Mario Royale

Revamp soon.

Attached: wew.png (1920x1080, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay, Redditors and zoomers. Here is how you get the original sprites back.
Download Switcheroo+ here:
If you don't want to use Chrome, you could try this Firefox addon: . I haven't tested it.
Install, click on the icon at the top, create a new rule. Copy and paste the url for first image below this on the left side, and paste the second image on the right side. Save.

Create a second rule, and do the exact same thing.

Reload the game, and it should look like basic mario now. Enjoy.
Also, you can use this file for any sprites you want. For example:
Just look for stuff people posted here.

So how long until this game dies?


Still kickin'.

Attached: file.png (3840x2071, 201K)

I'm sad that the game is over now. I knew it was going to happen but I'm still sad.

Fuck that dying voice clip.

Anyone have the All-Stars environmental textures? I have the character and obj sprites

New art's looking great!

Attached: 421432423.png (469x188, 49K)

Support the devs if you actually care.

absolutely nothing has changed as long as you change the tilesets

Not gonna happen since we can add our own sprites.

Fuck off

Mute the music, put your own on youtube

Yes, please somebody post these, I want to play 16-bit now.

anything better than jumping to the bottom to hit that starbox and watching the absolute panic of everyone at the turtle?

Attached: unleash the star niggers.png (1093x819, 13K)


Attached: 1539739328058.jpg (509x625, 31K)
>what is up my epic fortnite gamers

Attached: areyoufuckingkiddingmeanon.png (240x240, 4K)

Attached: 1517531174623.png (180x157, 59K)

Toho sprites when

I'm too poor to afford donating to anything really.

Attached: Untitled 1.png (668x759, 5K)

wtf that's not mario...

it's a FOTM
not expecting the game to last long enough to be worth any investment

I blame this video for the DMCA.
That's what you get for pandering to the youtube child audience, retard.

>that jumping sound

Attached: 1558223214152.jpg (413x550, 50K)

Why can't I see other people's names?

I missed a thread. Anyone have replacements for the sounds? Anyways, here's my usual dump of sprites
Royale Tiles (Pre-2.0.0 update):
Royale Objects (Pre-2.0.0 update):
Luigi over Mario:
Super Mario All Stars Objects:
Super Mario All Stars Tiles:
Super Mario Maker Objects:
Super Mario Maker Tiles:
Super Luigi Maker Objects (The only difference between this and Super Mario Maker Objects is that Luigi is the playable character instead.):
Other people have made stuff but I'm not looking through a thread I haven't been following. Oops

>If you don't want to use Chrome, you could try this Firefox addon: . I haven't tested it.
That only works for URLs, not images.

I will give him ten dollars if he adds private servers
And an additional twenty if he adds the ability to make custom levels and play them on private servers

this is honestly sadder than just shutting it down entirely

Love the gender, race, and transgender sprites!

Oh, there you are, sprite user. Thanks for your hard work and relieving my memories.

Attached: file.png (3840x2071, 183K)

>no longer about mario

>$10 for a programmer to spend hours setting it up
Not happening.

>10 kills with star in 1 second
lmao fuck the fags

Use switheroo bros. The game is saved!

Attached: mario sprites.jpg (1900x944, 412K)

Dare i say it?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-21 19-38-20.png (1920x1080, 42K)

I'm mildly tempted to toss him a bit now, wanted to see how the copyright shit would pan out first.

Okay, well somebody else can figure out a fix for other browsers, then. I use Chrome and Yea Forums X extension for Yea Forums.

>tfw i wake up to this shit
atleast it's still looking good

Attached: unknown.png (760x747, 27K)

it worked for me

So how long until names are just removed entirely?

What about the music

Everything feels soulless.

Well I mean if my $10 aren't worth the effort then obviously I shouldn't give them to him at all.

I cleared the way for you. Remember that.

Attached: file.png (3840x2071, 240K)

You know the patreon is what probably killed this game right?

I must be some kind of double idiot because this hasn't been working for me for nearly the last hour or so regardless of the redirect links I use. I've tried every voodoo trick you can feasibly try and the lobby just remains the same.

Attached: idgi.png (1288x174, 17K)

Attached: WIN.png (1920x1080, 102K)

No one wants to play on a private server with you, retard

map works but not objects

remove www
and use permanent links lmao

It's still playable

Done that.
Did that too.

someone made this for sound replacement,

>he doesn't want a Yea Forums-only server so we can have more than three people in the same game

ignore this

trying removing the www and using ctrl f5, that worked for me when it seemed to not otherwise work

Attached: KKK map.png (1911x901, 60K)
mahjong soul

>goes down pipe
>invisible stage
I was not prepared.

Not to sound like a retard but what is a permanent link?

Don't you mean /jp/?

Attached: 1555248556336.jpg (640x480, 124K)

SMB 1 asset version - Soulless
Original asset version - Soul
You're not playing the soulless version, correct?

Attached: soul.png (529x400, 9K)

how do you change the tiles, i still didn't find out.


>no mario
dead game

>one week ago game had less than 100 players
>for the past 5 days it had over 1000
>patreon support increased $10
Why do faggot e-celebs get thousands but not this guy making something worthwhile

Classic Luigi Sheet with the fire costume altered a little. Do whatever

Attached: Classic Luigi+Edited Fire Luigi.png (256x256, 18K)

It does work. Try closing chrome and reopening. It worked for me. If it's still not working, then you're retarded.


Game is still pretty new and unknown.

Are there Sonic sprite sheets?

i just forgot to remove the nihongo laugh kusa

The sound and music files don't work with redirect extensions for whatever reason, so for now we can only get the looks back, not the sound.


Attached: d03d1e3c6a2144c9531ffb13ff237ce7.png (1913x978, 27K)

Show a screencap of your filter setup. For me it does squat unless a webpage touches it directly, and not via javascript (despite javascript turned on).

>go to remove the www again anyway because it's better than trying nothing
>accidentally take off an extra i so it's just "nferno[etc.]"
>game hangs at loading resources again
>fix the i
>it loads the custom sprites
yeah okay game, fuck you, why didn't this work the first three times
I'm going to go fast so I won't be so mad

Attached: 1372569401001.png (275x288, 125K)

I remember you, Chinbotsu. You helped me out, so I had to repay the favor.

Attached: file.png (3840x2071, 259K)


Attached: Quickdrawkingdedede.png (256x224, 4K)

once the Yea Forums thread 404's your sprite is gone. upload it to imgur or look at the guide posts that have it all saved already. mario royale discord

The game's dead.

It doesn't work at all. The game is asking for the original names and for the paths /sfx/ and /music/. Unless some user is willing to host those files on a server while using the same path and name we're fucked, no music for us.


Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-21 19-52-55.png (1920x1080, 39K)

Won't last the weekend. Your average person can't be bothered to change spritesheets and the only appeal it has is being Mario. Everyone knew it was coming when he had a fucking patreon for it, but the fact that he's still clinging on instead of just shutting it down is pathetic.

thats just fortnite

Attached: da.png (783x669, 49K)

those sound effects suck honestly

Attached: unknown.png (356x316, 6K)

It'll be alive on Yea Forums for a while longer, as it was in the beginning. But it'll die for normalfags, as it would have eventually anyway.

I'd call these graphics old Yoyogames tier but really Karoshi and Garden Gnome Carnage have much better graphics than this.

I have mine set up the exact same way (except using catbox) and it does squat.

>winning more than ever
>Toroko isn't here due to the tiles being unreadable and Switcheroo not working
I'm never going to make it to the podium with them
Nintendo killed the dream

Attached: file.png (285x223, 5K)

>give money to the guy that issues permabans without any warning whatsoever
How about that guy can shove a rusty fork right up his fucking ass?

wait so if I hosted that shit unto a spare server I have lying around in a /royale folder it'd work?

>1300 players right now
I was playing this when it had 100 people max though.

got you bro

keep seething, cheating faggot. Look at you still here desperate to play

shit, forgot image

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-21 19-56-55.png (1920x1080, 42K)

Wrong. Game's fucking dead for both of us. Even this thread has barely anyone on it.

How do you have access to a spare server and cant figure this shit out, user?

>doomposting in a fucking web game thread

Attached: 1474995365111.jpg (490x425, 37K)

So go away then faggot.

wow, you want a hipster medal for that or something?

This is why I'll never give my money to the fucks at nintendo.

Was fun lads.

Attached: 291923_011.png (1010x225, 5K)

How pathetic are you?

Just wanted to make sure, never replaced files on a website externally before

So fucking kill yourself, tranny Discord user.

Game is still going and you can change sprites.
We will keep the game alive.

The Chad Hacker here, was going to make a new cheat for this but seeing its already dead I guess its over, proof that this game was only popular cus Mario trademark, enjoy your shit game niggers discord royale

Cute and Funny here, need to set up the SOUL back into the game


Fuck this game. When the devs permanently ban people for saying nigger,with no warnings whatsoever, then this game is not worthy is being kept alive. Fuck the mods of the Discord, and fuck the fans. This game is dead.

have sex

Why not? Where will all your favorite indie developers steal their ideas and concepts from?

It's beddy-bye time, tyrone.

Reminder that it's cheatfag's fault for throwing a tantrum after getting banned and filed a complaint to Nintendo.

Was fun while it lasted, my only regret was not playing more of it sooner.
Knew the DMCA was coming soon, but its always sooner than I expect.

Attached: Untitled.png (1277x913, 20K)

The discord has some jsons you can use with the redirector extension for chrome and firefox (the one by Einar Egilsson, there's multiple extensions with that name) that you can import to make sprite replacements much less of a hassle. You can still manually edit them after importing if you want custom sprites.

Sound doesn't work yet, but it's being looked into. Bonus over the replacements in these threads - it also replaces the blue background on the start screen with the old 1-2 level scroll.

is this tyrone clown just here shitposting 24/7?

Not as pathetic as your seething, cheatnigger ass.

shit game, gay dev ban without warnig

good race

Attached: unknown.png (384x372, 7K)

fotm "game"

That's not an argument.

Not Tyrone. Don't know how many times to say it but Tyrone was probably the one who contacted Nintendo over this. Sorry buddy, but Tyrone is KIA.

I got it running after trying a bunch of redirect links at least. The next step is private lobbies.

Attached: Untitled.png (1919x935, 43K)

Did they actually ban anyone for names though? I got banned for fucking around with the JavaScript, and I thought that's why everyone else got banned.

There were tons of people playing with the name "Nigger" (or derivatives thereof), surely they weren't all banned.

Why is it called Royale and not Racer?

Attached: 1542849701273.png (528x448, 22K)

he is an autistic, aspie, and a nigger. So the answer is yes, he has nothing else to do but moan, complain, and whine like a WoW shitter

Wasnt my point. Point was this game feels alive with very few. Its ten times more alive now then when it was "alive" when it was first posted to Yea Forums.

have sex incel?

Because you can kill people with shells and stars?

>>Did they actually ban anyone for names though

I was fucking around with javascript until the update with the win counter, and I've been legit since without any ban issues. That said, when I cheated I never abused it by winning, just did it for fucking around and dancing about the winners.

Also not an argument.

Yeah that's what I thought.

Just don't.

And yet you faggots still give him attention.

Attached: 1557404514701.jpg (500x497, 65K)

Have sex, incel.

I am not Tyrone you fucking sped. Tyrone is a namefag, am I using a name? Am I spamming cheats? No, fuck off.

Dev should just add a button to the main menu that lets you load up any spritesheet you want as long as you have one.

It's not like its his fault if everyone just happens to have a fitting spritesheet on hand. That's the power of modding on PC.

Attached: 1256743354377.jpg (464x352, 48K)

>hey dont modify the javascript!
>modifies the js for infringing the dmca

Epic, Inferno needs to get sued

weishen get rid of the r it was funnier

Kart racers have power-ups to fuck with other players, are they a Royale too?

>Reddit Chad grabs the star in 6-2 and doesn't kill the two Yea Forumsirgins next to him
You will not be forgotten

Attached: file.png (503x299, 10K)

I have been banned for saying nigger at least twice now.

Attached: Banned..jpg (1920x961, 192K)

This. Can somebody ask Inferbro to do this?

I grabbed the star there so that I wouldn't worry about piranha plants fucking my impatient ass so yeah I didn't really wanna kill anyone

Attached: 1489177777777.jpg (540x304, 53K)

My name is fuck starniggers, but now I've discovered the fun of mass genociding people with stars

Fuck off, Tyrone.

No, because he isn't a Yea Forumsro. He is a money hungry asshole. Just let the game die.


Attached: 11439005633.jpg (211x239, 18K)

Good fucking race Toroko, it is really scary racing against you.

By calling him names and ridiculing him for his pretentious faggotry? Sure why not

He lurks. Chances are he already knows.

okay babydick, calm down

Fuck off you aspie. Said this 3 times now, not Tyrone. How can you prove its me? Oh, wait. I use capitals and periods. Compare that to Tyrone's English. Here is a post by Tyrone:

stop falseflagging you dumb nigger!

>don't steal my engine
>but I'm going to steal Nintendo's
>also pay me

i swear every time i see toroko i panic and choke like a retard

Attached: 1558211602192.jpg (500x500, 465K)

There we go, got it working with wildcards.

Attached: wildcards.jpg (682x581, 53K)

That is literally his handle.
Also fuck off.

Fuck with is not the killing. You can get knocked to last in most kart racers and still get to first place by the end. Stop pretending different things are the same you hack

Too true. Now the game is dead, but he brought it upon himself.

whatever you say, Tyrone

I was off by just one pixel near the end, rip

Any way to rip this engine?

this isnt Yea Forums you Yea Forumsirgin

omg how is he getting away with such blatant homophobia???

Okay then, Anonymous. If you took the time and fucking effort to dig through the threads, you would actually see Tyrone speaks pretty different from me.

That's not how engines work you fucking retard.

I mean it had a whole week, I would say that's just about perfect for FOTM.

Now we're back to comfy smaller playercounts.

Sound replacements don't work at all, has someone found a solution yet?

>9 of 10 post complaining about the dev is the cheating faggot
See? This is the power of autism, what makes EVERY fandom seems toxic and bad.
And this is only ONE autistic person imagine hundreds in a popular franchise, even if thousands plays the game, the autistic persons would seem to be the majority.

Not entirely sure. People are so fucking dedicated to keeping this game alive, they'll ban people who accuse them of being in the wrong. They have found ways to rip all the stuff, and a Github link to an earlier version of this that was taken down moments later, but I don't think its all that likely this will be ripped.

>too pathetic to even respond to me

>competitive environment
I'll be honest, I didn't think people were gonna take this browser game that seriously. And yeah, I don't think a permaban is right. Temp ban, sure. Perm ban, nah.

How pathetic are you?

There's still ways you can cheat now. I found a way to cheat that doesn't seem to get detected. But I'm not gonna risk it because I'll eat through IPs.

Yeah that's what I should have done. Unfortunately it's now impossible for me to apply that lesson since I'm IP banned. I can still play on VPN but the lag, while not astronomically bad, is noticeable.

Not an argument.

Really? I spoke to the people on the Discord and they said they didn't do bans for names.

Not the guy you're responding to but:
>being so fucking triggered because someone modified the JS in your bing bing wahoo

Very true, the hypocrisy is real.

Yep, it's amazing how quickly people can change when they get autistically butthurt. Go away Tyrone.

Holy shit HAVE SEX

I was thinking this

I know that feel bro.

Attached: Not again.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Okay, if anyone is getting the loading resources error:
First you may want to clear your cache.
Try putting these exact links into Switcheroo:

Restart Chrome. Go to these links and make sure it swaps them:

Then start the game again. Worked for me.

It's not meant to be an argument
Have sex

Just add "IP" to the end of "Nintendo's" and his point still stands, you fucking retard.



I know. He says "Infrobro", so of course I am going to use Yea Forumsro because that is how he said it. Sorry about the bad exclamation, it's just a pain in the ass trying to interpret what some Anonymous' say when they can't speak proper fucking English.

Engage in intercourse

You realise there's multiple people who have been banned, right?

>no arguments

They kept on saying that, yet they won't post the evidence to back it up. They are all hypocrites.

Tyrone Jr., you do realize you're literally the only autist in 10+ threads multiquoting more than 3 people at once with the same non-argumentative style, same choice of words and same posts, posting in same braindead automatic post expiration loops?
You have not and continue not to fool anyone and it's fucking embarassing to watch.

>there are invisible walls
well was fun while it lasted.

Attached: BUY SKYRIM RIGHT NOW.png (1920x969, 58K)

Not the same


>mario royale
have sex

bros... please stop... feeding... him...

>all the soul removed from the game
>assume the normies will leave
>more popular than fucking ever
>barely get ANY Yea Forums players in my rounds

Por favor, mátate puto negro

First all-Yea Forums victory I've seen in a while

Attached: file.png (315x265, 14K)

there is a mighty need for private lobbies now

Now that the game is dying, should I just post a script I made so people can have just a little more fun? All it gives you is multi-jump and a hotkey to give you star power that can even be used to kill other players. Doesn't desync and I haven't been banned in the last 2 days I've used it. Need a userscript manager like tampermonkey though.

who here /firebros/?

I love helping out the other players

Been playing so long my jump button doesn't have a click feel to it anymore and potentially auto jumps. Why is it my face buttons when rebinding auto treat themselves as directional keys too? Why the change if this is on the developers end?

Attached: file.png (480x360, 221K)

it looks like you've been copystruck. I'm sorry, my friend.

>DMCA Royale

Where's my DMC Royale Guard?

If you want to. I personally want the game to be dead by next week, but you can just post that if you want. I don't care, I will always be in this thread.

discord server mario royale

How in the fuck does it work you drooling orangutan. This isn't some vague semantics shit, super mario IP is the intellectual propertly with literally no bearing on the use of the engine mario royale is coded in.
It's like saying a patent for an electronic device becomes void if you then stick a pokemon sticker on it.
Do me a favor and fellate the end of a glock you reprobate piece of underage diaper droppings.

Attached: 312543263241.jpg (499x587, 84K)

Fuck off, tranny.

every fucking time I choke on Bowser

I don't get how people have trouble with the Plus levels. There's the one elevator section in -2 but all you need to do is beeline it, jump onto the one platform, then hop onto a red koopa and clear the pit.

Attached: c-word.jpg (814x477, 51K)

Doesn't work

So this is where the autism is coming from.

What are the chances that the 3 people doing the sprites will get paid?

Or is that guy keeping all the Patreonbux for himself?

>tfw the guy in front of you chokes
>swooce your way over bowser while he tries to regain momentum

Attached: suck it.png (623x861, 16K)

>that power star music

my sides

Keeping all the Patreonbux for himself will most likely happen. He tries to act like he's an oldfag, yet he sucks the cock of Twitter and Discord. Abandon the game.

Will you be happy if I point out every post you keep samefagging?

You should upload the star music of right now. The only problem is that its a gay pride flag, which means the guy who developed the skins is a massive faggot who should be killed.

Where is the tampermonkey script?

Not an argument.

You mean the people on Discord? Maybe. Who knows. You're sure you got banned just for a name? Aren't there still people using offensive names right now? Surely Yea Forums would be shitting itself if everybody with "nigger" in their name got banned (which would be many people).

I'm not Tyrone, I've laid out my arguments multiple times, if you want to be butthurt go ahead.

To whom?


Feeding whom?

>doesn't have an argument
How fucking pathetic.

>press A to win
>no real combat or magic system

so uhh. yeah im thinking marios a shit game lmao

Okay then, keep believing I am Tyrone. It's not true though, you can actually look at how he speaks and then see the difference.

Here's my last (You), spend it wisely.
Wait no, you don't deserve one.

Attached: 12536434353.png (888x894, 520K)

Yes, I took it to the Discord mods and they ended up banning me. They are also teenage weeaboos who defend anything InfernoPlus says.

have sex

I didn't say Super Mario IP has anything to do with the Mario engine you fucking moron.

That guy's point was simply that the dev is stealing something which isn't his and then he's asking people not to steal his shit. Which is rank hypocrisy.

Why are you so fucking stupid?

Attached: fac612be32e1de2df5413f26dc3d0610.jpg (720x303, 27K)

I played this during the first day, what did he added so far?

nice run

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-21 20-31-49.png (1920x1080, 41K)

>all the Patreonbux
Yeah, I'm sure that substantial $179/mo will help pay for everything

Attached: 1278977838848.jpg (258x248, 15K)

oh lel this is actually the first time i'm seeing the dev
lmao dude stop drinking sóylent and eat something


Attached: 1529539699224.gif (350x330, 191K)

I didn't even claim that. I think you're a separate autistic shitter, perhaps his friend. You don't write like him, but you certainly write like somebody of his age.

Attached: 125464352543.jpg (1000x676, 142K)

>getting this butthurt
>being so pathetic that you can't even respond to me
Truly pathetic.

Game is dead, let it go anons.

Did he ever state how old he was? I'm 21.

>that fucking nigger sitting at the top of the vine with the starpower

Attached: 1503111496280.gif (304x319, 175K)

Server is free.

mario royale discord

the jannies in the discord are lying through their teeth, they certainly do ban for names and bans are permanent lol.

Guys I installed that Switcheroo extension but it was fucking up Yea Forums for me - I couldn't post and if I clicked "update" at the bottom of the page it didn't work. Even though I only had two rules in Switcheroo - both for replacing graphical assets in the game. I had to disable the Switcheroo extension to be able to post on here again.

Anyone else had this?

>Game has as many people as yesterday and sprite changes are ez
take a chill pill, tyrone

I got the audio back eventually. You have to put https:// infront of the craftershaft links. Sweet, I'll finally have the full game back.

Wrong. Server costs $50, but his word is about as true as a Democrat.

Nice race reddit chad

Attached: Not today reddit.png (1910x894, 67K)

You're already in the thread, moron.

wheres all the Yea Forumsros at it's getting lonely

Left side says "$50", right side says "$150". He can't even keep his words straight.

When he hits $200, he'll say the server will cost $250.

Oh yeah, you're 21. And he's a software developer making 100k a year. Both very believable statements.

It's sad, because this game had potential. By the way, they are all teenage weeaboo drama queens, who are also massive faggots.

Audio and tiles are back, just get the character/enemy spreadsheet from the pastebin that someone already posted and you're good to go.

what is even the point when you can talk here?

Except any patents for SMB (or anything from pre-6th gen really) would have expired by now, considering the game is close to 35 years old and patents last for 20 years max.
There's nothing stopping anyone from making a game that plays like SMB.

>I played this during the first day, what did he added so far?
World 5,6,plus(custom made world), and lost world 1. All world got changed a bit due to dcma claim. Fence in the lobby removed. Spring area added in the lobby.

Look, every single argument that could have been made has been made. You listened to nothing and went around in circles. You sperged and achieved nothing. Nobody is convinced of your innocence. Even if anyone was, your autism destroyed any shred of sympathy left in anyone for you. Everyone is tired of you. All that people have left to say is have sex incel, since asking you politely to fuck off isn't working.

Attached: 1541753285967.jpg (280x280, 22K)

Too true. The guy can't even stop lying for a fucking week.

>Nanachi's Soft Belly running almost perfectly with me for Plus-3 and most of Plus-4
>struck down right before Bowser

Attached: file.png (299x227, 5K)

How much should I donate to his patreon?

I didn't say I was innocent you fucking idiot. I didn't even want a fucking argument over this fucking issue, I just wanted to post my point and yet everyone shat their fucking pants about it, including you. Can you stop shitting your pants now please? It's pretty pathetic.

You donate $0, since the guy is permanently banning people for saying nigger. He is also a liar.

Can't nintendo shut it him down?

It works, clear your browser cache.

$50 my friend!

Match me! Match us all, anons!

>put up some 8-bit music I have lying around
>game becomes tons more fun

Man they really need to add music soon. I'd even be fine with the crappy graphics (if they'd fix the completely black platforms/bullet bills) if there was some nice tracks to listen to.

Still haven't posted any evidence that it wasn't because you were hacking Tyrone

>Uses anime style picture in post
>Tries to prove a point
Anonymous, you should know better.

>banning people for saying nigger
what is even the point of playing this then?

Attached: Blight town.png (1217x1215, 1.34M)

It probably would actually. Servers don't take much power, you just need to leave a computer on. Unless he has a data cap or something $179/month is plenty

posts of the autistic person = dollars you should done to him
Don't make him millionare, just a few bucks

I'm not Tyrone, Tyrone was an idiot and fully deserved his ban.

There is no point besides to fuck with the Discord.

Then take some fucking responsibility for your actions and stop acting like a nigger

>Anyone questioning the discord jannies is Tyrone
I don't know who he is but he lives rent free in your head.

Thanks you.

>people actually believing the autist who says he got banned having nigger in his name
dude got banned for cheating, now he's whining about it, he's been whining for hours.

I really wish I saved anthonymaida3's tweets before he deleted his account.

Long story short: Underage autist gets banned from the game for cheating, gets banned from discord crying to be unbanned, outs self as autistic_frog-grade pollack. Now spends all his time here writing variations of "stop playing this game", "fuck this dev" and "discord group is trannies".They likely are, but that's beside the point.

Remember to give him your pity, he needs it.

Attached: 125436265326363.png (578x720, 64K)

Cool but where's the lewd sprites.

good lad

Attached: unknown.png (403x459, 9K)

Nobody has ever gotten banned for saying nigger, one user has been saying that for the past 3~ days because he cheated, got banned and is trying to save face. We have people using Nigger right now in-game, they've been doing it for days and haven't gotten banned.

You retards have been feeding the troll for over 24 hours, just ignore him.

Attached: kaiji retard.jpg (280x268, 29K)

change the sprites

Is the dream dead Yea Forumsros? I know we can replace the sprites but I really wanted to have comfy altenrate skins and get some Mario V Luigi races going? Is this where it all ends?

>stop acting like a nigger
How am I acting like a nigger? I use fucking proper grammar, that should be enough, Anonymous.

>barely any screenshots
im convinced. some niggers are samefagging the thread hardcore

It was in the context of whether the spriters will be paid for their work or if he was "keeping all the Patreonbux"
If it's just for the server then I agree that it's more than enough but it's baseless to imply he's greedy for not distributing that much

Game still alive, i don't know a way to change the music, but some anons might.

It's all one fag that ate a ban and can't shut up about it.

>gee all I did was edit a little code tee hee
Stop pretended to be a dumb nigger. Mr. Proper programmer

>300 posts
>100 ip's

I have no idea why this replacement doesn't work. The example urls correctly go to the audio files, but for some reason it doesn't even give the errors I got when doing the switcheroo replacements from the pastebin, it just loads in the new sound effects instead.

Attached: config.png (702x575, 19K)

Its over isn't it?

Which "troll"? Who's a troll?

Game is dead. Nobody on Yea Forums really cares about it now, and the constant threads are gone.

audio doesn't work with it.

Here's a screenshot, lots of Yea Forumsirgins in one game, this is a pretty rare occurrence nowadays.

Attached: file.png (1366x635, 107K)

How far has his patreon subscriber count dropped?

The same faggot doing this
Just look how much he need to confirm that the game is dead despite it growing from sub 100 numbers here

Are the wins cookies or IP based?

I'm afraid if I restart my computer I'll lose my wins.

It went up 10 bucks from all this

Yep. Literally zero players. Not a single thread on Yea Forums. Nobody on Yea Forums is posting about it. Not a soul.

>giving him a you
Stop fucking responding to him

IP based. Don't worry about it, the game is basically dead, so it doesn't really matter, but yes, IP based.

You say that, but someone in the discord did get most of the audio to work with this setup. I've cleared the cache multiple times, so this should by all means work.


Fuck, this is kinda sad, but I should have expected this, we all should, a DMCA was bound to happen sooner or later.

ignore that retard

It took 6 days.

Nigger I was responding to you

theres a setting in chrome for only using switcheroo on certain websites - maybe that's part of it?

Ah right. Well, maybe he's annoyed about permabans without warnings. Which I think is a fair thing to be annoyed about.

I thought they were cookie based (and I think you can change the cookie, at least you could yesterday I think), but I just cleared my cookies and my stats are still there. So I dunno.

Game still alive, but is kinda shity because of the sounds but hopefuly it would be fixed eventually.
even still the game won't be as popular as it was. Hope i am wrong though.

>it's a dead game

Attached: 1561152095575.png (640x640, 261K)


Fuck, 100 wins wasted.

GameCube here, Imma bout to head out, it was fun racing with you Yea Forums.

No you fucking stupid nigger you're literally in a frontpage thread of people playing and there's the same amount of players as yesterday.
How did you not take my post sarcastically?

Long story short: Nobody fucking cares Discord tranny.

Fuck his script editing ass. He ain't even a script kiddy.

>still can't detect my gamepad in the settings


It's something related to the browser bcs if you use another browser your stats will be gone

GGs bro

Nice race Dejiko

Is there input lag on the controller support? I'm trying to make the switch from keyboard but it feels off.

It says there are only 750 players right now on my end.

remember to filter "game is dead" and "tyrone" for the optimal mario royale thread experience

I don't notice any with a wired DS4

You mean the guy saying "the game is dead"? I think the dev is perfectly entitled to ban people who use scripts, but personally I think permabans, especially with no warning, are too harsh. Temp ban would make the point. But hey ho.

The bigger question is, how did you not realise that I was taking your post sarcastically?

After like an hour of work I got all the original graphics back, AND all the original sound. Thanks Yea Forumsros, you fucking rock.

it's not over yet tho, but if you're really going then it was really fun racing with you. see ya

Attached: 1486438200770.jpg (250x250, 10K)

I've been niggerstonguemyanus, Mario's a nigger..., and trannies are ill and I still haven't been banned, stay mad cheater.


Remember to filter this post out because Tyrone has not shown his face in 2 to 3 days, and the game is dead.

The dude can literally change his IP and play again but he is apparently too butthurt and autistic to just do it

Attached: 1560872627222.png (1267x702, 64K)

Is there a Yea Forums discord for Mario Royale?
The one that gets posted here seems to be for normies.

>multiple people finishing World 6
Actually super rare

Attached: file.png (279x241, 9K)

Interesting. I just reinstalled the extension and Yea Forums works again now, but I haven't put the rules back into Switcheroo yet, so we'll see. But thanks, I'll try that if it breaks again.

How the FUCK do you NOT know how to renew your IP?

Are you retarded?

game was better when there were only 200 players desu

Finally cleared and won lost 1.
now all i gotta do is clear and win plus

Attached: losst.png (1920x959, 40K)



Attached: where my bros at.png (1821x901, 16K)

I don't think there is. This was brought up 3 days ago, but its not worth it.

Way to out yourself.

Finally I can climb stairs and also maintain momentum in every single stage whenever I encounter some possible setbacks. Thanks to whoever gave out the stairs tip in one of these threads, he mentioned you had to hit left just before landing then instantly hold right. My 'speedruns' were all luck-based until now.

Attached: at last I truly see.jpg (316x208, 17K)

kill yourself

I officially declare this game as dead.

If you continue here you are one of those cringy groups that clinge in dead games until they are closed for good.


but unironically

Copying mechanics is not the same thing as stealing an engine, retard.

Many ISPs only give you a static IP. You can use a VPN but they introduce lag, and many of them have usage limits (free tiers do anyway), and they hamper your use of other sites.

So it's not ideal. VPN can allow you to play the game, yeah, but it's not ideal.

Many ISPs only give you a static IP. You must be a moron to not know this.

You can use a VPN but that introduces lag.

he's right

Attached: 1544195361678.gif (63x106, 9K)

>dude, just let me copy Mario, bro!
>dude, just let me copy your engine, bro!


Cool. You can leave then.

He still stole Nintendo's IP and yet is asking people not to steal his work, which is rank hypocrisy.

the tyrones have had a hard life

Attached: 1270788237226.jpg (640x480, 50K)

>Can only get Mario back with sprite editing
>Bans are perm, no second chances lol
>Gamecube and others got other unjust bans but they won't be unbanned because of the jannies on the discord

>router gives you IP
>reset it
>new IP

I officially declare this game as alive.

If you do not continue here you are one of those cringy trannies and are unbased as well as bluepilled.

Why did Gamecube get banned?

based tyrone posters

>can't see the platforms of the third stages anymore
Yeah, fuck this game now.

what sprite sheet are you using, user?

how about spending 10 bux on a high speed VPN since you love the game that much?
oh wait, you are probably a smelly NEET

Hello Yea Forums, haven't been that active, and that's because I've been unjustly put in GBJ. Hopefully that will be resolved by some mods in the Discord server in a couple of days. Anyway, Sue best Mimiga. Still.

Attached: 1561051424134.png (500x749, 147K)

it was fun finishing a world together

Can anyone explain what the fuck happened to Tyrone? I know he was a hacking chad, but what happened?

yes, sue best mimiga

>another Yea Forumsirgin helps you st*rnigger the top of a vine

>accidentally start just a little late in Lost 1-1
>end up getting the star with 5 or 6 others
>despite being in the direct center of the notMario horde, I still didn't get any kills off it

Attached: 1406784298781.gif (200x183, 428K)


after the bans he made a few posts about "playing legit" and was gloating the fact that he could figure out how to refresh his IP. then he dropped off the face of the earth, thank god.

a white dick bleached his ass hardcore

Nope, I got banned for saying nigger and the jannys banned me and made up a shit story about me.

What does the N stand for?

Attached: unknown.png (341x344, 8K)

He was playing during the DDOS yesterday when it was lagging so bad that enemies wouldn't spawn and players jumped around on your screen, and the server apparently thought he was cheating as a result.

>Best Mimiga is one that was transformed into one
I feel like it's cheating.

from where is sue's fire flower sprite?

He was literally here, playing until 15 min ago.


Neo canonically, Nigger because this is Yea Forums.
If you mean who as in myself, a guy that got banned for basically either a false positive or some reason I don't understand. Like I said, it'll be resolved in a couple of days. If you mean you don't know who Sue is, then user, please due yourself a favor and play Cave Story.

hmmm this is familiar

Attached: unknown.png (457x452, 9K)

thanks for the blogposts, subcribed.

Do I need to repeat what I said? Were you unable to understand it?
>Many ISPs only give you a static IP. You must be a moron to not know this.

>just spend money!
Yeah no.

Wait, what happened? Why are the sprites different?

stop namefagging

where are the fucking stars?

Guess I'll remove the C-word and use Love for now if they're going to banhammer names instead of, I don't know, BASIC WORD FILTERS.

user, I don't know where you got that from, but that wasn't me. Probably an impostor.

Router gives you a different IP.

>1100 people online
huh? the game still alive

Any good touhou sprite replacements?

Attached: 6e860f8f046644b97637ab55fb1ee927.png (1269x1400, 1.6M)

but regex is hard :(

Nintendo Lawyers sent their death threats.

Rather then shut it down instantly, he replaced everything with placeholders. He'll either put in some new sprites and abandon it, or move to turn it into something bigger.

it was 2000+ yesterday, shill

750 over here, and nobody on Yea Forums plays it.

and? still not fucking dead you retard

>nobody ever makes it to the end of Lost

Attached: ronery3.png (471x807, 12K)

Nice colors.

He'll probably stay on the sinking ship.

>Many ISPs only give you a static IP. You must be a moron to not know this.
If you want me to expand, my particular ISP gives me a new IP if I put my router into "modem mode" but that's impractical for me because it disables the Wi-Fi and only has one ethernet port enabled (because basically you're meant to plug in your own Wi-Fi router when you put it in modem mode - the existing router just becomes a modem). But turning off modem mode gives you the exact same IP. It's a static IP basically. Different ISPs are obviously different.

>Stars are now gone
>can't get mayro back without sprite swapping
>Apparently you can get banned for anything now
Game is obviously still alive for now, just like SCP was but if the jannies keep things the way they are currently doing them then its not gonna last long and I can see it being shut down altogether honestly.

Its been a blast Yea Forums.

Attached: 1560579409022.png (368x368, 140K)

I will say, Yea Forums most of you are better than the average non-Yea Forums crew I see on this stupid game. I mean jesus fuck, how do most folks die on the first stage here. If you keep up on shit you won't have star issues either

you snooze you lose fat shota cock

Not alive if none of Yea Forums plays it and tranny jannys literally hold a vendetta against me.

How the FUCK are you so good at this holy shit

Attached: 1c3d3787c7908f26a00ea4c35e561d77.png (80x77, 7K)

You can't get banned for names in the game. Any talk of banning for names or anything besides scripting almost definitely concerns the gay discord.

Attached: 1418139982249.png (600x295, 96K)

stars are in different blocks

>tranny jannys literally hold a vendetta against me.
What was your name and what did you do?

I just speedrun the levels the best I can, just like others like Toroko does, with the obvious difference that I fuck up way more often

Attached: 1494275061499.jpg (400x325, 106K)

Nope, I've been banned for using nigger as my username, you can. Don't know how many times I said this to the tranny jannys, but they couldn't get it through their fucking heads.

LMAO like clockwork

>9 players
>every time

>AND all the original sound.
How? Don't need to provide sources or anything if it's all your own; I have my own server and the files I need. But whatever specific technique you used would be great. I've tried replacing directories and sound files individually and all I get is the "partially loaded sound file" errors.

Any tips for that fucking pirahna-pipe map? Taking either underground section seems slower, and if you can't get the star first (assuming it's still there) you're fucked out of a quick run.

Wow, nice graphics dude ! Can't wait to support this guy on patreon, haha !

Attached: smb1-atari-hack.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

It was pretty lively with just 200 avg people on the first day, and that was mostly Yea Forums jumping on it. Lobbies were 99 people then, too.
Always fun to see new people out themselves as clueless.

I wouldn't call it a sinking ship, the concept of a platformer race with sabotage elements and tons of contestants could have some legs. It's almost made for smartphones, the only thing InfernoPlus would have to worry about is the idea being sniped by a bigger fish.

I went on there telling them that I was name banned and since they are teenage SJW LGBT weeaboos, They just put me in GBJ and banned me.

>every tom, dick and harry uses that word along-side cunny and so on for countless days
>no bans, autistic screeching by dev/mods or GBJ
>I assume it's the same guy saying this over and over for 3-4 fucking days now

Are you going to keep repeating this forever in some ebin ploy to try to get everyone to think it's true, or are you just that autistic/mad about getting banned for scripts/cheating? And no, you weren't "experimenting with the javascript to see how it worked". You like every other faggot were editting/adding in shit to get godmode, cheat and be a giant hacker chad, just be honest about it instead of trying to be more sodium-filled than fucking DSP usually is.

Well, Discord tranny jannys hate me for calling them out on their bullshit, the creator is making money off of something infringing on Nintendo's shit, and nobody seems to care. Yeah, it's pretty dead. The threads are gone.

The whole family is here.

Attached: Mama mia.png (334x320, 14K)


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not the guy who was "experimenting with the javascript to see how it worked". Scroll up a little and use your fucking eyes, Anonymous.

just let that nigger be himself and fucking STOP replying to him for fucks sake

>the city of this one mega autist filling half the thread with MUH JANNY TRANNIES BANNED ME FOR USING A NAME when most anons, the discord and even himself proved he was cheating and is just mad he got permab& for said autism

Can we go back to where we were before this faggot decided he was going to screech about ti 24/7 until the game got deleted because he got banned?

Is getting worse.

Attached: 6457547457.jpg (3439x1246, 474K)

Okay then, saltlord. Only problem with your argument being Discord made up a fucking fake story about me, and you're probably a mod or someone who sucks the cocks of the devs and creator. Genuinely off yourself, Anonymous.

>i-it's not dead it only lost half of its playerbase!
based retard

If you want the threads to die you should probably stop bumping them with your samefagging.

It's pretty fascinating. It's a good lesson if you guys ever decide to try any cool niche project like this, know that there's always one complete fucking weirdo who will try to sabotage your hobbiest project and take blanket solutions as personal attacks.

It's honestly baffling. Calling people autistic is a funny meme but this guy genuinely has a mental condition.

how do you shoot fireballs and run at the same time with the controller?

>decide to wait and zoom out on Plus-4 after finishing
>see literally 12 people run in guns blazing and die without even reaching the second mushroom block

Attached: 1499639852371.jpg (1024x672, 37K)

I was wondering when we were both going to see the end given how fucking often it keeps pairing us.

Attached: rip3.jpg (412x357, 13K)

>the discord
How about you stay there instead of coming here, you transgender monstrosity.

>mimiga love following me through 6 consecutive world 6 runs
>finally win one together

What are you trying to tell me?

>keeps on feeding the troll when he wants him to fuck off

I'm the guy that experimented with the JavaScript. Yeah, I basically gave myself God mode. But if I had known that bans would result then I would have stopped doing it. It was fun while it lasted though. Anyway, back to VPN I guess.

I have a mental condition yet you don't know when to stop feeding the trolls, and trust SJW moderators who believe there aren't name bans? Go back to Discord where you belong.

dead = no site
is it dead user?
Does it stil has player? yes

That I'm still adjusting to using controller over kb here. Also I stopped going for the mushroom on 6-3 since I kept wasting time there which made it slower to platform the rest of the stage.

[It hurt itself in confusion]


Fucking turtle hitbox logic when falling down in this game, I swear. Inaccurate compared to SMB1.

Sounds familiar. Definitely not from the Discord.
Again, to reiterate, I'm the one with the mental condition, yet you hate me so much as to go out onto Inferno's twitter and take random peoples tweets and pass them off claiming its me, along with saying I'm underage and have a mental condition. You are fucking sick.

I swear to god if I get world 6 again.

>Inaccurate compared to SMB1.
uh yeah, does this look like mario to you lmao

jannies? this thread right here.

>me, having actual autism in this thread about hostile jokes about autism

Attached: em.png (577x661, 175K)

Completely right, just look at

reminder to not ignore shitposters in any thread
mario royale is on page 1 permanently thanks to them
keep up the good work

Doesn't even feel worth going on when there's sub-10 people before the second stage.

Attached: 29001.jpg (1661x861, 172K)

>try to speedrun lost-1
>fall after jumping on shell

If you ask he might give it. Retarded nintendo drone.

aye, lets keep the game alive

I asked InfernoPlus about the false name banning 3 days ago and he has yet to respond, yet he retweets other peoples posts hours after I posted my tweet. Also, he is making money off of Nintendo's shit.

Meanwhile in the gaming industry, every MOBA owner is rushing to make their own Autochess clone.

Theres no reason to keep playing this if you want a royale platformer, the only selling point here was Mario, without it considering the dev is total shit Id go to another game

No thank you, especially when the mods are completely fucked up in the head and they are making money off of Nintendo's property. Please, do not keep this game alive. Let it die off.

I wanted to replace this menu background image using Switcheroo:
with this:
But it didn't work, I don't know what am I doing wrong.

>Theres no reason to keep playing this if you want a royale platformer
Any other recommendations?

Ok, Anthony

name other 1000 royale platformers that are also good.

It just makes things more exceptional. Like how the best girl in Ranma 1/2 is the boy.

sick bump bro

Name is not Anthony. Why are you even calling me Anthony? Wrong post? Wrong thread? Are you fucking blind?

Getting scared now?

No. Genuinely, what the fuck are you talking about?

someone fix the audio pls

Ayy that was my tip. GJ user!

That's not IP theft, mate.

The Switch port of Cave Story. If you play around Halloween or Christmas, different characters get special sprites. Sue is normally dressed like Princess Peach but when she's transformed into that hybrid boss form, she ends up looking like Felicia. Misery is also dressed as Morrigan.

Attached: file.png (38x63, 760)

I finally feel worthy to listen to this, thanks.

I'm not the guy that's doxxing you Anthony. But I approve if it.

Nice race. I had bet it on actually not hitting that invisible block to jump over the fireball at the end.

Attached: close.png (418x387, 8K)

Good lord fuck falling between 1-block gaps at max running speed.

Attached: f1290.jpg (677x685, 50K)

oh that's how you fell behind? fuckin hell

Mods? This faggot right here

Again, names not Anthony. Is that the poor sap you are using to fake images of me? Fuck off. Also, if it were a dox, I would have called it out as one.

I really don't like testing the fireballs, it never seems to go right for me, but yes good race

Yeah, I had a spare life from coin grabbing earlier at the least. Otherwise I was home-free for first.

Oh wait, it worked now for some weird reason.
I finally got rid of that stupid text.

This is called "cope", Anthony

Gotta keep players on their toes

I always wonder why pepole making this kind of content dont just make it so its impossible to contact them and send a dmca. Use a vpn or something and dont put any contact info anywhere

Gotta check out switcheroo settings

Attached: Lobby.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

Uhh, Anthony here. That is not me you retard

Again, to reiterate a previous statement, go back to Discord, tranny.

I just need to keep reminding myself this thing isn't true to Mario1 and to quit making assumptions based on that.

alright guys why don't everybody take a seat and calms down a little

quick rundown on this game?
what did I missed?

Guys I created a pastebin which allows you to easily import all of the replacement rules for Switcheroo (both sprites AND ALL SOUNDS). Basically you just have to paste the JSON of this Pastebin into the "extension options" page for Switcheroo, found in chrome://extensions.

1. Install Switcheroo Redirector Plus, an extension for Chrome.
2. Go to chrome://extensions, click on Switcheroo, then click on "Extension options" (near the bottom).
3. Near the bottom of that page there is a text area that says "import all rules". Copy and paste the JSON from the pastebin I linked to above. Then click "import rules". You can scroll up on that page and you'll now see all of the rules populated.
4. Profit.

By the way I'm one of the guys who was banned for cheating. See, I'm not a complete arsehole.

Attached: json.png (256x256, 6K)

You have missed a whole thread.

tranny jannies suck cock

>4. Profit
>Nintendo's IP
>Step 4: Get sued


It's been a blast Yea Forumsros, I'm gonna miss these threads

The game is dead, so /vg/ is cancelled.

>hosting pirated content on github: one of the most cucked hosting sites of all time
>not expecting an instant dmca
ok buddy

Try this, it's working for me: Basically once you've installed Switcheroo you have to go into the "Extension options" (found in chrome://extensions, then click on Switcheroo, then near the bottom of that page you'll see "Extension options"). On the Switcheroo options page that appears, near the bottom there's a text area that says "import all rules". Paste the pastebin in there. Then click "import rules". Scroll up on the same page and you should see all your rules listed. This method saves you having to add every single rule individually. And it should work; it's working for me.

well said, smash friend. What's your favorite smash character? I bet it's Banjo.

a smash thread died for this

>Run button also tied to the fireball button.
>Requires a reagent you can lose by taking damage or lose intentionally in exchange for skipping something hard.
Mario's magic system is top tier.

hey guys hey fellows hey gamers where is the homestuck sprite replacer?

Attached: 1560135322426.png (1483x1036, 859K)


It's not my Github. Someone else posted those links. I just formatted it as a JSON to easily import it into Switcheroo, instead of having to enter every rule individually which is a fucking pain.

You're right, they may well be taken down from Github, but who knows. Unless it's reported, Github may not notice. It works for the moment anyway.

I don't really mind the new sprites all that much, but he needs to fix the missing ones. The giant mushroom stages are a massive pain in the ass now

Homestuck is for faggots.

>lost 1-1
>pinkmage does the same exact thing as me
>falls and dies
But why?