scale. Since the tits are still the same size when compared to the rest of the upper torso, they didn't shrink her tits. They shrunk her upper torso. Just like her head and hands.
how much bounce is considered unethical?
>Meet female coworker at the beach
>She's wearing a bikini
>Go to work the next day
>She's in uniform
>Tell my boss he's a censoring faggot
Ouch, incel life must suck bro
At least even lightning has bigger thighs than her calfs
Yeah, you can resize one part and not the others, still doesn't make it absolute stupid and is a simply retarded excuse for the smaller tits. At least you agreed that they're smaller now., that's some progress I guess even if you most likely didn't intended it.
Trying to play the re"realistic" card will only throw is back to the beginning tough, where shit like that has no bearing on the game, since then you could maul off your mouth to then end of time about literally everything in it. I hope you at least understand where you agreed with me...
Enjoy your roastie 3DPD downgrade
I bet you're a fucking chestlet, aren't you
Browse through and of the dissidia games and you'll find big, fat tits bouncing all over the place. Seethe more, cunt.
>At least you agreed that they're smaller now
Nice you managed to completely miss where I said her chest was made bigger while her tits are the same size.
All just disingenuous and subversive arguments from porn addicted incels, can't form an argument without acting like you're smarter than someone even though you dropped out of college
Wow those tits are like DDD at least, she has to use so much to hold them back
reminder her canon measurement is 92 for boobs, and the remake reflects that. Keep seething.
Likely, seeing as that was mostly there so that she'd show some belly button, while still having high wasted shorts. They even buttoned them in the AC flashback.
Well, at least you admit they are covering her up, if you take in the context of the times we are living in, but you won't because you're a fag, you can deduce she was in fact censored.
Yeah they did. this is getting ridiculous. You have direct evidence, multiple even, clearly outlined, yet you still try to deny it being true. How fucking stupid are you actually?
Add to that the Nomura interview that in any translation so far comes down to them reducing the tits for one reason or another and yet you still keep on claiming it not being true.
jesus christ stop samefagging your shitty gif you autist. it's literally still just her battle sprite which is already compared to nuTifa and they're the same size.
just posting to push this shit thread off
>at least you admit they are covering her up
Her old outfit showed even less of her body if you bothered looking the old design up, even with the sports bra.
Thanks for admitting you can't read or see
If bounicng tits are unethical, about about depictions of teen gay sex?
This is a bad translation.
the original used "restrict/limit" in Japanese and at the bottom instead it says "make sure that her top wasn't loose" it's deliberately jumping the shark and taking a whole lot of liberties with the translation in order to downplay how it sounds.
Tifa was literally perfect. There were never any controversy or arguing before this "unethical" censoring bullshit. No one disliked her original white top look because it always remained cool and sexy. Until now when they added the black shit to cover her the exact same way they did with Dead or Alive characters.
>Add to that the Nomura interview that in any translation so far comes down to them reducing the tits
Imagine thinking your retarded conjecture that got debunked from multiple translators was true lmfao
me too
post tifa
>Nice you managed to completely miss where I said her chest was made bigger while her tits are the same size.
>All just disingenuous and subversive arguments from porn addicted incels, can't form an argument without acting like you're smarter than someone even though you dropped out of college
Ah, forget it, seeing how you're out of arguments and incapable to form even one coherent line of thought. Thanks for the laugh I guess.
I wonder if a pair of tan shorts unbuttoned will be unethical
The real crime will be covering her stomach.
New Threat mod? I'm in almost the exact same place.
Fujos are untouchable.
shill harder s o y
Another will spawn
waaaaaah stop making fun of my new tumblr ladyboy version of tifa waaaaaaaaah
>when in this thread alone it the literal and contextual translation led to the same conclusion
You really do live in your own little dreamworld.
>no one
I think it's fine, but come on. Sex negative feminism was a thing and gratuitous sexualization has been disliked for varying reasons in media. Just because the internet didn't bring it to the forefront of what people are talking about, you just never knew their thoughts.
>Didn't bother reading the reply chain he jumped in on
>Runs with his tail between his legs again having to assert he's the one in charge and winning
she's so perfect
I wonder if people will end up sperging again if she happens to have her shorts buttoned up
This somehow makes me sad
Go ahead and reply with a side step, incel, that way everyone knows I'm better than you
We can barely see where one tit ends and where the other begins, they are so "restricted" that they are almost formless on the right. Also, they do seem flatted due to all the "restriction", while on the left they not only seem very big, distinct with curves, they are perky fat titties. Anyway, she's been covered more than double the before, so fuck tranny-sjw-shills. Remember to seed after you download.
If they said they tightened her up, why are her breasts too wide apart? Women with big tits in sports bras have their tits squeezed together. This whole thing doesn't make sense to me. Someone is lying and it's probably twitter and kotaku most likely.
The HRT fryed your brain bruh, you can't think anymore.
>doesn't link the post with his supposed argument
>thinks there is some "winning" when he already agreed with me
You should think better of yourself, tough you did display a very pathetic attempt to argue in the first place.
Imagine caring so much about virtual boobs. Get laid ffs
God,FGO has such a horrible story
as has already been pointed out this translation is dishonest and obscures words.
>Trying to backpedal when you got absolutely skeet shot
Damn son imagine cloistering your brain away the moment it's starting to get stomped on the ground
>They aren't as big when compared to the overall hight of the model! This must mean that they shrunk her tits!
No you fucking idiot. It means they made her limbs longer in comparison.
Her model isn't 20% upper torso anymore, because real humans aren't 20% upper torso.
Her head and hands are, as stated before, also proportionally smaller. Why aren't you raving about them censoring those?
You just keep proving my point that you don't understand how body proportions work.
>so out of arguments he's bringing up the already proven fake shit
You could've just said that you have no idea what you're even on about.
They can't be considered people, bunch of rabid animals
The original japanese script is right there you fucking moron.
Oh wait... you can't read it can you?
you'd think the only reason Yea Forums cares about games is to fap to them, pretty sad
Ok, you're trolling, but just because I have nothing better to do: they covered her legs and gave her spats.
well I can. that's how I know it says restrict.
>still hasn't linked the post
Keep going, your shit will not stop before that thread hit the limit. Retards like you never know when to stop.
It's aggressive marketing: they keep doing this trolling so there's always 3-4 threads 24/7. Remember Remake 2? How they lied about that critical hit aim mechanic?
>increase one size of the model but not the rest
>claim it was due to stop her big tiddies from moving
I mean, the shit Nomura says directly shows that this isn't the reason, but if that's the new angle you want to try, go on.
>Mindless defenders have no argument against this and just resort to spamming deflections.
the absolute state of shills
Why would they button it up? Is the ethical shit a real boogieman or are the sjw with their agenda?
>How they lied about that critical hit aim mechanic?
1. no one cares about legs being shown, prove to me that people would be upset at this ever. and they did this to appease someone, and not just something they wanted to do
2. no panty shots in the original anyway. How is this censorship?
Mexico is white.
>Mexico is white.
dios mio...
You seem to have forgotten...
>B-bbut it's c-c-censorship!!!